Insanity - Republicans Don't Get It

I live in the real world guess you dont.. they cant afford Obozo care.

Sorry to break it to you, you live in Faux News Bubba-land.

What are you a tinfoil hat asshat? they dont have the money, if they do they would rather go on vacation, buy gold teeth, buy the "new in thing" they wont waste their money on Obozo care. they wont buy it in October.
EPIC thread FAIL but I digress. There is no point arguing with someone stupid enough to have a Hillary for president sticker in a sig. Just ignore this thread and let it die.
its simple the 25 year old will pay the $100 dollar penalty rather then $1,200 dollars a year.. to support you fat ass with your health problems.
You've heard it said that the definition of "insanity" is doing the same thing over and over while getting the same results. Well, it seems Republicans in Congress (supported by their constituents) don't seem to understand. They keep doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results. They keep submitting a "repeal" Obamacare bill, knowing full well that the Democratic majority Senate won't pass it, and even if it did, Obama, who authored it (along with Republicans who now claim they don't like what they created), will veto it!

Are they insane? Perhaps they don't realize they are just wasting taxpayer money on their senseless endeavor, and they are not the party who wants to cut spending?


For the 40th time, Republicans pushed legislation through the House on Friday targeting President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, this one a bill preventing the Internal Revenue Service from implementing any part of the health care law.

The measure, symbolic because of the certainty that it will be ignored by the Democratic-led Senate, was approved by a near party-line 232-185 vote.

The legislation married two of the GOP's favorite targets: the 2010 health care law and the IRS, which in May conceded it had improperly targeted conservative groups seeking tax exempt status for detailed investigations.

House OKs effort to repeal Obamacare for 40th time - San Jose Mercury News

This is not a mystery. Regardless of whether they can actually repeal it, regardless of whether they really want to, Republicans are opposing PPACA because it is unpopular with many voters. Democrats don't seem to want to acknowledge that, or deal with the consequences.

That's not true.
The only ones that want it repealed are the ones that don't even understand how it works and just follow their leaders along like sheeple.
Whatever. Insult us all you like. But clearly there are enough people opposed to PPACA to prompt the Republicans to make a show out of opposing it. You can tell yourself that's due to a bad 'sales' job on the part of the President (maybe that's because he knows it sucks?), or that we the sheeple are misguided fools for not understanding your superior judgement. But still, here we are. Opposing.

Now, put your head back in the sand and mutter to yourself about how silly those Republicans are.
Republicans are opposing PPACA because it is unpopular with many voters. Democrats don't seem to want to acknowledge that, or deal with the consequences.

That's not true.
The only ones that want it repealed are the ones that don't even understand how it works and just follow their leaders along like sheeple.

A record low number of American voters want to see the Affordable Care Act – Obamacare – repealed, according to a new post-election poll conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Obamacare was not the top issue driving American to vote, although nearly seven in 10 Americans cited it as a “major factor” in their decision choosing between the candidates, according to Kaiser. Voters who listed Obamacare as a major factor were evenly split between Republican Mitt Romney, 47 percent, and President Obama, 46 percent.

Poll: Fewer Support Obamacare Repeal - ABC News

It is true, and the article YOU link to proves it:

But only 33 percent of Americans now want to see the law repealed. Romney had pledged to repeal the law and replace it with new policy. 43 percent of Americans view the law favorably and 39 percent view it unfavorably, according to the poll.

Stop and think about that. PPACA represents a fundamental change in the structure and role of our government, indeed in the fabric of our society, and you're suggesting it's a good idea to shove it through with a mere plurality of support??? Let's talk about insane!

According to your article, 33 percent of Americans - that's 100 million+ people - want the bill repealed; not just tweaked or modified, but wiped off the books. Only 43 percent support the law. Don't you think that before we make such a major change it behooves us to get real consensus? Do you really think such changes will go well when so many actively oppose them??

Insane is right.
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please answer my question, do you think he is insane?

