Integrity On Sale

How is it if the left is correct, that the United States consistently kicked Europe's basically Socialist European ass economically for over a century? Accident? Propaganda? We really didn't and are lying? And while doing it, we created the highest living standard the world had ever seen, for the largest swath of our people!

Now we have moved left since at least Clinton,(and yes, that includes during GW, which means the left should love him) and we fall back. Democrat solution? More European socialism!

All of the facts dispute their assertions, yet they come on the media, on here, there, and everywhere; and with a straight face, try and tell every American that they are brilliant, correct, and know better! It is more than disgusting, it is depressing, because to many uneducated people believe them, and the snake oil they peddle.


And don't forget that we provide the armed forces to keep them safe.

  1. A central theme of Leftism is pacifism, largely because no welfare state can afford a strong military. Europeans came to rely on America to fight the world’s evils and even to defend their countries. This means that ‘equality’ trumps morality.
    1. That is why Liberal elites are so confused: they venerate a Cuban tyranny with its egalitarian society over a free, decent, and prosperous America that has greater inequality of material wealth.
    2. The Right regards pacifism as an accessory to evil. Dennis Prager
That is 100% correct PC, but let us not look upon the Obama administration and the DNC to harshly on embracing the facists in Cuba. That one move by their brilliant leaders, has almost certainly delivered the gift of FLORIDA to the GOP in the upcoming election-) If the leftists shooting themselves in the foot is a good thing, then I proclaim they have done a GREAT thing with this utterly incompetent, political, move.......and I say, "thank you very much, Obama and DNC!"

Except that it doesn't bode well for America's future.

What do you think about this scenario:
1. Obama releases all the Gitmo terrorists....lots of whom go right back to killing Americans.
2. With Gitmo empty....he closes it.
3. The Cubans take it over
4. The Cubans sell it to China...
5. Good-bye Monroe Doctrine.

Wouldn't that be consistent with the actions of this America-hating President?
How is it if the left is correct, that the United States consistently kicked Europe's basically Socialist European ass economically for over a century? Accident? Propaganda? We really didn't and are lying? And while doing it, we created the highest living standard the world had ever seen, for the largest swath of our people!

Now we have moved left since at least Clinton,(and yes, that includes during GW, which means the left should love him) and we fall back. Democrat solution? More European socialism!

All of the facts dispute their assertions, yet they come on the media, on here, there, and everywhere; and with a straight face, try and tell every American that they are brilliant, correct, and know better! It is more than disgusting, it is depressing, because to many uneducated people believe them, and the snake oil they peddle.

Well yes PC, your thoughts, if they happened as you have laid out, would not be good.

Still, what is worse? Having a 3rd term of Obama with Hillary seated in his place as surrogate, or allowing that to happen........maybe.............and giving the GOP a state worth all those electoral votes, making it much easier for a Cruz or Trump victory?

If Hillary wins, it surely will happen if it was going to anyway. Stop her, and there is hope!


And don't forget that we provide the armed forces to keep them safe.

  1. A central theme of Leftism is pacifism, largely because no welfare state can afford a strong military. Europeans came to rely on America to fight the world’s evils and even to defend their countries. This means that ‘equality’ trumps morality.
    1. That is why Liberal elites are so confused: they venerate a Cuban tyranny with its egalitarian society over a free, decent, and prosperous America that has greater inequality of material wealth.
    2. The Right regards pacifism as an accessory to evil. Dennis Prager
That is 100% correct PC, but let us not look upon the Obama administration and the DNC to harshly on embracing the facists in Cuba. That one move by their brilliant leaders, has almost certainly delivered the gift of FLORIDA to the GOP in the upcoming election-) If the leftists shooting themselves in the foot is a good thing, then I proclaim they have done a GREAT thing with this utterly incompetent, political, move.......and I say, "thank you very much, Obama and DNC!"

Except that it doesn't bode well for America's future.

What do you think about this scenario:
1. Obama releases all the Gitmo terrorists....lots of whom go right back to killing Americans.
2. With Gitmo empty....he closes it.
3. The Cubans take it over
4. The Cubans sell it to China...
5. Good-bye Monroe Doctrine.

Wouldn't that be consistent with the actions of this America-hating President?
Well yes PC, your thoughts, if they happened as you have laid out, would not be good.

Still, what is worse? Having a 3rd term of Obama with Hillary seated in his place as surrogate, or allowing that to happen........maybe.............and giving the GOP a state worth all those electoral votes, making it much easier for a Cruz or Trump victory?

If Hillary wins, it surely will happen if it was going to anyway. Stop her, and there is hope!
Well yes PC, your thoughts, if they happened as you have laid out, would not be good.

