Insanity - Republicans Don't Get It

You've heard it said that the definition of "insanity" is doing the same thing over and over while getting the same results. Well, it seems Republicans in Congress (supported by their constituents) don't seem to understand. They keep doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results. They keep submitting a "repeal" Obamacare bill, knowing full well that the Democratic majority Senate won't pass it, and even if it did, Obama, who authored it (along with Republicans who now claim they don't like what they created), will veto it!

Are they insane? Perhaps they don't realize they are just wasting taxpayer money on their senseless endeavor, and they are not the party who wants to cut spending?


For the 40th time, Republicans pushed legislation through the House on Friday targeting President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, this one a bill preventing the Internal Revenue Service from implementing any part of the health care law.

The measure, symbolic because of the certainty that it will be ignored by the Democratic-led Senate, was approved by a near party-line 232-185 vote.

The legislation married two of the GOP's favorite targets: the 2010 health care law and the IRS, which in May conceded it had improperly targeted conservative groups seeking tax exempt status for detailed investigations.

House OKs effort to repeal Obamacare for 40th time - San Jose Mercury News

You want to talk about doing something over and over and having it fail every time. Talk about socialism
Now thats insane!

You mean Republican/conservatives repeating it over and over that don't even know the definition of "socialism" - yes, I have to agree with you, they are insane.

What the hell do you think obammy care is? What the hell do you think confiscating wealth so it can be redistributed to a bunch of lazy bums is?
Your boy is a fucken commie and you know it.
If you like that type of thing why dont you move to france or spain? But you better hurry before they both collapse.
True, but that's because most of them don't consider their employees worth having good health. Apparently you don't know anything about anything.

Where are you obtaining these "facts?"
From reality, asswipe. Wal-Mart cuts employee hours so they don't have to provide health care.

From your ass?
A lot more intelligent than what comes out of your ass. Same thing comes out of your mouth, too.

Neg-repped for being a flaming assipe.
No, you neg rep'd me because you are an infantile asswipe that doesn't know shit from shinola.

where is it required a company has to proved health care?
go start a company or business and give all your workers free health care...see how long you last....:lol:
boy you have bought the liberal brainwashing hook, line and stinker...reality will hit one day when you get of high school
You want to talk about doing something over and over and having it fail every time. Talk about socialism
Now thats insane!

You mean Republican/conservatives repeating it over and over that don't even know the definition of "socialism" - yes, I have to agree with you, they are insane.

What the hell do you think obammy care is?
It's a 100% improvement over the health care we've been supporting for umpteen years and Republicans have done nothing about.

What the hell do you think confiscating wealth so it can be redistributed to a bunch of lazy bums is?

You mean like taxing the middle-class and giving the wealthy more tax breaks? Yeah, most of them are a bunch of lazy bums who inherited their wealth, and you suckers keep coddling them and taking from the middle-class (yourself) to give them more.
Your boy is a fucken commie and you know it.
Your just so butt hurt that he beat your mediocre clowns not once but twice! We don't need some ignorant rich bum who keeps his money in the Cayman Islands so he doesn't have to contribute to the land he claims he loves! Keep drinking the Kool-Aid.
If you like that type of thing why dont you move to france or spain? But you better hurry before they both collapse.
If you like the worthless type of government that your Republican party offers, why don't YOU move to Somalia, where you can sleep with your gun and pay no taxes!
Where are you obtaining these "facts?"
From reality, asswipe. Wal-Mart cuts employee hours so they don't have to provide health care.

A lot more intelligent than what comes out of your ass. Same thing comes out of your mouth, too.

Neg-repped for being a flaming assipe.
No, you neg rep'd me because you are an infantile asswipe that doesn't know shit from shinola.

where is it required a company has to proved health care?
In PPACA, (Obamacare.) And only companies that have over 50 employees. Learn something new.

go start a company or business and give all your workers free health care...see how long you last....:lol:
Most companies have been providing health care for their employees and making it. Like IBM, and John Deere, the Government, to name a few. Are all anti-Obamacare people really that dumb?

