Inquisitions and jihads. Why do theists and progressive voters respect the religions that use them?


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
Inquisitions and jihads. Why do theists and progressive voters respect the religions that use them?

I wondered if theists or voters can articulate why they respect those that use such vile concepts of war and respect the Gods or religions that order them carried out.

Genocide, the goal of inquisitions and jihads, has a poor moral component yet theists seem to not care about that as they seek it, nor do tax payers who indirectly assist in paying for them.

I can understand why theists would hate the people they murder. I can also understand why we naturally love war. I cannot understand how tax payers can turn a blind eye to it. Unless we just crave the drama of war.

Given that theists are to love the sinners and hate the sin, inquisitions and jihads seem to suggest that theists hate the sinners and love sin as they use murder to grow their religions, due to not having solid moral arguments and moral tenets to convert others with.

If theists hated sin, and loved the sinners, as God demands, they should not murdering them nor respect the religions that use murder to grow.

I have a hard time understanding why governments and voters would also respect the users of inquisitions and jihads enough to force the non-theists to subsidize those religions with tax breaks.

In a real sense, that makes all of us complicit in murder as we all end in paying for those inquisitions and jihads. Not directly, of course, --- that might upset some, --- but indirectly by contributing to the general funds that all religions consolidate for themselves from all people like you and I.

If Christians and Muslims could change their hate focus from hating sinners to hating the sin and loving the sinner, --- as their creeds say they should, --- do you not think that that would improve relations and reduce conflict worldwide?

Why do theists and the rest of us as tax payers who wish to promote a higher moral standard, give such vile religions respect?

Why do you think theists resist doing as their Gods bids them do? That being, do not kill with inquisitions and jihads.


Regressives support Islam because they associate it with brown skinned people therefore consider it racist not to support everything Muslims do. Also, regressives and Islamists share the same hatred of America and so they see themselves in alignment in their hatred.
The inquisitions were primarily to put down the Gnostic communist uprising. They were reprehensible people who Darwinized themselves out of existence.
I've asked many times if sin is wrong, why do they still sin??
their answers:
''free will''
''god's plan''
Christian inclination to denounce what they dont like as witchcraft sure helped the Inquisition along.

Widespread Christian antisemitism sure helped the holocaust.

The Spanish Christian conquest of South America sure helped slaughter the "dirty heathens".

Yes, christianity has done many things. Many of them evil.

As for Islam, you take these themes of the noble, oppressed people who are wronged by the evil, heartless, imperialistic tyrant, and you have the ideological nexus where the far left and The Muslims come together in unity. One is secular and the other quasi-religious. But what matters is that they both have an unrealistic ideal of a totalitarian politico-religious ideology; an unrealized utopia which is bound to fail due to its opposition and utterly hostility to simple human nature. So instead of being honest and acknowledging the abysmal vacancy of their delusional ideologies, they blame America. The noble savage cannot be responsible for the choices he
Those who follow sharia law believe that women have no rights. They are subject to genital mutilation and arranged marriages, often as very young girls. It is considered a sin to be gay or non-Muslim. Some here in the states actually say that insulting Islam is a crime punishable by death. Woman should be covered at all times.

Despite that, women's groups, who claim to promote the interests of women, refuse to criticize Islam in any way. Are those Hollywood actresses willing to wear burkas and cede their rights as women. Are they willing to be harassed or even raped by Muslim men who believe that women who don't cover their bodies and are infidels deserve to be abused?

It would seem that Islam stands for everything that most, including leftists, despise. No equal treatment. They are quick to throw around the term 'toxic masculinity' when describing our military men, yet the term fits most Muslim men. They feel that men rule and women are possessions. How can the left support this?

Here's a video interview of some Muslims in MN. They want sharia law. They believe men have the authority to choose spouses for their young daughters. Most would prefer to live in Muslim countries and yet they've been sent here. It's like they don't want to be here but perhaps have been sent on a mission. Obama 'seeded' them across the country.

Regressives support Islam because they associate it with brown skinned people therefore consider it racist not to support everything Muslims do. Also, regressives and Islamists share the same hatred of America and so they see themselves in alignment in their hatred.

Hard to argue against what you put.

The inquisitions were primarily to put down the Gnostic communist uprising. They were reprehensible people who Darwinized themselves out of existence.


They had a pyramidal hierarchy just as democratic systems have.

As usual, you have nothing to offer.

If you are using the Gnostic political views to justify the murders against them by Christians, you show how corrupted your Christian beliefs have corrupted your thinking.

Christian inclination to denounce what they dont like as witchcraft sure helped the Inquisition along.

Widespread Christian antisemitism sure helped the holocaust.

The Spanish Christian conquest of South America sure helped slaughter the "dirty heathens".

Yes, christianity has done many things. Many of them evil.

As for Islam, you take these themes of the noble, oppressed people who are wronged by the evil, heartless, imperialistic tyrant, and you have the ideological nexus where the far left and The Muslims come together in unity. One is secular and the other quasi-religious. But what matters is that they both have an unrealistic ideal of a totalitarian politico-religious ideology; an unrealized utopia which is bound to fail due to its opposition and utterly hostility to simple human nature. So instead of being honest and acknowledging the abysmal vacancy of their delusional ideologies, they blame America. The noble savage cannot be responsible for the choices he

To suggest that there can be honesty in the revealed religions is to suggest the end of that religion. That is why they are steadfastly sticking to their lies while hiding behind a supernatural shield.

Those who follow sharia law believe that women have no rights. They are subject to genital mutilation and arranged marriages, often as very young girls. It is considered a sin to be gay or non-Muslim. Some here in the states actually say that insulting Islam is a crime punishable by death. Woman should be covered at all times.