Still, what is worse? Having a 3rd term of Obama with Hillary seated in his place as surrogate, or allowing that to happen........maybe.............and giving the GOP a state worth all those electoral votes, making it much easier for a Cruz or Trump victory?

If Hillary wins, it surely will happen if it was going to anyway. Stop her, and there is hope!

And so, a little off topic PC, but the Obama/DNC gift of Florida, and the very likelyhood that the usually former red states like Indiana are going GOP this time seem more than likely, give us the road to victory, and try not to use Ohio unless absolutely necessary.

We can get Ohio easily by nominating Kasich as the VP, but if he would do it for Trump is questionable should Trump be the GOP nominee, and putting an establishment rino on the ticket is akin to partial surrender, so avoiding that with a reasonable road to electoral victory without Ohio being prominent, is a much better choice if possible.

Although, who knows. Many blue collar workers are jumping ship because of illegal immigration and the pressure they know it puts on wages. So Ohio is not absolutely out, even if Kasich is not picked as the VP running mate!
Well yes PC, your thoughts, if they happened as you have laid out, would not be good.

Still, what is worse? Having a 3rd term of Obama with Hillary seated in his place as surrogate, or allowing that to happen........maybe.............and giving the GOP a state worth all those electoral votes, making it much easier for a Cruz or Trump victory?

If Hillary wins, it surely will happen if it was going to anyway. Stop her, and there is hope!

This is going to sound awfully cynical on my part, but I do not care if she wins it. I will put it this way. What this socialist in chief has done over the last 7 years has sunk this country. The effects of the policies will not truly be felt until 5 or 6 years from now.

Do you know the left still think his ZIRP (Zero Interest Rate Policy) is good for the artificially inflated stock market? Yes, the same left that wanted to "occupy wall street" are the same deranged fucking losers cheering for obama as he pays off his cronies.

Oh riiiiight. Only the evil white right wingers dooooo thaaaaat.

Anyway, the point is no matter who would win for the republicans, they would get the blame for the implosion that is going to happen as a result of the utter shit being passed now. The same stupid left who do not or care about that clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs and voted for the war and gave Halliburton at least 4 no bid contracts will claim it is ALL the fault of whoever the republican would be.

I would rather the scorched earth take place under the smelly kuuunt. Then again, even if it did, the left will blame it all on Boooooooosh. You know it and I know it.

The bottom line is this country is fucked and every single socialist policy passed over the last 60 years are to blame. That is for sure.
Well yes PC, your thoughts, if they happened as you have laid out, would not be good.

Still, what is worse? Having a 3rd term of Obama with Hillary seated in his place as surrogate, or allowing that to happen........maybe.............and giving the GOP a state worth all those electoral votes, making it much easier for a Cruz or Trump victory?

If Hillary wins, it surely will happen if it was going to anyway. Stop her, and there is hope!

There is an element of hope in your posts that I envy.

Imagine, 65 million Americans voted for the failure in the White House.

And not only has the media abandoned its role....
...but so has the GOP.

I can't help feeling that we have seen America's better days, and now, we're simply basking in the afterglow of our once great and noble experiment.
Well yes PC, your thoughts, if they happened as you have laid out, would not be good.

Still, what is worse? Having a 3rd term of Obama with Hillary seated in his place as surrogate, or allowing that to happen........maybe.............and giving the GOP a state worth all those electoral votes, making it much easier for a Cruz or Trump victory?

If Hillary wins, it surely will happen if it was going to anyway. Stop her, and there is hope!

This is going to sound awfully cynical on my part, but I do not care if she wins it. I will put it this way. What this socialist in chief has done over the last 7 years has sunk this country. The effects of the policies will not truly be felt until 5 or 6 years from now.

Do you know the left still think his ZIRP (Zero Interest Rate Policy) is good for the artificially inflated stock market? Yes, the same left that wanted to "occupy wall street" are the same deranged fucking losers cheering for obama as he pays off his cronies.

Oh riiiiight. Only the evil white right wingers dooooo thaaaaat.

Anyway, the point is no matter who would win for the republicans, they would get the blame for the implosion that is going to happen as a result of the utter shit being passed now. The same stupid left who do not or care about that clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs and voted for the war and gave Halliburton at least 4 no bid contracts will claim it is ALL the fault of whoever the republican would be.

I would rather the scorched earth take place under the smelly kuuunt. Then again, even if it did, the left will blame it all on Boooooooosh. You know it and I know it.

The bottom line is this country is fucked and every single socialist policy passed over the last 60 years are to blame. That is for sure.

Theowl, I am not as cynical as you are. It is an undeniable fact that if we cut out even 1/5th of the waste and freeze government spending at current levels, that we could theoretically balance the budget in a few short years, even at current tax income levels. Make the economy grow faster, and that takes even more time off the clock to balance.

