Interesting.........Western woke women driving western men overseas for wives?

My wife is Puerto Rican. Comes from a pretty traditional family and was looking for thst traditional type of relationship.
It is sad in today time most Western Women have no clue on why most Western Men go non-White.

That same Serbian before she stopped talking ask me why she couldn’t find a good man and I said not every man want to wake with a raving lunatic that tell the man how worthless he is for not going to get her a Diet Coke at ten at night…

She didn’t like that response either…

An intersting point.
ARE woke women, feminists, snowflakes, and gold diggers driving western men over to Europe to find traditional wives?

Or just go completely solo?

Been happening for years. Got 5 buddies that went this route, and it's the best decision they've ever made according to them. Only a fool gets married here in the West under the predatory legal system we have. And these guys all have young dutiful, thankful beautiful wives.
Having lived in various parts of the world and sampled the local produce (admittedly, a small sample) I can say that the traits you mention that seem to be so endemic to "Western Women" are present in equal measure in the populations of other cultures.

Women, like men, come in many different flavors and varieties, and culture seems to have little or no bearing on whether those are positive or negative.
It's not necessarily jist the qualities in the woman. It's often just as prescient, what the legal system affords one sex over the other coupled with social stigma.
I'd say there were slim pickins' here 'cept you would have to leave out the "slim" part. ;)
This is likely a legitimate part of a multifaceted issue. Women from Argentina, Philippines and Eastern Europe look way better than the livestock that pass for women here.
She didn’t like that response either…
I bet she didn’t. I love watching the reactions of these feminuts to the female Mens Rights Activists on YouTube. They go crazy when it’s suggested that the reason they’re single, or unhappy in their relationship is self-created and not a result of incompetent men.
Maybe just less to offer.
There are still pockets of decent women in the West, but they are very difficult to find and those communities are very insular, and suspicious of any outsiders potentially contaminating their community. It’s far easier to look outside the Western world than to get acceptance from those insular communities.
Nothing prenuptial agreements won't fix.
A motivated (see Leftist, or woman) judge will cut through any pre-nup, like a hot knife through butter. I know a guy who had his tossed by a judge because she claimed "duress", for her agreeing to it. What was the duress you might wonder? He told her he wouldn't marry her if she didn't agree to sign it. But, bye prenup...
Will do. I'm a healthy young guy from a respected and well-off family, and I'll probably end up marrying a foreign girl someday. Western women really are awful.
They are really only as awful as the law rewards them for being so. Take away the golden parachute, cash, and prizes; and watch their behaviors change real quick.
A motivated (see Leftist, or woman) judge will cut through any pre-nup, like a hot knife through butter. I know a guy who had his tossed by a judge because she claimed "duress", for her agreeing to it. What was the duress you might wonder? He told her he wouldn't marry her if she didn't agree to sign it. But, bye prenup...
I guess I'll have to continue to steer clear of blue states.
The Wokes always think globalism is where it's at....right up to human trafficking and sex-slavery.
I guess I'll have to continue to steer clear of blue states.
It's really not much different in Red states. Especially when kids are involved. You don't pay the woman child support. The state pays the woman, and the guy pays the state. The state gets a cut. So if the state doesn't get its pound of flesh from the victim... Ahem I mean father... He goes to jail. Not because of "the best interest of the child", but because the guy didn't pay his shake down to the state.

Family court operation should be mandatory curriculum to all students before they graduate high school.
Translation: I am not an American.

To the topic, there are lots of conservative women, especially recent immigrants. If that's your thing, join a nice Catholic church. Added bonus: tamales for Christmas!
Wrong sucka. Born, and bred.
But you don't live here?
Currently yes. 2 years to go. Then it's retirement at 45, and living like a king, in a tropical paradise till I kick this pesky air addiction. As for my wealth..? They say "you can't take it with you". To them I say, " hold my beer"...
Odd... The shrieking, single, dried up, harpies haven't swarmed this thread to set "the record straight"... interesting...

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