Insurers Refuse To Cover Kansas Schools Where Teachers Carry Guns: It’s Too Risky

In the Insurance Business, there is no such thing as "Too Risky".
There is only an 'inadequate premium'.

They're trying to learn how to rate this new risk. There is no history, no claims history on which to base their premium charge. Whole new breed of cat

And if the Insurance Commissioner disagrees with what they want to charge, He/She can step in and slam-dunk the Ins Company.

Easier to just walk away. I don't blame them.

"We've been writing school business for almost 40 years, and one of the underwriting guidelines we follow for schools is that any on-site armed security should be provided by uniformed, qualified law enforcement officers," said Mick Lovell, EMC's vice president for business development. "Our guidelines have not recently changed."

Here, have fun arguing with the quotes and tell them they didn't really mean what they said

You don't get it because you don't WANT to get it.

This is a new kind of animal. How could a responsible Insurance Executive say something like that when there is no history -- None -- Of School District arming Teachers and Custodians.

An intelligent reporter, or even a half-intelligent reader, would arrive at that conclusion without someone having to shove it up your ass.

There is no track record of arming Teachers. None. How can an Insurance Company rate something they have no experience, no claims experience, with?

I try to help out, I try to explain the real world and you just shift into stupid and rev it up until you get to hyper-stupid.

What other kind of 'Armed Security' has there ever been in Schools?

Scary Witches at Halloween?
Requiring that any on-site armed security should be provided by uniformed, qualified law enforcement officers is a pretty reasonable guideline. Now if the school board or state wants to pay a higher premium to get coverage, I'm sure an insurance company would obliged them. However, that would be an admission that putting guns in the hands of poorly trained teachers and administrators is increasing risk, yet the purpose of the law is to reduce risk. This make no sense.
Once they establish that the numbers are in their favor they'll start writing policies otherwise other insurers will fill that void.

As someone who has spent the last 40 years working for or with insurance companies, it isn't going to happen. If the schools initiate a valid training and qualifying program, maybe. But what school district has a few extra million to spend on that?

Of course, definitely contingent on some type of training, otherwise insurance would never write a policy.
Here, have fun arguing with the quotes and tell them they didn't really mean what they said

You don't get it because you don't WANT to get it.

This is a new kind of animal. How could a responsible Insurance Executive say something like that when there is no history -- None -- Of School District arming Teachers and Custodians.

An intelligent reporter, or even a half-intelligent reader, would arrive at that conclusion without someone having to shove it up your ass.

There is no track record of arming Teachers. None. How can an Insurance Company rate something they have no experience, no claims experience, with?

I try to help out, I try to explain the real world and you just shift into stupid and rev it up until you get to hyper-stupid.

What other kind of 'Armed Security' has there ever been in Schools?

Scary Witches at Halloween?
Requiring that any on-site armed security should be provided by uniformed, qualified law enforcement officers is a pretty reasonable guideline. Now if the school board or state wants to pay a higher premium to get coverage, I'm sure an insurance company would obliged them. However, that would be an admission that putting guns in the hands of poorly trained teachers and administrators is increasing risk, yet the purpose of the law is to reduce risk. This make no sense.

If the Schools have been using Uniformed Law Enforcement Officers as their Security, then the liability created by any of those Officers, including defending wrongful death, etc lawsuits and criminal charges, falls to the Municipality for whom the Uniformed Officers work.

If the School District decides to arm their own Teachers, then the Insurance Company has no idea how to rate that, how to rate for the additional liability because the liability shifts to the School.

Let me tell all of you something right now -- You don't have to lose a lawsuit to lose a lawsuit.

You can win a lawsuit against you and have to spend a million dollars -- Or more. That ain't a 'win'. And as hot of a potato as this is -- Some scumbag group is going to pray for something to go wrong so they file a huge lawsuit.

When Uniformed LEOs are on the job and you try to sue them? Good luck.

You gotta appear in front of a State Employee Judge, go against State Employee Attorneys, and have State money (yours) spent against you with all the massive resources of the State at their disposal.

The Insurance Company doesn't know how to rate for the inevitable lawsuits.

