CDZ Intergenerationality

No. There is no reason why an adult man should be interacting with young teen girls or boys, unless it is a parent, teacher or other family member.

But it's ok if it's an adult woman doing the interacting -.-?

Nope. It is not.

In that case, ChrisL would also be "guilty". She has certainly interacted with the same minor I have, in the very same sub forums on here, no less.

In fact, I have been keeping a close eye on a couple of former female teachers that are in contact with my son.

I'm not saying that teacher/minor interactions can't be inappropriate. I'm pretty sure we have all read certain news stories. That being said, they can also be helpful for both parties. I really think that adults sometimes lose sight of their "inner child", and I also think that minors need guidance in their road to adulthood. Most people would agree with that. Teachers are even vetted, so I think they, of all people, should have more leeway in doing so. Judging by the fact that you are allowing your song to continue to interact with some of his former female teachers, it seems that you may well be in agreement with me on that count.

I've seen some inappropriate comments made which is why I am keeping an eye on it. My son interacts with a lot of adults. He moves pretty easily between generations. I am more worried about him being trolled by an adult than I am about him encountering a predator online. For him, forums are some antiquated thingy that he has no use for. I have more of a problem with interactions IRL and have had them since he was 12. By the time he was 13 there were waitresses handing him a beer and wine list.
Why must this always be about me -.-? I like interacting with lots of people, whether they are minors or adults. I -especially- like interacting with people who like interacting with me, regardless of their age. That being said, our society has severely curtailed interacting with people in the physical world, especially when it comes to adult/minor interactions. The online world is frequently becoming the only place where such interactions can take place outside of a school setting.

For good reason. Now, what do you think her parents would think about this situation?

We've gone over that one before. There are a range of possibilities. I think what we should focus on is whether the benefits outweigh the risks of such interactions.

We've gone over what before?

Yes, with you.

I am asking what do you think the parents of a 14-year-old child would say when they found out a 40-something-year-old strange man on the internet was chatting her up in private and trying to befriend her, perhaps accentuating the fact that they both like anime or other such things?

I've already told you, I don't know the answer to your question and I'm not interested in speculating. Frequently, in gaming environments, people don't mention their ages. I think this can protect everyone involved- they won't need to get into long discussions over what a minor's parents will think of the interaction, for instance. At the core, me and this minor are just 2 fellow human beings, Yes, we're separated by a few decades of having been on this earth, but in the end, we are much more similar then we are different.

Yes with me, what? Again, you are being evasive.

Not trying to be. I'm saying that yes, with you, we've gone over this discussion. It seems you keep on going back to the same points to be honest -.-...

No, you stay away from minor children on the internet.

Fortunately for me, I don't need to listen to your advice on this one. I am not fortunate enough to have my own children, but I still have the liberty to interact with the children of others. Which, if you think about it, means everyone else. Everyone is someone's child.
No. There is no reason why an adult man should be interacting with young teen girls or boys, unless it is a parent, teacher or other family member.

But it's ok if it's an adult woman doing the interacting -.-?

Nope. It is not.

In that case, ChrisL would also be "guilty". She has certainly interacted with the same minor I have, in the very same sub forums on here, no less.

In fact, I have been keeping a close eye on a couple of former female teachers that are in contact with my son.

I'm not saying that teacher/minor interactions can't be inappropriate. I'm pretty sure we have all read certain news stories. That being said, they can also be helpful for both parties. I really think that adults sometimes lose sight of their "inner child", and I also think that minors need guidance in their road to adulthood. Most people would agree with that. Teachers are even vetted, so I think they, of all people, should have more leeway in doing so. Judging by the fact that you are allowing your song to continue to interact with some of his former female teachers, it seems that you may well be in agreement with me on that count.

I've seen some inappropriate comments made which is why I am keeping an eye on it.

I see. I must admit I'm curious as to the precise comments that you found to be innapropriate, I think it could help in this discussion, but I am aware that you may find that too personal to talk about here.

My son interacts with a lot of adults. He moves pretty easily between generations. I am more worried about him being trolled by an adult than I am about him encountering a predator online. For him, forums are some antiquated thingy that he has no use for. I have more of a problem with interactions IRL and have had them since he was 12. By the time he was 13 there were waitresses handing him a beer and wine list.

I see, lol :). It seems to me like you have the situation in hand.
For good reason. Now, what do you think her parents would think about this situation?

