Inflation is not Joe Biden's Fault

I think the poster Pknopp is referencing American 'corporations' as "demanding" the emergency funding in 2020 as our economy, businesses, employers, citizens were staggered by the calamity of Covid.

No, I am speaking of the pumping that has been going on since 2008.

OK, he can hold that opinion. No harm, no foul.
But I demur. The emergency funding stabilized America.
Did it 'save' America's economy?
I dunno, that is concept higher than my pay grade...or experience.
But I am persuaded it went a long long way to keep us from entering another 1930's-grade Depression.
And it very likely was contributory to the robust growing economy that we are experiencing right now.
A degree of inflation is one of the 'costs' of a fast growing economy.


As long as we agree that the government stepping in is nowhere a part of Capitalism.
My above post (#36)...was already getting too long.
But I do want to emphasize poster Mac1958's perceptive post (#21).
It bears repeating.
Of all the posts on this thread...including my own.....Mac1958 demonstrates best that he 'gets it'.
His insights are the most relevant, the most useful in understanding the phenomena of today's inflationary reality.
The frustrating thing is that this is not secret or privileged information. It's all readily available to the public.

The problem, as always, is either (1) some don't want to understand it because it may conflict with their partisan political beliefs, or (2) many just don't care enough to learn.
The Duopoly passed massive COVID relief funding to restart the economy. Then, with Biden's encouragement and crime at historic lows, cities divert anywhere from half to all of those funds to their police and fire departments:
As long as we agree that the government stepping in is nowhere a part of Capitalism.

Are taxpayer funded fire-departments part of 'capitalism'?
Is a taxpayer subsidized post office part of your capitalism?
Are taxpayer paid highways, flight controllers, food inspection, public libraries part of your capitalism?
What about schools?
Lol. If you think that you you understand economics that is funny stuff. The fact that you think I am focusing on oil is funny stuff and shows a very bad reading comprehension. The fact you think that I am playing partisan is even funnier. Have you considered taking your act to the nightclubs?
Just blame Biden for the global gas prices and global inflation.

Fine with me. I don't care.
Imagine if the Deep State did not insist on taxing corporations. Prices of goods would drop 30% overnight.
Crazy people say crazy things like Deep State. Do you know that your taxes, assuming you actually have or had a job, would be raised to make up the difference? You want free stuff, but the world doesn`t work that way. Sorry.
Are taxpayer funded fire-departments part of 'capitalism'?
Is a taxpayer subsidized post office part of your capitalism?
Are taxpayer paid highways, flight controllers, food inspection, public libraries part of your capitalism?
What about schools?

Not really, no.
Biden is destroying America, on purpose...a random sampling from the headlines

seems you have a problem with blaming Biden for everything...

Gov. Greg Abbott agrees to ease inspection requirement for trucks at one border crossing​

Madlin Mekelburg, Austin American-Statesman
Thu, April 14, 2022, 6:22 AM·6 min read

Gov. Greg Abbott has agreed to ease state inspection requirements for commercial vehicles at one Texas-Mexico border crossing, partially backtracking on his directive after nearly a week of intense backlash and substantial delays at the border.
Abbott said Wednesday that state troopers will no longer inspect every commercial vehicle entering the country through the Laredo-Colombia Solidarity International Bridge after coming to an agreement with Nuevo León Gov. Samuel Alejandro García Sepúlveda.
The two states share about nine miles of border and one port of entry, which processed about 40,000 commercial vehicles during the first two months of the year.
"I understand the concerns businesses have about trying to move products across the border," Abbott said. "But I also know well the frustration of my fellow Texans and my fellow Americans caused by the Biden administration not securing our border."

In exchange, García said Nuevo León would agree to enhance security enforcement measures at the border.
But this agreement still leaves every other Texas-Mexico bridge subject to the inspection mandate, offering little relief to businesses and consumers on both sides of the border. So far, the additional inspections have been limited to bridges in El Paso and Laredo.
Abbott said he wants to work with governors of the three other Mexican states bordering Texas — Tamaulipas, Coahuila and Chihuahua — to come to similar agreements, noting that those conversations are slated to start Thursday.
"Until, however, those agreements are reached with those states, the Texas Department of Public Safety will continue to thoroughly inspect vehicles entering the United States from every Mexican state except Nuevo León," he said.
A long line of trucks sits stalled at the Zaragoza International Bridge from Ciudad Juarez to El Paso on Tuesday.
seems you have a problem with blaming Biden for everything...

