Intelligent brainstorm...Please do not participate if you have a low I.Q.

Nov 15, 2009
Let's have an intelligent brainstorm on why a government would fake an attack on its own citizens. Not much unlike Germany did to its own building just before WWII.
Government employees don't simultaneously come up with the exact same conspiracy and everyone is miraculously on board. It has to start with one person, so who is that person in charge and what was his personal motivation for doing it? If that person is Bush, it can't be for money, because he already has more money than he can ever spend. More money won't change his lifestyle one iota, so there's no reason to risk going to prison for something he doesn't need.
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Political and/or financial gain.
It could be the government in question was failing in some way and needed to divert attention.
It could be the government was under financial pressure from a given political group or the leader of that group had a vested interest in war for whatever reason.

Lets say a top politician, I'll call him Mr. Tree, had a family investment in a major arms related company, say, the Vanlyle group.

That company would make $ billions if the politician started a war.

Of course, I'm sure that could never happen in a western country.
Political and/or financial gain.
It could be the government in question was failing in some way and needed to divert attention.
It could be the government was under financial pressure from a given political group or the leader of that group had a vested interest in war for whatever reason.

Lets say a top politician, I'll call him Mr. Tree, had a family investment in a major arms related company, say, the Vanlyle group.

That company would make $ billions if the politician started a war.

Of course, I'm sure that could never happen in a western country.

You would need the president on board though, and I see nothing that would be worth the risk for him. A family bond isn't going to cut it either. If it worked that way, every bank robbery would involve mothers, brothers, sisters and fathers, and a plot to murder 3000 people is a big step up from robbing a bank.

The fact is, only a psychopath would entertain such a notion, and the odds of hundreds of psychopaths somehow finding each other and being in the right positions to pull off a job like this, is about as close to impossible as you can get. I mean how many fields of expertise would be required for it? You'd need an entire psycho crew of demolitions experts, you'd need psycho trade center employees to cover it up, you'd need psycho politicians, you'd need psycho CIA members, psycho NSA members, psycho clean up crews to hide the explosive materials found in the debris, you'd need an entire 9/11 commision made up of psychos, and a psycho president? It's an impossible scenario.
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Political and/or financial gain.
It could be the government in question was failing in some way and needed to divert attention.
It could be the government was under financial pressure from a given political group or the leader of that group had a vested interest in war for whatever reason.

Lets say a top politician, I'll call him Mr. Tree, had a family investment in a major arms related company, say, the Vanlyle group.

That company would make $ billions if the politician started a war.

Of course, I'm sure that could never happen in a western country.

I am equally sure that it couldn't and never has. Those with a room temperature IQ actually think differently.
Government employees don't simultaneously come up with the exact same conspiracy and everyone is miraculously on board. It has to start with one person, so who is that person in charge and what was his personal motivation for doing it? If that person is Bush, it can't be for money, because he already has more money than he can ever spend. More money won't change his lifestyle one iota, so there's no reason to risk going to prison for something he doesn't need.

Since this is not the first time I have seen this given as a reason I will just state for some people money is not an ends in itself but a guage of accomplishment. Therefore there is no such thing as enough money.
Government employees don't simultaneously come up with the exact same conspiracy and everyone is miraculously on board. It has to start with one person, so who is that person in charge and what was his personal motivation for doing it? If that person is Bush, it can't be for money, because he already has more money than he can ever spend. More money won't change his lifestyle one iota, so there's no reason to risk going to prison for something he doesn't need.

Since this is not the first time I have seen this given as a reason I will just state for some people money is not an ends in itself but a guage of accomplishment. Therefore there is no such thing as enough money.

You might want more money if you're a billionaire, but you sure as fuck aren't going to kill 3000 Americans to get it. The risk isn't any where close to being worth the reward.
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Let's have an intelligent brainstorm on why a government would fake an attack on its own citizens. Not much unlike Germany did to its own building just before WWII.

If it was faked, it would probably be only after the heirarchy of those in charge agreed on a certain threat as being able to scare the people into blindly following them.

Although I believe that we invaded the wrong country by going into Iraq, and now that OBL is dead and our troops are being killed in "green on blue" killings (meaning the Afghani militia we're supposed to be training is killing our troops), we need to get the fuck out of Afghanistan, like PRONTO.

However.........................with all that being said, there is no way that Jr's admin would have ever ordered such an attack. 9/11 happened because of Taliban terrorists and OBL.
Government employees don't simultaneously come up with the exact same conspiracy and everyone is miraculously on board. It has to start with one person, so who is that person in charge and what was his personal motivation for doing it? If that person is Bush, it can't be for money, because he already has more money than he can ever spend. More money won't change his lifestyle one iota, so there's no reason to risk going to prison for something he doesn't need.

Since this is not the first time I have seen this given as a reason I will just state for some people money is not an ends in itself but a guage of accomplishment. Therefore there is no such thing as enough money.

You might want more money if you're a billionaire, but you sure as fuck aren't going to kill 3000 Americans to get it. The risk isn't any where close to being worth the reward.

So you believe a small team of first-timers pulled this off?
Let's have an intelligent brainstorm on why a government would fake an attack on its own citizens. Not much unlike Germany did to its own building just before WWII.

wow... i thought you said that you wanted people with high IQ's....

but you're participating. so i guess that shot that idea in the foot.
Why a government would fake an attack on its own citizens.
Could be several reasons.....
Alliances with other nations to put a bigger power consolidation play in motion.
Implement laws that put more control over it citizens under the guise of security.
Drive up the profits of the military suppliers for payback on campaign donations.
I think this is not off-topic. You know what I want to know? I want to know the story behind the Anthrax attacks. That stuff had to come from our own labs from what I understand.
Umm, what?

Allow me to translate:

"Only smart people believe Bush ordered 9/11. If you don't believe he did, you're dumb."


Since this is not the first time I have seen this given as a reason I will just state for some people money is not an ends in itself but a guage of accomplishment. Therefore there is no such thing as enough money.

You might want more money if you're a billionaire, but you sure as fuck aren't going to kill 3000 Americans to get it. The risk isn't any where close to being worth the reward.

So you believe a small team of first-timers pulled this off?

If youre referring to those Muslim shit dicks that crashed the planes... Yes.
Why a government would fake an attack on its own citizens.
Could be several reasons.....
Alliances with other nations to put a bigger power consolidation play in motion.
Implement laws that put more control over it citizens under the guise of security.
Drive up the profits of the military suppliers for payback on campaign donations.

1) What power play and why would Bush even care?
2) How would bush benefit from those laws? He's sitting at home sipping beer right now.
3) "thanks for the donations boys. As a token of gratitude, I'm going to murder 3000 people for you." Seriously?

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