We've gone over that one before. There are a range of possibilities. I think what we should focus on is whether the benefits outweigh the risks of such interactions.

We've gone over what before?

Yes, with you.

I am asking what do you think the parents of a 14-year-old child would say when they found out a 40-something-year-old strange man on the internet was chatting her up in private and trying to befriend her, perhaps accentuating the fact that they both like anime or other such things?

I've already told you, I don't know the answer to your question and I'm not interested in speculating. Frequently, in gaming environments, people don't mention their ages. I think this can protect everyone involved- they won't need to get into long discussions over what a minor's parents will think of the interaction, for instance. At the core, me and this minor are just 2 fellow human beings, Yes, we're separated by a few decades of having been on this earth, but in the end, we are much more similar then we are different.

Yes with me, what? Again, you are being evasive.

Not trying to be. I'm saying that yes, with you, we've gone over this discussion. It seems you keep on going back to the same points to be honest -.-...

No, you stay away from minor children on the internet.

Fortunately for me, I don't need to listen to your advice on this one. I am not fortunate enough to have my own children, but I still have the liberty to interact with the children of others. Which, if you think about it, means everyone else. Everyone is someone's child.

No we have not gone over it. You have refused to answer that question thus far except to make some vague response that really doesn't address the direct question. Now, how do you think the parents' would react to finding out that some 40-something-year-old man on the internet was trying to befriend their 14-year-old daughter?
For good reason. Now, what do you think her parents would think about this situation?

We've gone over that one before. There are a range of possibilities. I think what we should focus on is whether the benefits outweigh the risks of such interactions.

We've gone over what before?

Yes, with you.

I am asking what do you think the parents of a 14-year-old child would say when they found out a 40-something-year-old strange man on the internet was chatting her up in private and trying to befriend her, perhaps accentuating the fact that they both like anime or other such things?

I've already told you, I don't know the answer to your question and I'm not interested in speculating. Frequently, in gaming environments, people don't mention their ages. I think this can protect everyone involved- they won't need to get into long discussions over what a minor's parents will think of the interaction, for instance. At the core, me and this minor are just 2 fellow human beings, Yes, we're separated by a few decades of having been on this earth, but in the end, we are much more similar then we are different.

Yes with me, what? Again, you are being evasive.

Not trying to be. I'm saying that yes, with you, we've gone over this discussion. It seems you keep on going back to the same points to be honest -.-...

No, you stay away from minor children on the internet.

Fortunately for me, I don't need to listen to your advice on this one. I am not fortunate enough to have my own children, but I still have the liberty to interact with the children of others. Which, if you think about it, means everyone else. Everyone is someone's child.

I said MINOR children. No, it is not your right.
From my previous link . . .

After the Predator has made a Connection: Grooming
Adolescence is a time of turmoil for many kids resulting in difficult relationships with parents as they are seeking to be independent adults. This is neither the fault of parents nor kids. Some kids may feel lonely, unsupported, that their parents are too strict, and that no one understands them. They may turn to the Internet and chat rooms to find someone they can talk to and feel a connection with. Unfortunately, this can be a recipe for disaster as predators wait for these vulnerable kids. Predators are master manipulaters and provide the online “pretend” support these kids are looking for to build trust and to verify the child’s feelings. They work at becoming that child’s friend and gaining trust which is known as the grooming process. “It could continue for days or weeks before the pedophile begins bringing up sexual topics,asking for explicit pictures or for a personal meeting. By that time an emotional connection has been made.”
We've gone over that one before. There are a range of possibilities. I think what we should focus on is whether the benefits outweigh the risks of such interactions.

We've gone over what before?

Yes, with you.

I am asking what do you think the parents of a 14-year-old child would say when they found out a 40-something-year-old strange man on the internet was chatting her up in private and trying to befriend her, perhaps accentuating the fact that they both like anime or other such things?

I've already told you, I don't know the answer to your question and I'm not interested in speculating. Frequently, in gaming environments, people don't mention their ages. I think this can protect everyone involved- they won't need to get into long discussions over what a minor's parents will think of the interaction, for instance. At the core, me and this minor are just 2 fellow human beings, Yes, we're separated by a few decades of having been on this earth, but in the end, we are much more similar then we are different.

Yes with me, what? Again, you are being evasive.

Not trying to be. I'm saying that yes, with you, we've gone over this discussion. It seems you keep on going back to the same points to be honest -.-...

No, you stay away from minor children on the internet.