The problem really lies with entitlements, and unfunded liabilities that are purposely off the books. (who would have thunk it, our beloved government hiding the truth from its citizens, the owners of the country) Congress doesn't want to touch this, we both know it. If we can't show them we are done with their crapola, they won't, AGAIN! But, if we impose our will upon this election, we have at least a chance of higher probability of this happening. No promise, no absolute, just a higher probability.

How many of us work hard each and every day, or are retired, and to get where we are, we did work hard each and every day? Are we willing just to throw our hands in the air and say "forget it, all that hard work means nothing and give it away?" Let our children and grandchildren, or the younger people on this board and across the country have a collapsed country?

I refuse! I love my kids, my grandchildren, and yes...........even my fellow countrymen who are libs who do not know any better. If we do not step up, who will? If not now, when? It is never to late, it is our duty to figure out how to turn "to late," into "not to late!" We are Americans, and if anyone can do it, it is us.
Well yes PC, your thoughts, if they happened as you have laid out, would not be good.

Still, what is worse? Having a 3rd term of Obama with Hillary seated in his place as surrogate, or allowing that to happen........maybe.............and giving the GOP a state worth all those electoral votes, making it much easier for a Cruz or Trump victory?

If Hillary wins, it surely will happen if it was going to anyway. Stop her, and there is hope!

This is going to sound awfully cynical on my part, but I do not care if she wins it. I will put it this way. What this socialist in chief has done over the last 7 years has sunk this country. The effects of the policies will not truly be felt until 5 or 6 years from now.

Do you know the left still think his ZIRP (Zero Interest Rate Policy) is good for the artificially inflated stock market? Yes, the same left that wanted to "occupy wall street" are the same deranged fucking losers cheering for obama as he pays off his cronies.

Oh riiiiight. Only the evil white right wingers dooooo thaaaaat.

Anyway, the point is no matter who would win for the republicans, they would get the blame for the implosion that is going to happen as a result of the utter shit being passed now. The same stupid left who do not or care about that clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs and voted for the war and gave Halliburton at least 4 no bid contracts will claim it is ALL the fault of whoever the republican would be.

I would rather the scorched earth take place under the smelly kuuunt. Then again, even if it did, the left will blame it all on Boooooooosh. You know it and I know it.

The bottom line is this country is fucked and every single socialist policy passed over the last 60 years are to blame. That is for sure.

Well yes PC, your thoughts, if they happened as you have laid out, would not be good.

Still, what is worse? Having a 3rd term of Obama with Hillary seated in his place as surrogate, or allowing that to happen........maybe.............and giving the GOP a state worth all those electoral votes, making it much easier for a Cruz or Trump victory?

If Hillary wins, it surely will happen if it was going to anyway. Stop her, and there is hope!

There is an element of hope in your posts that I envy.

Imagine, 65 million Americans voted for the failure in the White House.

And not only has the media abandoned its role....
...but so has the GOP.

I can't help feeling that we have seen America's better days, and now, we're simply basking in the afterglow of our once great and noble experiment.

My friends, (I hope) it has been done to us politically in national elections since Reagan that it is disgusting. It is time to return the favor as both of you seem interested, and am sure all of us know a lot of people.

What is it I speak of? It is this, for this election, implore your friends and fellow patriots, TO IMPOSE THEIR WILL!!!!!! No prisoners, just do it! Run them over, PERIOD!

Do that, the question of, "if not us who, and if not now, when," will be answered.

Good luck, and Gods speed.
Well yes PC, your thoughts, if they happened as you have laid out, would not be good.

Still, what is worse? Having a 3rd term of Obama with Hillary seated in his place as surrogate, or allowing that to happen........maybe.............and giving the GOP a state worth all those electoral votes, making it much easier for a Cruz or Trump victory?

If Hillary wins, it surely will happen if it was going to anyway. Stop her, and there is hope!

This is going to sound awfully cynical on my part, but I do not care if she wins it. I will put it this way. What this socialist in chief has done over the last 7 years has sunk this country. The effects of the policies will not truly be felt until 5 or 6 years from now.

Do you know the left still think his ZIRP (Zero Interest Rate Policy) is good for the artificially inflated stock market? Yes, the same left that wanted to "occupy wall street" are the same deranged fucking losers cheering for obama as he pays off his cronies.

Oh riiiiight. Only the evil white right wingers dooooo thaaaaat.

Anyway, the point is no matter who would win for the republicans, they would get the blame for the implosion that is going to happen as a result of the utter shit being passed now. The same stupid left who do not or care about that clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs and voted for the war and gave Halliburton at least 4 no bid contracts will claim it is ALL the fault of whoever the republican would be.

