Infrastructure Week Finally Here! House passes $1.3T bill.

Trump got one legistlation passed. A tax giveaway to his corporate cronies & his buddies down at Mar A Lago. The same swamp that he claims to loathe. There's another conjob engineered by Trump & you asshats fell for it, but who's surprised?

Fuckin' TDS moonbat!

You little cock sucking faggot. I can't believe I answered that post you made to me. You little Sissy Bitch.

I had a few drinks otherwise I'd scroll by you GD dumb NJ millennialturd. Still sleeping on a stained mattress in moms basement/

Every lib from NJ I ever saw had Snookie brains you little disrespectful fruitcake

SissyBitch is you handle you sperm belching faggot
Awww... poor retard. Still hurting from that whooping I gave it!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Here ya go... just for you...
This bill is going to kick things into gear.

The economy is already recovering nicely (500,000 jobs this month...over 300,000 last month and Unemployment down to 4.6%) and this will really help

Let's just hope that Manchin doesn't reneg AGAIN (he previously agreed to 3.5T is "soft infrastructure" only to know that down by 2T
Good fucking God....Brain dead imbeciles like you are going to be cheering when it takes a wheelbarrow full of currency to buy a box of mac-n-cheez.

You're so fucking stupid that you're a danger to yourself and everyone else.

Yep, a real infrastructure Bill, not the "social infrastructure" nonsense.
How much do you think the dems can spend before they lose the House next year?
Here's what's in it that the senate voted 69-31 for:
  • $110 billion for roads and bridges. More than 45,000 bridges nationwide are rated in poor condition. The bill also includes $16 billion for major projects that are too large or complex for traditional funding.
  • $66 billion for Amtrak for passenger and freight rail. The bill aims to eliminate Amtrak’s maintenance backlog and to modernize the Northeast Corridor.
  • $65 billion to expand broadband internet access. The White House estimated as many as 40 million Americans lack broadband access. Biden initially sought $100 billion.
  • $65 billion to rebuild the electric grid with renewable energy and thousands of miles of new power lines.
  • $55 billion to upgrade water systems, with a goal of replacing the country’s lead service pipes.
  • $42 billion for airports, waterways and port infrastructure. Airports would receive $25 billion.
  • $39 billion for public transit. The bill aims to repair and upgrade transit systems and make stations more accessible to elderly and passengers with disabilities.
  • $7.5 billion for charging stations for electric vehicles and $7.5 billion for electric buses.
If the US plans to go with "electric vehicles" we need a lot more electric capacity to avoid blackouts and brownouts.

It's not that hard to generate more electricity.

Just do what my state did.

We started building one of the largest wind farms in the nation in the 1990s.

When the system first came on line, it generated more electricity than the existing grid could handle.

So we voted to raise our taxes to build a new grid to handle all that new electricity.

The result:

We are off coal in my state.

We have the lowest electric rates in the nation.

We sell our excess electricity to other states for a profit.

Our air and environment are much cleaner. So much that we stopped requiring vehicles to be smog checked.

We have had hybrid and fully electric cars on our roads in my state for years. A large portion of the cars on the roads in my state are either hybrids or fully electric. We already have charging stations here. Not as many as we need but they are easy to find.

Basically the majority of the rest of the nation needs to take a look at what my state has done and maybe take some advice on how to generate that electricity needed to power all those vehicles.

It's not hard to do. You just have to have the will and take a crow bar to your wallets to pay for it.
Don't accept any of the money or benefits to your state/area. That'll own the libs!
No problem. But it won't happen because the slugs on the right who voted no will try to take creit when their districts get money allocated from this bill.
It's not that hard to generate more electricity.

Just do what my state did.

We started building one of the largest wind farms in the nation in the 1990s.

When the system first came on line, it generated more electricity than the existing grid could handle.

So we voted to raise our taxes to build a new grid to handle all that new electricity.

The result:

We are off coal in my state.

We have the lowest electric rates in the nation.

We sell our excess electricity to other states for a profit.

Our air and environment are much cleaner. So much that we stopped requiring vehicles to be smog checked.

We have had hybrid and fully electric cars on our roads in my state for years. A large portion of the cars on the roads in my state are either hybrids or fully electric. We already have charging stations here. Not as many as we need but they are easy to find.

Basically the majority of the rest of the nation needs to take a look at what my state has done and maybe take some advice on how to generate that electricity needed to power all those vehicles.

It's not hard to do. You just have to have the will and take a crow bar to your wallets to pay for it.

Kinda smells fishy when you don't even name the state.
No problem. But it won't happen because the slugs on the right who voted no will try to take creit when their districts get money allocated from this bill.

Democrats need to campaign on Infrastructure in 2022
Show specific projects in Republican Districts and show how the Republican Congressman voted against it
And all the little what’s in it for me Rhino piggies from states controlled by dimbo’s run to the trough. Alaska, Ohio, and Nebraska, being the exception. The day is coming when the house of cards will fall.
WTF19 interpreter: Oh no! Joe and the democrats managed to do something wonderful again with some moderate republicans. I better insult a liberal cuz I care more about party allegiance than a working infrastructure.
if you only had a brain.....
Well, if they manage to not bail out the LA Lakers...they will have done better than your blob.

From April 2020:

ok, shit stain....your fucked up head would to be bail the banks out....AGAIN
just to make sure the big wigs got their millions in bonuses....that was the other TRAITOR

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