As part of the shared responsibility for health, you play an active role in maintaining and improving your health. By living a healthy lifestyle and taking advantage of wellness resources provided by John Deere, you can maintain or improve your physical, mental, and social health and well-being. Doing so can help you lead a healthy, productive life, and optimize your health care dollars now and for the future.
This brochure provides you with an overview of your health care benefits and the resources that are available to you as a John Deere employee, and in many cases to family members (including same-sex domestic partners).

boy you have bought the liberal brainwashing hook, line and stinker...reality will hit one day when you get of high school
Apparently you haven't even tried school. Your English/grammar are atrocious - what do you mean when I get of high school? You should try enrolling, but only if you have mastered elementary school and jr. hi, which from the looks of it, you haven't.
From reality, asswipe. Wal-Mart cuts employee hours so they don't have to provide health care.

A lot more intelligent than what comes out of your ass. Same thing comes out of your mouth, too.

No, you neg rep'd me because you are an infantile asswipe that doesn't know shit from shinola.

where is it required a company has to proved health care?
In PPACA, (Obamacare.) And only companies that have over 50 employees. Learn something new.

go start a company or business and give all your workers free health care...see how long you last....:lol:
Most companies have been providing health care for their employees and making it. Like IBM, and John Deere, the Government, to name a few. Are all anti-Obamacare people really that dumb?

As part of the shared responsibility for health, you play an active role in maintaining and improving your health. By living a healthy lifestyle and taking advantage of wellness resources provided by John Deere, you can maintain or improve your physical, mental, and social health and well-being. Doing so can help you lead a healthy, productive life, and optimize your health care dollars now and for the future.
This brochure provides you with an overview of your health care benefits and the resources that are available to you as a John Deere employee, and in many cases to family members (including same-sex domestic partners).

boy you have bought the liberal brainwashing hook, line and stinker...reality will hit one day when you get of high school
Apparently you haven't even tried school. Your English/grammar are atrocious - what do you mean when I get of high school? You should try enrolling, but only if you have mastered elementary school and jr. hi, which from the looks of it, you haven't.

lol, hit a nerve...typical liberal snobby this jr. high enough for you? blow it your ass
You mean Republican/conservatives repeating it over and over that don't even know the definition of "socialism" - yes, I have to agree with you, they are insane.

What the hell do you think obammy care is?
It's a 100% improvement over the health care we've been supporting for umpteen years and Republicans have done nothing about.

You mean like taxing the middle-class and giving the wealthy more tax breaks? Yeah, most of them are a bunch of lazy bums who inherited their wealth, and you suckers keep coddling them and taking from the middle-class (yourself) to give them more.
Your boy is a fucken commie and you know it.
Your just so butt hurt that he beat your mediocre clowns not once but twice! We don't need some ignorant rich bum who keeps his money in the Cayman Islands so he doesn't have to contribute to the land he claims he loves! Keep drinking the Kool-Aid.
If you like that type of thing why dont you move to france or spain? But you better hurry before they both collapse.
If you like the worthless type of government that your Republican party offers, why don't YOU move to Somalia, where you can sleep with your gun and pay no taxes!

My health care is great. More then 200 grand in hospital bills in the last year and I paid less then 3 grand.
Maybe if you didnt work a micky D's .........
lol, hit a nerve...typical liberal snobby this jr. high enough for you? blow it your ass[/quote]

Ha,ha, I knew you didn't know much, thanks for proving it with your nonsensical response.

Try pre-K!
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What the hell do you think obammy care is?
It's a 100% improvement over the health care we've been supporting for umpteen years and Republicans have done nothing about.

You mean like taxing the middle-class and giving the wealthy more tax breaks? Yeah, most of them are a bunch of lazy bums who inherited their wealth, and you suckers keep coddling them and taking from the middle-class (yourself) to give them more.
Your just so butt hurt that he beat your mediocre clowns not once but twice! We don't need some ignorant rich bum who keeps his money in the Cayman Islands so he doesn't have to contribute to the land he claims he loves! Keep drinking the Kool-Aid.
If you like that type of thing why dont you move to france or spain? But you better hurry before they both collapse.
If you like the worthless type of government that your Republican party offers, why don't YOU move to Somalia, where you can sleep with your gun and pay no taxes!

My health care is great. More then 200 grand in hospital bills in the last year and I paid less then 3 grand.
Maybe if you didnt work a micky D's .........

So typically Republican/conservative - "Ive got mine, the hell with everyone else"! Is that "compassionate conservatism"? But how much of your taxes went to pay for those who went to the ER for their "health care"? Do the math.

And FYI, I didn't have to pay anything, zip, zero, zilch! But, I want those than can afford to buy insurance to do so.

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