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Inside The Racist Mind

Again you prove my point. Nothing whites here say about us is race baiting in your view. But let a black person post a racist policy or statement by whites and you start whining about race baiting. White males are mowing themselves down too in virtually equal percentage and you spend your time ignorantly talking about blacks. STEM schools aren't considered racist because they expect people to use logic and facts. Logic and facts are your enemy lady. That's all part of your white racist groupthink.

Racism creates psychological damages that you don't seem to think exists. You run your mouth off without studying the problem. That's why I say you're ignorant. You have the luxury to run off at the mouth because you wake up white every day and do not have to use strategies to stop you from buying a automatic weapon, walking into a crowd of white people and opening fire.

You talk shit on blacks daily while the historical record of whitey shows that many of you are everything you claim we are. Some are worse, yet you try telling us that documented history, continuing occurrences and attitudes we read from people like you don't exist. Fortunately far many more whites aren't bottom of the barrel uneducated racist idiots.

“Bryant-Davis and Ocampo (2005) noted similar courses of psychopathology between rape victims and victims of racism. Both events are an assault on the personhood and integrity of the victim. Similar to rape victims, race-related trauma victims may respond with disbelief, shock, or dissociation, which can prevent them from responding to the incident in a healthy manner. The victim may then feel shame and self-blame because they were unable to respond or defend themselves, which may lead to low self-concept and self-destructive behaviors. In the same study, a parallel was drawn between race-related trauma victims and victims of domestic violence. Both survivors are made to feel shame over allowing themselves to be victimized. For instance, someone who may have experienced a racist incident may be told that if they are polite, work hard, and/or dress in a certain way, they will not encounter racism. When these rules are followed yet racism persists, powerlessness, hyper vigilance, and other symptoms associated with PTSD may develop or worsen (Bryant-Davis & Ocampo, 2005).”

Monnica T. Williams Ph.D.

The psychological impact of racism must be paid attention to if there is ever going to be a true and logical reduction in the behavior. This is mainly due to a refusal to accept that certain behaviors done by nonwhites are caused by white racism. Racism causes chronic stress. Understanding this has serious implications for health outcomes in the black community. While I am not a doctor, what I have read by medical professionals explains how constant stress will create unhealthy outcomes. The continuing racism blacks face keep blacks stressed out and creates chemical imbalances within our bodies causing a wide variety of health problems.

If you study abuse, it has been shown that specific types of abuse can cause different types of behaviors ether positive or negative. I, like many other blacks, have discussed racism with whites in person to person interactions, social gatherings, online forums, message walls, chat rooms and other social media. I have tried to inform on the impact of racism from the perspective of being black. What I discovered is that a lot of whites really do not have understand what racism can do to a person. For example, you try explaining to a white person that a certain behavior was caused by racism and that person just cannot believe it. So many who have not experienced the feelings that hit a black person or anyone of color when they experience a racist incident are willing to speak as experts on what they believe cannot happen. Yet if you talk to this same person about child abuse, sexual abuse or other types of abuses, they are more than able to talk about the behaviors that can result. But racism, well that’s just something you can easily get beyond. Meanwhile every other type of abuse is a lifelong struggle for the person who must deal with it.

Racism includes and has included these things:
  • Emotional/Psychological abuse
  • Financial abuse
  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Verbal abuse
  • Spiritual abuse

Tremendous psychological damage has been inflicted on nonwhites because of the racist policies and individual actions by whites in America and worldwide. But some whites seem to think that racism is simple and that it carries no psychological consequences to those who are the victims of it.

“On occasion, the emotional weight of racism can lead African Americans to engage in maladaptive coping, such as remaining in denial, engaging in substance use, aggression, self-blame – even in extreme cases suicide (i.e., Black Lives Matter activist Marshawn McCarrel) and terrorism (i.e., Dallas shooter Micah Xavier Johnson). These responses are harmful and lead to negative, long-term consequences.”

