Insurance Companies Debunk Repeated Lie From Trump And Republicans That Obamacare Is Dying


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

What is the most repeated lie Trump tells? Naturally, it’s about Obamacare being dead.

The most Orwellian part about this lie is that the uncertainty with the exchanges is actually Donald Trump’s administration’s fault.

“Trump’s most repeated claim, uttered 44 times, was some variation of the statement that the Affordable Care Act is dying and ‘essentially dead,'” The Washington Postwrote. “But the Congressional Budget Office has said that the Obamacare exchanges, despite well-documented issues, are not imploding and are expected to remain stable for the foreseeable future.

If anything, actions taken by the Trump administration have spawned uncertainty.

Several insurance companies have cited Trump administration policy as a reason to leave insurance markets in certain states, though others have sensed opportunity and moved in to replace insurers who have left.”

Over and over again, insurance companies have said specifically that the Trump administration is causing uncertainty in the insurance markets.

In an article about the growing frustration with the Trump administration’s management of the Obamacare exchanges, The Los Angeles Times noted, “Health insurers across the country are making plans to dramatically raise Obamacare premiums or exit marketplaces amid growing exasperation with the Trump administration’s erratic management of the program and its conflicting signals about the fate of aid for low-income consumers and other key issues.

At the same time, state insurance regulators — both Democrat and Republican — have increasingly concluded they cannot count on the Trump administration to help them ensure that consumers will have access to a health plan next year.”

It got much worse. Of the Trump administration’s lack of leadership, a senior company official told The Times, “There is a sense that there are no hands on the wheel and they are just letting the bus careen down the road.”

No hands on the wheel. That sums up the Trump Administration on just about every topic, except ways they can harm the U.S.A., give Russia more power, undermine democracy, give big presents to the very rich or take rights away from groups of people.

The most repeated lie Donald Trump has told is about Obamacare imploding. This from the man and party who can’t get their own health care “ideas” together enough to get their own party to agree, let alone pass something that would actually help the people they claim to represent.

Donald Trump just can’t quit his obsession with lying about President Obama.

Trump Busted As His Obamacare Is Dead Lie Gets Smashed To Tiny Bits companies love Obamacare. They make so much money off it.

What is the most repeated lie Trump tells? Naturally, it’s about Obamacare being dead.

The most Orwellian part about this lie is that the uncertainty with the exchanges is actually Donald Trump’s administration’s fault.

“Trump’s most repeated claim, uttered 44 times, was some variation of the statement that the Affordable Care Act is dying and ‘essentially dead,'” The Washington Postwrote. “But the Congressional Budget Office has said that the Obamacare exchanges, despite well-documented issues, are not imploding and are expected to remain stable for the foreseeable future.

If anything, actions taken by the Trump administration have spawned uncertainty.

Several insurance companies have cited Trump administration policy as a reason to leave insurance markets in certain states, though others have sensed opportunity and moved in to replace insurers who have left.”

Over and over again, insurance companies have said specifically that the Trump administration is causing uncertainty in the insurance markets.

In an article about the growing frustration with the Trump administration’s management of the Obamacare exchanges, The Los Angeles Times noted, “Health insurers across the country are making plans to dramatically raise Obamacare premiums or exit marketplaces amid growing exasperation with the Trump administration’s erratic management of the program and its conflicting signals about the fate of aid for low-income consumers and other key issues.

At the same time, state insurance regulators — both Democrat and Republican — have increasingly concluded they cannot count on the Trump administration to help them ensure that consumers will have access to a health plan next year.”

It got much worse. Of the Trump administration’s lack of leadership, a senior company official told The Times, “There is a sense that there are no hands on the wheel and they are just letting the bus careen down the road.”

No hands on the wheel. That sums up the Trump Administration on just about every topic, except ways they can harm the U.S.A., give Russia more power, undermine democracy, give big presents to the very rich or take rights away from groups of people.

The most repeated lie Donald Trump has told is about Obamacare imploding. This from the man and party who can’t get their own health care “ideas” together enough to get their own party to agree, let alone pass something that would actually help the people they claim to represent.

