Inside Boehner's Debt Limit Surrender...

Rand Paul would be trounced by Clinton. Even Biden would beat him.

Can we PLEASE get a GOP candidate who is not a wack-job?

Define 'wack-job.'


Any extreme fiscal conservative/libertarian/TPM nitwit naïve and delusional enough to think we can govern a modern 21st Century industrialized economy in the context of an 18th Century economic paradigm.

Well no, that's just your deluded Communist Globalist reaction to anyone who opposes your agenda. It in no way legitimately defines them as 'wack-jobs.' Got anything else?
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Rand Paul would be trounced by Clinton. Even Biden would beat him.

Can we PLEASE get a GOP candidate who is not a wack-job?

Define 'wack-job.'


Any extreme fiscal conservative/libertarian/TPM nitwit naïve and delusional enough to think we can govern a modern 21st Century industrialized economy in the context of an 18th Century economic paradigm.

We just did in Canada with the Conservative Party of Canada. We're into a surplus next year. :eusa_angel: And they will only allow a certain level of surplus to exist in case of another recession.

It's simple. Look at this. It's called trying not to spend more money than you are bringing in. Not rocket science.

Total revenues: $276.3 billion

• Total expenses: $279.2 billion
• Shortfall/Deficit: $2.9 billion

Not rocket science. Not at all.

Canada budget 2014 looks to slash public servants? benefits in effort to save billions | National Post
... and the debt grows on :evil: Both sides have grown it for political benefit - be damned with the American people. Now the excuse is to gain the senate :eusa_hand: Obama has made it clear that he won't be a lame duck - not with pen, and phone. :(

The GOP loves spending almost as much as the liberals. Niether want a balanced budget amendment :eusa_liar: It's a chess game where we loose.

At some point, someone is going to have to refuse to increase the debt limit. They need to start realizing it soon - that needs to be the dialogue :eusa_pray:
The entire District of Criminals needs to be cleaned out and disinfected from the Progressive disease that infects it. PERIOD.
And bear in mind our economy went into the toilet when the world wide recession hit as well. BUT my Conservatives didn't look at bail out money and stimulus as a way to reward cronies and buy votes.

They kept their fiscal stick on the ice and we're out of the hole. And your lunatics in Washington keep digging a bigger hole for your economy.
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Define 'wack-job.'


Any extreme fiscal conservative/libertarian/TPM nitwit naïve and delusional enough to think we can govern a modern 21st Century industrialized economy in the context of an 18th Century economic paradigm.

We just did in Canada with the Conservative Party of Canada. We're into a surplus next year. :eusa_angel: And they will only allow a certain level of surplus to exist in case of another recession.

It's simple. Look at this. It's called trying not to spend more money than you are bringing in. Not rocket science.

Total revenues: $276.3 billion

• Total expenses: $279.2 billion
• Shortfall/Deficit: $2.9 billion

Not rocket science. Not at all.

Canada budget 2014 looks to slash public servants? benefits in effort to save billions | National Post

Yes, Canada gets it. It took em awhile, but now they get it. Once they dumped their Communists, things got better. We'll just have to do the same here. Hopefully, it'll happen soon though. Things are rapidly getting worse.
Inside Boehner's Debt Limit Surrender...
The ignorance and contempt exhibited by you and most others on the right never cease to amaze.

Increasing the debt limit doesn’t ‘increase debt,’ any additional spending must be authorized by separate measures.

And since when does allowing our republican form of government to work constitute ‘surrender,’ why the contempt for representative democracy by you and other partisan conservatives?

Boehner allowed a vote on an important issue, where all members of the House, representing the will of the American people, were indeed allowed to vote; as opposed to not allowing the full House to vote on spending legislation when the GOP last shutdown the government.

Is it actually the conservative position that the will of the people should not be allowed to be expressed by their elected representatives?

On September 30, the Republican-led House sent many proposals to continue funding the government through December while delaying or blocking the Affordable Care Act, each of which were blocked by the Democratic-led Senate.[66] Even if the Senate had agreed to House demands, President Obama threatened to veto any bill that would delay the Affordable Care Act.[67]

With only an hour before the start of the shutdown, Republicans in the House attempted to start budget conference-committee negotiations. Senate Democrats, who had attempted to start such negotiations 18 times since January and been denied by GOP members each time, balked: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid stated, "We will not go to conference with a gun to our head," while Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray criticized the move as an attempt by Speaker Boehner "to distract from his constantly changing list of demands." [68]

United States federal government shutdown of 2013 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Classes out for the day?

