Interesting article on muslims in america

sorry Clementine----but some of your "arguments" ----cannot hold water AND the
lack of women's rights has been BEATEN TO DEATH------in fact it is the women
themselves who CREATE it. --------more specifically----the mothers,, based on a long tradition of TOO MUCH emphasis on the mommy/son relationship. If you do not understand----feel free to question my statement. The insight that you present is VERY IMPORTANT----far more important than lots of people realize----and that is
THE CRIMINALIZATION of "insult against islam" It strikes me like ton of
bricks every time ANYONE (mostly muslims, of course) mention the idea that
"insult against islam" should be a crime.
I have never heard a muslim leader who wants "insult against islam" to be a crime---suggest that INSULT against Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism,
Zoroastrianism-----should ALSO BE A CRIME. ------I know the reason------
"insult" against islam-------the fact is that the idea INCLUDES a free-for-all by
muslims against ------'kufr'------which means ANYTHING not muslim.

I repeated what many former Muslim women have said. If you want to disagree or call them liars, I can't stop you.

It's fact that the polls of Muslims in America have some extreme ideas. I cannot tolerate their belief that people should die or at least face severe punishment for insulting their religion or refusing to convert. I cannot tolerate women covering their bodies in shame or not being allowed to speak to people.

Christianity is insulted all the time, the latest by Sarah whatsherface. Most are so used to it that little is said and certainly no death threats over it. Not the case when someone insults Islam. There is an evil element connected with Muslims that we are supposed to ignore.
true, but the difference is significant. Christians are not instructed to destroy non-Christians, whereas muslims are not considered good muslims unless they vow and practice the destruction on non-muslims.

Now, it is true that many American muslims to no follow those teachings. But it only takes a few like the San Bernardino and Ft Hood shooters.

To pretend that this is not a problem is very very naïve and dangerous.

"If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you ... Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die." -- Dt.13:6-10

Perhaps someone should tell you the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament.

I do see a difference------what do you imagine is the difference?

The OT was written by and adhered to by the Jews. The NT is about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

So the Jews are nuts and Catholics are geniuses?

depends upon whom you ask
Question? Can you be a good American?
Muslim's may not be good Americans but they could be good United States Citizens.



This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish. Maybe this is why our American Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities.

Can a good Muslim be a good American?

This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon god of Arabia.

Religiously - no. Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam. (Quran,2:256)(Koran)

Scripturally - no. Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

Geographically - no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

Politically - no. Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.

Domestically - no. Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him. (Quran 4:34 )

Intellectually - no. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically - no. Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually - no. Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' The Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 excellent names.

Therefore, after much study and deliberation... Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and 'good' Americans. Call it what you wish it's still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future.

The religious war is bigger than we know or understand!

Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within. SO FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.
They didn't do it for the purpose of converting the population to Christianity, dipstick. That was an afterthought, and only the Spanish demonstrated any zeal at converting the native population to Christianity. The Dutch, British and French were only interest in material gain.

hichW can also apply to Islam - a lot of times, Jews and Christians were allowed to practice their faith. Every argument you make in defense of Christianity can be made for Islam.

that is simply a lie. There are no Christian churches or Jewish synagoges in Saudi Arabia or Iran. Religions other than Islam are not allowed to exist in those muslim countries.

If you doubt that, try to take a Bible into Saudi Arabia or hold a Christian service in Iran.

What specifically is a "lie"? That "a lot of times, Jews and Christians were allowed to practice their faith" under Islamic rule"? Do you think that the culture in two countries overrules 1300 years of history?

And while we're looking at history why don't you enlighten us on how wonderfully Muslims and Jews were treated under Christian conquest?

You might want to do a bit of research:
List of synagogues in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christianity in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're basing your entire thesis on Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is the classic example because it is the home of the muslim religion. But pick any muslim country that you wish, then tell us which one allows the free practice of
Christianity or Judaism. You won't find one.

If you think Christians and Jews are free to practice their faith in Iran, then I have some valuable swamp land to sell you.

Saudi Arabia is one country only - and not even the most populous. As far as recognizing, allowing free worship of other religions that varies from country to country. Even non-Muslim countries don't always allow for the free worship of non-nation recognized religion. Religious tolerance is very much a western ideal and the lack of such around the world makes it even more compelling that we fight to protect it here.

Iran has Christian and Jewish populations
, who are able to practice their religion though they are subject to the same very restrictive laws as everyone else.

Indonesia allows for the free practice of state recognized religions - of which only 6 are recognized as state religions and seem to allow the free worship of a number of other minority faiths.

Tajikistan is overwhelmingly Muslim but has a tiny Christian and Jewish minority that is allowed to worship freely and the government cracks down on Islamic extremism.

Those a just a few.

Do you realize what those cites actually say? They say that Christians and Jews can practice their religions as long as they comply with sharia law. Sharia law in is direct conflict with every religion except islam. So, once again, you are wrong.
Question? Can you be a good American?
Muslim's may not be good Americans but they could be good United States Citizens.



This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish. Maybe this is why our American Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities.

Can a good Muslim be a good American?

This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon god of Arabia.

Religiously - no. Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam. (Quran,2:256)(Koran)

Scripturally - no. Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

Geographically - no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

Politically - no. Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.

Domestically - no. Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him. (Quran 4:34 )

Intellectually - no. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically - no. Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually - no. Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' The Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 excellent names.

Therefore, after much study and deliberation... Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and 'good' Americans. Call it what you wish it's still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future.

The religious war is bigger than we know or understand!

Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within. SO FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.
hichW can also apply to Islam - a lot of times, Jews and Christians were allowed to practice their faith. Every argument you make in defense of Christianity can be made for Islam.

that is simply a lie. There are no Christian churches or Jewish synagoges in Saudi Arabia or Iran. Religions other than Islam are not allowed to exist in those muslim countries.

