Inside Boehner's Debt Limit Surrender...

The worse thing you can do when you're number 1# within science, r@d and said to be the worlds reknown super power is to slice and give up on them. We'd be better off bringing our troops home and cutting 200 billion from the military.

Rome didn't become great by cutting science, education or infrastructure. No, it became great by building and bettering its people.

Brition didn't become great by cutting. It fucked up when it started expanding as we're doing and doing less with its own people.

This is where the conservative movement is wrong.

Define 'cutting.' I think we would disagree somewhat on that definition. But we do agree that scaling back our 'Empire-Building' would be a logical and effective cut.

I think we should get out of all the wars and cut the military to 300 billion just for our own defense. Most of this could be done by bringing all the troops home.

Science, r@d, infrastructure and education aren't the cause of our debt. They haven't want up in decades as a percentage of our gdp. So how could it??? Why not look at the real reasons for our blotted government like Healthcare, ssi, ssd, food stamps and military spending that makes up close to 2/3rds of government spending.

Focus on area's that don't add much to our economy and improve on the area's that do.
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The only way the gop could lose the house is shutting down the govt again. Boehner proposed linking the debt ceiling to Keystone, but the TPM demurred, because they figured the Senate would tell them to f themselves, which Ried would have done, and they'd have to cave in and pass a clean bill anyway.

The end result is the gop holds the house and probably takes the senate ... though the gop could yet run some nutbags.

The TPM no doubt hates this, but it's actually good news for the gop, which might be why the TPM hates it. But, anyway, the bad news for the gop is that Ayn Paul is setting himself up as "the guy who'll fight Hillary." Monicagate and Benghazigate may well win him the nomination. But, if he tries to run on going back to the gold standard, he'll lose. So, the question may be whether he can morph into a rational person.

Paul's a possibility, not a probability.

yeah, even the Kochs seemed resigned. I'm not sure about freedom works. But the TPM money came from 10-25 individual very wealthy (and a few aspiring). Wall St can bury them, and they know it.
I personally am fine with keeping the spot light on the Epic Fail of ObamaCare.

Editorials such as this prove how desperate the Dems are for the GOP to provide a distraction:

Obamacare frees the American worker: Column

This is exactly right. Obama and company could give a rat's ass WHAT topic is used to divert attention from Obamacare. They welcome anything, no matter what, to get the attention off of it and something else on the front pages. And another debt limit fight would fit that bill just fine so far as they are concerned. That would take up a few weeks until they can find another dog to wag.

The mainstream media will never support anything the GOP House does or report it honestly. They'll simply make the GOP look like childish butt hurt silly people and will never admit the GOP has a valid complaint or point of view. So no matter how right the GOP is, they can't win on an issue like that so long as the Senate and the White House won't admit they have a valid point. All Obama and Reid have to do is wait it out while the GOP is painted blacker and blacker and hurting America, etc.

Boehner may actually be dumb like a fox in not playing that game any more and focusing on something the public actually can understand and will support.
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The worse thing you can do when you're number 1# within science, r@d and said to be the worlds reknown super power is to slice and give up on them. We'd be better off bringing our troops home and cutting 200 billion from the military.

Rome didn't become great by cutting science, education or infrastructure. No, it became great by building and bettering its people.

Brition didn't become great by cutting. It fucked up when it started expanding as we're doing and doing less with its own people.

This is where the conservative movement is wrong.

Define 'cutting.' I think we would disagree somewhat on that definition. But we do agree that scaling back our 'Empire-Building' would be a logical and effective cut.

I think we should get out of all the wars and cut the military to 300 billion just for our own defense. Most of this could be done by bringing all the troops home.

Science, r@d, infrastructure and education aren't the cause of our debt. They haven't want up in decades as a percentage of our gdp. So how could it??? Why not look at the real reasons for our blotted government like Healthcare, ssi, ssd, food stamps and military spending that makes up close to 2/3rds of government spending.

Focus on area's that don't add much to our economy and improve on the area's that do.