Monnica T. Williams Ph.D.

Findings from large-scale national studies indicate that, while African Americans have a lower risk for many anxiety disorders, they have a 9.1% prevalence rate for PTSD, compared to 6.8% in Whites (Himle et al, 2009). That means that almost one in ten Black people becomes traumatized, and I think these rates may actually be higher since diagnosticians are usually not considering the role of racism in causing trauma (Malcoun, Williams, & Bahojb-Nouri, 2015).

Dennis R. Upkins
You're an imbecile with no knowledge of what racism does. It's because you don't live with it. So your opinion is irrelevant. The fact that it is will not stop you from posting your retarded scrabble, but from this point on you are going to get educated.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
I don't find Mary's post "pathetic" Can you expand on your allegation? I agree
that BLM PREYS on shallow minds and is winning lots of adherents by doing so.
The progam's BIG SUCCESS, however, is in making itself a cultural NORM. That
endeavor has, in New York City, been MANDATED by the government to its
MaryL is basically Bill O'Reilly in drag, and if that's not pathetic, then I don't know what is. And pathetic is putting it mildly BTW.

Can you expound on your claims in this post?

I asked first. For the record, I am in the thick of it-----right here in my little residence with a window. I have not left my little perch for weeks. I am old but years ago lived right on the edge of the murder center of New York City----to wit ---East New York, brooklyn. For several years I was charged with determining "BRAIN DEATH" ---for the lucky victims of acute lead poisoning of the brain. The role as an interesting experience-----I can do the whole "brain death" protocol in my sleep. The hospital was catchment for all kinds of death-----but MOST OF IT----OVERWHELMINGLY----was black on black-----tragically young black on black----one after the other----
at one point averaging one per week in an area of space no bigger (my approximation) than a square mile. There was other violent crime----black on black and black on white---------well that was there. It was tragic
And for all those years you paid no attention to white on white violence.

all what years? all those years I did not see white on white violence. Kinda funny
experience. I lived in a black area for a few years and then moved to a place---REALLY WEIRD. with those hot shot religious jews---the chassidim. Weird but never violent. Then this guy was murdered....................stabbed. HOWEVER ----long long ago I did live in an area of the world where MAFIA sorta WAS. Very calm-----just an occasional dead body in the river. Not NY.
Of course you didn't. Whites never commit crimes. Whites are never violent.
Facetiousness isn't your best suit. You ally with race bating haters, or you reject them, its that simple. splitting hairs and being ambiguous and sitting on fences is the cowards way out.
Mary, you are a racist. To you race baiting is only when blacks post facts about white racism. Meanwhile you do nothing but race bait.
No kiddo, that's not what I saying. You are pro idiocy. Racism is a meaningless pejorative that's being abused by idiots to shut down the debate. The term "racism" is so subjective it is meaningless now.
Mary you are delusional. Racism is not subjective. Whites have a history of using racial dog whistles. And you have made comments about blacks that are racist by definition. Last you expound on and on about blacks while ignoring the same things in whites. Whites like you want to pretend the term racism is meaningless but it isn't And it whites like you who call others racist for pointing out things whites continue doing.

im-2, dear-----humans have a history of "racism" ----it is called TRIBAL LOYALTY -----and it has been ongoing for millennia. In fact----apes do it too

wrong??? can you point out a country in which there is no tribalism or racism or rejection of "OTHER"? -------any place, any time?
There were no racial classifications until the the 15-1600's. Your everybody had racism from the beginning is a piss poor excuse white racists use. It was wrong no matter when and given the fact we are supposed to be more advanced than pre historic man, your excuse is sad.

