Intel Chiefs confirm the Comrade told them to deny collusion

You mean Trump ask them if they could say publicly what they had already said in private.

Sorry, douche bag, but no banana.

If you think you're going to achieve anything by deliberately mischaracterizing what's happening, you're barking up the wrong tree. You're just regurgitating fake news, and the voters know it.
This is why this won't go anywhere. Can the president order a subservient to tell the truth? Not according to democrats.
They've been discussing this in the news this morning. I was in upper management in the restaurant business as well as owning a national franchise for 20 years and when I said "I suggest you do something" to someone and they did not do what I suggested, there were reprecussions.

Exactly Debbie...most employees would take a suggestion as a Get It Done action.. But these clowns on this forum are not going to admit it until they see Trump and the chain gang behind bars.even then they will be saying that it is the democrats fault..

Yet the fact that Trump wasn't under investigation is about the only thing that wasn't leaked, go figure.

Are lefties grasping at the last straw when the intelligence agencies claim that there is no evidence of collusion? You almost gotta laugh that the world is falling down around democrats when they lost 5 out of 5 special elections including the one they especially wanted to win in Ga but they are still chasing shadows in the Russia investigation. Be careful what you wish for lefties, it looks like Debbie Wasserman Schultz is ready to take the 5th when the focus shifts to the Clinton campaign.
Director of National Intelligence (D.N.I.) Dan Coats and Director of the National Security Agency (N.S.A.) Admiral Mike Rogers have privately confirmed what they refused to disclose in an open session of Senate Intelligence Committee; der GroppenFuhrer suggested that they publicly "Suggested" they refute claims of Russian Collusion in his 2016 Presidential Campaign.

Intel chiefs tell investigators Trump suggested they refute collusion with Russians -

Admiral Rogers and D.N.I. Coats, in separate meetings held privately with the Office of the Special Prosecutor confirmed that 45 had suggested they should make public statements that would refute claims of any Russian Collusion in his campaign.

Both Coats and Rogers had refused answer questions in an open session of the Senate Intelligence Committee about whether or not there Russian Collusion in the 2016 Presidential Campaign or if 45 had asked them to publicly deny such Russian Collusion.

Fifteen separate U.S. Intelligence and Security Agencies have gone on record as saying Russian interfered in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election.

Former F.B.I. Director Robert Mueller was appointed Special Prosecutor after James Comey, the man who replace Mueller as F.B.I. Director was fired 45 for refusing to shut down the Russia Investigation.

At the time of his appointment as Special Prosecutor, 45 had wanted to reappoint Mueller as Director of the F.B.I. Mueller is a well respected law enforcement official, who until being selected Special Prosecutor had support that crossed party lines. Now he is something that sticks to the bottom of shoes of Republican Lawmakers who are more than willing to accept Russian Interference in our election process as long it furthers their morally corrupt agenda.
The Trumpettes call CNN fake news cause they don't kiss Benedict Donald's ass, like FOX does on an hourly basis.

Idiotic right wingers on here are basically so fucking scared of the storm that is a-coming that they're doing this.......

Benedict Arnold Trump at it again.
Didn't you get banned once for this same type of top posting trolling?
Trump is the President, the obstructionists coup who opposed the results of the election and electorate, sabotages the gov't is the Benedict Arnold. Hillary gave the Uranium to the opposition=
Hillary=Benedict Arnold.
Jake, you are deflecting again.

You realize the uranium story was Russian fake news, right? They stacked the deck for Benedict Donald. Putin got HIS president. The GOP is now Putin's Bitch.
you make as much sense as frozen constipation.

You sound like a expert on "frozen constipation."

Probably because there wasn't any. One would think after eight months of you people beating on the "Russian collusion" drums at least one person could have brought forth even one piece of conclusive evidence. The fact is, as I've said before, Russian collusion is the Democrats' Kenyan birth certificate. It's a snipe hunt.
The Trumpettes call CNN fake news cause they don't kiss Benedict Donald's ass, like FOX does on an hourly basis.

Idiotic right wingers on here are basically so fucking scared of the storm that is a-coming that they're doing this.......

View attachment 134789

LMAO, a storm that will be no more than a fart in the shower. You best keep the suicide hot line number real handy.

They've been discussing this in the news this morning. I was in upper management in the restaurant business as well as owning a national franchise for 20 years and when I said "I suggest you do something" to someone and they did not do what I suggested, there were reprecussions.