I like what i hear. Maybe you should reconsider your belief that the Conservative Movement is wrong? Just a thought anyway.
Do we really want to leave Russia to militarily dominate the former Eastern Bloc, or allow China to claim whatever waters are convenient? Iran would be more than happy to be the dominant non-Jewish ME state.
The worse thing you can do when you're number 1# within science, r@d and said to be the worlds reknown super power is to slice and give up on them. We'd be better off bringing our troops home and cutting 200 billion from the military.

Rome didn't become great by cutting science, education or infrastructure. No, it became great by building and bettering its people.

Brition didn't become great by cutting. It fucked up when it started expanding as we're doing and doing less with its own people.

This is where the conservative movement is wrong.
Johnny One-note rides again! :lol:

Gutting America with punishing Americans for your stupid wars is the real one note.:evil:
They were not my stupid wars, sport.
... and the debt grows on :evil: Both sides have grown it for political benefit - be damned with the American people. Now the excuse is to gain the senate :eusa_hand: Obama has made it clear that he won't be a lame duck - not with pen, and phone. :(

The GOP loves spending almost as much as the liberals. Niether want a balanced budget amendment :eusa_liar: It's a chess game where we loose.

At some point, someone is going to have to refuse to increase the debt limit. They need to start realizing it soon - that needs to be the dialogue :eusa_pray:
From the OP:

Ahead of the midterm elections, Boehner argued that now is not the time to get drawn into weeks of dramatic headlines and fiscal battles with President Obama. “We’re not going to make ourselves the story,” he said. He spoke about the need for the party to not get mired in damaging endeavors.

Good idea for pubs just to coast on Obamacare until he is out of office. He has stopped blaming Bush and has been blaming the Republican party for government failures for at least the last 18 months. This is good strategy. Give him whatever he wants.
Ach, we just have to raise the non-disabled retirement age, curb cost of living raises, limit medicare increases, raise the caps somewhat, and make obamacare (or its successor) revenue neutral. And curb tax perks for the uberwealty and passive income.

Although Paul wouldn’t comment on whether a gold standard is needed or not, he said the issue should be investigated.

Gold News, Gold Market, Mining Companies, Silver News | Kitco News

Here I was ready to give Rand some credit based on the headline, but, as per usual, he hedges and doesn't really come out in favor of anything.

yeah, he dances like an Olympic ice skater.

Rand Paul?s monetary fear-mongering debunked: ?What?s his story where the Fed goes under?? -

Couldn't agree more. His political posturing is embarrassingly transparent at times, like talking about a Gold Commission at FreedomFest, while never actually embracing the gold standard itself, and nowhere else. One of the reasons I won't be voting for him when he inevitably runs for President.
The worse thing you can do when you're number 1# within science, r@d and said to be the worlds reknown super power is to slice and give up on them. We'd be better off bringing our troops home and cutting 200 billion from the military.

Rome didn't become great by cutting science, education or infrastructure. No, it became great by building and bettering its people.

Brition didn't become great by cutting. It fucked up when it started expanding as we're doing and doing less with its own people.

This is where the conservative movement is wrong.

Define 'cutting.' I think we would disagree somewhat on that definition. But we do agree that scaling back our 'Empire-Building' would be a logical and effective cut.

I think we should get out of all the wars and cut the military to 300 billion just for our own defense. Most of this could be done by bringing all the troops home.

Science, r@d, infrastructure and education aren't the cause of our debt. They haven't want up in decades as a percentage of our gdp. So how could it??? Why not look at the real reasons for our blotted government like Healthcare, ssi, ssd, food stamps and military spending that makes up close to 2/3rds of government spending.

Focus on area's that don't add much to our economy and improve on the area's that do.

The problems weren't the wars per se Matthew. The wars were won quickly. It was nation building that has cost the economy ever so dearly.

And what still happened under Obama? Egypt, Libya and they were all set to go into Syria until it made the headlines that the rebels were actually paid mercenaries and Al Qaeda was taking over the original anti Assad groups.

BUT your real problem is that the inside the beltway power trippers you have don't consider revenue as part of the economy, and that you shouldn't spend more than you bring in.