Now when you are able to understand the difference between systemic racism and tribal membership, let me know.

im2 dear-----you are working HARD to prove your stupidity. The issue of humans taking notice of "THEM" vs "US" is well documented. ------yanno
MENDEVLEEV did not invent the Periodic Table until
1869--------according to your "logic" the element
IRON, therefore did not exist during the revolutionary war. Why are you so desperate to BE A VICTIM?-----
in fact----you aren't-----you are more likely to be the
predator than the prey.
I know you're trying real hard to discount white racism but the fact remains that race was not a consideration until the 15-1600's. Race is a construct, iron is a existing mineral. I think that when we look at the history of this nation whites have been the predators. And when we look at the system, we see that whites have always given themselves more than they allowed others to get. He who knows the truth cannot be a victim. Understand that old white woman, because if not for us, you'd still be baking biscuits.
So here we are going to look at terms like entitlement and dependence on government. We are going to look it this from a different perspective. Generally when we talk about entitlement, it is usually with disdain because as a country we have informed ourselves that no one is entitled to anything but the right to work hard and to earn your place on the merits. Yet there are plenty of examples that show us this is just simply not the truth and maybe now that we have reached the 21st century and are well into it, that we start being truthful. Sub groups within the white community want to blame minority groups for having an entitlement mentality because of laws that eliminated segregation and racist policies, or at least reduced them in practice to such a level that nonwhites can at least try competing in the system.

These are not entitlements. They are policies and laws put in place to guarantee equal protection under the law for nonwhites who were not getting those protections before the laws were made. Entitlement is a little different from that. Per Merriam Webster, the full definition of entitlement is:

State or condition of being entitled. A right to benefits specified by law or contract. A government program providing benefits to a specific group. Belief that one is deserving of or entitled to certain privileges.

Let us start with the first part of the definition: State or condition of being entitled. The system in America is built upon white racial superiority. What made whites believe they were superior therefore entitled to things that others were not? What made the whites from Europe decide they had the right to invade this continent and create a government when governments were already here?

After doing a lot of reading, it appears that we must take ourselves back to the era of what was called the Age of Enlightenment. Now I don’t know just exactly who was enlightened by these ideas, because to people who weren’t of European descent the era had nothing to do with being “enlightened.” In fact, Europeans were not enlightened either. This era was also called the Age of Reason, but what came out of this age were some of the most unreasoned and crazed ideas in the history of mankind. This era supposedly advanced ideals like liberty, progress, tolerance, fraternity, constitutional government, along with separation of church and state. But it also fostered the idea of scientific racism. That “reason and enlightenment” came equipped with philosophies steeped in racism. As usual half of the story is not told to promote some great ideal of superiority of thought and reason based on the European or white ideal. However, the top thinkers of the time held ideas or beliefs such as this:

“I am apt to suspect the negroes and in general all other species of men (for there are four or five different kinds) to be naturally inferior to the whites. There never was a civilized nation of any other complexion than white, nor even any individual eminent either in action or speculation. No ingenious manufactures amongst them, no arts, no sciences. On the other hand, the most rude and barbarous of the whites, such as the ancient GERMANS, the present TARTARS, have still something eminent about them in their valour, form of government, or some other particular. Such a uniform and constant differences could not happen in so many countries and ages, if nature had not made an original distinction betwixt these breeds of men. Not to mention our colonies, there are Negroe slaves dispersed all over Europe, of which none ever discovered any symptoms of ingenuity, tho' low people, without education, will start up amonst us, and distinguish themselves in every profession. In JAMAICA indeed they talk of one negroe as a man of parts and learning; but 'tis likely he is admired for very slender accomplishments like a parrot, who speaks a few words plainly. “

David Hume,
“Of National Characters”

Manu Musa might have disagreed with this assessment. So would have multiple leaders in Asia and Indigenous leaders in what is North and South America. Hume was not the only one with this flawed belief. Immanuel Kant was one of the earliest advocates of scientific racism and considered the greatest thinker of the times. This is how misguided we have been relative to our educations in this and other western societies. The excuse of that’s how they thought at the time has been used as defense for his racism.