Donald Trump just can’t quit his obsession with lying about President Obama.

Trump Busted As His Obamacare Is Dead Lie Gets Smashed To Tiny Bits

"Please, please, Don't kill our Golden Goose"

What is the most repeated lie Trump tells? Naturally, it’s about Obamacare being dead.

The most Orwellian part about this lie is that the uncertainty with the exchanges is actually Donald Trump’s administration’s fault.

“Trump’s most repeated claim, uttered 44 times, was some variation of the statement that the Affordable Care Act is dying and ‘essentially dead,'” The Washington Postwrote. “But the Congressional Budget Office has said that the Obamacare exchanges, despite well-documented issues, are not imploding and are expected to remain stable for the foreseeable future.

If anything, actions taken by the Trump administration have spawned uncertainty.

Several insurance companies have cited Trump administration policy as a reason to leave insurance markets in certain states, though others have sensed opportunity and moved in to replace insurers who have left.”

Over and over again, insurance companies have said specifically that the Trump administration is causing uncertainty in the insurance markets.

In an article about the growing frustration with the Trump administration’s management of the Obamacare exchanges, The Los Angeles Times noted, “Health insurers across the country are making plans to dramatically raise Obamacare premiums or exit marketplaces amid growing exasperation with the Trump administration’s erratic management of the program and its conflicting signals about the fate of aid for low-income consumers and other key issues.

At the same time, state insurance regulators — both Democrat and Republican — have increasingly concluded they cannot count on the Trump administration to help them ensure that consumers will have access to a health plan next year.”

It got much worse. Of the Trump administration’s lack of leadership, a senior company official told The Times, “There is a sense that there are no hands on the wheel and they are just letting the bus careen down the road.”

No hands on the wheel. That sums up the Trump Administration on just about every topic, except ways they can harm the U.S.A., give Russia more power, undermine democracy, give big presents to the very rich or take rights away from groups of people.

The most repeated lie Donald Trump has told is about Obamacare imploding. This from the man and party who can’t get their own health care “ideas” together enough to get their own party to agree, let alone pass something that would actually help the people they claim to represent.

Donald Trump just can’t quit his obsession with lying about President Obama.

Trump Busted As His Obamacare Is Dead Lie Gets Smashed To Tiny Bits

That is because those evil insurance companies the left wing whines about are making money off BO care.

What is the most repeated lie Trump tells? Naturally, it’s about Obamacare being dead.

The most Orwellian part about this lie is that the uncertainty with the exchanges is actually Donald Trump’s administration’s fault.

“Trump’s most repeated claim, uttered 44 times, was some variation of the statement that the Affordable Care Act is dying and ‘essentially dead,'” The Washington Postwrote. “But the Congressional Budget Office has said that the Obamacare exchanges, despite well-documented issues, are not imploding and are expected to remain stable for the foreseeable future.

If anything, actions taken by the Trump administration have spawned uncertainty.

Several insurance companies have cited Trump administration policy as a reason to leave insurance markets in certain states, though others have sensed opportunity and moved in to replace insurers who have left.”

Over and over again, insurance companies have said specifically that the Trump administration is causing uncertainty in the insurance markets.

In an article about the growing frustration with the Trump administration’s management of the Obamacare exchanges, The Los Angeles Times noted, “Health insurers across the country are making plans to dramatically raise Obamacare premiums or exit marketplaces amid growing exasperation with the Trump administration’s erratic management of the program and its conflicting signals about the fate of aid for low-income consumers and other key issues.

At the same time, state insurance regulators — both Democrat and Republican — have increasingly concluded they cannot count on the Trump administration to help them ensure that consumers will have access to a health plan next year.”

It got much worse. Of the Trump administration’s lack of leadership, a senior company official told The Times, “There is a sense that there are no hands on the wheel and they are just letting the bus careen down the road.”

