Introducing a cat to a dog


Zionist, proud to be
Oct 25, 2009
We had to put one of our two cats to sleep, Fred.

We are pondering buying a puppy.

After doing some research on this, I think it would be too difficult. It seems that the dog would terrorize the cat by chasing hiim.

Any thought on introducing a cat to a puppy? Our cat , George, is 9 years old.

Thank you.
Its all about the ass sniffing.

You need to hold the puppy VERY STILL and let the cat smell him, the rear end espcialy. That is how they figure out who is friend or foe. Introduce the puppy as a friend.

Keep them separated for a week or so but so they can still hear and smell each other. Hold the puppy and then take off your shirt and let the cat smell it. Same for the puppy, let it smell cat your your clothes.

If you cat still has its claws, trust me the puppy will have respect instilled in it with the first swipe across the nose.
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cat beats the hell out of puppy...puppy respects cat...simple as that....i used to have a cat...that when a new puppy came on....he would wait till it was asleep then jump on its back and ride it.....puppy learned not to mess with the old cat
We had to put one of our two cats to sleep, Fred.

We are pondering buying a puppy.

After doing some research on this, I think it would be too difficult. It seems that the dog would terrorize the cat by chasing hiim.

Any thought on introducing a cat to a puppy? Our cat , George, is 9 years old.

Thank you.
Get a large puppy and cover he cat with BBQ sauce

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