In three separate works Kant claimed that the Negro is, in most respects, the lowest of all races. He also referred to blacks as the “bad race” and whites as “the good race,” argued that the white race contains “all incentives and talents,” and felt that whites were the “only ones who always progress toward perfection.”

To my knowledge, Kant never repudiated any of these explicitly racist claims.

Ryan Very
, Kant’s Racism, www.academia.edu, 2012

Murder was wrong in those days but no one will excuse people who murdered others during the so called age of enlightenment because that’s just how they did things then. As you read what was believed, if this was enlightenment then just how dark were the dark ages? This must be asked after you read about racial classifications that include dwarfs, giants and troglodytes. Whites really need to quit making excuses for this because it is from these ideas that the very problems we face today relative to racism or ethnocentrism come from.

Kants ideas, that the European white was the only race capable of self-improvement and highest level of civilization, were widely accepted. These ideas created the belief in European superiority that we still see today couched under a newer descriptive term called western civilization. Kant and Hume were not alone in this belief. My goal here is not to go into a deep discussion of enlightenment philosophy or scientific racism. However the term scientific racism itself explains the prevailing thoughts in Europe during this time. Therefore it’s basic premise should be exposed and understood as to how it created a belief of entitlement and privilege among whites that continues until the present.

Simply put, scientific racism is the use of scientific theories to justify racial superiority or inferiority. It creates a belief in the natural or genetic superiority of a race. Scientific racism as a belief or ideology has been a problem from the 1600’s and lasted as a respected scientific belief until just after World War 2. One can argue that such beliefs still exist today among specific segments of the world wide white community. Scientific racism is more bluntly put, racist propaganda.

A long line of European thinkers supported this and expanded it. Voltaire is given credit as an advocate for civil liberties, yet Voltaire had a racial hierarchy where blacks were lower than whites and ranked just above oysters. Benjamin Rush, a founding father of this country, believed that being black meant you had a skin disease. He even had a name for it, Negroidism. He believed that people born black had a form of leprosy that could be cured. In every instance of trying to provide this “scientific” understanding of cultural differences and skin complexion whites always gave themselves top billing as being more advanced.

I almost forgot this one, Madison Grant. While some in the area of environment may see Grant as a great man, had he stuck to his work in that field, perhaps I could agree. But he didn’t. Grant is hailed as one of the great progressives of his time. Such praise creates concern about progressives as Grant is also praised by the founder of American Renaissance as a tireless advocate for racialism.

Madison Grant promoted scientific racism for his entire adult life. He was active in the eugenics movement of that time. So was eventual British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill and David Starr Jordan, founder of Stanford University. But it is Grants work contained in a book, “The Passing of the Great Race: Or, The Racial Basis of European History,” written in 1916 that influences us even until today. In this book Grant promotes the Nordic Theory of racial supremacy also used by Hitler in his “final solution.” Grants work was instrumental in the formulation of various intelligence tests to include the SAT. Scientific racism still impacts us today on most Saturday mornings from 8 am until noon at various testing sites.

The problem here lies in the fact this propaganda was believed for over 300 years and put into practice in ways that created damage which are part of world problems today. Influential Europeans during this time put it into practice by colonizing nations based upon their supposed inherent racial superiority. Europeans felt they were entitled to this based upon their being the only people who could create and appreciate what ‘civilization’ was supposed to be.
I don't find Mary's post "pathetic" Can you expand on your allegation? I agree
that BLM PREYS on shallow minds and is winning lots of adherents by doing so.
The progam's BIG SUCCESS, however, is in making itself a cultural NORM. That
endeavor has, in New York City, been MANDATED by the government to its
MaryL is basically Bill O'Reilly in drag, and if that's not pathetic, then I don't know what is. And pathetic is putting it mildly BTW.

Can you expound on your claims in this post?