And as small as EMC Insurance is, they're smart to run away from it.

Let the School Districts self-insure.
True. And they are trained. Now let us take that fact and apply it to thousands of untrained and unprepared people and put them in the middle of a bunch of kids. Sound like a good idea?

If thats training, they need to look at thier methods again.

Find me a CCW who injured all sorts of bystanders with some spray and pray, and you may have a point to stand on.

You think it would be an improvement if they just didn't train them at all? All of this is irrelevant. The added risk of allowing untrained school employees to go armed is going to make a school system uninsurable, which has already been demonstrated. The reasons are obvious.

Can you find an incident where an armed employee at a school caused an incident? The risk is unknown.

I honestly think this is a political move. A business move would have been to at least give them a premium cost, even if it was an order of magnitude higher.
If thats training, they need to look at thier methods again.

Find me a CCW who injured all sorts of bystanders with some spray and pray, and you may have a point to stand on.

You think it would be an improvement if they just didn't train them at all? All of this is irrelevant. The added risk of allowing untrained school employees to go armed is going to make a school system uninsurable, which has already been demonstrated. The reasons are obvious.

Can you find an incident where an armed employee at a school caused an incident? The risk is unknown.

I honestly think this is a political move. A business move would have been to at least give them a premium cost, even if it was an order of magnitude higher.

Of course you do...when you're a hammer everything looks like a nail
You think it would be an improvement if they just didn't train them at all? All of this is irrelevant. The added risk of allowing untrained school employees to go armed is going to make a school system uninsurable, which has already been demonstrated. The reasons are obvious.

Can you find an incident where an armed employee at a school caused an incident? The risk is unknown.

I honestly think this is a political move. A business move would have been to at least give them a premium cost, even if it was an order of magnitude higher.

Of course you do...when you're a hammer everything looks like a nail

And you will gleefully ignore an overt political move if it forwards your agenda and gives even then veneer of a legitimate reason.

Its funny that people who bash insurance companies with regularity all of a sudden find them to be paragons of truth when their action furthers thier own cause.
Except they do know what to make of this: Too Risky

How can this be?? Everyone knows that the more citizens you arm, the safer society becomes. Obviously the insurance companies are just a shill for the Obama administration and his radical muslim/marxist agenda. AMIRIGHT?
Can you find an incident where an armed employee at a school caused an incident? The risk is unknown.

I honestly think this is a political move. A business move would have been to at least give them a premium cost, even if it was an order of magnitude higher.

Of course you do...when you're a hammer everything looks like a nail

And you will gleefully ignore an overt political move if it forwards your agenda and gives even then veneer of a legitimate reason.

Its funny that people who bash insurance companies with regularity all of a sudden find them to be paragons of truth when their action furthers thier own cause.

I have no idea what you're talking about and neither do you. You've resorted to just saying things that don't apply to anyone
It's a business decision that they are FREE to make. Best thing about capitalism is there is COMPETITION. I guarantee a competitor will jump in and pick up the schools that EMC drops. Watch the 85% drop down sharply! Eventually when they got down to under 50% they will reassess if the decision was worth it!

Kansas law thrusts Iowa insurer into gun debate

The EMC Insurance Cos. insures 85 percent to 90 percent of all Kansas school districts and has refused to renew coverage for schools that permit teachers and custodians to carry concealed firearms on their campuses under the new law, which took effect July 1. It's not a political decision, but a financial one based on the riskier climate it estimates would be created, the insurer said.

"We've been writing school business for almost 40 years, and one of the underwriting guidelines we follow for schools is that any on-site armed security should be provided by uniformed, qualified law enforcement officers," said Mick Lovell, EMC's vice president for business development. "Our guidelines have not recently changed."

They obviously hate America...or something

Insurance is all about risk and about pricing the cost of coverage in a way that correctly reflects it. That's one of the reasons many schools have gotten rid of their trampolines, he said.