Fortunately for me, I don't need to listen to your advice on this one. I am not fortunate enough to have my own children, but I still have the liberty to interact with the children of others. Which, if you think about it, means everyone else. Everyone is someone's child.

No we have not gone over it.

We most certainly have...

You have refused to answer that question thus far

I refuse to speculate on the matter, yes. You can speculate on the matter if you wish.
From my previous link . . .

After the Predator has made a Connection: Grooming
Adolescence is a time of turmoil for many kids resulting in difficult relationships with parents as they are seeking to be independent adults. This is neither the fault of parents nor kids. Some kids may feel lonely, unsupported, that their parents are too strict, and that no one understands them. They may turn to the Internet and chat rooms to find someone they can talk to and feel a connection with. Unfortunately, this can be a recipe for disaster as predators wait for these vulnerable kids.

Yes, it -can- be a recipe for disaster. Or it can help them out. It depends on whether they interact with a nice person or a predator. Unfortunately, many nice adults probably wouldn't do it, for fear of being branded a predator when they were just trying to be nice. To your credit, you -have- interacted with the very same minor we've been talking about, so there's that.
We've gone over what before?

Yes, with you.

I am asking what do you think the parents of a 14-year-old child would say when they found out a 40-something-year-old strange man on the internet was chatting her up in private and trying to befriend her, perhaps accentuating the fact that they both like anime or other such things?

I've already told you, I don't know the answer to your question and I'm not interested in speculating. Frequently, in gaming environments, people don't mention their ages. I think this can protect everyone involved- they won't need to get into long discussions over what a minor's parents will think of the interaction, for instance. At the core, me and this minor are just 2 fellow human beings, Yes, we're separated by a few decades of having been on this earth, but in the end, we are much more similar then we are different.

Yes with me, what? Again, you are being evasive.

Not trying to be. I'm saying that yes, with you, we've gone over this discussion. It seems you keep on going back to the same points to be honest -.-...

No, you stay away from minor children on the internet.

Fortunately for me, I don't need to listen to your advice on this one. I am not fortunate enough to have my own children, but I still have the liberty to interact with the children of others. Which, if you think about it, means everyone else. Everyone is someone's child.

No we have not gone over it.

We most certainly have...

You have refused to answer that question thus far

I refuse to speculate on the matter, yes. You can speculate on the matter if you wish.

I've also specifically asked you to not mess with my quotes. If you are going to quote me, you are to quote my ENTIRE post.
From my previous link . . .

After the Predator has made a Connection: Grooming
Adolescence is a time of turmoil for many kids resulting in difficult relationships with parents as they are seeking to be independent adults. This is neither the fault of parents nor kids. Some kids may feel lonely, unsupported, that their parents are too strict, and that no one understands them. They may turn to the Internet and chat rooms to find someone they can talk to and feel a connection with. Unfortunately, this can be a recipe for disaster as predators wait for these vulnerable kids.

Yes, it -can- be a recipe for disaster. Or it can help them out. It depends on whether they interact with a nice person or a predator. Unfortunately, many nice adults probably wouldn't do it, for fear of being branded a predator when they were just trying to be nice. To your credit, you -have- interacted with the very same minor we've been talking about, so there's that.

Stop trying to bring me into this. I'm sure every adult here knows not to fall for this type of manipulation. I can see that you are in fact a manipulative person.
You are manipulating my posts and you are also manipulating the facts of my interactions with minors. I have done nothing more than answer some of Pumpkin Row's posts. I have not tried to "befriend" her in any way because that is not my "job." She has parents.
From my previous link . . .

After the Predator has made a Connection: Grooming
Adolescence is a time of turmoil for many kids resulting in difficult relationships with parents as they are seeking to be independent adults. This is neither the fault of parents nor kids. Some kids may feel lonely, unsupported, that their parents are too strict, and that no one understands them. They may turn to the Internet and chat rooms to find someone they can talk to and feel a connection with. Unfortunately, this can be a recipe for disaster as predators wait for these vulnerable kids.

Yes, it -can- be a recipe for disaster. Or it can help them out. It depends on whether they interact with a nice person or a predator. Unfortunately, many nice adults probably wouldn't do it, for fear of being branded a predator when they were just trying to be nice. To your credit, you -have- interacted with the very same minor we've been talking about, so there's that.

Nobody knows if you are a nice person. You are a stranger to this child.
For parents, any time an adult person shows an unusual amount of interest in befriending your child on the internet or in real life, you should be concerned. That is the MO of your typical pedophile. Most adults are not out trying to befriend children.
Yes, with you.

