Information war - one of the main methods of warfare


VIP Member
Jul 23, 2014
Unsuccessful provocations - indicators of incompetence (inadequacy)
I am interested in the course of events in Ukraine and came across an interesting news. Security Service of Ukraine attempted to hold a provocation. Unsuccessful attempted.
That is the essence. Ukrainian intelligence reports that during counterintelligence operation in the Luhansk region they were able to get something like military registration card, which supposedly belongs to the Russian soldier. Availability of this fact has to convince Ukrainian citizens and the whole world that the south-east of Ukraine has a well-trained Russian army. I was interested what is really behind it. Digging in a variety of information I came across a powerful refutations against this "provocation". There are plenty of reasons to doubt the veracity of this approval. For example, this man, allegedly owner of certificate, can not be admitted to the military action by age and health indicators. But this is not the most interesting. Published photos of the document are discrediting its authenticity. Judging from the photos, the document is in a shabby state, press and stamps are shabby and it has a lot of holes. And even more reasons
Even if we assume that this person was involved in the fighting in the Ukraine, then why does he carry a document that can uncover him? Yep
Moreover, how it turned out that the intelligence was able to get a personal document, but could not get the man himself?
And this is just my logical conclusions, according which we can make a conclusions, that this provocation failed

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