I don't know Rangel, so how can I answer your dumb question. a thread where you call republicans insane for doing something over and over you don't even know rangel keeps pushing to re-institute the draft



If you think he's insane, start a thread about Rangel and claim he's insane. Don't try and de-rail mine about Republicans in Congress being insane - it's obvious you can't deal with facts.
EPIC thread FAIL but I digress.
You just now noticed that you've digressed? From Reality? Not surprised.

There is no point arguing with someone stupid enough to have a Hillary for president sticker in a sig. Just ignore this thread and let it die.

Heheh, says someone who was stupid enough to vote for Romney and stupid enough to believe Faux News that he was winning! You're too funny. :lol:
I don't know Rangel, so how can I answer your dumb question. a thread where you call republicans insane for doing something over and over you don't even know rangel keeps pushing to re-institute the draft



If you think he's insane, start a thread about Rangel and claim he's insane. Don't try and de-rail mine about Republicans in Congress being insane - it's obvious you can't deal with facts.

wrong...i know about rangel, you didn't

you whine about republicans, when your dem does the same thing

i hope republicans push this bill every day, every would have called those who wanted to end slavery insane

You've heard it said that the definition of "insanity" is doing the same thing over and over while getting the same results. Well, it seems Republicans in Congress (supported by their constituents) don't seem to understand. They keep doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results. They keep submitting a "repeal" Obamacare bill, knowing full well that the Democratic majority Senate won't pass it, and even if it did, Obama, who authored it (along with Republicans who now claim they don't like what they created), will veto it!

Are they insane? Perhaps they don't realize they are just wasting taxpayer money on their senseless endeavor, and they are not the party who wants to cut spending?


For the 40th time, Republicans pushed legislation through the House on Friday targeting President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, this one a bill preventing the Internal Revenue Service from implementing any part of the health care law.

The measure, symbolic because of the certainty that it will be ignored by the Democratic-led Senate, was approved by a near party-line 232-185 vote.

The legislation married two of the GOP's favorite targets: the 2010 health care law and the IRS, which in May conceded it had improperly targeted conservative groups seeking tax exempt status for detailed investigations.

House OKs effort to repeal Obamacare for 40th time - San Jose Mercury News

1 word -- Detroit
I live in the real world guess you dont.. they cant afford Obozo care.

Sorry to break it to you, you live in Faux News Bubba-land.

What are you a tinfoil hat asshat? they dont have the money, if they do they would rather go on vacation, buy gold teeth, buy the "new in thing" they wont waste their money on Obozo care. they wont buy it in October.

Keep on listening to Faux, you already sound like the rest of the idiots on Faux News and ones that watch it.

Did you know that some Repubicans are in the category you mention? Of course not, you're so racist you can't even imagine that.
Of course, you can't provide facts, just the usual dumb rhetoric from the fringe.

Many of the states with the worst unemployment situations and where peoples unemployment benefits are low or have run out are in the rural south, states like Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Virginia, Tennessee, South Carolina and Arkansas, and those are the very states that are most in need of the cash assistance, food stamps, medical and housing assistance provided by the Federal government yet they tend to vote Republican year after year.

How many Republicans are on Welfare or collecting Farm or Agricultural Subsidies, or other Federal Benefits like Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid | InvestmentWatch
its simple the 25 year old will pay the $100 dollar penalty rather then $1,200 dollars a year.. to support you fat ass with your health problems.

Is that the lie that Faux News told you! :lol:

You sound like a real hick with no education and no pot to piss in, either.
This is not a mystery. Regardless of whether they can actually repeal it, regardless of whether they really want to, Republicans are opposing PPACA because it is unpopular with many voters. Democrats don't seem to want to acknowledge that, or deal with the consequences.

That's not true.
The only ones that want it repealed are the ones that don't even understand how it works and just follow their leaders along like sheeple.

A record low number of American voters want to see the Affordable Care Act – Obamacare – repealed, according to a new post-election poll conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Obamacare was not the top issue driving American to vote, although nearly seven in 10 Americans cited it as a “major factor” in their decision choosing between the candidates, according to Kaiser. Voters who listed Obamacare as a major factor were evenly split between Republican Mitt Romney, 47 percent, and President Obama, 46 percent.