I've already told you, I don't know the answer to your question and I'm not interested in speculating. Frequently, in gaming environments, people don't mention their ages. I think this can protect everyone involved- they won't need to get into long discussions over what a minor's parents will think of the interaction, for instance. At the core, me and this minor are just 2 fellow human beings, Yes, we're separated by a few decades of having been on this earth, but in the end, we are much more similar then we are different.

Yes with me, what? Again, you are being evasive.

Not trying to be. I'm saying that yes, with you, we've gone over this discussion. It seems you keep on going back to the same points to be honest -.-...

No, you stay away from minor children on the internet.

Fortunately for me, I don't need to listen to your advice on this one. I am not fortunate enough to have my own children, but I still have the liberty to interact with the children of others. Which, if you think about it, means everyone else. Everyone is someone's child.

No we have not gone over it.

We most certainly have...

You have refused to answer that question thus far

I refuse to speculate on the matter, yes. You can speculate on the matter if you wish.

I've also specifically asked you to not mess with my quotes.

I snip out the parts I'm not responding to. If you don't like it, you are welcome to not respond to my posts.
Yes with me, what? Again, you are being evasive.

Not trying to be. I'm saying that yes, with you, we've gone over this discussion. It seems you keep on going back to the same points to be honest -.-...

No, you stay away from minor children on the internet.

Fortunately for me, I don't need to listen to your advice on this one. I am not fortunate enough to have my own children, but I still have the liberty to interact with the children of others. Which, if you think about it, means everyone else. Everyone is someone's child.

No we have not gone over it.

We most certainly have...

You have refused to answer that question thus far

I refuse to speculate on the matter, yes. You can speculate on the matter if you wish.

I've also specifically asked you to not mess with my quotes.

I snip out the parts I'm not responding to. If you don't like it, you are welcome to not respond to my posts.

I'm pretty sure that manipulating people's postings in the CDZ may be a rule violation. You are to quote the entire post without manipulating it to suit your purposes.
For parents, any time an adult person shows an unusual amount of interest in befriending your child on the internet or in real life, you should be concerned.

And you are the resident expert on what an "unusual amount of interest" is?
Not trying to be. I'm saying that yes, with you, we've gone over this discussion. It seems you keep on going back to the same points to be honest -.-...

Fortunately for me, I don't need to listen to your advice on this one. I am not fortunate enough to have my own children, but I still have the liberty to interact with the children of others. Which, if you think about it, means everyone else. Everyone is someone's child.

No we have not gone over it.

We most certainly have...

You have refused to answer that question thus far

I refuse to speculate on the matter, yes. You can speculate on the matter if you wish.

I've also specifically asked you to not mess with my quotes.

I snip out the parts I'm not responding to. If you don't like it, you are welcome to not respond to my posts.

I'm pretty sure that manipulating people's postings in the CDZ may be a rule violation.

I'm simply removing text that I am not responding to. If that's a violation of the rules here, I'll be sure to include all of the text, thus making it more difficult to know what, precisely, I am responding to, but I can certainly do it.
You are manipulating my posts and you are also manipulating the facts of my interactions with minors. I have done nothing more than answer some of Pumpkin Row's posts.

That's all I initially did as well. Then one day, I mentioned that I'd rather talk about anime a little more and our continual disagreements regarding economics less, and so she suggested that perhaps we could talk about that in a less public setting. I was amenable to that, and that's how that began. I can easily imagine you tut tutting and saying that's oh so wrong, and you are certainly allowed to have your opinion on the matter, but that's all I consider it is. Ironically, I happen to know that minors sometimes lie about their age in order to discuss things with adults or even just older minors without them shutting them out simply because they are below x age. They are choosing to lie in order to avoid all of these highly politicized situations like the one I'm in right now, and I can hardly say I blame them. Is this what you want? Minors to be dishonest simply so that they can be left to converse with who they want to instead of being forced to only interact with age groups that parents deem "appropriate"?
For parents, any time an adult person shows an unusual amount of interest in befriending your child on the internet or in real life, you should be concerned.

And you are the resident expert on what an "unusual amount of interest" is?


Laugh :p. Please, present your credentials then. I'm afraid being a parent is hardly a credential without its drawbacks, as there is a potential conflict a interest- you may want to protect your children at the expense of them forming relationships that they find to have more benefits then risks.

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