infrastructure Report Card


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Every four years, the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Report Card for America’s Infrastructure depicts the condition and performance of the nation’s infrastructure in the familiar form of a school report card—assigning letter grades based on the physical condition and needed investments for improvement.

The (last report card) 2013 Report Card grades show we have a significant backlog of overdue maintenance across our infrastructure systems, a pressing need for modernization, and an immense opportunity to create reliable, long-term funding, but they also show that we can improve the current condition of our nation’s infrastructure — when investments are made and projects move forward, the grades rise.

In the past few years I have traveled to other countries that put ours to shame in building and maintaining their infrastructure

2013 Report Card for America s Infrastructure
Uh, what happened to those billions Congress was conned into passing for the Obama stimulus? Wasn't that specifically about improving our infrastructure?
Uh, what happened to those billions Congress was conned into passing for the Obama stimulus? Wasn't that specifically about improving our infrastructure?
They lined their pockets and their buddies pockets with the dough like normal............and then want us to trust them with more........


They didn't fix shit.
Uh, what happened to those billions Congress was conned into passing for the Obama stimulus? Wasn't that specifically about improving our infrastructure?
They lined their pockets and their buddies pockets with the dough like normal............and then want us to trust them with more........


They didn't fix shit.
Yep, they lied and did exactly what they said they were going to fix.

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