If you doubt that, try to take a Bible into Saudi Arabia or hold a Christian service in Iran.

What specifically is a "lie"? That "a lot of times, Jews and Christians were allowed to practice their faith" under Islamic rule"? Do you think that the culture in two countries overrules 1300 years of history?

And while we're looking at history why don't you enlighten us on how wonderfully Muslims and Jews were treated under Christian conquest?

You might want to do a bit of research:
List of synagogues in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christianity in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're basing your entire thesis on Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is the classic example because it is the home of the muslim religion. But pick any muslim country that you wish, then tell us which one allows the free practice of
Christianity or Judaism. You won't find one.

If you think Christians and Jews are free to practice their faith in Iran, then I have some valuable swamp land to sell you.

Saudi Arabia is one country only - and not even the most populous. As far as recognizing, allowing free worship of other religions that varies from country to country. Even non-Muslim countries don't always allow for the free worship of non-nation recognized religion. Religious tolerance is very much a western ideal and the lack of such around the world makes it even more compelling that we fight to protect it here.

Iran has Christian and Jewish populations
, who are able to practice their religion though they are subject to the same very restrictive laws as everyone else.

Indonesia allows for the free practice of state recognized religions - of which only 6 are recognized as state religions and seem to allow the free worship of a number of other minority faiths.

Tajikistan is overwhelmingly Muslim but has a tiny Christian and Jewish minority that is allowed to worship freely and the government cracks down on Islamic extremism.

Those a just a few.

Do you realize what those cites actually say? They say that Christians and Jews can practice their religions as long as they comply with sharia law. Sharia law in is direct conflict with every religion except islam. So, once again, you are wrong.

What do we do in the US when religious practices conflict with the law?
Question? Can you be a good American?
Muslim's may not be good Americans but they could be good United States Citizens.



This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish. Maybe this is why our American Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities.

Can a good Muslim be a good American?

This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon god of Arabia.

Religiously - no. Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam. (Quran,2:256)(Koran)

Scripturally - no. Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

Geographically - no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

Politically - no. Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.

Domestically - no. Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him. (Quran 4:34 )

Intellectually - no. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically - no. Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually - no. Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' The Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 excellent names.

Therefore, after much study and deliberation... Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and 'good' Americans. Call it what you wish it's still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future.

The religious war is bigger than we know or understand!

Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within. SO FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.
hichW can also apply to Islam - a lot of times, Jews and Christians were allowed to practice their faith. Every argument you make in defense of Christianity can be made for Islam.

that is simply a lie. There are no Christian churches or Jewish synagoges in Saudi Arabia or Iran. Religions other than Islam are not allowed to exist in those muslim countries.

If you doubt that, try to take a Bible into Saudi Arabia or hold a Christian service in Iran.

What specifically is a "lie"? That "a lot of times, Jews and Christians were allowed to practice their faith" under Islamic rule"? Do you think that the culture in two countries overrules 1300 years of history?

And while we're looking at history why don't you enlighten us on how wonderfully Muslims and Jews were treated under Christian conquest?

You might want to do a bit of research:
List of synagogues in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christianity in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're basing your entire thesis on Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is the classic example because it is the home of the muslim religion. But pick any muslim country that you wish, then tell us which one allows the free practice of
Christianity or Judaism. You won't find one.

If you think Christians and Jews are free to practice their faith in Iran, then I have some valuable swamp land to sell you.

Saudi Arabia is one country only - and not even the most populous. As far as recognizing, allowing free worship of other religions that varies from country to country. Even non-Muslim countries don't always allow for the free worship of non-nation recognized religion. Religious tolerance is very much a western ideal and the lack of such around the world makes it even more compelling that we fight to protect it here.

Iran has Christian and Jewish populations
, who are able to practice their religion though they are subject to the same very restrictive laws as everyone else.

Indonesia allows for the free practice of state recognized religions - of which only 6 are recognized as state religions and seem to allow the free worship of a number of other minority faiths.

Tajikistan is overwhelmingly Muslim but has a tiny Christian and Jewish minority that is allowed to worship freely and the government cracks down on Islamic extremism.

Those a just a few.

Do you realize what those cites actually say? They say that Christians and Jews can practice their religions as long as they comply with sharia law. Sharia law in is direct conflict with every religion except islam. So, once again, you are wrong.

the right to practice either Judaism or Christianity (or Zoroastrianism ----and in
an historic adaptation to reality even Hinduism) is nothing new in shariah cesspits.
The situation is called DHIMMIA--------being a DHIMMI (a person living under the
rules of Dhimmia ) is a kin to being a chattel slave. The very first CALIPHATE---
that ruled by a friend of the the rapist pig-----ABU BAKR------included provisions
for dhimmia. -----ie it is as old as islam itself-------and was always DISGUSTING.
It constituted one of the templates the Islamic hero ADOLF HITLER used
to elaborate the NUREMBURG LAWS that made genocide legal
Question? Can you be a good American?
Muslim's may not be good Americans but they could be good United States Citizens.



This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish. Maybe this is why our American Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities.

Can a good Muslim be a good American?

This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon god of Arabia.

Religiously - no. Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam. (Quran,2:256)(Koran)

Scripturally - no. Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

Geographically - no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

Politically - no. Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.

Domestically - no. Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him. (Quran 4:34 )

Intellectually - no. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically - no. Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually - no. Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' The Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 excellent names.

Therefore, after much study and deliberation... Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and 'good' Americans. Call it what you wish it's still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future.

The religious war is bigger than we know or understand!

Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within. SO FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.
that is simply a lie. There are no Christian churches or Jewish synagoges in Saudi Arabia or Iran. Religions other than Islam are not allowed to exist in those muslim countries.

If you doubt that, try to take a Bible into Saudi Arabia or hold a Christian service in Iran.

What specifically is a "lie"? That "a lot of times, Jews and Christians were allowed to practice their faith" under Islamic rule"? Do you think that the culture in two countries overrules 1300 years of history?