Any extreme fiscal conservative/libertarian/TPM nitwit naïve and delusional enough to think we can govern a modern 21st Century industrialized economy in the context of an 18th Century economic paradigm.

We just did in Canada with the Conservative Party of Canada. We're into a surplus next year. :eusa_angel: And they will only allow a certain level of surplus to exist in case of another recession.

It's simple. Look at this. It's called trying not to spend more money than you are bringing in. Not rocket science.

Total revenues: $276.3 billion

• Total expenses: $279.2 billion
• Shortfall/Deficit: $2.9 billion

Not rocket science. Not at all.

Canada budget 2014 looks to slash public servants? benefits in effort to save billions | National Post

Yes, Canada gets it. It took em awhile, but now they get it. Once they dumped their Communists, things got better. We'll just have to do the same here. Hopefully, it'll happen soon though. Things are rapidly getting worse.

We had to get the Progressive out of Progressive Conservatives too and yes we wandered in the wilderness for some time. :eusa_angel: But we are doing fine now.

And despite the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the left wingers up here who never saw a tax dollar they didn't like to spend we still have many socially responsible programs to take care of the needy. And working on giving "a hand up, not a hand out".

The problem I see from up here is that not only do you have the President and the Democrats demonizing anyone who favors fiscal responsibility but you have all the progressive bastards like McCain and McConnel and Rove who are so invested in keeping their own power that they're on the "demonizing train" too. It's disgusting.

Here's what's in the new budget. Many social, science and infrastructure projects.

How the government is spending your money:
• $222 million per year over four years for labour market agreements for persons with disabilities (to be matched by provinces and territories)
• $40 million to help entrepreneurs through the Canada Accelerator and Incubator Program
• $75 million over three years to help older workers find jobs for the Targeted Initiative for Older Workers
• $1.5 billion over 10 years to help colleges anduniversities invest in world-class research, for the new Canada First Research Excellence Fund
• $500 million over two years to the Automotive Innovation Fund to help Canada’s automotive industry
• $305 million over five years to provide broadband Internet service to rural and Northern communities
• $15 million over three years to help persons with developmental disabilities find work through the Ready, Willing & Able initiative
• $66.1 million over two years for commercial fisheries programs on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts
• $70 million over three years to boost health services in the North
• $391.5 million over five years to improve roads, dams and bridges in national parks and historic canals
• $10 million for snowmobile trails across the country
• $165 million over two years for the construction of a new bridge over the St. Lawrence River
• $378 million over two years to repair and maintain federal bridges in and around Montreal, including the Champlain Bridge
• $497 million over two years for the Windsor-Detroit crossing
• $390 million over five years to the food safetysystem
• $10.8 million over four years to the Special Olympics Canada
•$200 million over five years to create the National Disaster Mitigation Program, including $11.4 million to upgrade earthquake monitoring

Canada budget 2014 looks to slash public servants? benefits in effort to save billions | National Post
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Couldn't agree more. His political posturing is embarrassingly transparent at times, like talking about a Gold Commission at FreedomFest, while never actually embracing the gold standard itself, and nowhere else. One of the reasons I won't be voting for him when he inevitably runs for President.

Personally, i'm ok with Rand. Is he the perfect Candidate? Absolutely not. But he has taken some brave stands in the past. I just don't see too many out there who have taken similar stands. But the Son is not the Father. Many just need to let that go. He's his own man.

The 'All or Nothing' approach is where many are going wrong. In fact, i think it's very childish in some ways. Rand Paul has a better record than most others, on issues i care about. So he'll definitely have my support if he does run. I just don't see many better Candidates out there. But i'm willing to listen. Who would you rather support?

That's just it, he probably will be the best candidate. Regardless, under no circumstances will I vote for a person who thinks Guantanamo Bay Prison should remain open. His political posturing is just embarrassing and dumb, but the fact that he supports indefinite detention is where I draw the line.
Couldn't agree more. His political posturing is embarrassingly transparent at times, like talking about a Gold Commission at FreedomFest, while never actually embracing the gold standard itself, and nowhere else. One of the reasons I won't be voting for him when he inevitably runs for President.

Personally, i'm ok with Rand. Is he the perfect Candidate? Absolutely not. But he has taken some brave stands in the past. I just don't see too many out there who have taken similar stands. But the Son is not the Father. Many just need to let that go. He's his own man.

