"Innocence of Muslims" a shameful film to say the least


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2012
******Spoiler Alert*****

Fun Facts of Deception:

The movie title under the set was called "Desert Warrior" and within this video the name of Muhammad was dubbed in the video as the actors/actresses spoke. Not only that the actress that was supposed to play "Muhammad's 9 year-old wife" was actually a 20 year old actress. Cindy Lee Garcia one of the actresses in the film states the following:

Garcia: "The actors were deceived. My voice was dubbed and it wasn’t even my voice. I had no idea he did that until the trailer came out. My only part was the role of a mother talking to her husband, her daughter and this man named Master George. I have the full script of what I said. They were saying, ‘Praise God, praise god,’ because my daughter was going to be given in marriage to this man called Master George by my husband, so I mocked him for worshipping this man. They dubbed ‘Master George’ to say ‘Muhammad.’

She also adds:

Garcia: "I called him the morning that all this violence broke out in Libya and asked him, ‘why did you do this?’ He said, ‘Cindy, tell the world that you’re innocent.’ He said to say that he’s the writer and he did it because he’s tired of radical Muslims attacking innocent people, and that he was from Israel. But when I was down there doing the movie he said he was from Egypt."

She also continues when asked if this movie is the blame for the riots and killings:

Garcia: "It pushed a lot of buttons, and that was intentional, but I don’t know if he meant for the ambassador to be killed. He has a price to pay, this Mr. Bacile, maybe not here on earth, but he’ll stand before God one day for what he has done."

Then she finally adds:

Garcia: "I feel really bad for the innocent people who died. I was on national television offering my condolences and pleading with the Muslims to please stop attacking innocent people. It wasn't our fault or the fault of the people over there that they killed. It was one man, Sam Bacile, who instigated this whole thing."

See Article:'Innocence of Muslims' Actress: Director 'Will Stand Before God for What He Has Done' (Q&A) - The Hollywood Reporter
It was ok, 2 1/2 stars out of 5.

The big question: will we have to wait 10 years for the sequel?
Sounds like he's a POS wanting to stir up more hatred of Israel.

Well, so far he's succeeded in stirring up more hatred of America.
The film is like a spoof....not that well made by all accounts.
Depicting Muhammed as a lying, thieving, murdering sexual predator...
I can't see what the fuss is all about. Just because muslims look on him as being
the "perfect man" and aspire to be like him...Recent events should tell you all that
theyre giving it their best shot....Have been for the last 1400of years :)I'll

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tco6_-yP40&feature=share]Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher feat. Marilyn Manson (August 13, 1997) - YouTube[/ame]

has the OP seen the film?

Has anyone seen the film?

I have seen the trailer and the scene where Muhammad's name was mentioned, and if you read the lips of the actress mentioning Muhammad the voice does not match the lips.
The film is like a spoof....not that well made by all accounts.
Depicting Muhammed as a lying, thieving, murdering sexual predator...
I can't see what the fuss is all about. Just because muslims look on him as being
the "perfect man" and aspire to be like him...Recent events should tell you all that
theyre giving it their best shot....Have been for the last 1400of years :)I'll

The issue is his attempt at exposing his own Christian fundamentalism. The writer of this film not only served time for fraud but he also has many alias. He is a deceiver and not really a moral person. The fact that he manipulated the actors is telling of his own personality. The big fuss is not his Constitutional right of free speech, but that due his fanaticism and deception of the actors and actresses, he ignited a "firestorm."
******Spoiler Alert*****

Fun Facts of Deception:

The movie title under the set was called "Desert Warrior" and within this video the name of Muhammad was dubbed in the video as the actors/actresses spoke. Not only that the actress that was supposed to play "Muhammad's 9 year-old wife" was actually a 20 year old actress. Cindy Lee Garcia one of the actresses in the film states the following:

Garcia: "The actors were deceived. My voice was dubbed and it wasn’t even my voice. I had no idea he did that until the trailer came out. My only part was the role of a mother talking to her husband, her daughter and this man named Master George. I have the full script of what I said. They were saying, ‘Praise God, praise god,’ because my daughter was going to be given in marriage to this man called Master George by my husband, so I mocked him for worshipping this man. They dubbed ‘Master George’ to say ‘Muhammad.’

She also adds:

Garcia: "I called him the morning that all this violence broke out in Libya and asked him, ‘why did you do this?’ He said, ‘Cindy, tell the world that you’re innocent.’ He said to say that he’s the writer and he did it because he’s tired of radical Muslims attacking innocent people, and that he was from Israel. But when I was down there doing the movie he said he was from Egypt."

