Internet with bad intentions

Your take on the internet

  • Internet employs thought control in favor of progressive ideology, and it's wrong

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • Internet employs thought control in favor of progressive ideology, but I like it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Internet content is equal conservative and progressive views

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters
Surrreeee they don't, they only programmed the OS that it runs on. :rolleyes:

I notice you damn sure didn't deny all the other things I claimed they do, because you know..

Yep they do and I do not really give a shit if they want to monitor me taking a shit.

I use Amazon Prime for much of my shopping so they know what I buy. I use "reward cards' at my local grocery store so they are tracking what I buy. I have an Alexa in my living room that listens to my ever word.

I do not care.
I've used the internet since the mid-90s.

Everything can be found on the internet. All you could ever want of it.

Search wisely and ye shall find your content.

Avoid Google. They are the alien presence on Earth, watching.
Surrreeee they don't, they only programmed the OS that it runs on. :rolleyes:

I notice you damn sure didn't deny all the other things I claimed they do, because you know..

Yep they do and I do not really give a shit if they want to monitor me taking a shit.

I use Amazon Prime for much of my shopping so they know what I buy. I use "reward cards' at my local grocery store so they are tracking what I buy. I have an Alexa in my living room that listens to my ever word.

I do not care.
I feel much the same but there are a lot of people for various reasons would prefer to remain anonymous and want to keep all details about themselves private.

There are some positive things about companies collecting information about you. When I search for products, google displays product and suppliers I have bought from before. When I look for stores, it shows stores in my area first. When I go to a travel site, it knows the destination and type of carrier I am looking for which saves time when making reservations. Some people consider that intrusive but for me it's a time saver.

For people that want to keep their details private, they can clear out their cookies which is where much information about you is stored. However it you clear cookies, you also loose a lot things that help you navigate sites.
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Surrreeee they don't, they only programmed the OS that it runs on. :rolleyes:

I notice you damn sure didn't deny all the other things I claimed they do, because you know..

Yep they do and I do not really give a shit if they want to monitor me taking a shit.

I use Amazon Prime for much of my shopping so they know what I buy. I use "reward cards' at my local grocery store so they are tracking what I buy. I have an Alexa in my living room that listens to my ever word.

I do not care.

"We can turn it off. We have that privilege."
- O'Brien, Nineteen Eighty-Four
Surrreeee they don't, they only programmed the OS that it runs on. :rolleyes:

I notice you damn sure didn't deny all the other things I claimed they do, because you know..

Yep they do and I do not really give a shit if they want to monitor me taking a shit.

I use Amazon Prime for much of my shopping so they know what I buy. I use "reward cards' at my local grocery store so they are tracking what I buy. I have an Alexa in my living room that listens to my ever word.

I do not care.
I feel much the same but there are a lot of people for various reasons would prefer to remain anonymous and want to keep all details about themselves private.

There are some positive things about companies collecting information about you. When I search for products, google displays product and suppliers I have bought from before. When I look for stores, it shows stores in my area first. When I go to a travel site, it knows the destination and type of carrier I am looking for which saves time when making reservations. Some people consider that intrusive but for me it's a time saver.

For people that want to keep detains private, they can clear out their cookies which is where much information about you is stored. However it you clear cookies, you also loose a lot things that help you navigate sites.

Without going off the grid and moving to the wilds of Montana, not sure private is possible. If you use a debit card stores track what that card was used for and create coupon based on previously purchased items.

I find the convenience far more valuable than some sense of “privacy” .

Sent from my iPhone using
Yes they are biased towards conservative sources etc but you can still get REAL news on the internet and I do. Between using foreign sources,facebook and the few conservative websites/news sites there are...its harder to find but always better to try and believe the BS the leftist media tells us.
Surrreeee they don't, they only programmed the OS that it runs on. :rolleyes:

I notice you damn sure didn't deny all the other things I claimed they do, because you know..

Yep they do and I do not really give a shit if they want to monitor me taking a shit.

I use Amazon Prime for much of my shopping so they know what I buy. I use "reward cards' at my local grocery store so they are tracking what I buy. I have an Alexa in my living room that listens to my ever word.

I do not care.
I feel much the same but there are a lot of people for various reasons would prefer to remain anonymous and want to keep all details about themselves private.

There are some positive things about companies collecting information about you. When I search for products, google displays product and suppliers I have bought from before. When I look for stores, it shows stores in my area first. When I go to a travel site, it knows the destination and type of carrier I am looking for which saves time when making reservations. Some people consider that intrusive but for me it's a time saver.

For people that want to keep detains private, they can clear out their cookies which is where much information about you is stored. However it you clear cookies, you also loose a lot things that help you navigate sites.