I would rather the scorched earth take place under the smelly kuuunt. Then again, even if it did, the left will blame it all on Boooooooosh. You know it and I know it.

The bottom line is this country is fucked and every single socialist policy passed over the last 60 years are to blame. That is for sure.

Theowl, I am not as cynical as you are. It is an undeniable fact that if we cut out even 1/5th of the waste and freeze government spending at current levels, that we could theoretically balance the budget in a few short years, even at current tax income levels. Make the economy grow faster, and that takes even more time off the clock to balance.

The problem really lies with entitlements, and unfunded liabilities that are purposely off the books. (who would have thunk it, our beloved government hiding the truth from its citizens, the owners of the country) Congress doesn't want to touch this, we both know it. If we can't show them we are done with their crapola, they won't, AGAIN! But, if we impose our will upon this election, we have at least a chance of higher probability of this happening. No promise, no absolute, just a higher probability.

How many of us work hard each and every day, or are retired, and to get where we are, we did work hard each and every day? Are we willing just to throw our hands in the air and say "forget it, all that hard work means nothing and give it away?" Let our children and grandchildren, or the younger people on this board and across the country have a collapsed country?

I refuse! I love my kids, my grandchildren, and yes...........even my fellow countrymen who are libs who do not know any better. If we do not step up, who will? If not now, when? It is never to late, it is our duty to figure out how to turn "to late," into "not to late!" We are Americans, and if anyone can do it, it is us.

Yes, but what you need to know is there isn't anyone that represents US. Or WE THE PEOPLE.

The establishment republicans are virtually as bad as the democrats. Yes, they are also bought and paid for. It is that clear. I mean we have been doing this for a while now, as far as imposing our will on them.

I for a brief moment felt a sliver of hope with the rise of the Tea Party. Only to see how committed the mass media is and how effective they are in pushing a narrative and absolutely crushing anyone opposed to socialism. Look at how their stupid fucking sheep still equate the Tea Party to rich white ringers and somehow they equate it to the KKK.

The Tea Party movement was so effective that it got people like Allen West elected. Only to see him gerrymandered out of his office BY THE REPUBLICANS in the very next election in 2014. When they found that Allen West was not going to "play ball" and that he actually meant what he said, they knew they needed to get rid of him.

That is what virtually all of them are. I am sorry, I felt the hope a few years ago. At some point we need to be able to read the writing on the wall. It is pretty clear to me what it is.
Integrity....either you have it or you don't. There is no gray area
Guess that cuts Trump out. Heard him telling an audience that Sanders wanted to take 90% of their money in taxes. Anyone with half a brain knows that was a lie. Integrity? Hard to find anywhere.

Sanders doesn't shy away at all from his socialist views, he supports spreading the wealth around from the rich.
Well yes PC, your thoughts, if they happened as you have laid out, would not be good.

Still, what is worse? Having a 3rd term of Obama with Hillary seated in his place as surrogate, or allowing that to happen........maybe.............and giving the GOP a state worth all those electoral votes, making it much easier for a Cruz or Trump victory?

If Hillary wins, it surely will happen if it was going to anyway. Stop her, and there is hope!

This is going to sound awfully cynical on my part, but I do not care if she wins it. I will put it this way. What this socialist in chief has done over the last 7 years has sunk this country. The effects of the policies will not truly be felt until 5 or 6 years from now.

Do you know the left still think his ZIRP (Zero Interest Rate Policy) is good for the artificially inflated stock market? Yes, the same left that wanted to "occupy wall street" are the same deranged fucking losers cheering for obama as he pays off his cronies.

Oh riiiiight. Only the evil white right wingers dooooo thaaaaat.

Anyway, the point is no matter who would win for the republicans, they would get the blame for the implosion that is going to happen as a result of the utter shit being passed now. The same stupid left who do not or care about that clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs and voted for the war and gave Halliburton at least 4 no bid contracts will claim it is ALL the fault of whoever the republican would be.

I would rather the scorched earth take place under the smelly kuuunt. Then again, even if it did, the left will blame it all on Boooooooosh. You know it and I know it.

The bottom line is this country is fucked and every single socialist policy passed over the last 60 years are to blame. That is for sure.

Theowl, I am not as cynical as you are. It is an undeniable fact that if we cut out even 1/5th of the waste and freeze government spending at current levels, that we could theoretically balance the budget in a few short years, even at current tax income levels. Make the economy grow faster, and that takes even more time off the clock to balance.

The problem really lies with entitlements, and unfunded liabilities that are purposely off the books. (who would have thunk it, our beloved government hiding the truth from its citizens, the owners of the country) Congress doesn't want to touch this, we both know it. If we can't show them we are done with their crapola, they won't, AGAIN! But, if we impose our will upon this election, we have at least a chance of higher probability of this happening. No promise, no absolute, just a higher probability.