And while we're looking at history why don't you enlighten us on how wonderfully Muslims and Jews were treated under Christian conquest?

You might want to do a bit of research:
List of synagogues in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christianity in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're basing your entire thesis on Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is the classic example because it is the home of the muslim religion. But pick any muslim country that you wish, then tell us which one allows the free practice of
Christianity or Judaism. You won't find one.

If you think Christians and Jews are free to practice their faith in Iran, then I have some valuable swamp land to sell you.

Saudi Arabia is one country only - and not even the most populous. As far as recognizing, allowing free worship of other religions that varies from country to country. Even non-Muslim countries don't always allow for the free worship of non-nation recognized religion. Religious tolerance is very much a western ideal and the lack of such around the world makes it even more compelling that we fight to protect it here.

Iran has Christian and Jewish populations
, who are able to practice their religion though they are subject to the same very restrictive laws as everyone else.

Indonesia allows for the free practice of state recognized religions - of which only 6 are recognized as state religions and seem to allow the free worship of a number of other minority faiths.

Tajikistan is overwhelmingly Muslim but has a tiny Christian and Jewish minority that is allowed to worship freely and the government cracks down on Islamic extremism.

Those a just a few.

Do you realize what those cites actually say? They say that Christians and Jews can practice their religions as long as they comply with sharia law. Sharia law in is direct conflict with every religion except islam. So, once again, you are wrong.

What do we do in the US when religious practices conflict with the law?

we prosecute the persons committing the crime. ------ie, those in confict with
the law. In the USA the actions of the Islamic heroes Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik are called CRIMES. In Islamic law------they may be minor crimes--- OR ENTIRELY LEGAL ------they could not be construed as capital crimes-----
the cops who killed the pair would be guilty of capital crimes
Question? Can you be a good American?
Muslim's may not be good Americans but they could be good United States Citizens.



This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish. Maybe this is why our American Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities.

Can a good Muslim be a good American?

This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon god of Arabia.

Religiously - no. Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam. (Quran,2:256)(Koran)

Scripturally - no. Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

Geographically - no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

Politically - no. Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.

Domestically - no. Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him. (Quran 4:34 )

Intellectually - no. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically - no. Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually - no. Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' The Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 excellent names.

Therefore, after much study and deliberation... Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and 'good' Americans. Call it what you wish it's still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future.

The religious war is bigger than we know or understand!

Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within. SO FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.
that is simply a lie. There are no Christian churches or Jewish synagoges in Saudi Arabia or Iran. Religions other than Islam are not allowed to exist in those muslim countries.

If you doubt that, try to take a Bible into Saudi Arabia or hold a Christian service in Iran.

What specifically is a "lie"? That "a lot of times, Jews and Christians were allowed to practice their faith" under Islamic rule"? Do you think that the culture in two countries overrules 1300 years of history?

And while we're looking at history why don't you enlighten us on how wonderfully Muslims and Jews were treated under Christian conquest?

You might want to do a bit of research:
List of synagogues in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christianity in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're basing your entire thesis on Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is the classic example because it is the home of the muslim religion. But pick any muslim country that you wish, then tell us which one allows the free practice of
Christianity or Judaism. You won't find one.

If you think Christians and Jews are free to practice their faith in Iran, then I have some valuable swamp land to sell you.

Saudi Arabia is one country only - and not even the most populous. As far as recognizing, allowing free worship of other religions that varies from country to country. Even non-Muslim countries don't always allow for the free worship of non-nation recognized religion. Religious tolerance is very much a western ideal and the lack of such around the world makes it even more compelling that we fight to protect it here.

Iran has Christian and Jewish populations
, who are able to practice their religion though they are subject to the same very restrictive laws as everyone else.

Indonesia allows for the free practice of state recognized religions - of which only 6 are recognized as state religions and seem to allow the free worship of a number of other minority faiths.

Tajikistan is overwhelmingly Muslim but has a tiny Christian and Jewish minority that is allowed to worship freely and the government cracks down on Islamic extremism.

Those a just a few.

Do you realize what those cites actually say? They say that Christians and Jews can practice their religions as long as they comply with sharia law. Sharia law in is direct conflict with every religion except islam. So, once again, you are wrong.

What do we do in the US when religious practices conflict with the law?

The US does not have a system of law that is based on a religion. US law allows for the practice of all religions as long as those practices do not violate civil law. Beheading for instance is illegal, stoning is illegal, genital mutilation of little girls is illegal. BUT, those 3 practices are legal under sharia law.

Do you get it now?
Question? Can you be a good American?
Muslim's may not be good Americans but they could be good United States Citizens.



This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish. Maybe this is why our American Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities.

Can a good Muslim be a good American?

This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon god of Arabia.

Religiously - no. Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam. (Quran,2:256)(Koran)

Scripturally - no. Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

Geographically - no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

Politically - no. Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.

Domestically - no. Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him. (Quran 4:34 )

Intellectually - no. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically - no. Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually - no. Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' The Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 excellent names.

Therefore, after much study and deliberation... Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and 'good' Americans. Call it what you wish it's still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future.

The religious war is bigger than we know or understand!

Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within. SO FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.
What specifically is a "lie"? That "a lot of times, Jews and Christians were allowed to practice their faith" under Islamic rule"? Do you think that the culture in two countries overrules 1300 years of history?

And while we're looking at history why don't you enlighten us on how wonderfully Muslims and Jews were treated under Christian conquest?

You might want to do a bit of research:
List of synagogues in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christianity in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're basing your entire thesis on Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is the classic example because it is the home of the muslim religion. But pick any muslim country that you wish, then tell us which one allows the free practice of
Christianity or Judaism. You won't find one.

If you think Christians and Jews are free to practice their faith in Iran, then I have some valuable swamp land to sell you.