Without going off the grid and moving to the wilds of Montana, not sure private is possible. If you use a debit card stores track what that card was used for and create coupon based on previously purchased items.

I find the convenience far more valuable than some sense of “privacy” .

Sent from my iPhone using
There is a presumption that whatever can be tracked will be tracked. However, just because it can be done does not mean it will be done. My experience in IT working with retail databases is there has to be a real financial reward for data mining because it's often expensive. Typical Internet sellers will do what is easy, look at your record of past purchases at their site, check your cookies of competitors to see data that would be useful in determining offers and products to display.

IMHO, people worry far too much about data mining. Governments and businesses have far better targets to expend resources on than 99.99% of the public.

I read a article a few years ago about the cost of creating a dossier on a person by searching and extracting data from various databases. The government was building a profile on a person, can't remember which agency but the article went into the work and cost required. In this case there were searches and data extraction from 11 databases. New searches had to be created for most of the databases and some of the data had to be verify. It took weeks and the estimated cost was over $15K and these were all government data bases. If the search had involved data sources from private industry the cost and time would have been far higher.

The government agent sitting down at a computer and typing a social security number and name followed by a print out of a complete dossier of personal information, employment, financial, military, arrest records, and court records is pure fantasy.
Unless your head is buried in the sand, those running the internet (Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Youtube, etc.) are partisan and weed out conservative views. I know first hand, because Yahoo censors conservative view points. We receive most of our info. from the internet, and they're exercising thought control.

The internet and media are primarily responsible for building the snowflake. From games to Emojis to propaganda, it's taught us how to be soft, how to be a victim, and how to practice intellectual dishonesty.

Your thoughts?

Are you referring to Trump's fact free assertion that Google 'rigged' search results?
Unless your head is buried in the sand, those running the internet (Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Youtube, etc.) are partisan and weed out conservative views. I know first hand, because Yahoo censors conservative view points. We receive most of our info. from the internet, and they're exercising thought control.

The internet and media are primarily responsible for building the snowflake. From games to Emojis to propaganda, it's taught us how to be soft, how to be a victim, and how to practice intellectual dishonesty.

Your thoughts?

Are you referring to Trump's fact free assertion that Google 'rigged' search results?
Trump's attack on Google is one of his silliest. Maybe he should get a few hours sleep before he hits the Internet.

Google searches aim to surface the most relevant pages in response to a user's query, even before he or she finishes typing. The answers that appear first are the ones Google's formulas, with some help from human content reviewers, deem to be the most authoritative, informative and relevant. Many factors help decide the initial results, including how much time people spend on a page, how many other pages link to it, how well it's designed and more.

Well designed web sites that enjoy large numbers of hits, a high time on page average, which contain many links, and is relevant to the user's query will likely show up on the first page of a search.

Trump is well aware of the fact that the Google search algorithm is a trade secret so he can make up any claim he wants and Google can't prove he's wrong without revealing their search algorithm.
Unless your head is buried in the sand, those running the internet (Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Youtube, etc.) are partisan and weed out conservative views. I know first hand, because Yahoo censors conservative view points. We receive most of our info. from the internet, and they're exercising thought control.

The internet and media are primarily responsible for building the snowflake. From games to Emojis to propaganda, it's taught us how to be soft, how to be a victim, and how to practice intellectual dishonesty.

Your thoughts?

Are you referring to Trump's fact free assertion that Google 'rigged' search results?
Trump's attack on Google is one of his silliest. Maybe he should get a few hours sleep before he hits the Internet.

Google searches aim to surface the most relevant pages in response to a user's query, even before he or she finishes typing. The answers that appear first are the ones Google's formulas, with some help from human content reviewers, deem to be the most authoritative, informative and relevant. Many factors help decide the initial results, including how much time people spend on a page, how many other pages link to it, how well it's designed and more.

Well designed web sites that enjoy large numbers of hits, a high time on page average, which contain many links, and is relevant to the user's query will likely show up on the first page of a search.

Trump is well aware of the fact that the Google search algorithm is a trade secret so he can make up any claim he wants and Google can't prove he's wrong without revealing their search algorithm.

It wasn't silly at all. Trump's base is emotionally driven. He doesn't have to present them facts or evidence. He merely has to present them with an accusation that *feels* true. And to them, it is true.

Trump's knowing which conspiracy batshit to feed his guzzling supporters. From birther batshit to "Obama wiretapped my phone' nonsense to '3 to 5 million fake votes cost me the popular vote' fantasies.....

......his base just ate that shit up. Just like they're eating these latest fantasies up.

Conspiracy, emotion, imagination. These are the three pillars of modern conservatism. And the beating heart of the GOP.
Trump's attack on Google is one of his silliest. Maybe he should get a few hours sleep before he hits the Internet.