Despite that, women's groups, who claim to promote the interests of women, refuse to criticize Islam in any way. Are those Hollywood actresses willing to wear burkas and cede their rights as women. Are they willing to be harassed or even raped by Muslim men who believe that women who don't cover their bodies and are infidels deserve to be abused?

It would seem that Islam stands for everything that most, including leftists, despise. No equal treatment. They are quick to throw around the term 'toxic masculinity' when describing our military men, yet the term fits most Muslim men. They feel that men rule and women are possessions. How can the left support this?

Here's a video interview of some Muslims in MN. They want sharia law. They believe men have the authority to choose spouses for their young daughters. Most would prefer to live in Muslim countries and yet they've been sent here. It's like they don't want to be here but perhaps have been sent on a mission. Obama 'seeded' them across the country.

You see 20/20 here on Islam and most of what you say is also in Christianity.

He will rule over you, man over woman, as the bible states it, ---- is why Christianity is as misogynous as Islam.

The inquisitions were primarily to put down the Gnostic communist uprising. They were reprehensible people who Darwinized themselves out of existence.


They had a pyramidal hierarchy just as democratic systems have.

As usual, you have nothing to offer.

If you are using the Gnostic political views to justify the murders against them by Christians, you show how corrupted your Christian beliefs have corrupted your thinking.

100% communist.

Read the Socialist Phenomenon by Shafarevich.
The inquisitions were primarily to put down the Gnostic communist uprising. They were reprehensible people who Darwinized themselves out of existence.


They had a pyramidal hierarchy just as democratic systems have.

As usual, you have nothing to offer.

If you are using the Gnostic political views to justify the murders against them by Christians, you show how corrupted your Christian beliefs have corrupted your thinking.

100% communist.

Read the Socialist Phenomenon by Shafarevich.

I guess that you will remain stupid all of your miserable life.

Christian inclination to denounce what they dont like as witchcraft sure helped the Inquisition along.

Widespread Christian antisemitism sure helped the holocaust.

The Spanish Christian conquest of South America sure helped slaughter the "dirty heathens".

Yes, christianity has done many things. Many of them evil.

As for Islam, you take these themes of the noble, oppressed people who are wronged by the evil, heartless, imperialistic tyrant, and you have the ideological nexus where the far left and The Muslims come together in unity. One is secular and the other quasi-religious. But what matters is that they both have an unrealistic ideal of a totalitarian politico-religious ideology; an unrealized utopia which is bound to fail due to its opposition and utterly hostility to simple human nature. So instead of being honest and acknowledging the abysmal vacancy of their delusional ideologies, they blame America. The noble savage cannot be responsible for the choices he

To suggest that there can be honesty in the revealed religions is to suggest the end of that religion. That is why they are steadfastly sticking to their lies while hiding behind a supernatural shield.


It seems as if this is an Islamic outreach to Satanists which thru pseudo science they deem are Jews. Seems more as usual the business super ego Catholic pedophiles think they are the body & soul of an Islam fabricated misnomer of an immaculate conception which ought to be beheaded according to their laws once & for all.
Christian inclination to denounce what they dont like as witchcraft sure helped the Inquisition along.

Widespread Christian antisemitism sure helped the holocaust.

The Spanish Christian conquest of South America sure helped slaughter the "dirty heathens".

Yes, christianity has done many things. Many of them evil.

As for Islam, you take these themes of the noble, oppressed people who are wronged by the evil, heartless, imperialistic tyrant, and you have the ideological nexus where the far left and The Muslims come together in unity. One is secular and the other quasi-religious. But what matters is that they both have an unrealistic ideal of a totalitarian politico-religious ideology; an unrealized utopia which is bound to fail due to its opposition and utterly hostility to simple human nature. So instead of being honest and acknowledging the abysmal vacancy of their delusional ideologies, they blame America. The noble savage cannot be responsible for the choices he

To suggest that there can be honesty in the revealed religions is to suggest the end of that religion. That is why they are steadfastly sticking to their lies while hiding behind a supernatural shield.


It seems as if this is an Islamic outreach to Satanists which thru pseudo science they deem are Jews. Seems more as usual the business super ego Catholic pedophiles think they are the body & soul of an Islam fabricated misnomer of an immaculate conception which ought to be beheaded according to their laws once & for all.

You might be right.

Christian inclination to denounce what they dont like as witchcraft sure helped the Inquisition along.

Widespread Christian antisemitism sure helped the holocaust.

The Spanish Christian conquest of South America sure helped slaughter the "dirty heathens".

Yes, christianity has done many things. Many of them evil.

As for Islam, you take these themes of the noble, oppressed people who are wronged by the evil, heartless, imperialistic tyrant, and you have the ideological nexus where the far left and The Muslims come together in unity. One is secular and the other quasi-religious. But what matters is that they both have an unrealistic ideal of a totalitarian politico-religious ideology; an unrealized utopia which is bound to fail due to its opposition and utterly hostility to simple human nature. So instead of being honest and acknowledging the abysmal vacancy of their delusional ideologies, they blame America. The noble savage cannot be responsible for the choices he

To suggest that there can be honesty in the revealed religions is to suggest the end of that religion. That is why they are steadfastly sticking to their lies while hiding behind a supernatural shield.


It seems as if this is an Islamic outreach to Satanists which thru pseudo science they deem are Jews. Seems more as usual the business super ego Catholic pedophiles think they are the body & soul of an Islam fabricated misnomer of an immaculate conception which ought to be beheaded according to their laws once & for all.

You might be right.


Enduring some 40 years of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists "man is God" arrogant vehemence in suicidal & homicidal sociopsychopathic human farming techniques from an Islamidiotocracy of Christiananality pedophilia business mentalities, what's the statistical probabilities of might not be?
This is as funny as watching two fat people trying to fuck.

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