Interview with Richard Gage on the upcoming 9/11 Grand Jury .

This is part of it and the Clintons were involved too.

Government Cover Ups: A Tale Of Greed and Power within the Deep State with Cody Snodgres
MARCH 19, 2018
.....Timothy McVeigh commanded one of those. His platoon commander was Nichols. They were over there in Desert Storm and McVeigh had bronze star, he had confirmed kills and so forth. Those rounds that are in there have about eight or nine-inch long tube of depleted uranium. They come out and real high kinetic energy about 5,200 feet per second, and have enough kinetic energy to take a T54 tank, that’s the Soviet tanks Saddam was using at the time. Their turrets were about 11 tons. One of our M1A1s hit those T54s,those turrets would fly up like a top in the air and make a huge fire ball, very high heat, very high energy. It’s something brand new that happened, and the Pentagon didn’t know about this.

What happened was there were brand new compounds molecularly being formed in the air. One was uranium oxide, uranium dioxide. The particulate size of these compounds were about four microns. You had all this radiation falling down in four microns. Our mop gear and our nuclear, biological, and chemical or NBC suits, and the filters on our gas mask, only went down to ten microns. These little particles, our troops were breathing all this stuff, and it was going past the filters. We were getting low-level radioactivity when it goes into the human body.

This stuff concentrates in two basic places, the thyroid gland and the ovaries if you’re a woman and the testicles if you’re a man, the reproductive organs. After our guys breathed all this stuff unknowingly and they got these weird anthrax shots that made them all sick, they started coming back to the states. When they got back to the States, everyone started getting sick. That’s the same thing, the Gulf War syndrome, they called it. That’s the name they gave it, but the Pentagon had to cover up all their defective mop gear. The first cover up was the fact that they had given Saddam covertly anthrax and they cooked up a new vaccine. This whole thing was a big cover-up.

After about several years, the VA hospitals start filling up civilian hospitals. These people had all these strange symptoms, radiation. 238 Uranium has a half-life of about four and a half million years. The Pentagon had a big problem brewing, just like the Agent Orange stuff from Vietnam. The men were coming back from that war with radioactive semen. When they made love to their wives, this stuff was transmitted into the ovaries of their wives, and from there to the children, from the children to the grandchildren, to the great grandchildren. They didn’t know how long this would be, how many generations this would go down.

The Pentagon would be on the hook for hundreds of billions, maybe hundreds of trillions in the long run of medical costs. Chris Shays, the Republican senator from Connecticut, was on the Armed Services Committee. He was tasked with giving some payment and determining medical culpability for all these sick veterans. The Pentagon didn’t want to admit about the DEU and they didn’t want to admit about the anthrax. Shays ordered FBI to gather all the medical records of approximately 480,000of our troops that had been in Theater over there in Desert Storm in Iraq. All those records, guess where they were stored?


In the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, just before it blew up. When those records went up, you couldn’t prove medically what was wrong with our guys. The Pentagon got off the hook. They had a huge medical problem on their hands. The Agent Orange that was sprayed in Vietnam to defoliate the highlands during the height of that war, that was an air force op called Operation Ranch Hand from 1969 to 1971, where they sprayed massive doses of that stuff. Later on, all our guys got sick. We work now on guys with Agent Orange stuff. It shows up 30, 40 years later. The Pentagon had this huge problem. They had inter-generational radioactivity and genetic deformities to deal with. How many children would be born deformed? How many generations down would this radiation be transferred from mother to son, son to grandson, and so forth? No one knew.

After about several years, the VA hospitals start filling up civilian hospitals. These people had all these strange symptoms, radiation. 238 Uranium has a half-life of about four and a half million years.

Four and a half billion years. Billion.....with a B.

The men were coming back from that war with radioactive semen.


When they made love to their wives, this stuff was transmitted into the ovaries of their wives, and from there to the children, from the children to the grandchildren, to the great grandchildren. They didn’t know how long this would be, how many generations this would go down.

Many generations of nothing. Zero. Nada.
U-238 is one of the least radioactive elements that can still be considered radioactive.

When those records went up, you couldn’t prove medically what was wrong with our guys.

You went from....
radioactive semen being passed through multiple generations to....we don't know what's wrong.

The Pentagon had this huge problem. They had inter-generational radioactivity and genetic deformities to deal with.

Inter-generational idiocy...but enough about you.
My brother got it over there in 90 to 91, you

Got what?
Radioactive semen?
Common sense for one thing...look at the aftermath and it's obvious that no fertilizer truck bomb did that shit.

How many tons of ANFO would it take?
Trying to bait people into saying stupid things ?
How tricky.

I'm trying to get you to stop saying stupid things.
Everything you've said on this thread has been stupid or lies.
Like denying that fucking Gulf War Syndrome is real you piece of worm shit.
Common sense for one thing...look at the aftermath and it's obvious that no fertilizer truck bomb did that shit.

How many tons of ANFO would it take?
Trying to bait people into saying stupid things ?
How tricky.

I'm trying to get you to stop saying stupid things.
Everything you've said on this thread has been stupid or lies.
Like denying that fucking Gulf War Syndrome is real you piece of worm shit.

