International law says Israel is in violation

Why do Zionists keep citing international laws that they have violated?
Why do Arab Islamists keep talking about international law when they know nothing of it and are the worst violators of it?

I am neither an Arab nor an Islamist. And I know a great deal more about international law than you, especially since you don't give two shits about any laws when it comes to Israel.
Why do Zionists keep citing international laws that they have violated?
Why do Arab Islamists keep talking about international law when they know nothing of it and are the worst violators of it?

I am neither an Arab nor an Islamist. And I know a great deal more about international law than you, especially since you don't give two shits about any laws when it comes to Israel.
Ya right. Muslims preaching about "international laws". You are a joke, and not even a good propagandist.
Why do Arab Islamists keep talking about international law when they know nothing of it and are the worst violators of it?

I am neither an Arab nor an Islamist. And I know a great deal more about international law than you, especially since you don't give two shits about any laws when it comes to Israel.
Ya right. Muslims preaching about "international laws". You are a joke, and not even a good propagandist.

I am not a Muslim.

Israel cares nothing about international law. That's why they keep breaking them.
I am neither an Arab nor an Islamist. And I know a great deal more about international law than you, especially since you don't give two shits about any laws when it comes to Israel.
Ya right. Muslims preaching about "international laws". You are a joke, and not even a good propagandist.

I am not a Muslim.

Israel cares nothing about international law. That's why they keep breaking them.
Blah blah blah. Muslim liar propogandist is about to tell us how his / her beloved Palestinians are obeying international law by the book.

Idiot forgot that Gaza is governed by Hamas, which is designated as a TERRORIST organization by the US and European governments, and many others. Talk about international law. These terrorist ass kissers are sure funny! Ha ha ha ha.
Blah blah blah. Muslim liar propogandist is about to tell us how his / her beloved Palestinians are obeying international law by the book.

Idiot forgot that Gaza is governed by Hamas, which is designated as a TERRORIST organization by the US and European governments, and many others. Talk about international law. These terrorist ass kissers are sure funny! Ha ha ha ha.

Stop trolling, you NAZIonist troll.

Israel doesn't care about international law. They never have.
Blah blah blah. Muslim liar propogandist is about to tell us how his / her beloved Palestinians are obeying international law by the book.

Idiot forgot that Gaza is governed by Hamas, which is designated as a TERRORIST organization by the US and European governments, and many others. Talk about international law. These terrorist ass kissers are sure funny! Ha ha ha ha.

Stop trolling, you NAZIonist troll.

Israel doesn't care about international law. They never have.
Trolling? Look in the mirror IslamoNazi liar.

Hamas is a terrorist organization and you preach us about "international laws".

Victory67 has been spamming this board with false propoganda, and he calls others "trolls".

Here's your Palestinians observing "international law":

Ḥamās, acronym of Ḥarakat al-Muqāwamah al-Islāmiyyah, English Islamic Resistance Movement, militant Palestinian Islamic movement in the West Bank and Gaza Strip that is dedicated to the destruction of Israel and the creation of an Islamic state in Palestine. Founded in 1987, Ḥamās opposed the 1993 peace accords between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

September 28, 2012

Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) are foreign organizations that are designated by the Secretary of State in accordance with section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended. FTO designations play a critical role in our fight against terrorism and are an effective means of curtailing support for terrorist activities and pressuring groups to get out of the terrorism business.

Date Designated: 10/8/1997

Name of terrorist organization: HAMAS
Why do Zionists keep citing international laws that they have violated?
Why do Arab Islamists keep talking about international law when they know nothing of it and are the worst violators of it?

I am neither an Arab nor an Islamist. And I know a great deal more about international law than you, especially since you don't give two shits about any laws when it comes to Israel.

a planck
Why do Arab Islamists keep talking about international law when they know nothing of it and are the worst violators of it?

I am neither an Arab nor an Islamist. And I know a great deal more about international law than you, especially since you don't give two shits about any laws when it comes to Israel.

a planck
Sherri#67 aka Mohammad#48 aka Abdul56 aka Achmed73. Which one of the Arab victories did I miss?
Well then, Israel is in violation of all three.