I asked first. For the record, I am in the thick of it-----right here in my little residence with a window. I have not left my little perch for weeks. I am old but years ago lived right on the edge of the murder center of New York City----to wit ---East New York, brooklyn. For several years I was charged with determining "BRAIN DEATH" ---for the lucky victims of acute lead poisoning of the brain. The role as an interesting experience-----I can do the whole "brain death" protocol in my sleep. The hospital was catchment for all kinds of death-----but MOST OF IT----OVERWHELMINGLY----was black on black-----tragically young black on black----one after the other----
at one point averaging one per week in an area of space no bigger (my approximation) than a square mile. There was other violent crime----black on black and black on white---------well that was there. It was tragic
And for all those years you paid no attention to white on white violence.

all what years? all those years I did not see white on white violence. Kinda funny
experience. I lived in a black area for a few years and then moved to a place---REALLY WEIRD. with those hot shot religious jews---the chassidim. Weird but never violent. Then this guy was murdered....................stabbed. HOWEVER ----long long ago I did live in an area of the world where MAFIA sorta WAS. Very calm-----just an occasional dead body in the river. Not NY.
Of course you didn't. Whites never commit crimes. Whites are never violent.
Facetiousness isn't your best suit. You ally with race bating haters, or you reject them, its that simple. splitting hairs and being ambiguous and sitting on fences is the cowards way out.
Mary, you are a racist. To you race baiting is only when blacks post facts about white racism. Meanwhile you do nothing but race bait.
No kiddo, that's not what I saying. You are pro idiocy. Racism is a meaningless pejorative that's being abused by idiots to shut down the debate. The term "racism" is so subjective it is meaningless now.
Mary you are delusional. Racism is not subjective. Whites have a history of using racial dog whistles. And you have made comments about blacks that are racist by definition. Last you expound on and on about blacks while ignoring the same things in whites. Whites like you want to pretend the term racism is meaningless but it isn't And it whites like you who call others racist for pointing out things whites continue doing.

im-2, dear-----humans have a history of "racism" ----it is called TRIBAL LOYALTY -----and it has been ongoing for millennia. In fact----apes do it too

wrong??? can you point out a country in which there is no tribalism or racism or rejection of "OTHER"? -------any place, any time?
There were no racial classifications until the the 15-1600's. Your everybody had racism from the beginning is a piss poor excuse white racists use. It was wrong no matter when and given the fact we are supposed to be more advanced than pre historic man, your excuse is sad.

Now when you are able to understand the difference between systemic racism and tribal membership, let me know.

im2 dear-----you are working HARD to prove your stupidity. The issue of humans taking notice of "THEM" vs "US" is well documented. ------yanno
MENDEVLEEV did not invent the Periodic Table until
1869--------according to your "logic" the element
IRON, therefore did not exist during the revolutionary war. Why are you so desperate to BE A VICTIM?-----
in fact----you aren't-----you are more likely to be the
predator than the prey.
I know you're trying real hard to discount white racism but the fact remains that race was not a consideration until the 15-1600's. Race is a construct, iron is a existing mineral. I think that when we look at the history of this nation whites have been the predators. And when we look at the system, we see that whites have always given themselves more than they allowed others to get. He who knows the truth cannot be a victim. Understand that old white woman, because if not for us, you'd still be baking biscuits.

im-2 you cannot be as stupid as you present yourself.
Can you DEFINE "the system" ----well you did "this
nation" which was founded a bit more than two centuries ago and which you claim FOUNDED racism
against "black africans" and even invented "WHITES" which you claim did not exist as a designation until something like the 16 th century AD????? uhm-----before that no one noticed skin color as People-Group designation? Did you pass
plane geometry in High School? Long ago I used to
tutor some of the most stupid kids to GET THEM THRU plane geometry------(they were all "white") ---now I have met an even STUPIDER kid. BTW---you have yet to come up with the NON-RACIST human society which according to you is and has been everywhere but for the past 200 years as racist US SOCIETY.
are you done searching for comments made by this or that person?. I can do that too for a whole RANGE of
"people" groups. Ever discuss the chinese with a japanese person? Ever discuss arab with an Iranian?
do you live under a rock?