Poll: Fewer Support Obamacare Repeal - ABC News

I suspect a vast majority of people don't understand all of the unintended consequences that will result from Obama Care.

I suspect a vast majority of people don't understand all of the unintended consequences that will result from Obama Care.
Reply With Quote

I suspect many who voted for this don't understand most of it.
that includes the man who signed it into law. :eek:
Republicans are opposing PPACA because it is unpopular with many voters. Democrats don't seem to want to acknowledge that, or deal with the consequences.

That's not true.
The only ones that want it repealed are the ones that don't even understand how it works and just follow their leaders along like sheeple.

A record low number of American voters want to see the Affordable Care Act – Obamacare – repealed, according to a new post-election poll conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Obamacare was not the top issue driving American to vote, although nearly seven in 10 Americans cited it as a “major factor” in their decision choosing between the candidates, according to Kaiser. Voters who listed Obamacare as a major factor were evenly split between Republican Mitt Romney, 47 percent, and President Obama, 46 percent.

Poll: Fewer Support Obamacare Repeal - ABC News

It is true, and the article YOU link to proves it:

But only 33 percent of Americans now want to see the law repealed. Romney had pledged to repeal the law and replace it with new policy. 43 percent of Americans view the law favorably and 39 percent view it unfavorably, according to the poll.

Stop and think about that. PPACA represents a fundamental change in the structure and role of our government, indeed in the fabric of our society, and you're suggesting it's a good idea to shove it through with a mere plurality of support??? Let's talk about insane!

According to your article, 33 percent of Americans - that's 100 million+ people - want the bill repealed; not just tweaked or modified, but wiped off the books. Only 43 percent support the law. Don't you think that before we make such a major change it behooves us to get real consensus? Do you really think such changes will go well when so many actively oppose them??

Insane is right.

Are you insane. 43% is higher than 33%. And the 33% are all probably Faux News viewers who have been lied to and don't even know it. Just from reading the dumb posts being made and the assumptions that are running rampant it's easy to see that some people believe Faux News if it told them the sky was orange.
That's not true.
The only ones that want it repealed are the ones that don't even understand how it works and just follow their leaders along like sheeple.

A record low number of American voters want to see the Affordable Care Act – Obamacare – repealed, according to a new post-election poll conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Obamacare was not the top issue driving American to vote, although nearly seven in 10 Americans cited it as a “major factor” in their decision choosing between the candidates, according to Kaiser. Voters who listed Obamacare as a major factor were evenly split between Republican Mitt Romney, 47 percent, and President Obama, 46 percent.

Poll: Fewer Support Obamacare Repeal - ABC News

I suspect a vast majority of people don't understand all of the unintended consequences that will result from Obama Care.

I suspect a vast majority of people don't understand all of the unintended consequences that will result from Obama Care.
Reply With Quote

.I suspect many who voted for this don't understand most of it.
that includes the man who signed it into law. :eek:

I suspect that you are one of the majority of people who don't understand it and are assuming that nobody does, either.

ObamaCare Facts: Facts on the Obama Health Care Plan

Health Insurance Online - Free Quotes and Information |
That's not true.
The only ones that want it repealed are the ones that don't even understand how it works and just follow their leaders along like sheeple.

A record low number of American voters want to see the Affordable Care Act – Obamacare – repealed, according to a new post-election poll conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Obamacare was not the top issue driving American to vote, although nearly seven in 10 Americans cited it as a “major factor” in their decision choosing between the candidates, according to Kaiser. Voters who listed Obamacare as a major factor were evenly split between Republican Mitt Romney, 47 percent, and President Obama, 46 percent.

Poll: Fewer Support Obamacare Repeal - ABC News

It is true, and the article YOU link to proves it:

But only 33 percent of Americans now want to see the law repealed. Romney had pledged to repeal the law and replace it with new policy. 43 percent of Americans view the law favorably and 39 percent view it unfavorably, according to the poll.

Stop and think about that. PPACA represents a fundamental change in the structure and role of our government, indeed in the fabric of our society, and you're suggesting it's a good idea to shove it through with a mere plurality of support??? Let's talk about insane!

