Infanticide Will be a Major Issue in 2020:Thank You Mr. President

hilarious how the dupes still don't know that you need two or three doctors to agree that the baby is not viable or that the mother will likely be killed for this to happen, it is so important to get their votes that lying endlessly is just fine... Who cares what doctors and true common sense say....
Science is screaming that abortion is murder of a human being

Science !!!
Yes you are brainwashed out of your tiny little mind. Luckily free Medicaid and free birth control cut abortions by 40% where idiot Republicans are not in charge. We should do something about making adoptions more likely. Of course that would cost money so GOP voters can't do that, it would cost their Heroes the greedy idiot rich some of their money...
how many dead black babies vs white babies? do tell what the actual abortion laws do.
Life begins by the Grace of God at conception.

Well everyone alive today did in fact start that way.

As function of Nature, many fertilized eggs, those lumps of cells of unique of human DNA, never become human beings. So I'll pass on that Grace bit.
It's not our place to interfere and kill a human life, regardless of what stage it's in. Only God.

That's fine for you to believe. I just don't trust your God. So don't go demanding that I, or anyone else, follow your belief system.
while you demand we follow yours. too fking funny. fk you!

Choosing to be free from religion is now a demand that you follow my heathen ways huh?

What's next, forced prayer to your deity, perhaps a public call to prayers over loud speakers?

Besides, I just asked my deity about abortion. She said she's okay with it.
Of course your God is okay with it. Your God is the devil.
Well everyone alive today did in fact start that way.

As function of Nature, many fertilized eggs, those lumps of cells of unique of human DNA, never become human beings. So I'll pass on that Grace bit.
It's not our place to interfere and kill a human life, regardless of what stage it's in. Only God.

That's fine for you to believe. I just don't trust your God. So don't go demanding that I, or anyone else, follow your belief system.
while you demand we follow yours. too fking funny. fk you!

Choosing to be free from religion is now a demand that you follow my heathen ways huh?

What's next, forced prayer to your deity, perhaps a public call to prayers over loud speakers?

Besides, I just asked my deity about abortion. She said she's okay with it.
oh fk no. I wouldn't follow your ways at all. anyone who believes in prayer should be allowed to pray, why are you against that? see, for every fking one of your examples is the counter example you can't escape. so you are making our case when you bitch about the demand, because what you are saying is you can only do your way. FK NO!!! stupid you are.

LOL. Thank you for the perfect example of how the SJWers lie and twist the truth to suit the needs of the moment. Looks like you don't need Faux New to get all fauxraged. You can make shit up all on your own. I like the way you twisted "What's next, forced prayer to your deity, perhaps a public call to prayers over loud speakers" into something I didn't say "anyone who believes in prayer should be allowed to pray, why are you against that?"
It's not our place to interfere and kill a human life, regardless of what stage it's in. Only God.

That's fine for you to believe. I just don't trust your God. So don't go demanding that I, or anyone else, follow your belief system.
while you demand we follow yours. too fking funny. fk you!

Choosing to be free from religion is now a demand that you follow my heathen ways huh?

What's next, forced prayer to your deity, perhaps a public call to prayers over loud speakers?

Besides, I just asked my deity about abortion. She said she's okay with it.
oh fk no. I wouldn't follow your ways at all. anyone who believes in prayer should be allowed to pray, why are you against that? see, for every fking one of your examples is the counter example you can't escape. so you are making our case when you bitch about the demand, because what you are saying is you can only do your way. FK NO!!! stupid you are.

LOL. Thank you for the perfect example of how the SJWers lie and twist the truth to suit the needs of the moment. Looks like you don't need Faux New to get all fauxraged. You can make shit up all on your own. I like the way you twisted "What's next, forced prayer to your deity, perhaps a public call to prayers over loud speakers" into something I didn't say "anyone who believes in prayer should be allowed to pray, why are you against that?"
well you can't give an example of forced prayer, even in a church environment. yet I can post those of people who were fired for praying after a football game. yes, I have examples and you have none. so please carry on with your lies.
Well everyone alive today did in fact start that way.

As function of Nature, many fertilized eggs, those lumps of cells of unique of human DNA, never become human beings. So I'll pass on that Grace bit.
It's not our place to interfere and kill a human life, regardless of what stage it's in. Only God.

That's fine for you to believe. I just don't trust your God. So don't go demanding that I, or anyone else, follow your belief system.
while you demand we follow yours. too fking funny. fk you!

Choosing to be free from religion is now a demand that you follow my heathen ways huh?

What's next, forced prayer to your deity, perhaps a public call to prayers over loud speakers?

Besides, I just asked my deity about abortion. She said she's okay with it.
Of course your God is okay with it. Your God is the devil.

Uh huh. Elvis knew.....

It's not our place to interfere and kill a human life, regardless of what stage it's in. Only God.

That's fine for you to believe. I just don't trust your God. So don't go demanding that I, or anyone else, follow your belief system.
while you demand we follow yours. too fking funny. fk you!

Choosing to be free from religion is now a demand that you follow my heathen ways huh?