Google searches aim to surface the most relevant pages in response to a user's query, even before he or she finishes typing. The answers that appear first are the ones Google's formulas, with some help from human content reviewers, deem to be the most authoritative, informative and relevant. Many factors help decide the initial results, including how much time people spend on a page, how many other pages link to it, how well it's designed and more.

Well designed web sites that enjoy large numbers of hits, a high time on page average, which contain many links, and is relevant to the user's query will likely show up on the first page of a search.

Trump is well aware of the fact that the Google search algorithm is a trade secret so he can make up any claim he wants and Google can't prove he's wrong without revealing their search algorithm.

Can someone PLEASE show this lost soul to the room for Naivete rehab ?
Trump's attack on Google is one of his silliest. Maybe he should get a few hours sleep before he hits the Internet.

Google searches aim to surface the most relevant pages in response to a user's query, even before he or she finishes typing. The answers that appear first are the ones Google's formulas, with some help from human content reviewers, deem to be the most authoritative, informative and relevant. Many factors help decide the initial results, including how much time people spend on a page, how many other pages link to it, how well it's designed and more.

Well designed web sites that enjoy large numbers of hits, a high time on page average, which contain many links, and is relevant to the user's query will likely show up on the first page of a search.

Trump is well aware of the fact that the Google search algorithm is a trade secret so he can make up any claim he wants and Google can't prove he's wrong without revealing their search algorithm.

Can someone PLEASE show this lost soul to the room for Naivete rehab ?

Or you can offer us what you think is inaccurate in his post. Is Google's search algorithm NOT a trade secret? Or do you have access to evidence backing Trump's claim.....a claim that itself was pristinely void of any supporting evidence.
Trump's attack on Google is one of his silliest. Maybe he should get a few hours sleep before he hits the Internet.

Google searches aim to surface the most relevant pages in response to a user's query, even before he or she finishes typing. The answers that appear first are the ones Google's formulas, with some help from human content reviewers, deem to be the most authoritative, informative and relevant. Many factors help decide the initial results, including how much time people spend on a page, how many other pages link to it, how well it's designed and more.

Well designed web sites that enjoy large numbers of hits, a high time on page average, which contain many links, and is relevant to the user's query will likely show up on the first page of a search.

Trump is well aware of the fact that the Google search algorithm is a trade secret so he can make up any claim he wants and Google can't prove he's wrong without revealing their search algorithm.

Can someone PLEASE show this lost soul to the room for Naivete rehab ?

Or you can offer us what you think is inaccurate in his post. Is Google's search algorithm NOT a trade secret? Or do you have access to evidence backing Trump's claim.....a claim that itself was pristinely void of any supporting evidence.

You people are pushing decent Americans too far.

Google has gone FAR beyond just slanting search results. I was involved in a class action lawsuit against Google. They STOLE from me. It wasn't a lot, but they did it to thousands of website owners. My site had Conservative content so what did they do? They reneged on payment due for advertising earned.

Search on Google adwords class action lawsuit and stfu already.

You have ZERO clue what you're talking about. Just another complicit, ignorant imbecile or worse, a willing traitor
Trump's attack on Google is one of his silliest. Maybe he should get a few hours sleep before he hits the Internet.

Google searches aim to surface the most relevant pages in response to a user's query, even before he or she finishes typing. The answers that appear first are the ones Google's formulas, with some help from human content reviewers, deem to be the most authoritative, informative and relevant. Many factors help decide the initial results, including how much time people spend on a page, how many other pages link to it, how well it's designed and more.

Well designed web sites that enjoy large numbers of hits, a high time on page average, which contain many links, and is relevant to the user's query will likely show up on the first page of a search.

Trump is well aware of the fact that the Google search algorithm is a trade secret so he can make up any claim he wants and Google can't prove he's wrong without revealing their search algorithm.

Can someone PLEASE show this lost soul to the room for Naivete rehab ?

Or you can offer us what you think is inaccurate in his post. Is Google's search algorithm NOT a trade secret? Or do you have access to evidence backing Trump's claim.....a claim that itself was pristinely void of any supporting evidence.

You people are pushing decent Americans too far.

And by 'decent Americans' you mean those that gobble any conspiracy the President gives them without a scrap of evidence?
Google has gone FAR beyond just slanting search results. I was involved in a class action lawsuit against Google. They STOLE from me. It wasn't a lot, but they did it to thousands of website owners. My site had Conservative content so what did they do? They reneged on payment due for advertising earned.

And how did your lawsuit work out? Surely you proved both your case and that it was because of conservative content.

Show us. Don't tell us.

Search on Google adwords class action lawsuit and stfu already.