No hands on the wheel. That sums up the Trump Administration on just about every topic, except ways they can harm the U.S.A., give Russia more power, undermine democracy, give big presents to the very rich or take rights away from groups of people.

The most repeated lie Donald Trump has told is about Obamacare imploding. This from the man and party who can’t get their own health care “ideas” together enough to get their own party to agree, let alone pass something that would actually help the people they claim to represent.

Donald Trump just can’t quit his obsession with lying about President Obama.

Trump Busted As His Obamacare Is Dead Lie Gets Smashed To Tiny Bits

"Please, please, Don't kill our Golden Goose"

How is it a golden goose if the government isn't paying the money they are supposed to which is why many insurance companies are pulling out of certain markets?
For a few, the money is rolling in, thanks to tax payers footing the bill. For others, it meant suffering a loss so they opted out, as did many doctors and hospitals. Having insurance, even when the big premiums are paid by tax payers, doesn't mean you actually have healthcare.

Why 6 Government-Funded Insurance Companies Created Under Obamacare Collapsed
6 Insurance Companies Created Under Obamacare Collapsed

Insurance Carriers Leave the Marketplace
Insurance Carriers Leave the Marketplace -

Two of four insurers will no longer sell Obamacare plans in Indiana
Anthem and MDwise are out.
Two of four insurers will no longer sell Obamacare plans in Indiana

The country's largest health-insurance company is almost entirely quitting Obamacare

ObamaCare effect? 9 companies exit Nebraska’s health insurance market

UnitedHealth warns it may exit Obamacare plans

Some insurers pulled out of the exchanges required by the Affordable Care Act as the Oct. 1 launch approached, leaving an uneven patchwork of providers.

AETNA to pull out of most Obamacare exchanges

Doctors, Hospitals Say 'No' to Obamacare Plans
Patients continue to learn that coverage is different from access.

Top Hospitals Opt Out of Obamacare
Americans who sign up for insurance on the state exchanges may not have access to the nation's top hospitals, reports.
This isn't about a large companies love Obamacare. They make so much money off it.
This isn't about a large corporations making more money, but health care for Americans. There is the problem, profits before people
For a few, the money is rolling in, thanks to tax payers footing the bill. For others, it meant suffering a loss so they opted out, as did many doctors and hospitals. Having insurance, even when the big premiums are paid by tax payers, doesn't mean you actually have healthcare.

Why 6 Government-Funded Insurance Companies Created Under Obamacare Collapsed
6 Insurance Companies Created Under Obamacare Collapsed

Insurance Carriers Leave the Marketplace
Insurance Carriers Leave the Marketplace -

Two of four insurers will no longer sell Obamacare plans in Indiana
Anthem and MDwise are out.
Two of four insurers will no longer sell Obamacare plans in Indiana

The country's largest health-insurance company is almost entirely quitting Obamacare
The country's largest health-insurance company is almost entirely quitting Obamacare

ObamaCare effect? 9 companies exit Nebraska’s health insurance market
ObamaCare effect? 9 companies exit Nebraska’s health insurance market

UnitedHealth warns it may exit Obamacare plans
UnitedHealth warns it may exit Obamacare plans

Some insurers pulled out of the exchanges required by the Affordable Care Act as the Oct. 1 launch approached, leaving an uneven patchwork of providers.
Big insurers avoid many state health exchanges

AETNA to pull out of most Obamacare exchanges
Aetna to pull out of most Obamacare exchanges

Doctors, Hospitals Say 'No' to Obamacare Plans
Patients continue to learn that coverage is different from access.

Top Hospitals Opt Out of Obamacare
Americans who sign up for insurance on the state exchanges may not have access to the nation's top hospitals, reports.

Oscar the one Jared Kushner's brother owns seems to be doing OK, in fact they have formed a partnership with Cleveland Clinic for 2018.

You're article Top Hospitals Opt out is dated 4 years ago.

Also if you do your due diligence and research hospitals associations and ama do not want this repealed, brought them many more paying patients.
For a few, the money is rolling in, thanks to tax payers footing the bill. For others, it meant suffering a loss so they opted out, as did many doctors and hospitals. Having insurance, even when the big premiums are paid by tax payers, doesn't mean you actually have healthcare.