Saudi Arabia is one country only - and not even the most populous. As far as recognizing, allowing free worship of other religions that varies from country to country. Even non-Muslim countries don't always allow for the free worship of non-nation recognized religion. Religious tolerance is very much a western ideal and the lack of such around the world makes it even more compelling that we fight to protect it here.

Iran has Christian and Jewish populations
, who are able to practice their religion though they are subject to the same very restrictive laws as everyone else.

Indonesia allows for the free practice of state recognized religions - of which only 6 are recognized as state religions and seem to allow the free worship of a number of other minority faiths.

Tajikistan is overwhelmingly Muslim but has a tiny Christian and Jewish minority that is allowed to worship freely and the government cracks down on Islamic extremism.

Those a just a few.

Do you realize what those cites actually say? They say that Christians and Jews can practice their religions as long as they comply with sharia law. Sharia law in is direct conflict with every religion except islam. So, once again, you are wrong.

What do we do in the US when religious practices conflict with the law?

The US does not have a system of law that is based on a religion. US law allows for the practice of all religions as long as those practices do not violate civil law. Beheading for instance is illegal, stoning is illegal, genital mutilation of little girls is illegal. BUT, those 3 practices are legal under sharia law.

Do you get it now?

you are confused-----in shariah adherent societies ----SHARIAH LAW IS CIVIL LAW--------so it's all the same----differing only in minor details
Question? Can you be a good American?
Muslim's may not be good Americans but they could be good United States Citizens.



This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish. Maybe this is why our American Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities.

Can a good Muslim be a good American?

This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon god of Arabia.

Religiously - no. Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam. (Quran,2:256)(Koran)

Scripturally - no. Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

Geographically - no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

Politically - no. Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.

Domestically - no. Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him. (Quran 4:34 )

Intellectually - no. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically - no. Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually - no. Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' The Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 excellent names.

Therefore, after much study and deliberation... Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and 'good' Americans. Call it what you wish it's still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future.

The religious war is bigger than we know or understand!

Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within. SO FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.
Saudi Arabia is the classic example because it is the home of the muslim religion. But pick any muslim country that you wish, then tell us which one allows the free practice of
Christianity or Judaism. You won't find one.

If you think Christians and Jews are free to practice their faith in Iran, then I have some valuable swamp land to sell you.

Saudi Arabia is one country only - and not even the most populous. As far as recognizing, allowing free worship of other religions that varies from country to country. Even non-Muslim countries don't always allow for the free worship of non-nation recognized religion. Religious tolerance is very much a western ideal and the lack of such around the world makes it even more compelling that we fight to protect it here.

Iran has Christian and Jewish populations
, who are able to practice their religion though they are subject to the same very restrictive laws as everyone else.

Indonesia allows for the free practice of state recognized religions - of which only 6 are recognized as state religions and seem to allow the free worship of a number of other minority faiths.

Tajikistan is overwhelmingly Muslim but has a tiny Christian and Jewish minority that is allowed to worship freely and the government cracks down on Islamic extremism.

Those a just a few.

Do you realize what those cites actually say? They say that Christians and Jews can practice their religions as long as they comply with sharia law. Sharia law in is direct conflict with every religion except islam. So, once again, you are wrong.

What do we do in the US when religious practices conflict with the law?

The US does not have a system of law that is based on a religion. US law allows for the practice of all religions as long as those practices do not violate civil law. Beheading for instance is illegal, stoning is illegal, genital mutilation of little girls is illegal. BUT, those 3 practices are legal under sharia law.

Do you get it now?

you are confused-----in shariah adherent societies ----SHARIAH LAW IS CIVIL LAW--------so it's all the same----differing only in minor details

DuH, that's exactly what I said. same meaning, different words.
Question? Can you be a good American?
Muslim's may not be good Americans but they could be good United States Citizens.



This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish. Maybe this is why our American Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities.

Can a good Muslim be a good American?

This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon god of Arabia.

Religiously - no. Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam. (Quran,2:256)(Koran)

Scripturally - no. Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

Geographically - no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

Politically - no. Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.

Domestically - no. Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him. (Quran 4:34 )

Intellectually - no. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically - no. Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually - no. Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' The Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 excellent names.

Therefore, after much study and deliberation... Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and 'good' Americans. Call it what you wish it's still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future.

The religious war is bigger than we know or understand!

Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within. SO FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.
What specifically is a "lie"? That "a lot of times, Jews and Christians were allowed to practice their faith" under Islamic rule"? Do you think that the culture in two countries overrules 1300 years of history?

And while we're looking at history why don't you enlighten us on how wonderfully Muslims and Jews were treated under Christian conquest?

You might want to do a bit of research:
List of synagogues in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christianity in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're basing your entire thesis on Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is the classic example because it is the home of the muslim religion. But pick any muslim country that you wish, then tell us which one allows the free practice of
Christianity or Judaism. You won't find one.

If you think Christians and Jews are free to practice their faith in Iran, then I have some valuable swamp land to sell you.

Saudi Arabia is one country only - and not even the most populous. As far as recognizing, allowing free worship of other religions that varies from country to country. Even non-Muslim countries don't always allow for the free worship of non-nation recognized religion. Religious tolerance is very much a western ideal and the lack of such around the world makes it even more compelling that we fight to protect it here.

Iran has Christian and Jewish populations
, who are able to practice their religion though they are subject to the same very restrictive laws as everyone else.

Indonesia allows for the free practice of state recognized religions - of which only 6 are recognized as state religions and seem to allow the free worship of a number of other minority faiths.

Tajikistan is overwhelmingly Muslim but has a tiny Christian and Jewish minority that is allowed to worship freely and the government cracks down on Islamic extremism.

Those a just a few.

Do you realize what those cites actually say? They say that Christians and Jews can practice their religions as long as they comply with sharia law. Sharia law in is direct conflict with every religion except islam. So, once again, you are wrong.

What do we do in the US when religious practices conflict with the law?

