Inflation is not Joe Biden's Fault

Biden is destroying America, on purpose...a random sampling from the headlines

It is a maxim that "The Buck" stops with the sitting president.

It was true for the last President, it has to be true with this one.

We may not like that. We may not even believe it. But, that's the way things are.
To stop inflation, a real President needs to reverse all of Sleepy Joe's policies.

1. Get all illegal aliens out to reduce crime and real estate prices.
2. Get law enforcement to crack down on Black crime to reduce crime and real estate prices.
3. Get out of NATO and other treaties that threaten other countries for no reason.
4. Get out of the middle east and stop being beholden to Israel.
5. Drill for oil and dig for coal.
6. Declare "lockdowns" for any reason illegal.
7. Invade Mexico and stop the barbaric violence there while insuring no caravans of Black and Browns march through.
8. Thank China for making great products, generally speaking, at low prices.
9. Let homeowners opt out of real estate taxes if they have no use for public schools and cops and other shit at the local level.

That's all I got at the moment. :dunno:
Since it's more of a global economic problem, he's probably not 100% responsible BUT there's alot of things he's not doing that he should, and alot of things he is doing that he shouldn' he's not helping the situation one bit. If he'd turn those things around, we'd be a whole lot better off
Sloppy Joe Biden is doing the best he can, and no he is not to blame for inflation. I think that CORPORATE GREED is to blame - and the damn shareholders.
Don't you mean "GOVERNMENT GREED" is to blame? It has been decades since there have been truly independent corporations without government control. In the USA at least.
Since it's more of a global economic problem, he's probably not 100% responsible BUT there's alot of things he's not doing that he should, and alot of things he is doing that he shouldn' he's not helping the situation one bit. If he'd turn those things around, we'd be a whole lot better off

1. Inflation in the USA is independent of inflation in other countries.
2. Sleepy Joe is not doing anything but attempting to read teleprompters written by the Deep State.
Imagine if the Deep State did not insist on taxing corporations. Prices of goods would drop 30% overnight.
Sloppy Joe Biden is doing the best he can, and no he is not to blame for inflation. I think that CORPORATE GREED is to blame - and the damn shareholders.

In a way. They demanded and got the Trillions that were pumped into the markets which is the biggest drivers of inflation but Joe supported all of that. He was a part of all of that. So were others but so was he.
You really have to love such a poorly educated person that they claim inflation is due to corporate greed. Yes corporations do need to make money. Yes they try everything the can to squeeze that extra penny out. But inflation is not because of them. If it were there would be companies selling say a candy bar for 5 cents because they would be getting every last person to buy it instead Of the fifty cent my other manufacturers.

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