Infrastructure in bad faith


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
The infrastructure deal would hinge on pairing it with a second bill that would sweep in all of the aforementioned liberal wish list items the GOP opposes. Democrats would pass the bill on their own using an arcane procedural tactic called reconciliation.

Democrats are criminally dishonest cretins.
It looks like they are dealing in bad faith with their "infastructure" deal.
It should really be called the "greedy corrupt democrat looting the taxpayers" bill.
It looks like they have performed some bait and switch tactics and made some phony promises.
Biden, Pelosi and Schumer should never be trusted.
They are lying thieves.
WTF? Isn't everyone who voted for Xiden getting exactly what they voted for?
Maybe in 2022 and 2024 there can be a course correction.
These spending bills are over many years.
I have some advice for these needy slugs. Get a job and don't have children you can't afford. Taxpayers are tired of bailing your useless asses out. Democrat lunatics are turning the US into a Marxist asylum.

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