You have ZERO clue what you're talking about. Just another complicit, ignorant imbecile

Then show us the evidence that Google stole anything from you....because your website had 'conservative content'.

Or that Google 'rigged' Trump's search results. Not accusation. Not conspiracy. Not imagination.

But *evidence*. You know, what the courts would have demanded as part of your lawsuit.
Your time is coming......stay on your current path. I will have nothing to do with it.

Enjoy. - ]

Translation: I asked for evidence and you just blinked.

And you just demonstrated the utility of gobbling conspiracies without evidence.
Surrreeee they don't, they only programmed the OS that it runs on. :rolleyes:

I notice you damn sure didn't deny all the other things I claimed they do, because you know..

Yep they do and I do not really give a shit if they want to monitor me taking a shit.

I use Amazon Prime for much of my shopping so they know what I buy. I use "reward cards' at my local grocery store so they are tracking what I buy. I have an Alexa in my living room that listens to my ever word.

I do not care.

"We can turn it off. We have that privilege."
- O'Brien, Nineteen Eighty-Four

That is the power folks on the right are trying to give the government.
Surrreeee they don't, they only programmed the OS that it runs on. :rolleyes:

I notice you damn sure didn't deny all the other things I claimed they do, because you know..

Yep they do and I do not really give a shit if they want to monitor me taking a shit.

I use Amazon Prime for much of my shopping so they know what I buy. I use "reward cards' at my local grocery store so they are tracking what I buy. I have an Alexa in my living room that listens to my ever word.

I do not care.

"We can turn it off. We have that privilege."
- O'Brien, Nineteen Eighty-Four

That is the power folks on the right are trying to give the government.

Technically, they have it by default already.
Trump's attack on Google is one of his silliest. Maybe he should get a few hours sleep before he hits the Internet.

Google searches aim to surface the most relevant pages in response to a user's query, even before he or she finishes typing. The answers that appear first are the ones Google's formulas, with some help from human content reviewers, deem to be the most authoritative, informative and relevant. Many factors help decide the initial results, including how much time people spend on a page, how many other pages link to it, how well it's designed and more.

Well designed web sites that enjoy large numbers of hits, a high time on page average, which contain many links, and is relevant to the user's query will likely show up on the first page of a search.

Trump is well aware of the fact that the Google search algorithm is a trade secret so he can make up any claim he wants and Google can't prove he's wrong without revealing their search algorithm.

Can someone PLEASE show this lost soul to the room for Naivete rehab ?

Or you can offer us what you think is inaccurate in his post. Is Google's search algorithm NOT a trade secret? Or do you have access to evidence backing Trump's claim.....a claim that itself was pristinely void of any supporting evidence.

You people are pushing decent Americans too far.

And by 'decent Americans' you mean those that gobble any conspiracy the President gives them without a scrap of evidence?
Google has gone FAR beyond just slanting search results. I was involved in a class action lawsuit against Google. They STOLE from me. It wasn't a lot, but they did it to thousands of website owners. My site had Conservative content so what did they do? They reneged on payment due for advertising earned.

And how did your lawsuit work out? Surely you proved both your case and that it was because of conservative content.

Show us. Don't tell us.

Search on Google adwords class action lawsuit and stfu already.

You have ZERO clue what you're talking about. Just another complicit, ignorant imbecile

Then show us the evidence that Google stole anything from you....because your website had 'conservative content'.

Or that Google 'rigged' Trump's search results. Not accusation. Not conspiracy. Not imagination.

But *evidence*. You know, what the courts would have demanded as part of your lawsuit.
What this is all about is a Google Search invariablly will bring up multiple anti-Trump articles on the 1st page of just about any search involving Trump and current events.

Google has designed their algorithm to display web sites that they feel would be most useful to users. The algorithm is not biased against Trump, but most news sites are, particular ones with a large number of users. That is not Google's fault.

The algorithm favors media outlets which have received honors for their quality of reporting for example the number of Pulitzer prizes. Guess which ones these are, the New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Los Angles Times, and the Wall Street Journal, all biased against Trump.

The algorithm also favors sites with high hit rates and average time on page which also happen to be most of the same ones listed above because of their huge readership.

Trump's problem is not Google. It is the media itself. The only way to solve Trump's problem would be a random display of websites based on search criteria which certainly would not be very helpful to users. For example, you might google Trump immigration and get as a first hit, an anti-immigration site favoring deporting all Americans with foreign heritage, a propaganda site in the China, and a site with instructions on how to enter Finland legally.

No, there is nothing wrong with the Google algorithm. However there is lot wrong with Trump's war with the media. Rather than destroy one our most useful tools in finding information of the Net, maybe Trump should consider making peace with the media.

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