The US does not have a system of law that is based on a religion. US law allows for the practice of all religions as long as those practices do not violate civil law. Beheading for instance is illegal, stoning is illegal, genital mutilation of little girls is illegal. BUT, those 3 practices are legal under sharia law.

Do you get it now?

So a Muslim in America simply has to comply with our laws like anyone else.

Like Kim Davis does, for instance, no matter what she might think her religion entitles her to do...
Question? Can you be a good American?
Muslim's may not be good Americans but they could be good United States Citizens.



This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish. Maybe this is why our American Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities.

Can a good Muslim be a good American?

This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon god of Arabia.

Religiously - no. Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam. (Quran,2:256)(Koran)

Scripturally - no. Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

Geographically - no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

Politically - no. Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.

Domestically - no. Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him. (Quran 4:34 )

Intellectually - no. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically - no. Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually - no. Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' The Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 excellent names.

Therefore, after much study and deliberation... Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and 'good' Americans. Call it what you wish it's still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future.

The religious war is bigger than we know or understand!

Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within. SO FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.
Saudi Arabia is the classic example because it is the home of the muslim religion. But pick any muslim country that you wish, then tell us which one allows the free practice of
Christianity or Judaism. You won't find one.

If you think Christians and Jews are free to practice their faith in Iran, then I have some valuable swamp land to sell you.

Saudi Arabia is one country only - and not even the most populous. As far as recognizing, allowing free worship of other religions that varies from country to country. Even non-Muslim countries don't always allow for the free worship of non-nation recognized religion. Religious tolerance is very much a western ideal and the lack of such around the world makes it even more compelling that we fight to protect it here.

Iran has Christian and Jewish populations
, who are able to practice their religion though they are subject to the same very restrictive laws as everyone else.

Indonesia allows for the free practice of state recognized religions - of which only 6 are recognized as state religions and seem to allow the free worship of a number of other minority faiths.

Tajikistan is overwhelmingly Muslim but has a tiny Christian and Jewish minority that is allowed to worship freely and the government cracks down on Islamic extremism.

Those a just a few.

Do you realize what those cites actually say? They say that Christians and Jews can practice their religions as long as they comply with sharia law. Sharia law in is direct conflict with every religion except islam. So, once again, you are wrong.

What do we do in the US when religious practices conflict with the law?

The US does not have a system of law that is based on a religion. US law allows for the practice of all religions as long as those practices do not violate civil law. Beheading for instance is illegal, stoning is illegal, genital mutilation of little girls is illegal. BUT, those 3 practices are legal under sharia law.

Do you get it now?

So a Muslim in America simply has to comply with our laws like anyone else.

Like Kim Davis does, for instance, no matter what she might think her religion entitles her to do...

Yes, they do. But in order to comply with American law they must reject the parts of the Koran that require them to follow sharia law. Said another way, a muslim can only be a law abiding American if he/she rejects Islamic teachings.

this is not complicated, except for a biased, prejudiced mind like yours.
Question? Can you be a good American?
Muslim's may not be good Americans but they could be good United States Citizens.
Saudi Arabia is one country only - and not even the most populous. As far as recognizing, allowing free worship of other religions that varies from country to country. Even non-Muslim countries don't always allow for the free worship of non-nation recognized religion. Religious tolerance is very much a western ideal and the lack of such around the world makes it even more compelling that we fight to protect it here.

Iran has Christian and Jewish populations
, who are able to practice their religion though they are subject to the same very restrictive laws as everyone else.

Indonesia allows for the free practice of state recognized religions - of which only 6 are recognized as state religions and seem to allow the free worship of a number of other minority faiths.

Tajikistan is overwhelmingly Muslim but has a tiny Christian and Jewish minority that is allowed to worship freely and the government cracks down on Islamic extremism.

Those a just a few.

Do you realize what those cites actually say? They say that Christians and Jews can practice their religions as long as they comply with sharia law. Sharia law in is direct conflict with every religion except islam. So, once again, you are wrong.

What do we do in the US when religious practices conflict with the law?

The US does not have a system of law that is based on a religion. US law allows for the practice of all religions as long as those practices do not violate civil law. Beheading for instance is illegal, stoning is illegal, genital mutilation of little girls is illegal. BUT, those 3 practices are legal under sharia law.

Do you get it now?

So a Muslim in America simply has to comply with our laws like anyone else.

Like Kim Davis does, for instance, no matter what she might think her religion entitles her to do...

Yes, they do. But in order to comply with American law they must reject the parts of the Koran that require them to follow sharia law. Said another way, a muslim can only be a law abiding American if he/she rejects Islamic teachings.

this is not complicated, except for a biased, prejudiced mind like yours.

So Kim Davis maintained her status as a genuine Christian by not following the law on same sex marriage?

And thus no others can claim to be genuine Christians if they comply?
Question? Can you be a good American?
Muslim's may not be good Americans but they could be good United States Citizens.
Saudi Arabia is one country only - and not even the most populous. As far as recognizing, allowing free worship of other religions that varies from country to country. Even non-Muslim countries don't always allow for the free worship of non-nation recognized religion. Religious tolerance is very much a western ideal and the lack of such around the world makes it even more compelling that we fight to protect it here.

Iran has Christian and Jewish populations
, who are able to practice their religion though they are subject to the same very restrictive laws as everyone else.

Indonesia allows for the free practice of state recognized religions - of which only 6 are recognized as state religions and seem to allow the free worship of a number of other minority faiths.

Tajikistan is overwhelmingly Muslim but has a tiny Christian and Jewish minority that is allowed to worship freely and the government cracks down on Islamic extremism.

Those a just a few.

Do you realize what those cites actually say? They say that Christians and Jews can practice their religions as long as they comply with sharia law. Sharia law in is direct conflict with every religion except islam. So, once again, you are wrong.

What do we do in the US when religious practices conflict with the law?

