
Don't know where you are coming from with 5%, look at the breakdown... Loads of building and infrastructure in it...
How about that $621 Billion for transportaion which includes the MOST money (174 Billion) to create a network of 500,000 electric vehicle stations? Why? Hardly anyone owns a Tesla. Yet he killed the pipeline and fracking which is causing undue hardship on MOST Americans because MOST American own gas fueled vehicles. Biden is living in fantasy land, obviously.
Ol' Joe keeps touting 'infrastructure' spending yet.....He killed one of the largest infrastructure projects that was responsible for thousands of good paying jobs and retail revenue.............The pipeline. Go figure....:dunno:

I agree and his infrastructure bill has only 5% in it for actual infrastructure. The rest is pure pork.

The latest manifestation of doublespeak absurdity from the democrats has now made "infrastructure" mean anything the democrats want to spend our money on. Just watch, giving our money to abortion mills or funding research into the emotional state of houseplants will be justified as critical "infrastructure" that we must devote unlimited tax dollars towards.
First of all he put lipstick on the pig. A good chunk of the "infrastructure" bill are social programs in which they can go pound sand. C'mon Man. Universal preschool (look at the great job public schools are doing K-8), "Affordable" Section 8 housing coming to a neighborhood where you live, childcare for working parents (it's not society's job to raise your kids pay for it yourself), subsidies for health insurance (more social programs) and on and on..... You must believe in the tooth fairy if you think you're not going to pay for this so keep dreaming. (An apology to all kids under 10 that are reading this and still believe in the tooth fairy).
We will need to compromise on this, but it has to be done.

We will need to compromise on this, but it has to be done.
Tout the $1.2 trillion legislation as a less ambitious "Trump Broken Promise Belatedly Fulfilled" bill to get the Cry Baby Sore Loser's butt barnacles on board.

Trump is urging a $2 trillion investment in the country’s infrastructure
to modernize the nation’s roads, bridges and more, but above all to create jobs and get the economy back up and running...
And so, the road to reconstruction once the health emergency is over depends on infrastructure spending, the president said in a tweet.
Just don't insist that you'll make Mexico pay for it!

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""For too long, lawmakers have invested in infrastructure inefficiently,

ignored critical needs, and allowed it to deteriorate. As a result,
the United States has fallen further and further behind
other countries. It is time to give Americans the working,

modern infrastructure they deserve."
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We will need to compromise on this, but it has to be done.
The need is irrefutable.
2016: The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) gave American transit, road, aviation, and hazardous waste systems a grade of D in 2013. ASCE also estimated that between 2016 and 2025, infrastructure deficiencies would lead each U.S. household to lose $3,400 per year.

In addition to negative environmental and economic consequences, substandard infrastructure can cause public hazards. High-profile fatal incidents like the I-35W Mississippi River bridge collapse and the 2015 Philadelphia passenger train derailment led to greater awareness of the country's aging infrastructure and public opinion polling from Gallup in March 2016 showed that 75 percent of Americans supported increased federal spending on infrastructure.
The Former guy repeatedly brayed that he would invest vast sums in rebuilding the nation's crumbling infrastructure, and a more capable, experienced President may well finally get it done.

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Biden Agrees to Bipartisan Group’s Infrastructure Plan, Saying ‘We Have a Deal’

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Manchin says he's on board with Democratic-only infrastructure bill

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Poll: 6 in 10 GOP voters favor new $1.2 trillion infrastructure plan,

boosting Biden’s hopes of a big bipartisan win



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Most of the money promised for infrastructure isn't earmarked for anything specifically which
means most of that trillion dollar grab bag winds up in a giant slush fund which could go anywhere say to democrat backed unions or democrat allied businesses like during the Obama sponsored
infrastructure folly.
Isn't it interesting that so many Lefties who post here want to cite statistics and articles "proving" how smart Democrats are, when compared to others.
Please cite them if they exist elsewhere than in some hyper-partisan, paranoidal noggins.

Desperately-needed infrastructure renewal legislation - about which the Loser blew gas but was impotent when it came to actually delivering - is a bipartisan victory that benefits the nation.

The Trump Slump is history, and AMERICA IS BACK!
The Bureau of Labor Statistics announced the US economy added 943,000 jobs in July, which beat economist forecasts...
Nearly every facet of the report was positive. The unemployment rate fell more than expected to 5.4%. Employment broadened across racial lines. Wage growth exceeded estimates. And labor-force participation ticked higher, suggesting the worker shortage weakened. At the current pace of job growth, the labor market's rebound is three times faster than that seen after the Great Recession.

Stop whining and celebrate! America is back!

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"It's much nicer here since they cleared out those Trump goons!"

"The president deserves a lot of credit":
McConnell praises Biden on infrastructure bill

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"The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president
and other powerful people."
[Mitch McConnell blames Trump for deadly Capitol riot]

The RINOs of Trumpery who invaded the GOP in 2016 are on the run, and the nation is back on the path of progress.
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I'm an adult, so I'm old enough to remember how much the Democrats whined when George W. Bush added pork to his bills.. not whined, they wallowed as if a sword was being pushed into their side.

Now? Well, they have power, so it's no problem.

Me? as with most Conservatives, we don't like pork no matter who does it. Leftists are anti-pork when a GOP is in power, but love it when a Democrat is in power.

Standards aren't as important to the left. They rely on whatever is politically expedient at the moment, and then have their compliant media push the narrative.
I'm an adult, so I'm old enough to remember how much the Democrats whined when George W. Bush added pork to his bills.. not whined, they wallowed as if a sword was being pushed into their side.

Now? Well, they have power, so it's no problem.

Me? as with most Conservatives, we don't like pork no matter who does it. Leftists are anti-pork when a GOP is in power, but love it when a Democrat is in power.

Standards aren't as important to the left. They rely on whatever is politically expedient at the moment, and then have their compliant media push the narrative.
Your hyper-partisan dogma and reminiscences are noted.

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Meanwhile, a bipartisan infrastructure legislation such as the Former Guy continually blew gas about is finally in the offing and most Americans approve of it - Favor: 62% / Oppose: 30%.

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