Intolerance on display

Once upon a time, I was a liberal, and thought as a liberal. But now I am a little older and wiser. I am no liberal NOW. Terrorist may be bad enough, but Liberals have become whining screeching hell monkeys that bite an snap and snark their way through debates, regardless of common sense or necessity. They scare me more than terrorists, they really do. I would never speak my mind in public know, I am coy and couch everything in ambiguities. So much for freedom of speech. We are living in weird times.
Well said.
First of all, when is there a parade celebrating heterosexuality? What is there to be proud of concerning being homosexual?

Never the less what has Trump done to cause the gay community to be so intolerant?

Charlotte Pride rejects Gays for Trump float for parade

Charlotte Pride rejects Gays for Trump float for parade
"Pride" parades are an exercise in exhibitionism.

Exhibitionism is a sexual fetish.
I believe in freedom of speech and expression. If some idiot nazis want to form a little parade and march their little buttcracks down Main Street, I think they should be allowed to do so, and I'll do absolutely nothing to bother or impede them. Or a band of goofy communists, for that matter.
That is not the issue here. On that we agree. What you are upset about is that the Jews aren't allowing the Nazis to march in their parade. Idiotic.
I am?

This is why I don't bother trying to communicate with zealots. They do nothing but attack out of ignorance and make shit up as they go.

Both ends.
Explain to us then why gays running a Gay Pride parade not wanting Gays For Trump (Jews for Hitler to most homosexuals) is somehow wrong? Is a Pride Parade required to be a format for all points if view? You are one whining so - do tell?

And save your PC and you're a zealot crap for others. I am neither.
Gays voted for and support Trump. You are saying because of their politics and who they vote for, they can't participate in a Gay Pride parade.
If you don't vote how we say, you are excluded? You can't see thats quite fascist? Really?
I suspect Hillary got most of the LGBTQ vote.
First of all, when is there a parade celebrating heterosexuality? What is there to be proud of concerning being homosexual?

Never the less what has Trump done to cause the gay community to be so intolerant?

Charlotte Pride rejects Gays for Trump float for parade

Charlotte Pride rejects Gays for Trump float for parade
"Pride" parades are an exercise in exhibitionism.

Exhibitionism is a sexual fetish.
What does that make the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade?

St. Patrick's Day? Founder's Day?
First of all, when is there a parade celebrating heterosexuality? What is there to be proud of concerning being homosexual?

Never the less what has Trump done to cause the gay community to be so intolerant?

Charlotte Pride rejects Gays for Trump float for parade

Charlotte Pride rejects Gays for Trump float for parade
"Pride" parades are an exercise in exhibitionism.

Exhibitionism is a sexual fetish.
What does that make the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade?

St. Patrick's Day? Founder's Day?

It makes them not an Exhibitionism of a sexual fetish.
Typical liberal, I didn't get my way whaaa, whaaa.

After eight years of this GOP crap, bite me.
Oh whaaa, whaaa much worse was said about Bush. Let me know when a movie comes out about assassinating Obama. Like you loonies did about Bush.
Have you considered saving the well, my shit don't stink part?
Oh I agree Obama was the best gun salesman ever. I still don't see where is says kill him.
Racist paranoia is what sold the guns. Obama never touched them.
You do know that the boondoggle that was Fast and Furious was an attempt at gun control ?
GOP rules - the Orange Menace will never be - my President.
Typical liberal, I didn't get my way whaaa, whaaa.
He's a "progressive", not a liberal. Two very different things.
No, Mac, I am a liberal - like the Founders. Talk it up, boys. We made it so you could here but we never said what you just said wouldn't t mean some big bad Beaner won't knock you flat on your ass. A time and a place. Remember that.
So you created what Obama wanted to transform?
His transformation was to take people like you and make them into people who would defend (instead of trying to turn back the clock on) what the country stands for.

For a n*gger, he did good.
Why would he want to transform what liberals created?

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