They should have told them to double the size of every flag just to flush out the stupidity of demanding it be done.

WhoTF do these people think they are.
Here's another white grievance poster.

A very disgruntled and bitter, old, decrepit, white man.


Please show where I ever shared my age or said I was white.

I don't think you are in a position to be calling people names.

" Greek And Roman Heritage Versus Alternative Cultural Norms "

* Manifest Destiny In Ages Of Natural History *

The problem here lies in the fact this propaganda was believed for over 300 years and put into practice in ways that created damage which are part of world problems today. Influential Europeans during this time put it into practice by colonizing nations based upon their supposed inherent racial superiority. Europeans felt they were entitled to this based upon their being the only people who could create and appreciate what ‘civilization’ was supposed to be.
One can quote all the arrogance one wishes but one needs to recount history of mammon from the perspectives of peoples near antiquity whose recollections for survival were more grave that the tender foot malcontents of these days .

How long had fictional ishmaelism levied stress upon the japhetic peoples of europe ?

There was the invasion of spain and then there were the turks which masked the phenotype clad of japhetic peoples with its dominant traits .

Oceanic seafaring was not contemporary among the nations , though technology bolstered mercantilism , when the risk for ones identity and survival as a peoples was more apparent .

So the annals of history have vetted out that the lineages of japheth founded upon the north american continent with a similar temperate zone though it had been dwelled within by native americans of oriental descent .

Now , given the veracity of nature in the annals of history , upon which basis are allegations hurled that the peoples of japheth were less than fair given their understandings from antiquity about the necessities for avoiding doom ?

It would have brought about horrible afflictions upon the world had fictional ishmaelism conquered north america during an age when military advantages over primitive resistance was overwhelming .
Last edited:
* Barbary Semitic Pirates Bemoaning Roman Byzantine Contentions And Japhetic Providence *

* Collected Answers To Fictional Ishmaelism Instigation Of Left Wing Discontent *

" Greek And Roman Heritage Versus Alternative Cultural Icons "
* Manifest Destiny In Ages Of Natural History *

It would have brought about horrible afflictions upon the world had fictional ishmaelism had conquered north america during an age when military advantages over primitive resistance was overwhelming .
You know it man , we can all hear the mealy mouth , anti racist racist instigators of fictional ishmaelism dumb fuckery , in the background :

" Uppity Fool Believes All Are Alike In Faculties Of Mind "

* Presenting Challenges For Sufficient Data *

Simply put, scientific racism is the use of scientific theories to justify racial superiority or inferiority. It creates a belief in the natural or genetic superiority of a race. Scientific racism as a belief or ideology has been a problem from the 1600’s and lasted as a respected scientific belief until just after World War 2. One can argue that such beliefs still exist today among specific segments of the world wide white community. Scientific racism is more bluntly put, racist propaganda.
Violating non violence principles is required for racism .

Now science is a study of empirical evidence and no matter how one slices it , cranial capacity , neural density , brain weight and cortex involution differences between races are correlated with iq measurements and it is not racist though it is science .

So try not to pretend that you are in some sissified left wing buzz hive that will protect you from self conscious attacks , you have found yourself in the badlands of candor and honest inquiry .

Overall, MRI studies show that brain size is related to IQ differences within race. Moreover, the three-way pattern of group differences in average brain size is detectable at birth. By adulthood, East Asians average 1 cubic inch more cranial capacity than Whites, and Whites average 5 cubic inches more cranial capacity than Blacks. These findings on group differences in average brain size have been replicated using MRI, endocranial volume from empty skulls, wet brain weight at autopsy, and external head size measures.
I don't find Mary's post "pathetic" Can you expand on your allegation? I agree
that BLM PREYS on shallow minds and is winning lots of adherents by doing so.
The progam's BIG SUCCESS, however, is in making itself a cultural NORM. That
endeavor has, in New York City, been MANDATED by the government to its
MaryL is basically Bill O'Reilly in drag, and if that's not pathetic, then I don't know what is. And pathetic is putting it mildly BTW.

