Infrastructure Week Finally Here! House passes $1.3T bill.

No idea what is in the bill.
- Was citizenship / amnesty still in the bill?

No CBO scoring, so we won't know how much it will really cost until that happens.

13 Republicans just bought a car sitting under a tarp, sight u seen, handing the Democrats a blank check, and telling them to just fill out the amount later....
You’re confusing this bill (hard infrastructure) with the Build it Back Better bill which has more social policies on it. You’d probably support this if it were proposed by Trump.
Before I die, I will watch you do the same. You promote pure irresponsible ways of living and make heroes of people like Floyd. Meanwhile millions of people in overseas manufacturing plants work like slaves to service shit like him. Imagine a whole building of production sending products earning less in a year total then this man has wasted in his life. This s why we are done.

You threw a lot of other stuff in there but all I can tell you is that this bill simply repairs bridges and roads. Why you so mad bro?

Floyd was a symbol not a hero. Do you know the difference?
You’re confusing this bill (hard infrastructure) with the Build it Back Better bill which has more social policies on it. You’d probably support this if it were proposed by Trump.
No, no I would not.

Marxist Democrats packed this legislation with crap that will double / triple the cost...
One year ago Trump lost the Election

In three he will win it back. Ole poopey pant is reassuring that.
Brandon is kicking it into high gear!

$1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill
531,000 new jobs last month
Stock Market at RECORD highs

Oh, with none of that social spending crap.

Thank you, Joe ...

Great news. Seeing gas go up from 2 bucks to 5 bucks makes my smiley jump
This isn't to you as you will never get a clue. This is so the ones that have a clue will know I also have one'
1. That $1.2 trillion not even 13% goes to infrastructure. You see most people know democrats are pieces of low life trash that lie, cheat, steal, and kill. It just most people don't have their head up their ass so far their neck is 3 feet long.
2. those thousands and thousands of 'new' jobs are not nw=ew. They are jobs no one would do living on easy street with that fuck biden's unemplorment
Brandon is kicking it into high gear!

$1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill
531,000 new jobs last month
Stock Market at RECORD highs

You are the average democrat with your neck 3 feet long from having your head so far up your ass. But being a nice guy I will allow stupid to be used as an excuse a while longer.
1. The $1.2 infrastructure lie. Not even 13% of that money goes to infrastructure Maybe one day you won't feel you owe these democRats your vote for them supplementing your useless life to keep you breathing.
2 Those 531,000 'new' jobs have nothing to do with new. But only a democRat would fall for that hook, line, and sinker. Those are the jobs the bums didn't have to do when living on the Joe Unemployment your kids will pay.
3, The Stock Market is breaking records, If I remember right and I do. When the stock Market was breaking records before Joe cheated his way into the White House democRats were saying 'that don't mean shit'.
If the party told you shit was ice cream you wouldn't only eat it you would go back for seconds. GET A CLUE even if you have to buy it.
Here is a hint. Joe is the worst president in the history of the United States. If you think for a second our enemies will not act while this piece of shit is in the White House you ain't thinking, as I have said from the start.WAKE THE FUCK UP before some one kills you.
You threw a lot of other stuff in there but all I can tell you is that this bill simply repairs bridges and roads. Why you so mad bro?

Floyd was a symbol not a hero. Do you know the difference?
It was reported that only 10% of the money goes to actual bridges, roads, etc...

The rest goes to 'social infratructure'....all the other pork bullshit covered under the Democrats' new personal definition of 'infrastructure'...
Might I remind you that if the vaccine mandate is upheld in SCOTUS, the economy will hemorrhage jobs due to people preferring their bodily choice over their jobs.

Don't celebrate yet. That could very well backfire on you.
Trump got one legistlation passed. A tax giveaway to his corporate cronies & his buddies down at Mar A Lago. The same swamp that he claims to loathe. There's another conjob engineered by Trump & you asshats fell for it, but who's surprised?

What specific part of this bill will do the most good?
The $1.2 infrastructure lie. Not even 13% of that money goes to infrastructure Maybe one day you won't feel you owe these democRats your vote for them supplementing your useless life to keep you breathing.

Lets see you back up your lie with proof
The Democrats may not need to worry about the soft infrastructure bill if Biden is willing to issue an executive order regarding faithful execution of our at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation.

Solving simple poverty for any adult should even help with time off for family business.

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