Exactly Debbie...most employees would take a suggestion as a Get It Done action.. But these clowns on this forum are not going to admit it until they see Trump and the chain gang behind bars.even then they will be saying that it is the democrats fault..

Yet the fact that Trump wasn't under investigation is about the only thing that wasn't leaked, go figure.


You think Mueller is asking the Intel Chiefs if Benedict Donald told themto deny collusion for fun? He is surely investigating the Comrade.
Mueller is just getting started. Just sit back and wait.
They've been discussing this in the news this morning. I was in upper management in the restaurant business as well as owning a national franchise for 20 years and when I said "I suggest you do something" to someone and they did not do what I suggested, there were reprecussions.

Exactly Debbie...most employees would take a suggestion as a Get It Done action.. But these clowns on this forum are not going to admit it until they see Trump and the chain gang behind bars.even then they will be saying that it is the democrats fault..

Yet the fact that Trump wasn't under investigation is about the only thing that wasn't leaked, go figure.


You think Mueller is asking the Intel Chiefs if Benedict Donald told themto deny collusion for fun? He is surely investigating the Comrade.

According to the article that's not what was said, that's your lie.

From your link:

"One source said that Trump wanted them to say publicly what then-FBI Director James Comey had told the President privately: that he was not under investigation for collusion."

That is not asking them to "deny collusion", it's asking them the tell the truth since Comey lacked the balls to do so. And Comey wonders why he was fired. Obstruction comes for asking people to lie, not tell the truth.

Director of National Intelligence (D.N.I.) Dan Coats and Director of the National Security Agency (N.S.A.) Admiral Mike Rogers have privately confirmed what they refused to disclose in an open session of Senate Intelligence Committee; der GroppenFuhrer suggested that they publicly "Suggested" they refute claims of Russian Collusion in his 2016 Presidential Campaign.

Intel chiefs tell investigators Trump suggested they refute collusion with Russians -

Admiral Rogers and D.N.I. Coats, in separate meetings held privately with the Office of the Special Prosecutor confirmed that 45 had suggested they should make public statements that would refute claims of any Russian Collusion in his campaign.

Both Coats and Rogers had refused answer questions in an open session of the Senate Intelligence Committee about whether or not there Russian Collusion in the 2016 Presidential Campaign or if 45 had asked them to publicly deny such Russian Collusion.

Fifteen separate U.S. Intelligence and Security Agencies have gone on record as saying Russian interfered in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election.

Former F.B.I. Director Robert Mueller was appointed Special Prosecutor after James Comey, the man who replace Mueller as F.B.I. Director was fired 45 for refusing to shut down the Russia Investigation.

At the time of his appointment as Special Prosecutor, 45 had wanted to reappoint Mueller as Director of the F.B.I. Mueller is a well respected law enforcement official, who until being selected Special Prosecutor had support that crossed party lines. Now he is something that sticks to the bottom of shoes of Republican Lawmakers who are more than willing to accept Russian Interference in our election process as long it furthers their morally corrupt agenda.

Sure -

according to multiple sources.

according to multiple sources (2)

Sources say

The sources

sources said.

described to CNN by Democratic and Republican congressional sources.

One source said

However, sources said

sources shared limited details.

one congressional source told CNN

according to sources

One congressional source

One congressional source (2)

the source said.

Since 17 Intelligence agencies, James Comey, James Clapper, and Jeh Johnson all said THE DNC is FULL OF SHIT.


He also stated the DNC refused to let anyone look at their server despite their claims of hacking and that NO ONE has ever seen any evidence of hacking on that server because NO ONE HAS BEEN ALLOWED TO LOOK AT IT.

They refused to even let The FBI and Homeland Security look at it for purposes of addressing potential security vulnerabilities.

They were THAT CONCERNED OVER HACKING, that they refused to let anyone look at the server, even to try to help.

Gowdy on Jeh Johnson testimony, Loretta Lynch controversy Gowdy on Jeh Johnson testimony, Loretta Lynch controversy
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Lol, CNN, you idiots never learn do you?

What will you do when all this, just like everything you tried before, blows up in your faces? What lie will be next?

America no longer is buying what you liars are selling.

Good little Trumpbot. Calling CNN. Fake news because Donnie said so. Calling them fake news doesn't mean they aren't a legitimate news source.

I'm not a CNN fan at all but they're certainly more honest and accurate than your orange faced clown.

No moron, its fake news because it's been proven to be so time after time. That isn't even questionable. They are not a trustworthy source in the least.
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