Gov. Greg Abbott agrees to ease inspection requirement for trucks at one border crossing​

Madlin Mekelburg, Austin American-Statesman
Thu, April 14, 2022, 6:22 AM·6 min read

Gov. Greg Abbott has agreed to ease state inspection requirements for commercial vehicles at one Texas-Mexico border crossing, partially backtracking on his directive after nearly a week of intense backlash and substantial delays at the border.
Abbott said Wednesday that state troopers will no longer inspect every commercial vehicle entering the country through the Laredo-Colombia Solidarity International Bridge after coming to an agreement with Nuevo León Gov. Samuel Alejandro García Sepúlveda.
The two states share about nine miles of border and one port of entry, which processed about 40,000 commercial vehicles during the first two months of the year.
"I understand the concerns businesses have about trying to move products across the border," Abbott said. "But I also know well the frustration of my fellow Texans and my fellow Americans caused by the Biden administration not securing our border."

In exchange, García said Nuevo León would agree to enhance security enforcement measures at the border.
But this agreement still leaves every other Texas-Mexico bridge subject to the inspection mandate, offering little relief to businesses and consumers on both sides of the border. So far, the additional inspections have been limited to bridges in El Paso and Laredo.
Abbott said he wants to work with governors of the three other Mexican states bordering Texas — Tamaulipas, Coahuila and Chihuahua — to come to similar agreements, noting that those conversations are slated to start Thursday.
"Until, however, those agreements are reached with those states, the Texas Department of Public Safety will continue to thoroughly inspect vehicles entering the United States from every Mexican state except Nuevo León," he said.
A long line of trucks sits stalled at the Zaragoza International Bridge from Ciudad Juarez to El Paso on Tuesday.

Business gets what business wants.
Crazy people say crazy things like Deep State. Do you know that your taxes, assuming you actually have or had a job, would be raised to make up the difference? You want free stuff, but the world doesn`t work that way. Sorry.
another ignorant republican with the free stuff ... we all know nothing is free what we need to understand is do you want to be taxed for it ... it choose to have everybody pay for the piece of American pie ... otherwise fix you're on roads and waterways ...fix your own pandemic ... repair your own home when the weather destroys it ... try to produce the drugs you need by yourself ... just all of these free be's you speak of that you use ... try to pay for your use of whatever the government supplies for all ... just fend for yourself ...
The frustrating thing is that this is not secret or privileged information. It's all readily available to the public.

The problem, as always, is either (1) some don't want to understand it because it may conflict with their partisan political beliefs, or (2) many just don't care enough to learn.
I am going with the "don't care enough to learn". Their political bias is flamed by the operators. Take this article posted within this link,

Chao makes the claim that inflation is due to a "whole host" of Biden policy decisions. Fails to identify a single one of those policy decisions, and then references increased Covid lockdowns in China, not exactly Biden's doing.

Then it turns comical. Chao warns of a possible strike at the West Coast ports. I mean I wonder where she could have gotten that idea?

I am going with the "don't care enough to learn". Their political bias is flamed by the operators. Take this article posted within this link,

Chao makes the claim that inflation is due to a "whole host" of Biden policy decisions. Fails to identify a single one of those policy decisions, and then references increased Covid lockdowns in China, not exactly Biden's doing.

Then it turns comical. Chao warns of a possible strike at the West Coast ports. I mean I wonder where she could have gotten that idea?

It's a weird mix of comical and depressing.

These folks believe all that stuff like it was read to them by their priest.
Sloppy Joe Biden is doing the best he can, and no he is not to blame for inflation. I think that CORPORATE GREED is to blame - and the damn shareholders.

The title of your thread should be "Inflation is not ONLY Joe Biden's fault".

No doubt his policies have made it worse, but there are a great many things he cannot control that also contribute
It's a weird mix of comical and depressing.

These folks believe all that stuff like it was read to them by their priest.
It is the right wing media that deserves most of the blame. But even the left wing media is dropping the ball. There are actions being taken and they started here,

I have claimed that many of the Trumpsters in Congress have no interest in solving any problems. If anything, they seek to create problems and then blame Biden. For instance, this bill.

Passed the Senate with a unanimous voice vote. Passed the house with 364 to 60. But it is the 60 nays that tell the tale.

Brooks, Boebert, Greene, Gosar, Wilson--who is holding them accountable and why has this bill not reached Biden's desk?
I have claimed that many of the Trumpsters in Congress have no interest in solving any problems. If anything, they seek to create problems and then blame Biden. For instance, this bill.
He is an expression of their rage (fed and enabled for decades by their media), and they're more than happy to rip it down.

Look at Steve Bannon. He readily admits he wants to bring it down. Of everyone, he is the biggest winner right now.

I don't know if they just don't fully understand what they're asking for, or if they feel the same way as Bannon. Some of each, I guess.

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