Infrastructure Week Finally Here! House passes $1.3T bill.

Perhaps, but I certainly know failure when I see it, yet I know nothing about you. but I do know a lot about Brandon.

He did something in 10 months Trump could not do in 4 years. But I guess since Trump was such a failure that you can call this a failure as well
He did something in 10 months Trump could not do in 4 years. But I guess since Trump was such a failure that you can call this a failure as well
Fuck up at the border? Afghanistan? Gas prices? Increase in Covid deaths? Money for illegals?

You lost me.
It's not that hard to generate more electricity.

Just do what my state did.

We started building one of the largest wind farms in the nation in the 1990s.

When the system first came on line, it generated more electricity than the existing grid could handle.

So we voted to raise our taxes to build a new grid to handle all that new electricity.

The result:

We are off coal in my state.

We have the lowest electric rates in the nation.

We sell our excess electricity to other states for a profit.

Our air and environment are much cleaner. So much that we stopped requiring vehicles to be smog checked.

We have had hybrid and fully electric cars on our roads in my state for years. A large portion of the cars on the roads in my state are either hybrids or fully electric. We already have charging stations here. Not as many as we need but they are easy to find.

Basically the majority of the rest of the nation needs to take a look at what my state has done and maybe take some advice on how to generate that electricity needed to power all those vehicles.

It's not hard to do. You just have to have the will and take a crow bar to your wallets to pay for it.
Which state is this?
And all the little what’s in it for me Rhino piggies from states controlled by dimbo’s run to the trough. Alaska, Ohio, and Nebraska, being the exception. The day is coming when the house of cards will fall.
Sober up, drunky.
Huh? Doing what? He FAILED to get a bill like this, after he PROMISED it.

What in the hell are they telling you people in your universe?
Nancy and Chuck offered $20 Billion for Trump's useless wall, and Mr. Art Of The Deal couldn't pull the trigger, because he's a shitty negotiator.
Perhaps, but I certainly know failure when I see it, yet I know nothing about you. but I do know a lot about Brandon.
That's because Pelosi controlled the House & all she cared about was failed Impeachments
You don't remember this meeting? Is it your dementia?

They offered Trump $20 Billion for his stupid wall and he was too weak to make a deal.

When a father wakes up one morning and realizes he will never again have the joy of playing football passind coach to his son killed by one dose of the Chinese-Mexican fentenyl poison that kills 300 American youth per week, that is what is called hurting. And in a year 300x52= that comes to 15,600 American fathers because somebody in the White House is likely extorting cash in hush money to the allow the drug cartels to kill American like a certain House Speaker gets off on the cruel abortion deaths of a million babies per annum from shameful mothers who kill their innocent ancestors future on this planet many of whom died with a weapon in their hands to allow their prodigy to have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Instead, those helpless little babies whose tortured-to-death and dismembered frames and once-alive little bodies have no grave markers on this earth because cold-hearted females recruited professional assassins to get rid of them any which way they can including flushed down the toilet with their mother's poop in the water. Some of us see what sin does to the innocent and we feel sick to our stomachs for being the only ones who cares what happens to these, our fellow Americans in their early stage in life that ends the scientist, the judge, the minister, ball player, cheerleader, comedian, a Mr. Universe, a First Lady, a peacemaker who would have brought peace to the earth without once thinking of the Lord and giver of life who expects better of a parent than paying for or for chooses to kill the life they don't want messing up their fentanyl high.
WTF does this have to do with infrastructure? :laugh:

Stop sniffing glue.

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