Inside Operation Warp Speed: Coronavirus vaccine rolls off US production lines ahead of FDA approval as Army General in charge of distribution says he


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
The program to vaccinate 300 million Americans against COVID-19 is already well underway, as video from CBS' 60 Minutes shows hundreds of vials of vaccine being stockpiled ahead of its approval by the FDA

But the four star general tasked by Donald Trump to run Operation Warp Speed said that his biggest fear is people not wanting to take a vaccine.

He is correct. We won't.
I thought you guys said the virus was all hype and a Democrat Hoax? It was going to disappear on the 4th.
I thought you guys said the virus was all hype and a Democrat Hoax? It was going to disappear on the 4th.

You guys? The virus IS over hyped and it's got you Progs terrified.
WARP SPEED: US says Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine to start arriving in states Monday.

Earlier: Operation Warp Speed: Trump’s End-Run Around The Failure Of Civilian Bureaucracy: New document reveals scope and structure of Operation Warp Speed and underscores vast military involvement. “The military’s extensive involvement in the development and distribution of a vaccine is a departure from pandemics of the past.”

Curiously, in May, NBC was rather skeptical that a vaccine could be delivered by the end of the year:


The capstone to a truly amazing presidency.
Trump did what the media called impossible

Bloomberg TV reported on May 1, "It Is Impossible to Have a Vaccine by End of Year, Says Dr. Michael Kinch."

And yet, 7 months later, here we are. The FDA finally approved a vaccine that easily could have been good to go by Election Day.

67,000 dead since election day.
6,706,369 active cases at a completed case death rate of 2.5% is another 167,659 dead just clearing the current cases.

That's a lot of dead Americans.
Lying Fake News NBC reported, "'Fact check': Trump needs 'miracle' to be right about rosy vaccine timeline, experts say."

That story said, "But experts said the development, testing, and production of vaccine for the public is still at least 12 to 18 months off, and that anything less would be a medical miracle."

Whether you vaccinate is up to you.

That you will be able to vaccinate is thanks to President Trump.

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