"It's one thing to have a trained peace officer with a gun in school; it's a completely different situation when you have a custodian or a teacher with a gun," Skow said. "That changes the risk of insuring a school and magnifies it considerably."
While a trampoline can hurt one person, modern weapons have the potential to kill many people very quickly, he said

Well, that went downhill quickly
Of course you do...when you're a hammer everything looks like a nail

And you will gleefully ignore an overt political move if it forwards your agenda and gives even then veneer of a legitimate reason.

Its funny that people who bash insurance companies with regularity all of a sudden find them to be paragons of truth when their action furthers thier own cause.

I have no idea what you're talking about and neither do you. You've resorted to just saying things that don't apply to anyone

nice dodge.
Of course you do...when you're a hammer everything looks like a nail

And you will gleefully ignore an overt political move if it forwards your agenda and gives even then veneer of a legitimate reason.

Its funny that people who bash insurance companies with regularity all of a sudden find them to be paragons of truth when their action furthers thier own cause.

I have no idea what you're talking about and neither do you. You've resorted to just saying things that don't apply to anyone

In his defense, he's no different than 90% of the other brain dead "conservatives" who don't know how to look at a situation and form an original opinion without someone telling them what to think.
It's a business decision that they are FREE to make. Best thing about capitalism is there is COMPETITION. I guarantee a competitor will jump in and pick up the schools that EMC drops. Watch the 85% drop down sharply! Eventually when they got down to under 50% they will reassess if the decision was worth it!

Kansas law thrusts Iowa insurer into gun debate

The EMC Insurance Cos. insures 85 percent to 90 percent of all Kansas school districts and has refused to renew coverage for schools that permit teachers and custodians to carry concealed firearms on their campuses under the new law, which took effect July 1. It's not a political decision, but a financial one based on the riskier climate it estimates would be created, the insurer said.

"We've been writing school business for almost 40 years, and one of the underwriting guidelines we follow for schools is that any on-site armed security should be provided by uniformed, qualified law enforcement officers," said Mick Lovell, EMC's vice president for business development. "Our guidelines have not recently changed."

They obviously hate America...or something

Insurance is all about risk and about pricing the cost of coverage in a way that correctly reflects it. That's one of the reasons many schools have gotten rid of their trampolines, he said.

"It's one thing to have a trained peace officer with a gun in school; it's a completely different situation when you have a custodian or a teacher with a gun," Skow said. "That changes the risk of insuring a school and magnifies it considerably."
While a trampoline can hurt one person, modern weapons have the potential to kill many people very quickly, he said

Well, that went downhill quickly

Wanna bet on that?

Nah, never mind....we know you don't honor your agreements. You're a proud conservative with values!
And you will gleefully ignore an overt political move if it forwards your agenda and gives even then veneer of a legitimate reason.

Its funny that people who bash insurance companies with regularity all of a sudden find them to be paragons of truth when their action furthers thier own cause.

I have no idea what you're talking about and neither do you. You've resorted to just saying things that don't apply to anyone

In his defense, he's no different than 90% of the other brain dead "conservatives" who don't know how to look at a situation and form an original opinion without someone telling them what to think.

Coming from a progress-0-bot that is fucking hilarious. If you ever had an original thought it would probably cause an anyurism.
I have no idea what you're talking about and neither do you. You've resorted to just saying things that don't apply to anyone

In his defense, he's no different than 90% of the other brain dead "conservatives" who don't know how to look at a situation and form an original opinion without someone telling them what to think.

Coming from a progress-0-bot that is fucking hilarious. If you ever had an original thought it would probably cause an anyurism.

Good one! Love the spelling of aneurism by the way. Really shows me how wrong I was!
In his defense, he's no different than 90% of the other brain dead "conservatives" who don't know how to look at a situation and form an original opinion without someone telling them what to think.

Coming from a progress-0-bot that is fucking hilarious. If you ever had an original thought it would probably cause an anyurism.

Good one! Love the spelling of aneurism by the way. Really shows me how wrong I was!

I'm an engineer, not a professional douche such as yourself. we deal with numbers. Our secrataries deal with words, occasionally spell check.

And if my spelling is the only thing you got as a retort, well you basically have proven by libtard assesment of your intellectual skills.

Go play candyland, or some other activity more in line with your congative abilities.

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