Inside the meltdown


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

On Thursday, Sept. 18, 2008, the astonished leadership of the U.S. Congress was told in a private session by the chairman of the Federal Reserve that the American economy was in grave danger of a complete meltdown within a matter of days. "There was literally a pause in that room where the oxygen left," says Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.). (more »)
As the housing bubble burst and trillions of dollars' worth of toxic mortgages began to go bad in 2007, fear spread through the massive firms that form the heart of Wall Street. By the spring of 2008, burdened by billions of dollars of bad mortgages, the investment bank Bear Stearns was the subject of rumors that it would soon fail.
Watch The Full Program | Inside The Meltdown | FRONTLINE | PBS

Documentary “Inside Job” Explores Roots of Financial Crisis
– report & video
Documentary “Inside Job” Explores Roots of Financial Crisis – report & video | dailyQi

The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse
September 2008 launched an extraordinary chain of events: General Motors, the world’s largest company, went bust. Washington Mutual became the world’s largest bank failure. Lehman Brothers became the world’s largest bankruptcy ever – The damage quickly spread around the world, shattering global confidence in the fundamental structures of the international economy.
Meltdown also tells the stories of desperate foreclosed homeowners in California, disillusioned autoworkers at the end of the line in Ontario and furious workers in France who shocked the world by kidnapping their own bosses.
1. The Men Who Crashed the World.
2. A Global Tsunami.
3. Paying the Price.
4. After the Fall.
The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse | Watch Free Documentary Online
Obama the socialist, fascist, communist, anointed, savior and the worse president ever prevented the worse global financial meltdown ever. They attack obama for not fixing the problem quicker but fail to attack Bush for causing it. Obama did perform a miracle. Yes he can, yes he did and yes he will finish what he started.
If I had any doubt about Obama and his advisors, after watching Frontline’s “2008 Financial Meltdown” I no longer have any doubt that Obama is the best man to fix the broken economy he has earned the right to finish the job he started. We are headed in the right direction and to change directors mid stream would be another financial disaster.
Obama the socialist, fascist, communist, anointed, savior and the worse president ever prevented the worse global financial meltdown ever. They attack obama for not fixing the problem quicker but fail to attack Bush for causing it. Obama did perform a miracle. Yes he can, yes he did and yes he will finish what he started.
If I had any doubt about Obama and his advisors, after watching Frontline’s “2008 Financial Meltdown” I no longer have any doubt that Obama is the best man to fix the broken economy he has earned the right to finish the job he started. We are headed in the right direction and to change directors mid stream would be another financial disaster.

Bush Policies Contributed to the problem, only Complete Left wing Lemmings repeat the Tired old lie that he caused them.

The Problems were growing For Decades, and were caused by a Series of Presidents and Congresses from Both Parties.

You lose all Credibility when you repeat simple Minded Childish Crap like Bush Caused it.

I Fail to see how Obama has "Earned the right to Finish what he started" Obama has proven himself to be no different than any other Lying Politician, from any party. His policies are not designed to Fix our Debt Problems, or Address our Very Real Long Term Entitlement Issues, and don't even Attempt to Fix the Underlying problems that Built for Decades and Caused the Melt Down. Nope, Every single one of his Policies is Designed in an Attempt to cause SHORT term Relief, and Short Term, Temporary GDP Growth in an Effort to win an Election.

Obama, and anyone supporting his Big Spending Band Aids instead of Real Solutions,and actually facing our Long Term Debt Problems. Are in Fact compounding the Very problems that caused this all.

It don't matter though, It's not like Electing a Republican would change a damn thing. Were never going to stop these Reckless, Irresponsible Assholes in DC. They will always only see as far as the next Election when Making Policy. Eventually their Policies will lead to the Real Collapse, and 100 Years from Now Historians will Document how America went the Same way as Every other Major World Power Before it. Over Stretched, and Broke we will collapse under our own Weight.

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Obama the socialist, fascist, communist, anointed, savior and the worse president ever prevented the worse global financial meltdown ever. They attack obama for not fixing the problem quicker but fail to attack Bush for causing it. Obama did perform a miracle. Yes he can, yes he did and yes he will finish what he started.
If I had any doubt about Obama and his advisors, after watching Frontline’s “2008 Financial Meltdown” I no longer have any doubt that Obama is the best man to fix the broken economy he has earned the right to finish the job he started. We are headed in the right direction and to change directors mid stream would be another financial disaster.

The only achievement that Barack Obama has accomplished has been to stem the tide of illegal aliens from pouring across our borders.

He accomplished this by making the U.S. economy so stagnant and unattractive, that any citizen of a foreign country had NO REASON to enter the U.S. illegally.
Obama the socialist, fascist, communist, anointed, savior and the worse president ever prevented the worse global financial meltdown ever. They attack obama for not fixing the problem quicker but fail to attack Bush for causing it. Obama did perform a miracle. Yes he can, yes he did and yes he will finish what he started.


We're gonna have to wait-and-see if the "conservatives"/Teabaggers rush-in to dry the blubbering-bankers' tears.....


June 25, 2012


"Wall $treet is ramping up a campaign against rules that are designed to prevent financial firms from being too interconnected, arguing that the well-intended regulations could backfire and hurt markets.

The rules, which limit financial institutions from having too much exposure to any one party, have not grabbed nearly as much attention as the Volcker rule. But Wall Street banks fear they could hurt their profits as much - if not more.

The Federal Reserve proposed the "counterparty exposure" rules late last year, as required by the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial oversight law. If banks have too many links to one another, the demise of any one financial company can set off a domino effect and imperil the system.

The rules apply to multiple businesses, but many financial institutions worry the biggest impact could be on their derivatives businesses, which banks could be forced to trim."

"It's only been a few years since one of the country's worst financial collapses destroyed the economy but already, the regulatory apparatus designed to prevent another such catastrophe is being gutted by House Republicans. On Tuesday, the House Appropriations Committee voted to cut funding for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the signature enforcer of the Dodd-Frank law passed in the aftermath of the financial collapse."


Stupid Fuckin' TEABAGGERS!!!

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