Intolerable cruelty: Kansas Medicaid leaves elderly to die without care

Did anyone actually READ the article? The core of the problem is government inefficiency. It takes months for Kansas Medicaid applications to be completed and newly admitted seriously ill patients often die before the process is completed. This is yet another cherry picked case blown out of proportion and distorted by Leftists. No one is throwing granny off the cliff. This is a SPECIAL CASE with very ill, very old patients needing to file a NEW Medicaid claim that will take MONTHS TO COMPLETE because the government is butt slow and inefficient at everything it does.

Yes, the KANSAS government is slow, and they are doing it on purpose. This is about people being admitted into a nursing home. Most nursing home care in the United States is paid by Medicaid. Federal law, FEDERAL LAW, requires the state of Kansas to complete those applications within 45 days. They are currently VIOLATING federal law, and they should be sanctioned. Because here is the deal, the median stay in a nursing home is five months. People go there TO DIE. It is a pretty good ploy for Kansas. If they take six months to complete the application there is a better than fifty percent chance that the applicant is DEAD when it is completed and the nursing home gets the shaft. Despicable. Dorothy would be much better off in Oz than returning to Kansas today.
The tea party pretty much ruined the Kansas economy, anyway, so there is no longer the money needed to take care of their own citizens. Jindal tried to do the same in Louisiana, but they threw him out before the damage was irreversible.

From your link Obama care death panels that Sarah Palin warned you about

Administrators at Villa St. Francis nursing home in Olathe have a checklist of questions before taking in a new resident with a pending Medicaid application.

How many Medicaid-pending residents are we already subsidizing? Is this person likely to survive the months it will probably take for the state of Kansas to approve their application? If not, is there a loved one who is willing to follow through on the application after this person dies?
Sadly, it sounds like this is partially due to politics from some fed officials, which started under the prior admin, over the fact they run a privatized network and are wanting to require work requirements of some 9n Medicaid.
Third world countries are countries that are POOR.

Only a retarded lefty thinks that child labor laws have anything to do with it. Those are put in place AFTER a country is no longer a 3rd world hell-hole, that should give you a clue.

If you were in charge we would become poor/3rd world in no time. In fact, you would probably already have literally imported the 3rd world here.

We have had safety nets in this country for decades so we don't become a third world country. I lived in Peru, been to several other poor countries and I don't that think we want to become like that.

If the safety nets were cut 3rd world mongoloids such as yourself and that other poster would very quickly flock over to Venezuela. I am sure we would be generous enough to afford you the ticket.

Less 3rd world mongoloids = smaller chance of becoming a 3rd world nation. The 3rd world status is in fact entirely dependent on the high proportion of mongoloids such as yourself. The only other explanation for it is communism/socialism, which you also seem to support.
Third world countries are countries that are POOR.

Only a retarded lefty thinks that child labor laws have anything to do with it. Those are put in place AFTER a country is no longer a 3rd world hell-hole, that should give you a clue.

If you were in charge we would become poor/3rd world in no time. In fact, you would probably already have literally imported the 3rd world here.

We have had safety nets in this country for decades so we don't become a third world country. I lived in Peru, been to several other poor countries and I don't that think we want to become like that.

If the safety nets were cut 3rd world mongoloids such as yourself and that other poster would very quickly flock over to Venezuela. I am sure we would be generous enough to afford you the ticket.

Less 3rd world mongoloids = smaller chance of becoming a 3rd world nation. The 3rd world status is in fact entirely dependent on the high proportion of mongoloids such as yourself. The only other explanation for it is communism/socialism, which you also seem to support.

You post from such ignorance. You're not even capable of understanding what I was saying.
Normal keeps calling everyone "mongoloids." He's like a school yard bully. He's fixed on his own special word he thinks is a cool insult and goes on and on repeating it. His childish bullying is on a par with his thinking: both infantile and pathetic.

Norman the school yard bully.

You are the only bully here, you just made an entire reply dedicated to personally attacking me.

I accurately identified you to as a 3rd world mongoloid, because only a 3rd world mongoloid would do something like that. Also, do not forget the 3rd world portion of the phrase, a regular mongoloid would be far above you in decency and first worldness.
You've been name calling and abusive throughout this discussion, and you say someone else is a bully? Through your pathetic behavior, you have defeated any appearance of being a decent, thinking individual that anyone would take seriously.
This is the future the republican party wants for all of us.
-The elites will have all the wealth and power
-The poor will have no healthcare. Healthcare won't be cheap as a few monopolies will form and jack the prices up sky high.
-Food, water and air will become more polluted as we become more like India.

Oh'yess, the republican party wants us to be a lot like india or some african nations as business and the wealth of the elites are at the core of their mindset. The poor will end up being far worse off and our middle class will turn to shit.
The tea party pretty much ruined the Kansas economy, anyway, so there is no longer the money needed to take care of their own citizens. Jindal tried to do the same in Louisiana, but they threw him out before the damage was irreversible.

The same ideas of finger in asshole has also made states throughout the south the poorest and most backwards in the nation.They never want to spend a cent on infrastructure or anything that increases the living standards for the society!

The sad truth about the republican party is they believe in class...If you're poor and can't afford 25k per year for a private education, well, that is too bad. Healthcare? Worse as they believe you should pay as you're rolled through the door.

Republicans don't believe in the concept of compassion and really believe that their should be two separate Americas. One for the poor that will make up the vast majority of society and another for the elite that somehow earned it! Earned it as in found away to steal it and crushed the competition.

Pretty soon our nation if republicans get their way will look like Africa or central America. Aka 18th and 19th century America!..Poor will live in slums and will be working for a few pennies per day to make the elite richer!!! The dirty little secret about outsourcing is the rich are so fucking greedy that they go over to the third world so they don't have to think about human rights, quality of their work force and can pay next to shit. That is what the republicans want now.

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