How many of us work hard each and every day, or are retired, and to get where we are, we did work hard each and every day? Are we willing just to throw our hands in the air and say "forget it, all that hard work means nothing and give it away?" Let our children and grandchildren, or the younger people on this board and across the country have a collapsed country?

I refuse! I love my kids, my grandchildren, and yes...........even my fellow countrymen who are libs who do not know any better. If we do not step up, who will? If not now, when? It is never to late, it is our duty to figure out how to turn "to late," into "not to late!" We are Americans, and if anyone can do it, it is us.

Yes, but what you need to know is there isn't anyone that represents US. Or WE THE PEOPLE.

The establishment republicans are virtually as bad as the democrats. Yes, they are also bought and paid for. It is that clear. I mean we have been doing this for a while now, as far as imposing our will on them.

I for a brief moment felt a sliver of hope with the rise of the Tea Party. Only to see how committed the mass media is and how effective they are in pushing a narrative and absolutely crushing anyone opposed to socialism. Look at how their stupid fucking sheep still equate the Tea Party to rich white ringers and somehow they equate it to the KKK.

The Tea Party movement was so effective that it got people like Allen West elected. Only to see him gerrymandered out of his office BY THE REPUBLICANS in the very next election in 2014. When they found that Allen West was not going to "play ball" and that he actually meant what he said, they knew they needed to get rid of him.

That is what virtually all of them are. I am sorry, I felt the hope a few years ago. At some point we need to be able to read the writing on the wall. It is pretty clear to me what it is.

I am sorry you feel that way, but yes, I understand it. This is why I do a two pronged approach and fight for a decent outsider, while working for an article 5 convention.

It is obvious that neither side wants to educate the people on what is actually going on, so as to keep the electorate dumb. They like status quo.

I hope at sometime in the near future, you will re-evaluate your position, and change your mind. People who understand the facts in evidence are hard to come by. Losing such an asset is a big loss, but I do understand your position.

Thanks for responding. Maybe I can change your mind further down the road, I certainly hope so.
And thank you Citizens United
Remember, Corporations are people too, until it becomes necessary for them to fall back into the corporate world. They get the best of it all.
The rich will screw this country until they are stopped.
But the teabagging conservatives don't see anything happening.
They are to worried about legislating to women's reproductive issues.

The politicians and media have spun the narrative that its normal for politicians to be corrupted lying flip floppers. Who's to blame? The press. The press is our last line of defense against corrupted government, and were granted special protections by the constitution to do this job. But they have thrown in with the corrupted politicians vs holding them accountable.
And thank you Citizens United
Remember, Corporations are people too, until it becomes necessary for them to fall back into the corporate world. They get the best of it all.
The rich will screw this country until they are stopped.
But the teabagging conservatives don't see anything happening.
They are to worried about legislating to women's reproductive issues.

The politicians and media have spun the narrative that its normal for politicians to be corrupted lying flip floppers. Who's to blame? The press. The press is our last line of defense against corrupted government, and were granted special protections by the constitution to do this job. But they have thrown in with the corrupted politicians vs holding them accountable.

That's like 4 half assed liberal talking points clumped together in a ball of nonsense.
You cannot dispute it, you only can state your opinion.
Typical right wing teabagger.
Just like "the donald"
No substance but boy is he your man.

And thank you Citizens United
Remember, Corporations are people too, until it becomes necessary for them to fall back into the corporate world. They get the best of it all.
The rich will screw this country until they are stopped.
But the teabagging conservatives don't see anything happening.
They are to worried about legislating to women's reproductive issues.

The politicians and media have spun the narrative that its normal for politicians to be corrupted lying flip floppers. Who's to blame? The press. The press is our last line of defense against corrupted government, and were granted special protections by the constitution to do this job. But they have thrown in with the corrupted politicians vs holding them accountable.

That's like 4 half assed liberal talking points clumped together in a ball of nonsense.
How is it if the left is correct, that the United States consistently kicked Europe's basically Socialist European ass economically for over a century? Accident? Propaganda? We really didn't and are lying? And while doing it, we created the highest living standard the world had ever seen, for the largest swath of our people!

Now we have moved left since at least Clinton,(and yes, that includes during GW, which means the left should love him) and we fall back. Democrat solution? More European socialism!

All of the facts dispute their assertions, yet they come on the media, on here, there, and everywhere; and with a straight face, try and tell every American that they are brilliant, correct, and know better! It is more than disgusting, it is depressing, because to many uneducated people believe them, and the snake oil they peddle.
All while none of them have ever lived under those conditions.