The US does not have a system of law that is based on a religion. US law allows for the practice of all religions as long as those practices do not violate civil law. Beheading for instance is illegal, stoning is illegal, genital mutilation of little girls is illegal. BUT, those 3 practices are legal under sharia law.

Do you get it now?

So a Muslim in America simply has to comply with our laws like anyone else.

Like Kim Davis does, for instance, no matter what she might think her religion entitles her to do...

Yes, they do. But in order to comply with American law they must reject the parts of the Koran that require them to follow sharia law. Said another way, a muslim can only be a law abiding American if he/she rejects Islamic teachings.

this is not complicated, except for a biased, prejudiced mind like yours.

All you're saying is that one cannot be a bonafide Muslim extremist/fundamentalist and also comply with all US laws.
Question? Can you be a good American?
Muslim's may not be good Americans but they could be good United States Citizens.



This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish. Maybe this is why our American Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities.

Can a good Muslim be a good American?

This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon god of Arabia.

Religiously - no. Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam. (Quran,2:256)(Koran)

Scripturally - no. Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

Geographically - no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

Politically - no. Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.

Domestically - no. Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him. (Quran 4:34 )

Intellectually - no. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically - no. Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually - no. Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' The Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 excellent names.

Therefore, after much study and deliberation... Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and 'good' Americans. Call it what you wish it's still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future.

The religious war is bigger than we know or understand!

Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within. SO FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.
What specifically is a "lie"? That "a lot of times, Jews and Christians were allowed to practice their faith" under Islamic rule"? Do you think that the culture in two countries overrules 1300 years of history?

And while we're looking at history why don't you enlighten us on how wonderfully Muslims and Jews were treated under Christian conquest?

You might want to do a bit of research:
List of synagogues in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christianity in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're basing your entire thesis on Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is the classic example because it is the home of the muslim religion. But pick any muslim country that you wish, then tell us which one allows the free practice of
Christianity or Judaism. You won't find one.

If you think Christians and Jews are free to practice their faith in Iran, then I have some valuable swamp land to sell you.

Saudi Arabia is one country only - and not even the most populous. As far as recognizing, allowing free worship of other religions that varies from country to country. Even non-Muslim countries don't always allow for the free worship of non-nation recognized religion. Religious tolerance is very much a western ideal and the lack of such around the world makes it even more compelling that we fight to protect it here.

Iran has Christian and Jewish populations
, who are able to practice their religion though they are subject to the same very restrictive laws as everyone else.

Indonesia allows for the free practice of state recognized religions - of which only 6 are recognized as state religions and seem to allow the free worship of a number of other minority faiths.

Tajikistan is overwhelmingly Muslim but has a tiny Christian and Jewish minority that is allowed to worship freely and the government cracks down on Islamic extremism.

Those a just a few.

Do you realize what those cites actually say? They say that Christians and Jews can practice their religions as long as they comply with sharia law. Sharia law in is direct conflict with every religion except islam. So, once again, you are wrong.

What do we do in the US when religious practices conflict with the law?

The US does not have a system of law that is based on a religion. US law allows for the practice of all religions as long as those practices do not violate civil law. Beheading for instance is illegal, stoning is illegal, genital mutilation of little girls is illegal. BUT, those 3 practices are legal under sharia law.

Do you get it now?

The Koran does not mandate female circumcision.
Question? Can you be a good American?
Muslim's may not be good Americans but they could be good United States Citizens.



This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish. Maybe this is why our American Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities.

Can a good Muslim be a good American?

This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon god of Arabia.

Religiously - no. Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam. (Quran,2:256)(Koran)

Scripturally - no. Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

Geographically - no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

Politically - no. Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.

Domestically - no. Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him. (Quran 4:34 )

Intellectually - no. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically - no. Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually - no. Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' The Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 excellent names.

Therefore, after much study and deliberation... Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and 'good' Americans. Call it what you wish it's still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future.

The religious war is bigger than we know or understand!

Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within. SO FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.
Saudi Arabia is the classic example because it is the home of the muslim religion. But pick any muslim country that you wish, then tell us which one allows the free practice of
Christianity or Judaism. You won't find one.

If you think Christians and Jews are free to practice their faith in Iran, then I have some valuable swamp land to sell you.

Saudi Arabia is one country only - and not even the most populous. As far as recognizing, allowing free worship of other religions that varies from country to country. Even non-Muslim countries don't always allow for the free worship of non-nation recognized religion. Religious tolerance is very much a western ideal and the lack of such around the world makes it even more compelling that we fight to protect it here.

Iran has Christian and Jewish populations
, who are able to practice their religion though they are subject to the same very restrictive laws as everyone else.

Indonesia allows for the free practice of state recognized religions - of which only 6 are recognized as state religions and seem to allow the free worship of a number of other minority faiths.

Tajikistan is overwhelmingly Muslim but has a tiny Christian and Jewish minority that is allowed to worship freely and the government cracks down on Islamic extremism.

Those a just a few.

Do you realize what those cites actually say? They say that Christians and Jews can practice their religions as long as they comply with sharia law. Sharia law in is direct conflict with every religion except islam. So, once again, you are wrong.

What do we do in the US when religious practices conflict with the law?

The US does not have a system of law that is based on a religion. US law allows for the practice of all religions as long as those practices do not violate civil law. Beheading for instance is illegal, stoning is illegal, genital mutilation of little girls is illegal. BUT, those 3 practices are legal under sharia law.

Do you get it now?

The Koran does not mandate female circumcision.

The Libertarian Bible mandates that female genital organs be : caressed, licked, kissed, revered, their scent perceived and then , after two hours , fucked.

Question? Can you be a good American?
Muslim's may not be good Americans but they could be good United States Citizens.



This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish. Maybe this is why our American Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities.

Can a good Muslim be a good American?

This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon god of Arabia.

Religiously - no. Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam. (Quran,2:256)(Koran)

Scripturally - no. Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

Geographically - no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

Politically - no. Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.