She also continues when asked if this movie is the blame for the riots and killings:

Garcia: "It pushed a lot of buttons, and that was intentional, but I don’t know if he meant for the ambassador to be killed. He has a price to pay, this Mr. Bacile, maybe not here on earth, but he’ll stand before God one day for what he has done."

Then she finally adds:

Garcia: "I feel really bad for the innocent people who died. I was on national television offering my condolences and pleading with the Muslims to please stop attacking innocent people. It wasn't our fault or the fault of the people over there that they killed. It was one man, Sam Bacile, who instigated this whole thing."

See Article:'Innocence of Muslims' Actress: Director 'Will Stand Before God for What He Has Done' (Q&A) - The Hollywood Reporter

Another craven coward willing to sell our freedoms because of fear.
The film is like a spoof....not that well made by all accounts.
Depicting Muhammed as a lying, thieving, murdering sexual predator...
I can't see what the fuss is all about. Just because muslims look on him as being
the "perfect man" and aspire to be like him...Recent events should tell you all that
theyre giving it their best shot....Have been for the last 1400of years :)I'll

The issue is his attempt at exposing his own Christian fundamentalism. The writer of this film not only served time for fraud but he also has many alias. He is a deceiver and not really a moral person. The fact that he manipulated the actors is telling of his own personality. The big fuss is not his Constitutional right of free speech, but that due his fanaticism and deception of the actors and actresses, he ignited a "firestorm."

All protected FIRST Amendment rights. You would sell our freedoms due to fear. The word for you is COWARD.
what freedom is being sold you partisan idiot?

You are BEYOND IGNORANT. Most of these people are demanding we do something to the film maker. They are demanding we apologize and appease Muslim extremists, even our President has done so.

The most offensive language or film is EXACTLY what the first is designed to protect. You are in several threads where the op DEMANDS ACTION. They want him arrested or his Parole revoked for exercising his FIRST Amendment rights.

A film did not cause our Ambassador to be killed, he was attacked because the US killed an Al Qaeda commander. A film did not cause riots and destruction in any Middle Eastern Country. That was the work of intolerant radical Muslims that demand respect while refusing to respect any other religion.

Remind me of the riots, deaths and mayhem caused by Christians because of any of the multitude of Movies that openly attack and denigrate the Religion. Remind me of the riots, deaths and Mayhem when Mormons are attacked with similar things.
what freedom is being sold you partisan idiot?

You are BEYOND IGNORANT. Most of these people are demanding we do something to the film maker. They are demanding we apologize and appease Muslim extremists, even our President has done so.

The most offensive language or film is EXACTLY what the first is designed to protect. You are in several threads where the op DEMANDS ACTION. They want him arrested or his Parole revoked for exercising his FIRST Amendment rights.

A film did not cause our Ambassador to be killed, he was attacked because the US killed an Al Qaeda commander. A film did not cause riots and destruction in any Middle Eastern Country. That was the work of intolerant radical Muslims that demand respect while refusing to respect any other religion.

Remind me of the riots, deaths and mayhem caused by Christians because of any of the multitude of Movies that openly attack and denigrate the Religion. Remind me of the riots, deaths and Mayhem when Mormons are attacked with similar things.

If the film was not the cause why did this woman who participated in the film apologize to the Muslims?

Nobody is selling out first amendment rights. Hell, Obama isn't even touching it even though the Prime Minister of Egypt (or President???) wants Obama to do something. The fact is there is a difference between free speech and inciting unrest.

If you yell fire in a crowded theater and create unrest you can be punishable by law, and even though there was no fire but you decided to use your freedom of speech just to yell fire, there are still consequences. Similarly if the filmmaker's desire was to create civil unrest, he accomplished that, and the consequences resulted in angry protesters. Al-Qaeda used the protest as a platform to carry out their attacks in Libya. In Egypt, there was a radical cleric who showed the video inciting violence.

Our president is firm on his stance in that no leader of any Muslim populated country will tell us what to do with our people as he rightfully should. The problem is taking free speech overboard.
There's no such thing as "taking free speech overboard". This film, as ridiculous as it is, is protected under the 1st amendment. End of.

Extremist Muslims have no grounds whatsoever to hold the world hostage every time their religion gets insulted when they themselves insult other religions as well as persecute those that don't believe in religion at all.
Freedom of speech is a corrupt western invention and has no place in a civilized and moral world. :cool:
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Freedom of speech is a corrupt western invention and has no place in a civilized and moral world. :cool:

Well said! There is no freedom of speech under sharia. That's why muslims have reacted with this kind of violence. So that we understand, once and for all, why they are fighting.

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