Have you?
You cannot dispute it, you only can state your opinion.
Typical right wing teabagger.
Just like "the donald"
No substance but boy is he your man.

And thank you Citizens United
Remember, Corporations are people too, until it becomes necessary for them to fall back into the corporate world. They get the best of it all.
The rich will screw this country until they are stopped.
But the teabagging conservatives don't see anything happening.
They are to worried about legislating to women's reproductive issues.

The politicians and media have spun the narrative that its normal for politicians to be corrupted lying flip floppers. Who's to blame? The press. The press is our last line of defense against corrupted government, and were granted special protections by the constitution to do this job. But they have thrown in with the corrupted politicians vs holding them accountable.

That's like 4 half assed liberal talking points clumped together in a ball of nonsense.

I avoid disputing nonsense spewed by crazy people off their meds yes.
How is it if the left is correct, that the United States consistently kicked Europe's basically Socialist European ass economically for over a century? Accident? Propaganda? We really didn't and are lying? And while doing it, we created the highest living standard the world had ever seen, for the largest swath of our people!

Now we have moved left since at least Clinton,(and yes, that includes during GW, which means the left should love him) and we fall back. Democrat solution? More European socialism!

All of the facts dispute their assertions, yet they come on the media, on here, there, and everywhere; and with a straight face, try and tell every American that they are brilliant, correct, and know better! It is more than disgusting, it is depressing, because to many uneducated people believe them, and the snake oil they peddle.
All while none of them have ever lived under those conditions.

Have you?
Fuck you
Well yes PC, your thoughts, if they happened as you have laid out, would not be good.

Still, what is worse? Having a 3rd term of Obama with Hillary seated in his place as surrogate, or allowing that to happen........maybe.............and giving the GOP a state worth all those electoral votes, making it much easier for a Cruz or Trump victory?

If Hillary wins, it surely will happen if it was going to anyway. Stop her, and there is hope!

This is going to sound awfully cynical on my part, but I do not care if she wins it. I will put it this way. What this socialist in chief has done over the last 7 years has sunk this country. The effects of the policies will not truly be felt until 5 or 6 years from now.

Do you know the left still think his ZIRP (Zero Interest Rate Policy) is good for the artificially inflated stock market? Yes, the same left that wanted to "occupy wall street" are the same deranged fucking losers cheering for obama as he pays off his cronies.

Oh riiiiight. Only the evil white right wingers dooooo thaaaaat.

Anyway, the point is no matter who would win for the republicans, they would get the blame for the implosion that is going to happen as a result of the utter shit being passed now. The same stupid left who do not or care about that clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs and voted for the war and gave Halliburton at least 4 no bid contracts will claim it is ALL the fault of whoever the republican would be.

I would rather the scorched earth take place under the smelly kuuunt. Then again, even if it did, the left will blame it all on Boooooooosh. You know it and I know it.

The bottom line is this country is fucked and every single socialist policy passed over the last 60 years are to blame. That is for sure.

Theowl, I am not as cynical as you are. It is an undeniable fact that if we cut out even 1/5th of the waste and freeze government spending at current levels, that we could theoretically balance the budget in a few short years, even at current tax income levels. Make the economy grow faster, and that takes even more time off the clock to balance.

The problem really lies with entitlements, and unfunded liabilities that are purposely off the books. (who would have thunk it, our beloved government hiding the truth from its citizens, the owners of the country) Congress doesn't want to touch this, we both know it. If we can't show them we are done with their crapola, they won't, AGAIN! But, if we impose our will upon this election, we have at least a chance of higher probability of this happening. No promise, no absolute, just a higher probability.

How many of us work hard each and every day, or are retired, and to get where we are, we did work hard each and every day? Are we willing just to throw our hands in the air and say "forget it, all that hard work means nothing and give it away?" Let our children and grandchildren, or the younger people on this board and across the country have a collapsed country?

I refuse! I love my kids, my grandchildren, and yes...........even my fellow countrymen who are libs who do not know any better. If we do not step up, who will? If not now, when? It is never to late, it is our duty to figure out how to turn "to late," into "not to late!" We are Americans, and if anyone can do it, it is us.

Yes, but what you need to know is there isn't anyone that represents US. Or WE THE PEOPLE.

The establishment republicans are virtually as bad as the democrats. Yes, they are also bought and paid for. It is that clear. I mean we have been doing this for a while now, as far as imposing our will on them.

I for a brief moment felt a sliver of hope with the rise of the Tea Party. Only to see how committed the mass media is and how effective they are in pushing a narrative and absolutely crushing anyone opposed to socialism. Look at how their stupid fucking sheep still equate the Tea Party to rich white ringers and somehow they equate it to the KKK.

