Ins refunds - thanks Mr President

? Thanks To Obamacare, You Might Be Getting An Insurance Refund

Let me get this straight.

Insurance companies overcharge customers because they know that Obamacare gives them free reign to do so, which means they actually get to force their customers to subsidize their business for a full year without getting any money back other than the principle, and you think this proves Obama did a good thing.

Gotta admire the shear stupidity of thinking like that.

Maybe you should consider asking Obama why he signed a law that removes all liability from insurers that charge higher premiums than necessary as long as they issue refunds.


Just the opposite is true. ObamaCare forces insurance companies to spend most of your premium on your health care. As the overpayments end, so will the refunds.
Before ACA: No Death Panels
With ACA: Death Panels

Thanks Mr. President! Now my Health Care is just like going to the V.A.! Which until now, I was trying to stay away from.

Thanks Mr. President! Enjoy your day spent golfing!

My VA is great!

It wasn't so great for the hundreds of Vets that died waiting months or years to get an appointment.

Which has nothing to do with ObamaCare and has been a problem since it was formed.
oh dear gawd, watching these people under Bush all loud, protesting after protesting and watching them now

As I've posted before, we got two refunds last year.

Its about frikken time the insurance consumer got what we pay for.

Thank you, Mr President.

excuse me now I have to go puke

Lucky for you, "puking" is now covered. Your Medicare situation did not change except that that the cost of your scrips went down.

OTOH, your state did not expand Medicaid.
Oh yeah, and as if y'all didn't know it, there are no "death panels".

Find a new lie.
Going to check my mail in a few....
Hope to see my government check for the refund...

Love them Obama bucks.

Just the opposite is true. ObamaCare forces insurance companies to spend most of your premium on your health care. As the overpayments end, so will the refunds.

No it does not. If it did I would have already used up all my premium payments for the year in the first month I had Obamacare. What it does is grant insurance companies immunity from state laws. Why the fuck do you think insurance companies supported it whole hog?

By the way, when are you planning on learning how to quote without screwing everything up?
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Just the opposite is true. ObamaCare forces insurance companies to spend most of your premium on your health care. As the overpayments end, so will the refunds.

No it does not. If it did I would have already used up all my premium payments for the year in the first month I had Obamacare. What it does is grant insurance companies immunity from state laws. Why the fuck do you think insurance companies supported it whole hog?

By the way, when are you planning on learning how to quote without screwing everything up?

Look up the 80% mandate.

And, you can't "have ObamaCare".

ObamaCare is not a product you can buy and "have".

How many times does this have to be explained?

Just the opposite is true. ObamaCare forces insurance companies to spend most of your premium on your health care. As the overpayments end, so will the refunds.

No it does not. If it did I would have already used up all my premium payments for the year in the first month I had Obamacare. What it does is grant insurance companies immunity from state laws. Why the fuck do you think insurance companies supported it whole hog?

By the way, when are you planning on learning how to quote without screwing everything up?

Look up the 80% mandate.

And, you can't "have ObamaCare".

ObamaCare is not a product you can buy and "have".

How many times does this have to be explained?

Of course it isn't, it is a product I was forced to buy even though I didn't want it.
No it does not. If it did I would have already used up all my premium payments for the year in the first month I had Obamacare. What it does is grant insurance companies immunity from state laws. Why the fuck do you think insurance companies supported it whole hog?

By the way, when are you planning on learning how to quote without screwing everything up?

Look up the 80% mandate.

And, you can't "have ObamaCare".

ObamaCare is not a product you can buy and "have".

How many times does this have to be explained?

Of course it isn't, it is a product I was forced to buy even though I didn't want it.

No, it is not a "product".

Fact is, you didn't buy anything. If you had, you would know its not a product.
Look up the 80% mandate.

And, you can't "have ObamaCare".

ObamaCare is not a product you can buy and "have".

How many times does this have to be explained?

Of course it isn't, it is a product I was forced to buy even though I didn't want it.

No, it is not a "product".

Fact is, you didn't buy anything. If you had, you would know its not a product.

