Insurance Companies Debunk Repeated Lie From Trump And Republicans That Obamacare Is Dying


What is the most repeated lie Trump tells? Naturally, itā€™s about Obamacare being dead.

The most Orwellian part about this lie is that the uncertainty with the exchanges is actually Donald Trumpā€™s administrationā€™s fault.

ā€œTrumpā€™s most repeated claim, uttered 44 times, was some variation of the statement that the Affordable Care Act is dying and ā€˜essentially dead,'ā€ The Washington Postwrote. ā€œBut the Congressional Budget Office has said that the Obamacare exchanges, despite well-documented issues, are not imploding and are expected to remain stable for the foreseeable future.

If anything, actions taken by the Trump administration have spawned uncertainty.

Several insurance companies have cited Trump administration policy as a reason to leave insurance markets in certain states, though others have sensed opportunity and moved in to replace insurers who have left.ā€

Over and over again, insurance companies have said specifically that the Trump administration is causing uncertainty in the insurance markets.

In an article about the growing frustration with the Trump administrationā€™s management of the Obamacare exchanges, The Los Angeles Times noted, ā€œHealth insurers across the country are making plans to dramatically raise Obamacare premiums or exit marketplaces amid growing exasperation with the Trump administrationā€™s erratic management of the program and its conflicting signals about the fate of aid for low-income consumers and other key issues.

At the same time, state insurance regulators ā€” both Democrat and Republican ā€” have increasingly concluded they cannot count on the Trump administration to help them ensure that consumers will have access to a health plan next year.ā€

It got much worse. Of the Trump administrationā€™s lack of leadership, a senior company official told The Times, ā€œThere is a sense that there are no hands on the wheel and they are just letting the bus careen down the road.ā€

No hands on the wheel. That sums up the Trump Administration on just about every topic, except ways they can harm the U.S.A., give Russia more power, undermine democracy, give big presents to the very rich or take rights away from groups of people.

The most repeated lie Donald Trump has told is about Obamacare imploding. This from the man and party who canā€™t get their own health care ā€œideasā€ together enough to get their own party to agree, let alone pass something that would actually help the people they claim to represent.

Donald Trump just canā€™t quit his obsession with lying about President Obama.

Trump Busted As His Obamacare Is Dead Lie Gets Smashed To Tiny Bits
It has been obvious for some time Trump and the GOP are deliberately sabotaging ObamaCare for political gain, at the expense of the American people.

Party over country.
Everyone agrees that Obamacare is dying.

No we do not agree. Point me to one non-rightwinger that would make such a claim. ONE

With Obamacare Sputtering, Bernie is Pushing for Socialized Healthcare Again. Here's Why It's a Terrible Idea.

LOL, that's it? Bernie's single payer pitches? That is your example of agreement? He has an agenda if you may not have noticed.

BUT EVEN SO - can you quote him saying that ACA is dying? Because I don't see him saying that at all. companies love Obamacare. They make so much money off it.

Weird logic here. Insurance companies love the ACA because they are making so much money that they don't want a free market where they can make even more?
Insurance Companies Debunk Repeated Lie From Trump And Republicans That Obamacare Is Dying

Care to explain why 17 co-ops have shut down or gone bankrupt then, leaving some parts of the country with one or zero options? You know, since it's doing so well?
Insurance Companies Debunk Repeated Lie From Trump And Republicans That Obamacare Is Dying

Care to explain why 17 co-ops have shut down or gone bankrupt then, leaving some parts of the country with one or zero options? You know, since it's doing so well?

You're wasting your time, he is worse than Anton as far as partisanship goes. skewsy doesn't debate, he preaches. companies love Obamacare. They make so much money off it.

Weird logic here. Insurance companies love the ACA because they are making so much money that they don't want a free market where they can make even more?
Like all regulations imposed by government, the big corps are the ones that win. They get protection from competition and make sure to payoff pols. Those same big corps often write the legislation, as they did with Ocare.

You may not have heard that Ocare is the biggest crony capitalist legislation ever imposed, by our out of control progressive central government.
Obamacare was made the law to fail. And in the failure force single payer.

Destructive little twerps the Dems are today.
It is capitalism pushing prices as high as the market will bear.

It's crony capitalism. When government is in cahoots with Big Pharms, then the companies know they can charge whatever they want because competition is eliminated and the government is robbing tax payers to foot the bill.

Competition brings prices down, not government manipulation.
Thatā€™s all Trump and most Republicans do: lie repeatedly.
Now that post is most hilariously ironic, in a thread about Obamacare!!!

Obama and his minions lied repeatedly about Obamacare. They even admitted lying about it. Yet, the MSM where libs get their news, never ONCE outed them as liars even though it was abundantly obvious to those of us capable of thinking.

