Inflation is not Joe Biden's Fault

Exploding post-lockdown demand coupled with crippled post-lockdown supply chains, with one snag in the system leading to the next like dominoes, and still a mess. Very few people, if any, saw the supply chain breakdown coming, but it makes sense looking back at it.

It has happened globally, with the USA a bit more affected because our economy is more dynamic and therefore more sensitive to disruptive influences and shocks to the system.

That's about 95% of it. The rest is noise.
Exploding post-lockdown demand coupled with crippled post-lockdown supply chains, with one snag in the system leading to the next like dominoes, and still a mess. Very few people, if any, saw the supply chain breakdown coming, but it makes sense looking back at it.

It has happened globally, with the USA a bit more affected because our economy is more dynamic and therefore more sensitive to disruptive influences and shocks to the system.

That's about 95% of it. The rest is noise.
You seem to have somehow missed out on rising cost of fuel. Since transportation of material to the point of manufacture and to the consumer factors into price.
That cost is hardly noise
Yes, that's a contributing factor. Globally. But the actual picture is significantly bigger and wider than that.
Lol. Every increase in anything causes an increase in price. An increase in wages increases prices. An increase in taxes increases prices. An increase in time needed to manufacture increases price. An increase in time to ship parts or ship the finished product increases prices.
to claim that it is just one thing and everything else is just noise is Not a real understanding of the whole picture
It is a maxim that "The Buck" stops with the sitting president.

It was true for the last President, it has to be true with this one.

We may not like that. We may not even believe it. But, that's the way things are.

But it was not true for the last president for anyone in his party. He gets a free pass on everything that happened
Lol. Every increase in anything causes an increase in price. An increase in wages increases prices. An increase in taxes increases prices. An increase in time needed to manufacture increases price. An increase in time to ship parts or ship the finished product increases prices.
to claim that it is just one thing and everything else is just noise is Not a real understanding of the whole picture
You can focus on oil all you want. You can look at this from a purely partisan political perspective.

I don't have that luxury. I have to take this stuff seriously for my profession. I have to see "the whole picture".

Find a left winger and play with them. I'm done trying to discuss macroeconomics with you people. It's depressing.
You can focus on oil all you want. You can look at this from a purely partisan political perspective.

I don't have that luxury. I have to take this stuff seriously for my profession. I have to see "the whole picture".

Find a left winger and play with them. I'm done trying to discuss macroeconomics with you people. It's depressing.
Lol. If you think that you you understand economics that is funny stuff. The fact that you think I am focusing on oil is funny stuff and shows a very bad reading comprehension. The fact you think that I am playing partisan is even funnier. Have you considered taking your act to the nightclubs?
Sloppy Joe Biden is doing the best he can, and no he is not to blame for inflation. I think that CORPORATE GREED is to blame - and the damn shareholders.
Denial, Denial Denial!!!


Blame somebody else.

Typical for stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats that never take any responsibility for the damage done by idiotic Progressive policies.
Are you really unable to find any example of media or anyone on the left blaming trump for everything?

Everyone on the left and the left leaning media blamed Trump for everything. Everyone on the right and the right leaning media blamed Trump for nothing.

Now.... Everyone on the left and the left leaning media blame Biden for nothing. Everyone on the right and the right leaning media blamed Biden for everything.

Amazing how alike the two sides are
Biden is destroying America, on purpose...a random sampling from the headlines
The good poster Basquebromance is wrong.
Way wrong.
I could use ad hominems to describe the above argument.
But I won't.
Rather the assertion is just plain silly, if not stupid. The idea that any American citizen who has dedicated their life to public service...and married to a long time American teacher.... is desiring to destroy America is nutso crazo Bizarro Desk nonsense.
Other than that, I'm fairly neutral on BasqueBromance's contributions here.

Just more of the Biden/Democrat Party war on the American people.
"War on the American people"?
Please see the response above, to BasqueBromance's post, it applies just the same to this post by the good poster SunniMan. Nutso crazo nonsense. As if Joe Biden and family, as if members of the Democratic Party, don't also live in this America....yet want it 'destroyed"? Nutso bizarro. IMHO

Let homeowners opt out of real estate taxes if they have no use for public schools and cops and other shit at the local level.
Let's put this thoughful responsible contribution in the same Suggestion Box on the Bizarro Desk that we've put BasqueBromance and SunniMan's thoughtful responsible suggesitons.

read teleprompters written by the Deep State.
"Deep State"?
Who and what is the "Deep State"?
Can you name names good poster Snouter?
Who are these people in your seemingly threatening "Deep State"?
How do you know?
What proof can you offer this venue that you know what your are talking about?
I don't mean to be disrespectful but after your suggestion that homeowners opt out of paying taxes....well, your gravitas ain't exactly respect-inducing. IMHO

Imagine if the Deep State did not insist on taxing corporations. Prices of goods would drop 30% overnight.
Ummm, the "Deep State" again?
Not paying taxes, again?
Here's my take on your contribution to the OP of BasqueBromance: You are not helping the argument that the OP makes. You attempting to ally yourself to the OP's suggestion that America's (and the whole world's) inflation is all Joe Biden's doing in an attempt to destroy America....while nutty enough already, gets an extra boost by your, ah, "thoughtful contributions" of not paying taxes.

They demanded and got the Trillions that were pumped into the markets which is the biggest drivers of inflation but Joe supported all of that.
I think the poster Pknopp is referencing American 'corporations' as "demanding" the emergency funding in 2020 as our economy, businesses, employers, citizens were staggered by the calamity of Covid.
OK, he can hold that opinion. No harm, no foul.
But I demur. The emergency funding stabilized America.
Did it 'save' America's economy?
I dunno, that is concept higher than my pay grade...or experience.
But I am persuaded it went a long long way to keep us from entering another 1930's-grade Depression.
And it very likely was contributory to the robust growing economy that we are experiencing right now.
A degree of inflation is one of the 'costs' of a fast growing economy.

My above post (#36)...was already getting too long.
But I do want to emphasize poster Mac1958's perceptive post (#21).
It bears repeating.
Of all the posts on this thread...including my own.....Mac1958 demonstrates best that he 'gets it'.
His insights are the most relevant, the most useful in understanding the phenomena of today's inflationary reality.

Exploding post-lockdown demand coupled with crippled post-lockdown supply chains, with one snag in the system leading to the next like dominoes, and still a mess. Very few people, if any, saw the supply chain breakdown coming, but it makes sense looking back at it.
It has happened globally, with the USA a bit more affected because our economy is more dynamic and therefore more sensitive to disruptive influences and shocks to the system.
Brain dead Biden and the radical leftist Democrat Party are doing everything they can to destroy middle America and turn our country into a dysfunctional Marxist governed 3rd world crap hole.
Where everyone owns nothing and shares equally in poverty and misery.

Prove it. is merely a keyboard enema on a Monday morning.

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