My grandmother was in a hospital in Haifa. I saw Arab doctors, nurses and patients there. In fact, Israel is patching up Syrian soldiers and refugees too.

The Apartheid regime in the West Bank violates the Balfour, San Remo, and Palestine Mandate agreements.

Then the UN should step in and start sanctions against the arab muslims for doing it
Why do Zionists keep citing international laws that they have violated?

Which International Law would that be then, or do I smell another massive fail in the offing.

Give up now child and go back to the kindergarten board
Why do Zionists keep citing international laws that they have violated?
Why do Arab Islamists keep talking about international law when they know nothing of it and are the worst violators of it?

I am neither an Arab nor an Islamist. And I know a great deal more about international law than you, especially since you don't give two shits about any laws when it comes to Israel.

You know nothing as proven when you did not realise that Israel OWNS Palestine under International Law.
Which International Law would that be then, or do I smell another massive fail in the offing.

Give up now child and go back to the kindergarten board

The Geneva Conventions, the Balfour Declaration, the San Remo Conference, and the Palestine Mandate.
I am neither an Arab nor an Islamist. And I know a great deal more about international law than you, especially since you don't give two shits about any laws when it comes to Israel.
Ya right. Muslims preaching about "international laws". You are a joke, and not even a good propagandist.

I am not a Muslim.

Israel cares nothing about international law. That's why they keep breaking them.

Then produce these alleged breaches and the laws in full from a reputable source so we can see how much you understand about International law
You know nothing as proven when you did not realise that Israel OWNS Palestine under International Law.

There is no International Law that says Israel owns all of Palestine.

From 1949 to 1967, the USA recognized Jordanian ownership of the West Bank and called it "Arab Palestine".

Today the USA considers all settlements to be illegal.
Blah blah blah. Muslim liar propogandist is about to tell us how his / her beloved Palestinians are obeying international law by the book.

Idiot forgot that Gaza is governed by Hamas, which is designated as a TERRORIST organization by the US and European governments, and many others. Talk about international law. These terrorist ass kissers are sure funny! Ha ha ha ha.

Stop trolling, you NAZIonist troll.

Israel doesn't care about international law. They never have.

Is that why they work to the letter of all International laws and you cant find on instance were they don't.

And unless you want an ass whupping don't try the blockade or the defensive occupation of the west bank.
I find it hilarious that Sherri#67 talks of "international law" when the LEADERSHIP of the Palestinians is an internationally designated TERRORIST ORGANIZATION.