The Tea Party movement was so effective that it got people like Allen West elected. Only to see him gerrymandered out of his office BY THE REPUBLICANS in the very next election in 2014. When they found that Allen West was not going to "play ball" and that he actually meant what he said, they knew they needed to get rid of him.

That is what virtually all of them are. I am sorry, I felt the hope a few years ago. At some point we need to be able to read the writing on the wall. It is pretty clear to me what it is.

I am sorry you feel that way, but yes, I understand it. This is why I do a two pronged approach and fight for a decent outsider, while working for an article 5 convention.

It is obvious that neither side wants to educate the people on what is actually going on, so as to keep the electorate dumb. They like status quo.

I hope at sometime in the near future, you will re-evaluate your position, and change your mind. People who understand the facts in evidence are hard to come by. Losing such an asset is a big loss, but I do understand your position.

Thanks for responding. Maybe I can change your mind further down the road, I certainly hope so.
"The power of accurate observation is often called cynicism by those who don't have it."

George bernard shaw

Well yes PC, your thoughts, if they happened as you have laid out, would not be good.

Still, what is worse? Having a 3rd term of Obama with Hillary seated in his place as surrogate, or allowing that to happen........maybe.............and giving the GOP a state worth all those electoral votes, making it much easier for a Cruz or Trump victory?

If Hillary wins, it surely will happen if it was going to anyway. Stop her, and there is hope!

This is going to sound awfully cynical on my part, but I do not care if she wins it. I will put it this way. What this socialist in chief has done over the last 7 years has sunk this country. The effects of the policies will not truly be felt until 5 or 6 years from now.

Do you know the left still think his ZIRP (Zero Interest Rate Policy) is good for the artificially inflated stock market? Yes, the same left that wanted to "occupy wall street" are the same deranged fucking losers cheering for obama as he pays off his cronies.

Oh riiiiight. Only the evil white right wingers dooooo thaaaaat.

Anyway, the point is no matter who would win for the republicans, they would get the blame for the implosion that is going to happen as a result of the utter shit being passed now. The same stupid left who do not or care about that clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs and voted for the war and gave Halliburton at least 4 no bid contracts will claim it is ALL the fault of whoever the republican would be.

I would rather the scorched earth take place under the smelly kuuunt. Then again, even if it did, the left will blame it all on Boooooooosh. You know it and I know it.

The bottom line is this country is fucked and every single socialist policy passed over the last 60 years are to blame. That is for sure.

Theowl, I am not as cynical as you are. It is an undeniable fact that if we cut out even 1/5th of the waste and freeze government spending at current levels, that we could theoretically balance the budget in a few short years, even at current tax income levels. Make the economy grow faster, and that takes even more time off the clock to balance.

The problem really lies with entitlements, and unfunded liabilities that are purposely off the books. (who would have thunk it, our beloved government hiding the truth from its citizens, the owners of the country) Congress doesn't want to touch this, we both know it. If we can't show them we are done with their crapola, they won't, AGAIN! But, if we impose our will upon this election, we have at least a chance of higher probability of this happening. No promise, no absolute, just a higher probability.

How many of us work hard each and every day, or are retired, and to get where we are, we did work hard each and every day? Are we willing just to throw our hands in the air and say "forget it, all that hard work means nothing and give it away?" Let our children and grandchildren, or the younger people on this board and across the country have a collapsed country?

I refuse! I love my kids, my grandchildren, and yes...........even my fellow countrymen who are libs who do not know any better. If we do not step up, who will? If not now, when? It is never to late, it is our duty to figure out how to turn "to late," into "not to late!" We are Americans, and if anyone can do it, it is us.

Yes, but what you need to know is there isn't anyone that represents US. Or WE THE PEOPLE.

The establishment republicans are virtually as bad as the democrats. Yes, they are also bought and paid for. It is that clear. I mean we have been doing this for a while now, as far as imposing our will on them.

I for a brief moment felt a sliver of hope with the rise of the Tea Party. Only to see how committed the mass media is and how effective they are in pushing a narrative and absolutely crushing anyone opposed to socialism. Look at how their stupid fucking sheep still equate the Tea Party to rich white ringers and somehow they equate it to the KKK.

The Tea Party movement was so effective that it got people like Allen West elected. Only to see him gerrymandered out of his office BY THE REPUBLICANS in the very next election in 2014. When they found that Allen West was not going to "play ball" and that he actually meant what he said, they knew they needed to get rid of him.

That is what virtually all of them are. I am sorry, I felt the hope a few years ago. At some point we need to be able to read the writing on the wall. It is pretty clear to me what it is.

I am sorry you feel that way, but yes, I understand it. This is why I do a two pronged approach and fight for a decent outsider, while working for an article 5 convention.