Why 6 Government-Funded Insurance Companies Created Under Obamacare Collapsed
6 Insurance Companies Created Under Obamacare Collapsed

Insurance Carriers Leave the Marketplace
Insurance Carriers Leave the Marketplace -

Two of four insurers will no longer sell Obamacare plans in Indiana
Anthem and MDwise are out.
Two of four insurers will no longer sell Obamacare plans in Indiana

The country's largest health-insurance company is almost entirely quitting Obamacare
The country's largest health-insurance company is almost entirely quitting Obamacare

ObamaCare effect? 9 companies exit Nebraska’s health insurance market
ObamaCare effect? 9 companies exit Nebraska’s health insurance market

UnitedHealth warns it may exit Obamacare plans
UnitedHealth warns it may exit Obamacare plans

Some insurers pulled out of the exchanges required by the Affordable Care Act as the Oct. 1 launch approached, leaving an uneven patchwork of providers.
Big insurers avoid many state health exchanges

AETNA to pull out of most Obamacare exchanges
Aetna to pull out of most Obamacare exchanges

Doctors, Hospitals Say 'No' to Obamacare Plans
Patients continue to learn that coverage is different from access.

Top Hospitals Opt Out of Obamacare
Americans who sign up for insurance on the state exchanges may not have access to the nation's top hospitals, reports.

Oscar the one Jared Kushner's brother owns seems to be doing OK, in fact they have formed a partnership with Cleveland Clinic for 2018.

You're article Top Hospitals Opt out is dated 4 years ago.

Also if you do your due diligence and research hospitals associations and ama do not want this repealed, brought them many more paying patients.

Research hospitals opted out, as did many others. Not much has changed.

Having paying patients doesn't guarantee profit or even breaking even. When government pays, as with military Tricare, VA, Medicaid or Medicare, they do not pay the full amount. They pay a percent and the doctors and hospitals are expected to eat the rest. What happens is that the cost gets passed on to those with better insurance, you know the evil insurance companies who are on the hook for huge medical bills that easily reach a million for serious illnesses or injuries and lengthy hospital stays. They are picking up the tab for the other government insurance that didn't pay the full amount.

A lot of hospitals in places with high illegal populations have closed their doors. It costs a lot to operate and pay decent wages and if the people coming either don't pay or use government insurance that only pays a portion then the hospital is in the red and can't keep going. Why would anyone want government insurance when the amount they get paid doesn't cover the actual cost of care, let alone any profit?

I know the left is against hospitals making a profit at all but that would mean government bureaucrats taking over and more money getting wasted. As it is, the Big Pharms are making huge profits thanks to Obamacare. Some insurance companies are doing okay because the tax payers are picking up the tab. But it will continue to get worse from here because medical costs are going up, as are insurance premiums to keep up. Single payer won't bring down costs and it won't improve the quality of care.
For a few, the money is rolling in, thanks to tax payers footing the bill. For others, it meant suffering a loss so they opted out, as did many doctors and hospitals. Having insurance, even when the big premiums are paid by tax payers, doesn't mean you actually have healthcare.

Why 6 Government-Funded Insurance Companies Created Under Obamacare Collapsed
6 Insurance Companies Created Under Obamacare Collapsed

Insurance Carriers Leave the Marketplace
Insurance Carriers Leave the Marketplace -

Two of four insurers will no longer sell Obamacare plans in Indiana
Anthem and MDwise are out.
Two of four insurers will no longer sell Obamacare plans in Indiana

The country's largest health-insurance company is almost entirely quitting Obamacare
The country's largest health-insurance company is almost entirely quitting Obamacare

ObamaCare effect? 9 companies exit Nebraska’s health insurance market
ObamaCare effect? 9 companies exit Nebraska’s health insurance market

UnitedHealth warns it may exit Obamacare plans
UnitedHealth warns it may exit Obamacare plans

Some insurers pulled out of the exchanges required by the Affordable Care Act as the Oct. 1 launch approached, leaving an uneven patchwork of providers.
Big insurers avoid many state health exchanges

AETNA to pull out of most Obamacare exchanges
Aetna to pull out of most Obamacare exchanges

Doctors, Hospitals Say 'No' to Obamacare Plans
Patients continue to learn that coverage is different from access.

