Insanity: Doing The Same Thing Over & Over Again...


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
but expecting different Results. Raising the Debt Limit again should be labelled 'Insane' for sure. And it certainly doesn't = "Hope & Change" either. Now if they agree to raise it with real spending cuts attached,that could be perceived as doing something different. And that could end this endless cycle of Insanity. Personally i do not agree with raising the Debt Limit but if they get some real spending cuts attached,i could be more forgiving. But for Gods sake,lets not just raise the Debt Limit the way it has been done so many times in the past. Lets do something different so we can expect different results. Lets just stop the Insanity.
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Why do they bother with this charade in the first place?

I agree it is a sad charade. But they're going to raise it. That's just the reality. Lets just hope they attach some serious spending cuts to it. I'll take what i can get at this point.
How much further can they beat this dead horse though? how will raising the debt fix anything?
The day was going well until... I watched Obama's speech (translate: campaign stomp).

When the POTUS holds up China as a shining example of the way for this country to progress and prosper... something is very, very wrong. The man has an Alice in Wonderland ideology but no concept of leadership. I know he's not stupid nor uneducated but clearly something is wrong with his neural synapses. ... Just listening to him talk makes me want to puke.
Insanity: Doing The Same Thing Over & Over Again...

Same thing over and over and over.....sounds like LibocalypseNow posts

Have you been checked recently Libo??
Cut enough to reduce the debt and you won't have to raise anything.
Cut enough to reduce the debt and you won't have to raise anything.

Yea good point. The best we can hope for is the Republicans getting them to agree to some sort of spending cuts being attached to raising the Limit. It's all we can hope for at this point.
but expecting different Results.

No one should vote to raise the Debt Limit unless there are serious spending cuts attached. Now that would be doing something different. Lets try it.

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