The 'All or Nothing' approach is where many are going wrong. In fact, i think it's very childish in some ways. Rand Paul has a better record than most others, on issues i care about. So he'll definitely have my support if he does run. I just don't see many better Candidates out there. But i'm willing to listen. Who would you rather support?

That's just it, he probably will be the best candidate. Regardless, under no circumstances will I vote for a person who thinks Guantanamo Bay Prison should remain open. His political posturing is just embarrassing and dumb, but the fact that he supports indefinite detention is where I draw the line.

Yeah but that's just more of that 'All or Nothing' approach. You have to look at his overall record. He has taken stands that very few others have been brave enough to take. Like i said, the Son is not the Father. But People are just gonna have to let that go. I'm willing to listen though. Who out there would you consider to be a better viable Candidate?
I wonder if I could just not pay my bills and then tell the power company that I am being fiscally responsible. They just might buy it and praise my conservative values.
I wonder if you could get away with telling the bank that holds you maxed out credit card that they better raise your limit, or you won't have the money to pay next month's minimum payment.

Not applicable in my case as I am debt-free but you apparently still think the debt ceiling is permission to spend more, by now even the most dense tea party zombie should know better.
Oh, so politicians are giving themselves more room to spend, but that doesn't mean that they're going to spend.

You really are thick, aren't ya?
I wonder if you could get away with telling the bank that holds you maxed out credit card that they better raise your limit, or you won't have the money to pay next month's minimum payment.

Not applicable in my case as I am debt-free but you apparently still think the debt ceiling is permission to spend more, by now even the most dense tea party zombie should know better.
Oh, so politicians are giving themselves more room to spend, but that doesn't mean that they're going to spend.

You really are thick, aren't ya?

Just in case Brooks Brothers has a good sale!
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Personally, i'm ok with Rand. Is he the perfect Candidate? Absolutely not. But he has taken some brave stands in the past. I just don't see too many out there who have taken similar stands. But the Son is not the Father. Many just need to let that go. He's his own man.

The 'All or Nothing' approach is where many are going wrong. In fact, i think it's very childish in some ways. Rand Paul has a better record than most others, on issues i care about. So he'll definitely have my support if he does run. I just don't see many better Candidates out there. But i'm willing to listen. Who would you rather support?

That's just it, he probably will be the best candidate. Regardless, under no circumstances will I vote for a person who thinks Guantanamo Bay Prison should remain open. His political posturing is just embarrassing and dumb, but the fact that he supports indefinite detention is where I draw the line.

Yeah but that's just more of that 'All or Nothing' approach. You have to look at his overall record. He has taken stands that very few others have been brave enough to take. Like i said, the Son is not the Father. But People are just gonna have to let that go. I'm willing to listen though. Who out there would you consider to be a better viable Candidate?

Again, I doubt there will be a better candidate. I'm willing to compromise, but there has to be a line somewhere. Supporting the indefinite detention of people who we know have committed no crimes is one of those lines for me.
That's just it, he probably will be the best candidate. Regardless, under no circumstances will I vote for a person who thinks Guantanamo Bay Prison should remain open. His political posturing is just embarrassing and dumb, but the fact that he supports indefinite detention is where I draw the line.

Yeah but that's just more of that 'All or Nothing' approach. You have to look at his overall record. He has taken stands that very few others have been brave enough to take. Like i said, the Son is not the Father. But People are just gonna have to let that go. I'm willing to listen though. Who out there would you consider to be a better viable Candidate?

Again, I doubt there will be a better candidate. I'm willing to compromise, but there has to be a line somewhere. Supporting the indefinite detention of people who we know have committed no crimes is one of those lines for me.

I hear ya, but you have to try not to get stuck on one issue. Look at the man's overall record. He's stood up while most others laid down. Have you looked into his current Lawsuit against the Obama Administration on NSA Spying? Personally, i think that's a very courageous stand. More Republicans and Democrats should stand with him. But i doubt many will. Anyway, i feel he's the best we got at this point. But i'm open to considering other Candidates.
Let's be real, Boehner and McConnell have become Obama's little bitches. Just groveling at his feet begging for scraps. The Republican Party desperately needs new leadership. 'Let's just be more like Democrats, but not too much', has gotten old. It's an old failed Karl Rove doctrine. It's time for change.
Yeah but that's just more of that 'All or Nothing' approach. You have to look at his overall record. He has taken stands that very few others have been brave enough to take. Like i said, the Son is not the Father. But People are just gonna have to let that go. I'm willing to listen though. Who out there would you consider to be a better viable Candidate?