Domestically - no. Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him. (Quran 4:34 )

Intellectually - no. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically - no. Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually - no. Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' The Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 excellent names.

Therefore, after much study and deliberation... Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and 'good' Americans. Call it what you wish it's still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future.

The religious war is bigger than we know or understand!

Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within. SO FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.
What specifically is a "lie"? That "a lot of times, Jews and Christians were allowed to practice their faith" under Islamic rule"? Do you think that the culture in two countries overrules 1300 years of history?

And while we're looking at history why don't you enlighten us on how wonderfully Muslims and Jews were treated under Christian conquest?

You might want to do a bit of research:
List of synagogues in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christianity in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're basing your entire thesis on Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is the classic example because it is the home of the muslim religion. But pick any muslim country that you wish, then tell us which one allows the free practice of
Christianity or Judaism. You won't find one.

If you think Christians and Jews are free to practice their faith in Iran, then I have some valuable swamp land to sell you.

Saudi Arabia is one country only - and not even the most populous. As far as recognizing, allowing free worship of other religions that varies from country to country. Even non-Muslim countries don't always allow for the free worship of non-nation recognized religion. Religious tolerance is very much a western ideal and the lack of such around the world makes it even more compelling that we fight to protect it here.

Iran has Christian and Jewish populations
, who are able to practice their religion though they are subject to the same very restrictive laws as everyone else.

Indonesia allows for the free practice of state recognized religions - of which only 6 are recognized as state religions and seem to allow the free worship of a number of other minority faiths.

Tajikistan is overwhelmingly Muslim but has a tiny Christian and Jewish minority that is allowed to worship freely and the government cracks down on Islamic extremism.

Those a just a few.

Do you realize what those cites actually say? They say that Christians and Jews can practice their religions as long as they comply with sharia law. Sharia law in is direct conflict with every religion except islam. So, once again, you are wrong.

What do we do in the US when religious practices conflict with the law?

The US does not have a system of law that is based on a religion. US law allows for the practice of all religions as long as those practices do not violate civil law. Beheading for instance is illegal, stoning is illegal, genital mutilation of little girls is illegal. BUT, those 3 practices are legal under sharia law.

Do you get it now?

"What do we do in the US when religious practices conflict with the law?" - yet you don't answer the question.

Christians Mosaic law, Jews Halakha. Catholics have Cannon Law. All seem perfectly able to follow it within the framework of the Constitution. No one is calling for stoning adulterers or disobedient children for example. Why do you think that Americans who are Muslim are incapable of doing so when they very clearly are?
Question? Can you be a good American?
Muslim's may not be good Americans but they could be good United States Citizens.
Saudi Arabia is one country only - and not even the most populous. As far as recognizing, allowing free worship of other religions that varies from country to country. Even non-Muslim countries don't always allow for the free worship of non-nation recognized religion. Religious tolerance is very much a western ideal and the lack of such around the world makes it even more compelling that we fight to protect it here.

Iran has Christian and Jewish populations
, who are able to practice their religion though they are subject to the same very restrictive laws as everyone else.

Indonesia allows for the free practice of state recognized religions - of which only 6 are recognized as state religions and seem to allow the free worship of a number of other minority faiths.

Tajikistan is overwhelmingly Muslim but has a tiny Christian and Jewish minority that is allowed to worship freely and the government cracks down on Islamic extremism.

Those a just a few.

Do you realize what those cites actually say? They say that Christians and Jews can practice their religions as long as they comply with sharia law. Sharia law in is direct conflict with every religion except islam. So, once again, you are wrong.

What do we do in the US when religious practices conflict with the law?

The US does not have a system of law that is based on a religion. US law allows for the practice of all religions as long as those practices do not violate civil law. Beheading for instance is illegal, stoning is illegal, genital mutilation of little girls is illegal. BUT, those 3 practices are legal under sharia law.

Do you get it now?

So a Muslim in America simply has to comply with our laws like anyone else.

Like Kim Davis does, for instance, no matter what she might think her religion entitles her to do...

Yes, they do. But in order to comply with American law they must reject the parts of the Koran that require them to follow sharia law. Said another way, a muslim can only be a law abiding American if he/she rejects Islamic teachings.

this is not complicated, except for a biased, prejudiced mind like yours.

How is that any different than Christians rejecting the parts of the Bible that require the application of Mosaic law? Or Jews rejecting portions of their law?

For example, in capital punishment:
Sekila - stoning
    • his was performed by pushing a person off a height of at least 2 stories. If the person didn't die, then the executioners (the witnesses) brought a rock that was so large that it took both of them to lift it; this was placed on the condemned person to crush them.[citation needed]
  • Serefah - burning
    • This was done by melting lead, and pouring it down the throat of the condemned person.
  • Hereg - decapitation
    • This is also known as "being put to the sword" (beheading).
  • Chenek - strangulation
    • A rope was wound around the condemned person's neck, and the executioners (the witnesses) pulled from either side to strangle the condemned person.
Capital sins separated by the four types of capital punishment
The following is a list by Maimonides in his Mishneh Torah (Hilchoth Sanhedrin Chapter 15) of which crimes carry a capital punishment.