The MSM is very good at outing Rs as liars, yet amazingly some Americans can see they are being duped.

Thatā€™s all Trump and most Republicans do: lie repeatedly.
Now that post is most hilariously ironic, in a thread about Obamacare!!!

Obama and his minions lied repeatedly about Obamacare. They even admitted lying about it. Yet, the MSM where libs get their news, never ONCE outed them as liars even though it was abundantly obvious to those of us capable of thinking.

The MSM is very good at outing Rs as liars, yet amazingly some Americans can see they are being duped.

The American people are aware now of the Lies and Fake News and aren't listening to them anymore.

MSM is under fire and rightfully so...................No longer are their Lies allowed to go on without challenge.

Excellent.............Great News................
Thatā€™s all Trump and most Republicans do: lie repeatedly.
Now that post is most hilariously ironic, in a thread about Obamacare!!!

Obama and his minions lied repeatedly about Obamacare. They even admitted lying about it. Yet, the MSM where libs get their news, never ONCE outed them as liars even though it was abundantly obvious to those of us capable of thinking.

The MSM is very good at outing Rs as liars, yet amazingly some Americans can see they are being duped.

The American people are aware now of the Lies and Fake News and aren't listening to them anymore.

MSM is under fire and rightfully so...................No longer are their Lies allowed to go on without challenge.

Excellent.............Great News................
Sadly there are still too many Americans who believe what the MSM is telling them. I don't know how this is possible, but it is.
Thatā€™s all Trump and most Republicans do: lie repeatedly.
Now that post is most hilariously ironic, in a thread about Obamacare!!!

Obama and his minions lied repeatedly about Obamacare. They even admitted lying about it. Yet, the MSM where libs get their news, never ONCE outed them as liars even though it was abundantly obvious to those of us capable of thinking.

The MSM is very good at outing Rs as liars, yet amazingly some Americans can see they are being duped.

The American people are aware now of the Lies and Fake News and aren't listening to them anymore.

MSM is under fire and rightfully so...................No longer are their Lies allowed to go on without challenge.

Excellent.............Great News................
Sadly there are still too many Americans who believe what the MSM is telling them. I don't know how this is possible, but it is.
Sadly too many people believe what Trump and his merry band of demented minions are telling them

Here is the evil Trump is trying to do to Obamacare ā€” and America
Thatā€™s all Trump and most Republicans do: lie repeatedly.
Now that post is most hilariously ironic, in a thread about Obamacare!!!

Obama and his minions lied repeatedly about Obamacare. They even admitted lying about it. Yet, the MSM where libs get their news, never ONCE outed them as liars even though it was abundantly obvious to those of us capable of thinking.

The MSM is very good at outing Rs as liars, yet amazingly some Americans can see they are being duped.

The American people are aware now of the Lies and Fake News and aren't listening to them anymore.

MSM is under fire and rightfully so...................No longer are their Lies allowed to go on without challenge.

Excellent.............Great News................
Sadly there are still too many Americans who believe what the MSM is telling them. I don't know how this is possible, but it is.
Sadly too many people believe what Trump and his merry band of demented minions are telling them

Here is the evil Trump is trying to do to Obamacare ā€” and America

I watched HHS Price yesterday morning on whatever show tell the commentator that by getting rid of the mandates it would most certainly lower the premiums. I said WTF, I wonder if he was as bad of a doctor as he is an actuary. He said yea with all the healthy not signing up it would lower the premiums.
What did the Insurance companies say about pulling out of exchanges, leaving no insurers for people?

Major Obamacare insurer pulls out of Ohio, leaving big gaps in coverage

More Americans will be without Obamacare insurance options next year as more carriers pull out

"The ominous red spots are expanding across the nation in a newly updated map showing projections for how many counties could be without insurers selling Obamacare health plans in 2018."

Aetna pulls out of Virginia's individual market, citing big Obamacare losses

"The company said Wednesday that it won't participate in the state's individual market -- either on the Obamacare exchange or outside of it -- in 2018. Though it has greatly downsized its participation in Obamacare, Aetna (AET) said it could still lose more than $200 million in its individual market products this year. That's on top of the nearly $700 million it's lost in the three years after the exchanges opened in 2014."
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What did the Insurance companies say about pulling out of exchanges, leaving no insurers for people?

Saw the CEO of Highmark BC on tv the other day, he was picked by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association to lobby Trump, Senate and Congress, he said they did not want to pull out of the exchanges but the administration was making it hard to stay in.

Tom Price also said Trump was thinking about getting rid of the exchanges, well folks, no exchanges no subsidies.
Why should tax payers give insurance companies, who are raking in massive profits, more money in the form of tax dollars as subsidies?

Once again the govt, claiming to have the solution to our problem, steps in and F*s us even harder, creating a problem they say only they can solve.

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