Top Hospitals Opt Out of Obamacare
Americans who sign up for insurance on the state exchanges may not have access to the nation's top hospitals, reports.

Oscar the one Jared Kushner's brother owns seems to be doing OK, in fact they have formed a partnership with Cleveland Clinic for 2018.

You're article Top Hospitals Opt out is dated 4 years ago.

Also if you do your due diligence and research hospitals associations and ama do not want this repealed, brought them many more paying patients.

Research hospitals opted out, as did many others. Not much has changed.

Having paying patients doesn't guarantee profit or even breaking even. When government pays, as with military Tricare, VA, Medicaid or Medicare, they do not pay the full amount. They pay a percent and the doctors and hospitals are expected to eat the rest. What happens is that the cost gets passed on to those with better insurance, you know the evil insurance companies who are on the hook for huge medical bills that easily reach a million for serious illnesses or injuries and lengthy hospital stays. They are picking up the tab for the other government insurance that didn't pay the full amount.

A lot of hospitals in places with high illegal populations have closed their doors. It costs a lot to operate and pay decent wages and if the people coming either don't pay or use government insurance that only pays a portion then the hospital is in the red and can't keep going. Why would anyone want government insurance when the amount they get paid doesn't cover the actual cost of care, let alone any profit?

I know the left is against hospitals making a profit at all but that would mean government bureaucrats taking over and more money getting wasted. As it is, the Big Pharms are making huge profits thanks to Obamacare. Some insurance companies are doing okay because the tax payers are picking up the tab. But it will continue to get worse from here because medical costs are going up, as are insurance premiums to keep up. Single payer won't bring down costs and it won't improve the quality of care.
So your avatar says you believe in the Constitution. How many times have you called out Trump for violating the Emolument Clause of the Constitution?
Let me guess.
Zero. companies love Obamacare. They make so much money off it.
Which of course has nothing to do with the OP.
Poor showing on your part.
Try harder next time.
You apparently misunderstood. The insurance companies love BOcare because it makes them wealthy. So, naturally they think it is wonderful.
Last edited: companies love Obamacare. They make so much money off it.
Which of course has nothing to do with the OP.
Poor showing on your part.
Try harder next time.
You apparently misunderstood. The insurance companies love BOcare because it makes them wealthy. So, naturally they think it is wonderful.

Man you are slow.

That's one more reason why the public option should have been in the exchanges. companies love Obamacare. They make so much money off it.
Twenty cents of every dollar...Before the ACA it was as high as 80%...

What Obamacare requires is that insurance companies pay out 80% of the premiums they collect in actual benefits to the insured, as opposed to administrative costs, advertising, overhead, profit, etc.
So if insurance companies are leaving the exchanges because they can't make enough money, how is Trumpcare supposed to get Americans health insurance that is CHEAPER? companies love Obamacare. They make so much money off it.
Which of course has nothing to do with the OP.
Poor showing on your part.
Try harder next time.
You apparently misunderstood. The insurance companies love BOcare because it makes them wealthy. So, naturally they think it is wonderful.

Man you are slow.

That's one more reason why the public option should have been in the exchanges.

Don't go buying bullshit premises - some companies are making money in exchanges, others have been losing.

That's how it's supposed to work. But we know for sure no one is making windfall profits because ACA specifically placed caps in place to prevent that. 10% profit is good if you can manage that but it's not exactly golden egg farming.
Republicans HAVE to claim that Obamacare is totally, irreparably collapsing, because they have to justify replacing it,
as opposed to retaining it with fixes and improvements. They need, for political purposes, to make the name 'Obamacare' go away.

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