Inflation is not Joe Biden's Fault

Biden never admits he's wrong, there's always an excuse...the problem with that approach is the American people have a brain and are able to decide for themselves, and they're putting all the blame on Sleepy Joe, and some even accuse him of treason
Biden never admits he's wrong, there's always an excuse...the problem with that approach is the American people have a brain and are able to decide for themselves, and they're putting all the blame on Sleepy Joe, and some even accuse him of treason
This is true of most leftist and dembots....they always look to others to blame.

But you are right about the American people, they know this is all XIden's fault
Sloppy Joe Biden is doing the best he can, and no he is not to blame for inflation. I think that CORPORATE GREED is to blame - and the damn shareholders.

Products don't cost more to make, our dollar is worth less and that is his fault on how he handles the economy. It's mostly due to him having the treasury department print more and more money and all that money is backed by nothing except promises, it isn't backed by tangible assets like gold and silver.

His handling of oil is also a cause of it because oil is literally used in 1000s of products from plastic to fertilizer, it isn't just for gasoline and that puts the squeeze on our wallets as well.

Last year when he took we warned by dozens and dozens of analysts warning us about Biden inflation and gas prices rises. This isn't a new occurrence as it's been steadily happening for over a year now.
PinkF is right to an extent because Biden is not the PResident he has controllers and you deniars of the nwo your so far behind you have no idea what country your in now and what’a funny is you are the very dumbasses who ushered this all in and you can’t even see it lmfao!!!!!!

Biden didn’t do this BIG TECH who controls more than what you uniformed fks care to admit to, and because of that you had very little information you can’t imagine how much was kept from you idiots durning the election , and our entire american system to be frank.

You people don’t even know what you don’t know.
Everyone on the left and the left leaning media blamed Trump for everything. Everyone on the right and the right leaning media blamed Trump for nothing.

Now.... Everyone on the left and the left leaning media blame Biden for nothing. Everyone on the right and the right leaning media blamed Biden for everything.

Amazing how alike the two sides are
Exactly but you said nobody blamed Trump.
So you just refuted your own statement
Products don't cost more to make, our dollar is worth less and that is his fault on how he handles the economy. It's mostly due to him having the treasury department print more and more money and all that money is backed by nothing except promises, it isn't backed by tangible assets like gold and silver.

His handling of oil is also a cause of it because oil is literally used in 1000s of products from plastic to fertilizer, it isn't just for gasoline and that puts the squeeze on our wallets as well.

Last year when he took we warned by dozens and dozens of analysts warning us about Biden inflation and gas prices rises. This isn't a new occurrence as it's been steadily happening for over a year now.
The above is just a completely uninformed post. Regarding printing money,

What you are looking at is the balance sheet of the Federal Reserve. They did not print money, they bought US securities with electronic debits, which is really the same thing. On March 11, 2020 they had 4.3 trillion dollars worth of securities on their balance sheet. On January 19, 2021, the day Biden took office, it was 7.4 trillion. An increase, under the last few months of the Trump administration, and quite honestly, most of the 4.3 trillion the graph starts with was under Trump, of 3.1 trillion dollars. A little over a month ago the balance sheet stood at 8.95 trillion. In ten months Trump "printed" 4.3 trillion new dollars. In 14 months the Biden administration "printed" a little less than 1.6 trillion new dollars. Almost 3 out of the 4 new dollars printed since March of 2020 were printed by the Trump administration. Next month, the Fed starts trimming that balance sheet. I am quite sure in six months you yahoos will be screaming that we need to return to the Trump policy of printing money.

And oil production, the whole energy independence bullshit. First, more oil was produced under the first year of the Biden administration than the first year of the Trump administration. Second, by 2023 the Biden administration will be breaking records for the most oil ever produced domestically. Third, as LNG exports skyrocket, the equation used to claim energy independence, amount of energy produced domestically verses the amount imported is quickly illuminating the fact that the Biden administration is even more energy independent than the Trump administration ever was.
Everyone on the left and the left leaning media blamed Trump for everything. Everyone on the right and the right leaning media blamed Trump for nothing.

Now.... Everyone on the left and the left leaning media blame Biden for nothing. Everyone on the right and the right leaning media blamed Biden for everything.

Amazing how alike the two sides are

The question is, blame Trump for what?
You really have to love such a poorly educated person that they claim inflation is due to corporate greed. Yes corporations do need to make money. Yes they try everything the can to squeeze that extra penny out. But inflation is not because of them. If it were there would be companies selling say a candy bar for 5 cents because they would be getting every last person to buy it instead Of the fifty cent my other manufacturers.

It's like anything else: supply and demand, the oldest rule of price increases or decreases.

Almost immediately after Dementia invaded the White House, he signed a pork bill that Trump refused to sign. It basically said that the federal government was going to pay people more to stay home than work. The policy stretched all the way to September of last year, but the lingering effects were still taking place. In our state, between state and fed unemployment, they estimated it was equal to a working person making nearly 60K a year when you figure in taxes that non-working don't have to pay. If you live at home in moms basement, the extra money you made can last months if not over a year.

But some did start going back to work, and unemployment slowly lowered. As for big evil business, they had to increase pay offers to compete against government. As you stated already, all costs get passed down to the consumer. Bingo! Inflation. With increasing fuel costs and lack of drivers, transportation costs increased on those products as well. Trust me as a retired truck driver, my cab only got 6 miles to the gallon with city and highway driving. Now you have to figure in the additional utility costs for businesses to operate.

I read other theories here, and one might ask what evidence I have for my theory. The answer is simple, look at the costs and prices around the country. Big lib cities and states have a higher cost of living than American states. For instance a house you pay 800K for in a commie state, you can buy in my state for less than half the price. A person in my state can buy a home making around 40K a year. If you make 40K a year in New York or California, you're lucky to be able to afford a very small one bedroom apartment. Anybody that thinks I'm full of it, just watch HGTV for a couple of weeks, particularly the show My Lottery Dream Home.

But this didn't happen in select states, in this case the same exact thing happened nationwide thus inflation at it's highest point in 40 years. Labor demand and pay to attract them will not stop either until the near empty warehouses are once again replenished.
Sloppy Joe Biden is doing the best he can, and no he is not to blame for inflation. I think that CORPORATE GREED is to blame - and the damn shareholders.

it's like I've always said, the best part about being a Democrat is nothing is ever your fault.

Our fuel cost increases were not because Dementia shutdown the Keystone, increased royalties on oil companies, stopped all new drilling on public land, said the hacking of our largest gasoline pipeline was not a federal government problem, it was Putin's fault. His Ukrainian war was pro-active since fuel prices started to increase nearly the day Dementia took over.

The Afghanistan debacle was not Biden's fault, it was Trump's fault even though out of office for nearly a year. Forget the fact that even his ass kissing Generals all warned him not to pull out, it's Trump's fault for giving them a potential date for our leaving.

The border problem is not Dementia's fault, it was Trump's fault, again out of office for a few months before the increase started. Forget that Dementia reversed all of Trump's policies, it was Trump's fault they bombarded our border when those policies were removed.

This from a group of people that blamed Trump for everything from a worldwide pandemic, tornadoes, to California wildfires.
For you not a thing, Trump was a god that turned the water into wine as he walked up on it.

Not all of us see it that way

Everything Trump did was good for the country. Jobs, inflation, fuel prices, border security. Yes I know the left make up lies like Trump was responsible for covid, but they are nothing more than that, lies.

So what terrible thing happened to the country that you can actually prove Trump was responsible for? Don't say 1/6, because Trump didn't organize any riot.

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