Inside Boehner's Debt Limit Surrender...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Man, remember when this current President preached about massive Debt being 'Irresponsible and Un-Patriotic?' Seems like a long long time ago. Almost like it never happened, huh? And now, a supposed Republican 'Leader' has turned on us as well. These are very dark times for our Nation. It's so sad.

How John Boehner decided to give up on the debt limit fight

This week’s debt-limit drama ended as it began: with House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio), standing alone before his colleagues, seeking consensus but receiving only silence and stares in return.

The scene happened Tuesday morning at the Capitol Hill Club, where House Republicans had gathered for a private breakfast.

After listening to a handful of colleagues flatly discuss fundraising strategy for 30 minutes, Boehner stood up, walked past dozens of sleepy, coffee-sipping Republicans and tersely woke up the room with an update.

“Listen – we’re going to move forward,” Boehner said. Instead of bringing up the leadership’s plan, which would link a restoration of recently cut military benefits to a debt-ceiling extension, he would push a “clean” bill, averting default more than two weeks before the Treasury Department’s debt-limit deadline.

“We’re going to get this done,” Boehner continued, according to several people present for his remarks. No strings attached, he added. He said he was going stop reaching for votes on the plan, an effort that had stalled on Monday. And he wasn’t going to even think of floating another proposal. He was going to do what he thought was best for the GOP, in spite of the widespread angst.

For the past week, Boehner said, he had gone through all of the possible options with the conference, had mulled a variety of scenarios, all with the hope of getting 200-plus Republicans united. But nothing ever gained traction, even the military pension fix, which he thought could win Democratic votes.

Ahead of the midterm elections, Boehner argued that now is not the time to get drawn into weeks of dramatic headlines and fiscal battles with President Obama. “We’re not going to make ourselves the story,” he said. He spoke about the need for the party to not get mired in damaging endeavors.

Boehner’s delivery was crisp; his decision was final.

The room of Republicans sat up, stunned that Boehner was abruptly shifting away from the leadership’s plan, which had been championed 12 hours earlier at a Monday night meeting in the Capitol basement. But there were no outcries or boos. A few members whispered to each other that Boehner was right, that due to conservative opposition to any hike, he was cornered...

How John Boehner decided to give up on the debt limit fight
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To bad he could not be more like Pelosi and say things like we need to pass it in order to find out what's in it.

A fight now in a election year when the polls show that the (R)'s will take the senate would be a bad thing. Wait til you have 2/3 of the government and force Obama to veto these bills himself instead of hiding behind Reid's skirt.
I fully agree with then-Senator Barack Obama. This massive Debt is irresponsible and Un-Patriotic.
It's surreal what is happening in Washington with the RINOS. I'm beginning they are actually attempting to drive away the conservative base. Lose the mid terms and rebuild without conservatives.

How soon they forget it was the Tea Party candidates and TP and Libertarian voters who gave the RINOS their power in 2010 and 2012.
It's surreal what is happening in Washington with the RINOS. I'm beginning they are actually attempting to drive away the conservative base. Lose the mid terms and rebuild without conservatives.

How soon they forget it was the Tea Party candidates and TP and Libertarian voters who gave the RINOS their power in 2010 and 2012.

Partially and only in the House, td. The TeaPs cost the GOP the Senate in 2010 and 2012, and the TeaPs got out maneuvered by BHO in October and November, hurting the GOP and crippling Cruz's presidential hopes. I hope the TeaPs and libertarians come to their senses and try to work with the mainstream GOP.
If the GOP could muster up enough votes among their own ranks to propose something, I'm sure the country would listen.

As it is, the GOP can't put forth anything, so they hand the reins over to the Democrats by default.
It's surreal what is happening in Washington with the RINOS. I'm beginning they are actually attempting to drive away the conservative base. Lose the mid terms and rebuild without conservatives.

How soon they forget it was the Tea Party candidates and TP and Libertarian voters who gave the RINOS their power in 2010 and 2012.

Partially and only in the House, td. The TeaPs cost the GOP the Senate in 2010 and 2012, and the TeaPs got out maneuvered by BHO in October and November, hurting the GOP and crippling Cruz's presidential hopes. I hope the TeaPs and libertarians come to their senses and try to work with the mainstream GOP.

You have no "mainstream" in the Republican party. You have progressives aka RINOS. We flushed our Progressive Conservatives many years ago. With Conservatives in the majority now we have bounced back from the world recession with a sound fiscal policy.

We are on the verge of balancing our budget. You? No hope in hell. Your idiots inside the beltway refuse to stop spending.
The only way the gop could lose the house is shutting down the govt again. Boehner proposed linking the debt ceiling to Keystone, but the TPM demurred, because they figured the Senate would tell them to f themselves, which Ried would have done, and they'd have to cave in and pass a clean bill anyway.

The end result is the gop holds the house and probably takes the senate ... though the gop could yet run some nutbags.

The TPM no doubt hates this, but it's actually good news for the gop, which might be why the TPM hates it. But, anyway, the bad news for the gop is that Ayn Paul is setting himself up as "the guy who'll fight Hillary." Monicagate and Benghazigate may well win him the nomination. But, if he tries to run on going back to the gold standard, he'll lose. So, the question may be whether he can morph into a rational person.
The only way the gop could lose the house is shutting down the govt again. Boehner proposed linking the debt ceiling to Keystone, but the TPM demurred, because they figured the Senate would tell them to f themselves, which Ried would have done, and they'd have to cave in and pass a clean bill anyway.

The end result is the gop holds the house and probably takes the senate ... though the gop could yet run some nutbags.

The TPM no doubt hates this, but it's actually good news for the gop, which might be why the TPM hates it. But, anyway, the bad news for the gop is that Ayn Paul is setting himself up as "the guy who'll fight Hillary." Monicagate and Benghazigate may well win him the nomination. But, if he tries to run on going back to the gold standard, he'll lose. So, the question may be whether he can morph into a rational person.

When has Rand advocated the gold standard?

Although Paul wouldn’t comment on whether a gold standard is needed or not, he said the issue should be investigated.

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Here I was ready to give Rand some credit based on the headline, but, as per usual, he hedges and doesn't really come out in favor of anything.

yeah, he dances like an Olympic ice skater.

Rand Paul?s monetary fear-mongering debunked: ?What?s his story where the Fed goes under?? -
Boehner and McConnell have to go. Most Republicans have had enough of being Democrat-Light. The Progressives/Neocons have to go. Their time has passed.
I honestly cannot see how you can fix your economy. It's FUBAR'D. And the RINOS just gave Obama carte blanche to devastate it even further.

This marriage between the RINOS and Obama is going to result in Americans shouting "hopa" and smashing plates. Doomed, just doomed to become Greece.
Rand Paul would be trounced by Clinton. Even Biden would beat him.

Can we PLEASE get a GOP candidate who is not a wack-job?
Rand Paul would be trounced by Clinton. Even Biden would beat him.

Can we PLEASE get a GOP candidate who is not a wack-job?

Define 'wack-job.' Because i can't get a handle on what or who you support. Give us a little more to go on. Start with defining 'wack-job.'
It is a tough choice to pick expediency over principal. But, it is necessary in this case, because the national media is entirely under the control of Progressives.

The smart thing is to be good Boehner boys and leave these disgusting Chicago Politico-Mobsters with nothing to do during this election year but explain the last 5 years of Obama Lies, Incompetence, and Socialism.

Getting rid of Harry Reid is a worthy goal. Will require some sacrifice.

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