Again, I doubt there will be a better candidate. I'm willing to compromise, but there has to be a line somewhere. Supporting the indefinite detention of people who we know have committed no crimes is one of those lines for me.

I hear ya, but you have to try not to get stuck on one issue. Look at the man's overall record. He's stood up while most others laid down. Have you looked into his current Lawsuit against the Obama Administration on NSA Spying? Personally, i think that's a very courageous stand. More Republicans and Democrats should stand with him. But i doubt many will. Anyway, i feel he's the best we got at this point. But i'm open to considering other Candidates.

I think getting stuck on one issue is fine if the issue is one of such importance. I support any lawsuit that takes on the NSA's spying, though I don't see much hope for victory there, but I think Rand's lawsuit is just more political posturing. He wants to be seen going after the Obama administration but doesn't want to publicly support the man who made it possible, Edward Snowden. That tells me he's just playing politics ahead of 2016.
Again, I doubt there will be a better candidate. I'm willing to compromise, but there has to be a line somewhere. Supporting the indefinite detention of people who we know have committed no crimes is one of those lines for me.

I hear ya, but you have to try not to get stuck on one issue. Look at the man's overall record. He's stood up while most others laid down. Have you looked into his current Lawsuit against the Obama Administration on NSA Spying? Personally, i think that's a very courageous stand. More Republicans and Democrats should stand with him. But i doubt many will. Anyway, i feel he's the best we got at this point. But i'm open to considering other Candidates.

I think getting stuck on one issue is fine if the issue is one of such importance. I support any lawsuit that takes on the NSA's spying, though I don't see much hope for victory there, but I think Rand's lawsuit is just more political posturing. He wants to be seen going after the Obama administration but doesn't want to publicly support the man who made it possible, Edward Snowden. That tells me he's just playing politics ahead of 2016.

Again, it seems like it's 'All or Nothing' for you. All i can do is suggest you give the man more of a chance. He's been leading the way on very important issues. I'm not sure how much more you can demand of the guy.
I honestly cannot see how you can fix your economy. It's FUBAR'D. And the RINOS just gave Obama carte blanche to devastate it even further.

This marriage between the RINOS and Obama is going to result in Americans shouting "hopa" and smashing plates. Doomed, just doomed to become Greece.

You have no idea what you are talking about. No country borrowing in its own currency has to become Greece. The debt is not a problem, the depression is. And trying to reduce debt while in depression will make it all worse. That's what happened to Greece, but the US do not have to do that.
I hear ya, but you have to try not to get stuck on one issue. Look at the man's overall record. He's stood up while most others laid down. Have you looked into his current Lawsuit against the Obama Administration on NSA Spying? Personally, i think that's a very courageous stand. More Republicans and Democrats should stand with him. But i doubt many will. Anyway, i feel he's the best we got at this point. But i'm open to considering other Candidates.

I think getting stuck on one issue is fine if the issue is one of such importance. I support any lawsuit that takes on the NSA's spying, though I don't see much hope for victory there, but I think Rand's lawsuit is just more political posturing. He wants to be seen going after the Obama administration but doesn't want to publicly support the man who made it possible, Edward Snowden. That tells me he's just playing politics ahead of 2016.

Again, it seems like it's 'All or Nothing' for you. All i can do is suggest you give the man more of a chance. He's been leading the way on very important issues. I'm not sure how much more you can demand of the guy.

you confuse hucksterism with leadership. A google search would reveal dozens of respected insiders who bipartisanly oppose the program ... only without filing a law suit to get attention.
I think getting stuck on one issue is fine if the issue is one of such importance. I support any lawsuit that takes on the NSA's spying, though I don't see much hope for victory there, but I think Rand's lawsuit is just more political posturing. He wants to be seen going after the Obama administration but doesn't want to publicly support the man who made it possible, Edward Snowden. That tells me he's just playing politics ahead of 2016.

Again, it seems like it's 'All or Nothing' for you. All i can do is suggest you give the man more of a chance. He's been leading the way on very important issues. I'm not sure how much more you can demand of the guy.

you confuse hucksterism with leadership. A google search would reveal dozens of respected insiders who bipartisanly oppose the program ... only without filing a law suit to get attention.

I don't have a problem with filing a lawsuit over the issue, as the ACLU has also done, and I don't even have a problem with Rand doing it. I think the simple truth, however, is that he's doing it as a political stunt more than he is in an attempt to change the law. I don't have a problem with political stunts in and of themselves, but I do object to the hypocrisy of his position regarding Edward Snowden.

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