Where did I say anything about Gulf War Syndrome?
Just because I understand radioactivity and can point out your error-filled claims about it
doesn't say anything about Gulf War Syndrome.
Got what?
Radioactive semen?
Anthrax vaccine side effects. If you'd been paying attention , that is one of the things the Pentagon bunched together as one thing -GWS.

Anthrax vaccine side effects

So you're off the multi-generational radioactive semen idiocy?
As I said, the term Gulf War Syndrome has been misconstrued in order to generalize the various illnesses into one bunch for several reasons including PR concerns. Pentagon is off the hook for hundreds of billions in settlements and healthcare costs after all the records were destroyed...

Gulf War Syndrome settlements.
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Got what?
Radioactive semen?
Anthrax vaccine side effects. If you'd been paying attention , that is one of the things the Pentagon bunched together as one thing -GWS.

Anthrax vaccine side effects

So you're off the multi-generational radioactive semen idiocy?
As I said, the term Gulf War Syndrome has been misconstrued in order to generalize the various illnesses into one bunch for several reasons including PR concerns. Pentagon is off the hook for hundreds of billions in settlements and healthcare costs after all the records were destroyed...

Gulf War Syndrome settlements.

Pentagon is off the hook for hundreds of billions in settlements and healthcare costs after all the records were destroyed...

How difficult would it be to detect radioactive semen, if your original, moronic claim were true?
You know Angelo its flabbergasting that you understand all this YET you are clueless and in the dark that the NFL is as corrupt as our government is and are clueless of how the playoffs and superbowls are scripted way in advance.:D:laughing0301:o_O now i could understand that line of thinking of someone who thinks our government serves the people and that the republicans are the party to vote for and the dems are corrupt or vise versa but YOU? im speechless.
I've never been a Democrat or a Republican, although I voted for Carter in 1980 and Ross Perot in 1992, and while I understand your analogy, all that NFL business is kids stuff compared to what happened on 9/11 .

McVeigh crashed a plane into a building?

McVeigh and Nichols were patsies in a long-planned black op....
The Murrah building was wired with explosives they know because the FBI bomb squad had to remove 2 that didn't detonate.

Carter was our last president who was halfway decent since JFK our last REAL president we had which is why we have had all these false false operations such as 9/11 the last several decades. yes you are correct the NFL business is kids stuff compared to 9/11 and all these other false flag operations its just you are the LAST person i would have expected to doubt me when i mention that to you about the NFL. that you would not consider i have done a lot of research into that and have all the facts to back it up.

I proved it on one of the threads back then,nobody could refute the evidence or would even address it,just insult me same as they always do when the sheep cant refute the evidence that 9/11 was an inside job and the towers were brought down by explostives. misterbeal has done lots of research on it as well and also same as me has the evidence about the NFL also.:2up:
Common sense for one thing...look at the aftermath and it's obvious that no fertilizer truck bomb did that shit.

How many tons of ANFO would it take?
Trying to bait people into saying stupid things ?
How tricky.

the true act of a shill from Langley.LOL
They have offices everywhere.
The UPS driver could be a clown -the ice cream man, a federal judge, the local Starbuck's manager, the local sherriff or your kids 3rd grade teacher --even the USMB Internet troll-- - they have every cover imaginable
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Makes you wonder who was doing the new fireproofing right before 9/11 huh ?
Common sense for one thing...look at the aftermath and it's obvious that no fertilizer truck bomb did that shit.

How many tons of ANFO would it take?
Trying to bait people into saying stupid things ?
How tricky.

the true act of a shill from Langley.LOL
They have offices everywhere.
The UPS driver could be a clown -the ice cream man, a federal judge, the local Starbuck's manager, the local sherriff or your kids 3rd grade teacher --even the USMB Internet troll-- - they have every cover imaginable

And we're all working to get you. Muhaha.
i love how the shills like toddparrot,play dodgeball when they are backed up against the wall on bld 7 with nowhere to run,they always dismiss the evidence that it was NOT hit by a plane therefore that building should never have collapsed and not only that,how they dismiss that one construction worker doing a countdown of it being imploded saying 5 4 3 2 1 and THEN we hear the explosion. they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are,:abgg2q.jpg:
i love how the shills like toddparrot,play dodgeball when they are backed up against the wall on bld 7 with nowhere to run,they always dismiss the evidence that it was NOT hit by a plane therefore that building should never have collapsed and not only that,how they dismiss that one construction worker doing a countdown of it being imploded saying 5 4 3 2 1 and THEN we hear the explosion. they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are,:abgg2q.jpg:
I hope they come and check out my crib.
See the surprises I have waiting, like my homemade Tesla-solar DIW .
Tell them about my girlfriend in Mena and some of her intriguing stories.
i love how the shills like toddparrot,play dodgeball when they are backed up against the wall on bld 7 with nowhere to run,they always dismiss the evidence that it was NOT hit by a plane therefore that building should never have collapsed and not only that,how they dismiss that one construction worker doing a countdown of it being imploded saying 5 4 3 2 1 and THEN we hear the explosion. they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are,:abgg2q.jpg:

Of course building 7 wasn't hit by a plane, it was hit by pieces of the WTC.

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