According to your article, 33 percent of Americans - that's 100 million+ people - want the bill repealed; not just tweaked or modified, but wiped off the books. Only 43 percent support the law. Don't you think that before we make such a major change it behooves us to get real consensus? Do you really think such changes will go well when so many actively oppose them??

Insane is right.

Are you insane. 43% is higher than 33%. And the 33% are all probably Faux News viewers who have been lied to and don't even know it. Just from reading the dumb posts being made and the assumptions that are running rampant it's easy to see that some people believe Faux News if it told them the sky was orange.

So, no concern over the lack of consensus? You don't think that's going to cause (indeed, is causing) problems?
It is true, and the article YOU link to proves it:

Stop and think about that. PPACA represents a fundamental change in the structure and role of our government, indeed in the fabric of our society, and you're suggesting it's a good idea to shove it through with a mere plurality of support??? Let's talk about insane!

According to your article, 33 percent of Americans - that's 100 million+ people - want the bill repealed; not just tweaked or modified, but wiped off the books. Only 43 percent support the law. Don't you think that before we make such a major change it behooves us to get real consensus? Do you really think such changes will go well when so many actively oppose them??

Insane is right.

Are you insane. 43% is higher than 33%. And the 33% are all probably Faux News viewers who have been lied to and don't even know it. Just from reading the dumb posts being made and the assumptions that are running rampant it's easy to see that some people believe Faux News if it told them the sky was orange.

So, no concern over the lack of consensus? You don't think that's going to cause (indeed, is causing) problems?

No, because much of the dislike is due to misinformation. Much like the "death panels" that Sarah Palin got all Republican/conservatives all worked up over. Once they start using it, they will know that much of the negative hoopla was just that, hoopla. Look at Medicare, the same kind of response was around from conservatives, but now, they don't want politicians messing with it.
They should let the Obama administration continue to handle it they have done a far better job of delaying Obamacare employer mandate pushed back to 2015 funny how key parts of Obamacare keep getting pushed back till after upcoming elections.
They know obamacare won't be repealed, the object is to delay it and slow it down until it can be repealed. After all, businesses wouldn't have gotten their delay without the time afforded by the votes repealing this atrocity.

It isn't Republicans who are delaying it. The businesses don't want the delay. Don't know where you are getting your erroneous information. If that was the case, they wouldn't be wanting an investigation for the delay.

WASHINGTON -- A group of Republican lawmakers who have voted repeatedly to repeal Obamacare, claiming it will hurt businesses, are now calling for an investigation into why the administration is delaying a part of the law that affects businesses.

"But the same leaders, as well as a dozen other members of the committee, announced Wednesday that they want an investigation into why the White House made the "abrupt decision" to delay the employer mandate for a year.

Republicans Opposed To Obamacare Investigate Delay Of Employer Mandate

Businesses don't want the ACA at all, stop pretending you think you knw anything this Bill.
Sorry to break it to you, you live in Faux News Bubba-land.

What are you a tinfoil hat asshat? they dont have the money, if they do they would rather go on vacation, buy gold teeth, buy the "new in thing" they wont waste their money on Obozo care. they wont buy it in October.

Keep on listening to Faux, you already sound like the rest of the idiots on Faux News and ones that watch it.

Did you know that some Repubicans are in the category you mention? Of course not, you're so racist you can't even imagine that.
Of course, you can't provide facts, just the usual dumb rhetoric from the fringe.

Many of the states with the worst unemployment situations and where peoples unemployment benefits are low or have run out are in the rural south, states like Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Virginia, Tennessee, South Carolina and Arkansas, and those are the very states that are most in need of the cash assistance, food stamps, medical and housing assistance provided by the Federal government yet they tend to vote Republican year after year.

How many Republicans are on Welfare or collecting Farm or Agricultural Subsidies, or other Federal Benefits like Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid | InvestmentWatch

Why can you not debate? instead of putting on bunny ears, bouncing around and crying about fox? Again idiot no one that does not have insurance will waste $100~$300 to buy it

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