That was funny.

FYI, a product s anything that can be offered in a market. Obamacare is offered in multiple markets, so that makes it a product.
Before ACA: No Death Panels
With ACA: Death Panels

Thanks Mr. President! Now my Health Care is just like going to the V.A.! Which until now, I was trying to stay away from.

Thanks Mr. President! Enjoy your day spent golfing!

Okay, now you're just lying and trolling.

Begone, scum!
You can call the panels who will be rationing health care whatever you want to..."Death Panels" or"Sunshine Lollipop Panels" won't change the reality that healthcare WILL be rationed in this country. What you've witnessed happening at the VA? That's what's on tap for the rest of us. If you don't grasp that concept then you're rather naive.

OldLiar, healthcare was rationed BEFORE the ACA.

People would be denied coverage or kicked off existing policies for any number of reasons. Some policies simply refused to pay claims.

Everyone knows that now, though, so you're trollposts only serve to prove what a partisan ass you are.
No it does not. If it did I would have already used up all my premium payments for the year in the first month I had Obamacare. What it does is grant insurance companies immunity from state laws. Why the fuck do you think insurance companies supported it whole hog?

By the way, when are you planning on learning how to quote without screwing everything up?

Look up the 80% mandate.

And, you can't "have ObamaCare".

ObamaCare is not a product you can buy and "have".

How many times does this have to be explained?

Of course it isn't, it is a product I was forced to buy even though I didn't want it.

Guess what? Guesswhatguesswhat???!! C'mon, guess!

The MANDATE part was the REPUBLICANS' idea!! :lol: Yup yup...
? Thanks To Obamacare, You Might Be Getting An Insurance Refund

In a story that’s bound to send Republicans straight into the spin cycle, it was announced on Thursday that insurance companies will be refunding Americans $332 million because they’ve been overcharging them for healthcare.

A generally ignored by Fox News part of the Affordable Care Act (aka, Obamacare) mandates that insurance companies spend at least $.80 of every dollar on *gulp* healthcare. The other $.20 can go toward administrative costs and all the other perks that CEOs of giant insurance companies enjoy. The law is even stricter when the policy is sold to a large employer, with a full 85 percent needing to go to healthcare. In other words, anti-Obamacare people, your insurance company is not charging you more because of Obamacare.

The refunds, which will be mailed to about 6.8 million customers, are set to go out by August 1st. Some will have the option of taking a credit toward future premiums instead.

As I've posted before, we got two refunds last year.

Its about frikken time the insurance consumer got what we pay for.

Thank you, Mr President.

The last time they did a refund, my check was like $1.42.
Look up the 80% mandate.

And, you can't "have ObamaCare".

ObamaCare is not a product you can buy and "have".

How many times does this have to be explained?

Of course it isn't, it is a product I was forced to buy even though I didn't want it.

Guess what? Guesswhatguesswhat???!! C'mon, guess!

The MANDATE part was the REPUBLICANS' idea!! :lol: Yup yup...

Obama opposed the mandates and the republicans didn't vote for the PPACA. Try harder

Obama flip-flops on requiring people to buy health care | PolitiFact
Before ACA: No Death Panels
With ACA: Death Panels

Thanks Mr. President! Now my Health Care is just like going to the V.A.! Which until now, I was trying to stay away from.

Thanks Mr. President! Enjoy your day spent golfing!

Okay, now you're just lying and trolling.

Begone, scum!
Looks like the Obama Cult members are starting to crack from the pressure!

And it's gonna' get worse you Old Bag!
Of course it isn't, it is a product I was forced to buy even though I didn't want it.

No, it is not a "product".

Fact is, you didn't buy anything. If you had, you would know its not a product.

That was funny.

FYI, a product s anything that can be offered in a market. Obamacare is offered in multiple markets, so that makes it a product.

"Obamacare is offered in multiple markets"
Strictly speaking, that's incorrect.

You can buy insurance.

ObamaCare is not insurance.

ObamaCare is not a thing you can buy. It is a law.

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