Executive Summary
In the aftermath of September 11, 2001, the European Union responded immediately by adopting several legal instruments to implement Security Council Resolutions and to deal with the terrorism threat within the EU more effectively. Part of this undertaking was the drafting of two lists, one prepared under the authority the Sanctions Committee of the Security Council and endorsed by the EU, the UN/EU list; and the other, the EU list, prepared unanimously by the Council of the EU.
Both lists have raised fundamental rights questions and have been challenged before the European Courts by those listed who claimed to be included unjustifiably. In the cases of Yusuf and Kadi, the European Court of Justice upheld the EU/UN regime. On the other hand, in the case of the Organisation des Modjahedines du Peuple Iranien (OMPI), the Court annulled the decision of the Council relating to the inclusion of OMPI on the EU list. The Court did not invalidate the Regulation on the basis of which the list was prepared. Thus, the Regulation is still in force. The Council has announced that it plans to make its listing and de-listing procedure more transparent and that it intends to provide a statement of reasons to individuals or entities subject to the freezing of assets.
I. Background
Following the attacks of September 11, 2001 against the United States, the European Union responded immediately to the threat of terrorism by adopting new legislative measures. The EU’s response to the terrorist attacks was undertaken in part due to realization of the urgent need to tackle terrorism more effectively at the EU level, but also because of implementation requirements of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions. Resolution 1373/20011 obliged UN Members to immediately freeze funds, other financial assets, or any economic resources of any member of the Taliban and the Al-Qaida organizations. The requirement also applied to the assets of persons or organizations who are associated with them and have been involved in terrorist activities, including the planning, facilitation, preparation, or perpetration of terrorist acts. The UN also established a Sanctions Committee that was given the tasks of compiling a list of entities and individuals deemed to be associated with Taliban and Al-Qaida and in general ensuring the implementation of sanctions against all those included on the list.2
Currently, there are two lists of persons, groups, or entities designated as involved in terrorist activities and subjected to restrictive measures: 1) a list comprised of names designated by the UN Sanctions Committee, the Security Council, or the UN Member States (the UN/EU regime); and 2) an EU
1 The Resolution, adopted pursuant to chapter VII of the UN Charter, established a number of measures in an effort to fight terrorism. It requires Members to immediately freeze funds and other financial assets or economic resources of persons who commit, or attempt to commit, terrorist acts or participate in or facilitate the commission of terrorist acts; of entities owned or controlled by such persons; and of persons and entities acting on behalf of, or at the direction of, such persons and entities.
2 Based on Resolution 1267/1999. The list is available at the UN Web site, committees/1267/consolist.shtml (last visited June 8, 2007).
EU: Lists of Terrorist Persons or Organizations – June 2007 The Law Library of Congress - 2
list prepared by the Council of the EU acting under authorization arising from EU legal instruments, the so-called EU autonomous regime. The Council of the EU decides unanimously on the names for that list. Both lists have been subject to constant revision and updates, as new names are added or deleted. There is no time limit or expiration date for designations to the lists. The EU/UN list contains the names of 361 individuals and 125 entities.3 As updated on May 29, 2006, the EU list included the names of forty-five individuals and forty-eight groups and entities that are subject to restrictive measures at the EU level.4 In December 2006, the names of nine more individuals were added, along with two groups or entities.5
The initial 2001 EU list prepared by the Council included only the terrorist wing of the Palestinian Organization Hamas, not the full organization. In 2005, Hamas as a whole was included. Recently, the EU has started entering the names of the individuals and entities on the lists into the Schengen Information System.
This report examines three basic aspects related to the two lists:
the criteria on the basis of which persons or organizations are designated to be added to the lists;
de-listing procedures; and
judicial recourse of aggrieved parties before the EU courts.
Blah blah blah. Muslim liar propogandist is about to tell us how his / her beloved Palestinians are obeying international law by the book.

Idiot forgot that Gaza is governed by Hamas, which is designated as a TERRORIST organization by the US and European governments, and many others. Talk about international law. These terrorist ass kissers are sure funny! Ha ha ha ha.

Stop trolling, you NAZIonist troll.

Israel doesn't care about international law. They never have.

Is that why they work to the letter of all International laws and you cant find on instance were they don't.

And unless you want an ass whupping don't try the blockade or the defensive occupation of the west bank.

Legally binding peace agreements that give Israel .... Borders: The international boundary between Israel and Jordan follows the Jordan and Yarmouk Rivers, the Dead Sea, the Emek Ha'arva/Wadi Araba, and the Gulf of Aqaba
Why do Zionists keep citing international laws that they have violated?
Why do Arab Islamists keep talking about international law when they know nothing of it and are the worst violators of it?

I am neither an Arab nor an Islamist. And I know a great deal more about international law than you, especially since you don't give two shits about any laws when it comes to Israel.

all evidence to the contrary
The three international laws that let the Jews settle in Palestine and turn it into a Jewish homeland, also says that nothing may be done that prejudices the rights of the non-Jewish population.

Israel has been in violation of these laws since 1949.

The Balfour Declaration.
The San Remo Conference.
The Mandate for Palestine.

They all include the following condition for Jewish settlement, which the Jews are in violation of.

The Mandatory will be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 8, 1917, by the British Government, and adopted by the other Allied Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

the paid shills here are denying facts as always i ses trolling the boards ignoring these facts of this thread starter.

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