What's next, forced prayer to your deity, perhaps a public call to prayers over loud speakers?

Besides, I just asked my deity about abortion. She said she's okay with it.
Of course your God is okay with it. Your God is the devil.

Uh huh. Elvis knew.....

see, elvis sang of your god.
This pro-choice issue will only be a problem for big-gov advocates who support Nazi-style interference in the personal lives of its citizens.
It's not our place to interfere and kill a human life, regardless of what stage it's in. Only God.

That's fine for you to believe. I just don't trust your God. So don't go demanding that I, or anyone else, follow your belief system.
while you demand we follow yours. too fking funny. fk you!

Choosing to be free from religion is now a demand that you follow my heathen ways huh?

What's next, forced prayer to your deity, perhaps a public call to prayers over loud speakers?

Besides, I just asked my deity about abortion. She said she's okay with it.
Of course your God is okay with it. Your God is the devil.

Uh huh. Elvis knew.....

Love Elvis. Seriously, anyone that kills a human at any stage is evil.
This pro-choice issue will only be a problem for big-gov advocates who support Nazi-style interference in the personal lives of its citizens.


This is spreading like wildfire

Science is screaming abortion is murder
Despite what you might have heard, at no point did Tran try to legalize infanticide.

When Tran appeared before a statehouse subcommittee, the Republican majority leader, Todd Gilbert, presented her with an outré hypothetical. Could a woman about to go into labor request an abortion if her doctor certified that she needed one for mental health reasons? Tran said that the decision would be between a woman and her doctor, but, evidently taken aback by the question, eventually allowed that it would be permitted under her bill.

Tran handled the moment poorly. She might have pointed out that legislation is not generally written with an eye to prohibiting ridiculous and unprecedented scenarios. It is inconceivable that a doctor would certify a need for an abortion while a woman is in labor; some doctors won’t even let a woman turn down a C-section if they think a baby’s health is at risk. But Tran’s impolitic answer to a ludicrous question gave abortion opponents grist for an explosion of self-righteous outrage.
So we know what we're talking about here
hilarious how the dupes still don't know that you need two or three doctors to agree that the baby is not viable or that the mother will likely be killed for this to happen, it is so important to get their votes that lying endlessly is just fine... Who cares what doctors and true common sense say....
Science is screaming that abortion is murder of a human being

Science !!!
Yes you are brainwashed out of your tiny little mind. Luckily free Medicaid and free birth control cut abortions by 40% where idiot Republicans are not in charge. We should do something about making adoptions more likely. Of course that would cost money so GOP voters can't do that, it would cost their Heroes the greedy idiot rich some of their money...
how many dead black babies vs white babies? do tell what the actual abortion laws do.

It's not a black/white thing. It's a rich/poor thing. There are more poor blacks than white. Poor people get abortions. In almost the exact ratios of the rates of poverty. 23% of blacks are poor, 23% of women getting abortions are black. Same kind of numbers for Hispanics. A direct line between the rate of poverty and the rate of abortion.

The outlier is Evangelical women, who make up 13% of the women getting abortions, slight lower than their percentage of the population, but given the almost universal condemnation of abortion by evangelicals, the hypocrisy is astounding. I guess it's "Do as I say, not as I do". Either that or a lot of them are not as opposed to abortion as they pretend.
Well everyone alive today did in fact start that way.

As function of Nature, many fertilized eggs, those lumps of cells of unique of human DNA, never become human beings. So I'll pass on that Grace bit.
It's not our place to interfere and kill a human life, regardless of what stage it's in. Only God.

That's fine for you to believe. I just don't trust your God. So don't go demanding that I, or anyone else, follow your belief system.
while you demand we follow yours. too fking funny. fk you!

Choosing to be free from religion is now a demand that you follow my heathen ways huh?

What's next, forced prayer to your deity, perhaps a public call to prayers over loud speakers?

Besides, I just asked my deity about abortion. She said she's okay with it.
Of course your God is okay with it. Your God is the devil.
You don’t filter BS; you promote it.
That's fine for you to believe. I just don't trust your God. So don't go demanding that I, or anyone else, follow your belief system.
while you demand we follow yours. too fking funny. fk you!

Choosing to be free from religion is now a demand that you follow my heathen ways huh?

What's next, forced prayer to your deity, perhaps a public call to prayers over loud speakers?

Besides, I just asked my deity about abortion. She said she's okay with it.
Of course your God is okay with it. Your God is the devil.

Uh huh. Elvis knew.....

see, elvis sang of your god.

Or my wife.......
That's fine for you to believe. I just don't trust your God. So don't go demanding that I, or anyone else, follow your belief system.
while you demand we follow yours. too fking funny. fk you!

Choosing to be free from religion is now a demand that you follow my heathen ways huh?

What's next, forced prayer to your deity, perhaps a public call to prayers over loud speakers?

Besides, I just asked my deity about abortion. She said she's okay with it.
Of course your God is okay with it. Your God is the devil.

Uh huh. Elvis knew.....

Love Elvis. Seriously, anyone that kills a human at any stage is evil.

Great song. I'll leave the judgement of evil or not to another.

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