Punishment by Sekila (stoning)
See also: Stoning § In Judaism
  • Intercourse between a man and his mother.
  • Intercourse between a man and his father's wife (not necessarily his mother).
  • Intercourse between a man and his daughter in law.
  • Intercourse with another man's wife from the first stage of marriage.
  • Intercourse between two men.
  • Bestiality.
  • Cursing the name of God in God's name.
  • Idol Worship.
  • Giving one's progeny to Molech (child sacrifice).
  • Necromantic Sorcery.
  • Pythonic Sorcery.
  • Attempting to convince another to worship idols.
  • Instigating a community to worship idols.
  • Witchcraft.
  • Violating the Sabbath.
  • Cursing one's own parent.
  • A stubborn and rebellious son.
Punishment by Serefah (burning)
  • The daughter of a priest who completed the second stage of marriage commits adultery.
  • Intercourse between a man and his daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his daughter's daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his son's daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his wife's daughter (not necessarily his own daughter).
  • Intercourse between a man and his wife's daughter's daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his wife's son's daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his mother in law.
  • Intercourse between a man and his mother in law's mother.
  • Intercourse between a man and his father in law's mother.
Punishment by Hereg (beheading)
  • Unlawful premeditated murder.
  • Being a member of a city that has gone astray.
Punishment by Chenek (strangulation)
  • Committing adultery with another man's wife, where it doesn't fall under the above criteria.
  • Wounding one's own parent.
  • Kidnapping another member of Israel.
  • Prophesizing falsely.
  • Prophesizing in the name of other deities.
  • A sage who is guilty of insubordination in front of the grand court in the Chamber of the Hewn Stone.
Do you realize what those cites actually say? They say that Christians and Jews can practice their religions as long as they comply with sharia law. Sharia law in is direct conflict with every religion except islam. So, once again, you are wrong.

What do we do in the US when religious practices conflict with the law?

The US does not have a system of law that is based on a religion. US law allows for the practice of all religions as long as those practices do not violate civil law. Beheading for instance is illegal, stoning is illegal, genital mutilation of little girls is illegal. BUT, those 3 practices are legal under sharia law.

Do you get it now?

So a Muslim in America simply has to comply with our laws like anyone else.

Like Kim Davis does, for instance, no matter what she might think her religion entitles her to do...

Yes, they do. But in order to comply with American law they must reject the parts of the Koran that require them to follow sharia law. Said another way, a muslim can only be a law abiding American if he/she rejects Islamic teachings.

this is not complicated, except for a biased, prejudiced mind like yours.

So Kim Davis maintained her status as a genuine Christian by not following the law on same sex marriage?

And thus no others can claim to be genuine Christians if they comply?

she broke the law and was punished for it. what exactly do you see wrong with that?
Do you realize what those cites actually say? They say that Christians and Jews can practice their religions as long as they comply with sharia law. Sharia law in is direct conflict with every religion except islam. So, once again, you are wrong.

What do we do in the US when religious practices conflict with the law?

The US does not have a system of law that is based on a religion. US law allows for the practice of all religions as long as those practices do not violate civil law. Beheading for instance is illegal, stoning is illegal, genital mutilation of little girls is illegal. BUT, those 3 practices are legal under sharia law.

Do you get it now?

So a Muslim in America simply has to comply with our laws like anyone else.

Like Kim Davis does, for instance, no matter what she might think her religion entitles her to do...

Yes, they do. But in order to comply with American law they must reject the parts of the Koran that require them to follow sharia law. Said another way, a muslim can only be a law abiding American if he/she rejects Islamic teachings.

this is not complicated, except for a biased, prejudiced mind like yours.

All you're saying is that one cannot be a bonafide Muslim extremist/fundamentalist and also comply with all US laws.

Wrong, either you follow sharia law or US law. You cannot do both. If you do not follow sharia law, then you are not a good muslim.

Islam is not compatible with US law.
Question? Can you be a good American?
Muslim's may not be good Americans but they could be good United States Citizens.



This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish. Maybe this is why our American Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities.

Can a good Muslim be a good American?

This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon god of Arabia.

Religiously - no. Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam. (Quran,2:256)(Koran)

Scripturally - no. Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

Geographically - no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

Politically - no. Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.

Domestically - no. Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him. (Quran 4:34 )

Intellectually - no. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically - no. Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually - no. Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' The Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 excellent names.

Therefore, after much study and deliberation... Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and 'good' Americans. Call it what you wish it's still the truth. You had better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future.

The religious war is bigger than we know or understand!

Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within. SO FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.
Saudi Arabia is the classic example because it is the home of the muslim religion. But pick any muslim country that you wish, then tell us which one allows the free practice of
Christianity or Judaism. You won't find one.

If you think Christians and Jews are free to practice their faith in Iran, then I have some valuable swamp land to sell you.

Saudi Arabia is one country only - and not even the most populous. As far as recognizing, allowing free worship of other religions that varies from country to country. Even non-Muslim countries don't always allow for the free worship of non-nation recognized religion. Religious tolerance is very much a western ideal and the lack of such around the world makes it even more compelling that we fight to protect it here.

Iran has Christian and Jewish populations
, who are able to practice their religion though they are subject to the same very restrictive laws as everyone else.

Indonesia allows for the free practice of state recognized religions - of which only 6 are recognized as state religions and seem to allow the free worship of a number of other minority faiths.

Tajikistan is overwhelmingly Muslim but has a tiny Christian and Jewish minority that is allowed to worship freely and the government cracks down on Islamic extremism.

Those a just a few.

Do you realize what those cites actually say? They say that Christians and Jews can practice their religions as long as they comply with sharia law. Sharia law in is direct conflict with every religion except islam. So, once again, you are wrong.

What do we do in the US when religious practices conflict with the law?

The US does not have a system of law that is based on a religion. US law allows for the practice of all religions as long as those practices do not violate civil law. Beheading for instance is illegal, stoning is illegal, genital mutilation of little girls is illegal. BUT, those 3 practices are legal under sharia law.

Do you get it now?

"What do we do in the US when religious practices conflict with the law?" - yet you don't answer the question.

Christians Mosaic law, Jews Halakha. Catholics have Cannon Law. All seem perfectly able to follow it within the framework of the Constitution. No one is calling for stoning adulterers or disobedient children for example. Why do you think that Americans who are Muslim are incapable of doing so when they very clearly are?

The point, which you libs have so much trouble understanding, is that someone who follows muslim law and obeys the teachings of the Koran cannot follow and obey US law because the two are in direct conflict in many areas.

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