Can you expound on your claims in this post?

I asked first. For the record, I am in the thick of it-----right here in my little residence with a window. I have not left my little perch for weeks. I am old but years ago lived right on the edge of the murder center of New York City----to wit ---East New York, brooklyn. For several years I was charged with determining "BRAIN DEATH" ---for the lucky victims of acute lead poisoning of the brain. The role as an interesting experience-----I can do the whole "brain death" protocol in my sleep. The hospital was catchment for all kinds of death-----but MOST OF IT----OVERWHELMINGLY----was black on black-----tragically young black on black----one after the other----
at one point averaging one per week in an area of space no bigger (my approximation) than a square mile. There was other violent crime----black on black and black on white---------well that was there. It was tragic
And for all those years you paid no attention to white on white violence.

all what years? all those years I did not see white on white violence. Kinda funny
experience. I lived in a black area for a few years and then moved to a place---REALLY WEIRD. with those hot shot religious jews---the chassidim. Weird but never violent. Then this guy was murdered....................stabbed. HOWEVER ----long long ago I did live in an area of the world where MAFIA sorta WAS. Very calm-----just an occasional dead body in the river. Not NY.
Of course you didn't. Whites never commit crimes. Whites are never violent.
Facetiousness isn't your best suit. You ally with race bating haters, or you reject them, its that simple. splitting hairs and being ambiguous and sitting on fences is the cowards way out.
Mary, you are a racist. To you race baiting is only when blacks post facts about white racism. Meanwhile you do nothing but race bait.
No kiddo, that's not what I saying. You are pro idiocy. Racism is a meaningless pejorative that's being abused by idiots to shut down the debate. The term "racism" is so subjective it is meaningless now.
Mary you are delusional. Racism is not subjective. Whites have a history of using racial dog whistles. And you have made comments about blacks that are racist by definition. Last you expound on and on about blacks while ignoring the same things in whites. Whites like you want to pretend the term racism is meaningless but it isn't And it whites like you who call others racist for pointing out things whites continue doing.

im-2, dear-----humans have a history of "racism" ----it is called TRIBAL LOYALTY -----and it has been ongoing for millennia. In fact----apes do it too

wrong??? can you point out a country in which there is no tribalism or racism or rejection of "OTHER"? -------any place, any time?
There were no racial classifications until the the 15-1600's. Your everybody had racism from the beginning is a piss poor excuse white racists use. It was wrong no matter when and given the fact we are supposed to be more advanced than pre historic man, your excuse is sad.

Now when you are able to understand the difference between systemic racism and tribal membership, let me know.

im2 dear-----you are working HARD to prove your stupidity. The issue of humans taking notice of "THEM" vs "US" is well documented. ------yanno
MENDEVLEEV did not invent the Periodic Table until
1869--------according to your "logic" the element
IRON, therefore did not exist during the revolutionary war. Why are you so desperate to BE A VICTIM?-----
in fact----you aren't-----you are more likely to be the
predator than the prey.
I know you're trying real hard to discount white racism but the fact remains that race was not a consideration until the 15-1600's. Race is a construct, iron is a existing mineral. I think that when we look at the history of this nation whites have been the predators. And when we look at the system, we see that whites have always given themselves more than they allowed others to get. He who knows the truth cannot be a victim. Understand that old white woman, because if not for us, you'd still be baking biscuits.
What the hell is a "construct"? I am NOT BLACK or ASIAN. I was born white that isn't imaginary pseudo intellectual bullshit. YOU deplore stereotypes (blacks are criminals) but then launch into stereotyping all whites as predators...bit inconsistent, dear chap. Black fragility showing its head... or was that a micro trans dimensional aggression from the purple singularity?

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