It is obvious that neither side wants to educate the people on what is actually going on, so as to keep the electorate dumb. They like status quo.

I hope at sometime in the near future, you will re-evaluate your position, and change your mind. People who understand the facts in evidence are hard to come by. Losing such an asset is a big loss, but I do understand your position.

Thanks for responding. Maybe I can change your mind further down the road, I certainly hope so.
"The power of accurate observation is often called cynicism by those who don't have it."

George bernard shaw


And the accuracy of one poster's observation from the safety of his keyboard in the absence of actual experience or reference to credible source material is no more nor less than any other's.

And GBS would have snubbed you for your laziness in typing his name.
This is going to sound awfully cynical on my part, but I do not care if she wins it. I will put it this way. What this socialist in chief has done over the last 7 years has sunk this country. The effects of the policies will not truly be felt until 5 or 6 years from now.

Do you know the left still think his ZIRP (Zero Interest Rate Policy) is good for the artificially inflated stock market? Yes, the same left that wanted to "occupy wall street" are the same deranged fucking losers cheering for obama as he pays off his cronies.

Oh riiiiight. Only the evil white right wingers dooooo thaaaaat.

Anyway, the point is no matter who would win for the republicans, they would get the blame for the implosion that is going to happen as a result of the utter shit being passed now. The same stupid left who do not or care about that clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs and voted for the war and gave Halliburton at least 4 no bid contracts will claim it is ALL the fault of whoever the republican would be.

I would rather the scorched earth take place under the smelly kuuunt. Then again, even if it did, the left will blame it all on Boooooooosh. You know it and I know it.

The bottom line is this country is fucked and every single socialist policy passed over the last 60 years are to blame. That is for sure.

Theowl, I am not as cynical as you are. It is an undeniable fact that if we cut out even 1/5th of the waste and freeze government spending at current levels, that we could theoretically balance the budget in a few short years, even at current tax income levels. Make the economy grow faster, and that takes even more time off the clock to balance.

The problem really lies with entitlements, and unfunded liabilities that are purposely off the books. (who would have thunk it, our beloved government hiding the truth from its citizens, the owners of the country) Congress doesn't want to touch this, we both know it. If we can't show them we are done with their crapola, they won't, AGAIN! But, if we impose our will upon this election, we have at least a chance of higher probability of this happening. No promise, no absolute, just a higher probability.

How many of us work hard each and every day, or are retired, and to get where we are, we did work hard each and every day? Are we willing just to throw our hands in the air and say "forget it, all that hard work means nothing and give it away?" Let our children and grandchildren, or the younger people on this board and across the country have a collapsed country?

I refuse! I love my kids, my grandchildren, and yes...........even my fellow countrymen who are libs who do not know any better. If we do not step up, who will? If not now, when? It is never to late, it is our duty to figure out how to turn "to late," into "not to late!" We are Americans, and if anyone can do it, it is us.

Yes, but what you need to know is there isn't anyone that represents US. Or WE THE PEOPLE.

The establishment republicans are virtually as bad as the democrats. Yes, they are also bought and paid for. It is that clear. I mean we have been doing this for a while now, as far as imposing our will on them.

I for a brief moment felt a sliver of hope with the rise of the Tea Party. Only to see how committed the mass media is and how effective they are in pushing a narrative and absolutely crushing anyone opposed to socialism. Look at how their stupid fucking sheep still equate the Tea Party to rich white ringers and somehow they equate it to the KKK.

The Tea Party movement was so effective that it got people like Allen West elected. Only to see him gerrymandered out of his office BY THE REPUBLICANS in the very next election in 2014. When they found that Allen West was not going to "play ball" and that he actually meant what he said, they knew they needed to get rid of him.

That is what virtually all of them are. I am sorry, I felt the hope a few years ago. At some point we need to be able to read the writing on the wall. It is pretty clear to me what it is.

I am sorry you feel that way, but yes, I understand it. This is why I do a two pronged approach and fight for a decent outsider, while working for an article 5 convention.

It is obvious that neither side wants to educate the people on what is actually going on, so as to keep the electorate dumb. They like status quo.

I hope at sometime in the near future, you will re-evaluate your position, and change your mind. People who understand the facts in evidence are hard to come by. Losing such an asset is a big loss, but I do understand your position.

Thanks for responding. Maybe I can change your mind further down the road, I certainly hope so.
"The power of accurate observation is often called cynicism by those who don't have it."

George bernard shaw


And the accuracy of one poster's observation from the safety of his keyboard in the absence of actual experience or reference to credible source material is no more nor less than any other's.

And GBS would have snubbed you for your laziness in typing his name.
Dear Lord I fucking hate liberals.

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