No. Progressives, Democrats and RINOS alike consider revenue to be payolla to voters so they can return to power. All pigs at the trough.
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Inside Boehner's Debt Limit Surrender...
The ignorance and contempt exhibited by you and most others on the right never cease to amaze.

Increasing the debt limit doesn’t ‘increase debt,’ any additional spending must be authorized by separate measures.

And since when does allowing our republican form of government to work constitute ‘surrender,’ why the contempt for representative democracy by you and other partisan conservatives?

Boehner allowed a vote on an important issue, where all members of the House, representing the will of the American people, were indeed allowed to vote; as opposed to not allowing the full House to vote on spending legislation when the GOP last shutdown the government.

Is it actually the conservative position that the will of the people should not be allowed to be expressed by their elected representatives?
I wonder if I could just not pay my bills and then tell the power company that I am being fiscally responsible. They just might buy it and praise my conservative values.
Gold News, Gold Market, Mining Companies, Silver News | Kitco News

Here I was ready to give Rand some credit based on the headline, but, as per usual, he hedges and doesn't really come out in favor of anything.

yeah, he dances like an Olympic ice skater.

Rand Paul?s monetary fear-mongering debunked: ?What?s his story where the Fed goes under?? -

Couldn't agree more. His political posturing is embarrassingly transparent at times, like talking about a Gold Commission at FreedomFest, while never actually embracing the gold standard itself, and nowhere else. One of the reasons I won't be voting for him when he inevitably runs for President.

Personally, i'm ok with Rand. Is he the perfect Candidate? Absolutely not. But he has taken some brave stands in the past. I just don't see too many out there who have taken similar stands. But the Son is not the Father. Many just need to let that go. He's his own man.

The 'All or Nothing' approach is where many are going wrong. In fact, i think it's very childish in some ways. Rand Paul has a better record than most others, on issues i care about. So he'll definitely have my support if he does run. I just don't see many better Candidates out there. But i'm willing to listen. Who would you rather support?
I wonder if I could just not pay my bills and then tell the power company that I am being fiscally responsible. They just might buy it and praise my conservative values.
I wonder if you could get away with telling the bank that holds you maxed out credit card that they better raise your limit, or you won't have the money to pay next month's minimum payment.
I wonder if I could just not pay my bills and then tell the power company that I am being fiscally responsible. They just might buy it and praise my conservative values.
I wonder if you could get away with telling the bank that holds you maxed out credit card that they better raise your limit, or you won't have the money to pay next month's minimum payment.

Not applicable in my case as I am debt-free but you apparently still think the debt ceiling is permission to spend more, by now even the most dense tea party zombie should know better.
It's not rocket science to balance a budget. And this latest move by the RINOS and the Democrats proves without a doubt that they have no intention to.
Rand Paul would be trounced by Clinton. Even Biden would beat him.

Can we PLEASE get a GOP candidate who is not a wack-job?

Define 'wack-job.'


Any extreme fiscal conservative/libertarian/TPM nitwit naïve and delusional enough to think we can govern a modern 21st Century industrialized economy in the context of an 18th Century economic paradigm.
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Last November I asked folks this question: Will GOP Blow Its Current Advantage In January?

The government shutdown just a month and a half ago significantly damaged the GOP in the polls. The party hit new lows.
And we will hit the debt ceiling again on February 7.

If the government shuts down again, the American people will begin to acquire a Pavlovian response every time they think of a Republican. "These assholes keep shutting down the goddam government!"

So forget about all the chest thumping about the mid terms which are a political eternity away. What are your predictions for Shutdown Showdown II: This Time We REALLY Mean It?

Various non-answers followed.

Then I made this prediction:

So here's my prediction.

Rather than submit a budget which defunds ObamaCare, the GOP will submit one which extends the individual mandate deadline (they will shoot for a year or so), along with other extensions and alterations for various components of ObamaCare.

Some haggling will ensue, with a few of their demands met, some reduced, some denied. Then the debt ceiling will be raised.

Well, the GOP totally capitulated. Didn't even ask for an extension of the individual mandate!

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