Infrastructure Week Finally Here! House passes $1.3T bill.

Joe Biden completed the first step of another key piece of legislation tonight. A much needed and long time coming shot in the arm of America’s failing infrastructure.

House passes $1.3T bipartisan hard infrastructure bill just minutes ago at 11:30 on Friday night.

House is voting on the infrastructure bill

Neat gator, now tell us why you know it's a good idea, with details. Do you know any of the details gator, or are you simply a parrot?
Ah yes! "Shovel Ready". Did anyone here seen any of Obama's "shovel ready" projects completed?

Does anyone believe more than about 10% of the trillion will actually be spent on "infrastructure"?

If so, please contact me immediately. You have far too much money and it's only FAIR that you share it with me.
trump...the friend of the super rich..

Okay I read through the bill, its the mother of all government PORK spending bills! It's an infrastructure bill alright, government infrastructure. Government studies and government research and government administration that alone is billions of dollars. Actual road and bridge construction not so much.
Everyone calm down, $350 million for Wildlife crossings is in the bill. We'll finally be able to train wildlife to use the crossings. #mockingsarcasm
Neat gator, now tell us why you know it's a good idea, with details. Do you know any of the details gator, or are you simply a parrot?
DONT BE A RIGHT WING STUPID PARROT. Here is what is in the bill. Only $550M is incremental over normal spending.

What's in the $1.2 Trillion Bipartisan Bill​

The 2,702-page bipartisan bill, which has not changed, contains just $550 billion in new spending. The $1.2 trillion figure comes from including additional funding normally allocated each year for highways and other infrastructure projects. The new spending consists of:

$110 billion for roads and bridges. In addition to construction and repair, the funding also helps pay for transportation research at universities, funding for Puerto Rico’s highways, and “congestion relief” in American cities.

$66 billion for railroads. Funding includes upgrades and maintenance of America’s passenger rail system and freight rail safety, but nothing for high-speed rail.

$65 billion for the power grid. The bill would fund updates to power lines and cables, as well as provide money to prevent hacking of the power grid. Clean energy funding is also included.

$65 billion for broadband. Includes funding to expand broadband in rural areas and in low-income communities. Approximately $14 billion of the total would help reduce Internet bills for low-income citizens.

$55 billion for water infrastructure. This funding includes $15 billion for lead pipe replacement, $10 billion for chemical cleanup, and money to provide clean drinking water in tribal communities.

$47 billion for cybersecurity and climate change. The Resilience Fund will protect infrastructure from cybersecurity attacks and address flooding, wildfires, coastal erosion, and droughts along with other extreme weather events.

$39 billion for public transit. Funding here provides for upgrades to public transit systems nationwide. The allocation also includes money to create new bus routes and help make public transit more accessible to seniors and disabled Americans.

$25 billion for airports. This allocation provides funding for major upgrades and expansions at U.S. airports. Air traffic control towers and systems would receive $5 billion of the total for upgrades.

$21 billion for the environment. These monies would be used to clean up superfund and brownfield sites, abandoned mines, and old oil and gas wells.

$17 billion for ports. Half of the funds in this category would go to the Army Corps of Engineers for port infrastructure. Additional funds would go to the Coast Guard, ferry terminals, and reduction of truck emissions at ports.

$11 billion for safety. Appropriations here are to address highway, pedestrian, pipeline, and other safety areas with highway safety getting the bulk of the funding.

$8 billion for western water infrastructure. Ongoing drought conditions in the western half of the country will be addressed through investments in water treatment, storage, and reuse facilities.

$7.5 bill for electric vehicle charging stations. The Biden administration asked for this funding to build significantly more charging stations for electric vehicles across the nation.

$7.5 billion for electric school buses. With an emphasis on bus fleet replacement in low-income, rural, and tribal communities, this funding is expected to allow those communities to convert to zero-emission buses.

Okay I read through the bill, its the mother of all government PORK spending bills! It's an infrastructure bill alright, government infrastructure. Government studies and government research and government administration that alone is billions of dollars. Actual road and bridge construction not so much.
You can’t read. Lying MFer.
Neat gator, now tell us why you know it's a good idea, with details. Do you know any of the details gator, or are you simply a parrot?
I bet you never return after that ass kicking above. I literally posted all the details in the thread knowing right wing nuts parrot stupid shit. I put it out there now what?
I read the bill dickhead, eat facts!
Post a fact then. You didn’t read the bill. You posted that you read it then posted dumb shit. Prove it. Hit us with the parts you don’t like. Give me page and paragraph. They’re numbered. But I’m sure you knew that.
So you feel a need to change the subject of the thread.

I'm not surprised.
the retard-YOU- asked a, the retard-YOU- don't want the answer
go whine and deny elsewhere....shit stain
Post a fact then. You didn’t read the bill. You posted that you read it then posted dumb shit. Prove it. Hit us with the parts you don’t like. Give me page and paragraph. They’re numbered. But I’m sure you knew that.
what a typical, lazy, SCUM demonRAT...look it up yourself...They’re numbered. But I’m sure you knew that.
Democrats claim the bill pays for itself through a multitude of measures and without raising taxes. But the Congressional Budget Office brushed aside several of those pay-for provisions, ultimately finding the bill would add $256 billion to the deficit over the next 10 years. It's significantly smaller than the $2.25 trillion proposal that Biden unveiled in March, known as the American Jobs Plan.

The deal also contains $16 billion for major projects that would be too large or complex for traditional funding programs, according to the White House. Which is code for waste & shady dealings.

$65 billion for broadband access is code for if it were worth the effort the private sector would have already done this.

The bill would invest $65 billion to rebuild the electric grid, according to the White House. It calls for building thousands of miles of new power lines and expanding renewable energy, the White House said. Which is code for destroying the environment pretending to care about the environment.
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Post a fact then. You didn’t read the bill. You posted that you read it then posted dumb shit. Prove it. Hit us with the parts you don’t like. Give me page and paragraph. They’re numbered. But I’m sure you knew that.
Congress has already posted the bill dummy. Come here libtard :itsok: now run along off to another thread.
Yes we are. Thus they should take 9% away from the DOD budget to pay what will be added to our debt for these needed repairs and upgrades.

But it is cute to see a Trump worshiper talk about the debt after 4 years of silence

Yes it's a lot of money.

If the conservatives had not slashed taxes so heavily since the 80s and not let our infrastructure fall apart, we would have been making the proper investments all along so that we wouldn't have to all of a sudden spend a ton of money to upgrade. Plus it wouldn't have been as expensive either.

What I find sad is that the same people who insist that they are the only ones who love America and that we are the greatest nation in the world, can't take a crowbar to their wallets to take the action they talk about all the time.

The generation before us paid for a World War AND a huge nationwide interstate freeway system. They didn't whine and cry about it either.

They did what was right for America.

Why can't we do the same thing?

One fact that is missing here is that yes, republicans spend out of control and don't pay for it. They add it to the deficit and debt. We as a nation get very little to nothing from the spending.

Democrats at least try to pay for the spending they do. They raise taxes to pay for their spending. Not completely but mostly. This infrastructure bill is if not all paid, mostly paid for.

Unlike republican spending and tax cuts.

Why is it ok to not pay for unending wars and tax cuts but it's not ok to pay for or mostly pay for infrastructure?

Unlike wars and tax cuts, our nation actually gets something good from building infrastructure and bringing our nation into the 21st century.

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