Introvert or Extrovert?

Does being around people

  • Give you energy

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Drain your energy

    Votes: 9 69.2%

  • Total voters
Strong ENFP on the Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator.
Dumb fucking test. And a bunch of people go with what someone else thought up in their had to compartmentalize other folks and think its their bible. There are even websites and message board dedicated to that shit. I know, cuz I was at one until I got fed up with the bullshit and bailed.
Given the choice between a room full of people or a room full of puppies. I choose puppies.
Hell, who wouldn't choose the puppies??? Oh. Wait. People who think dogs are worthless beings.

Anyway...puppies for me! Even grown dogs! Just lots and lots of them!

Animals over People. Works for me.
People tend to ask too many questions. How are you, what are you doing, what do you think of this, want to hear my boring story about my boring life etc.
Strong ENFP on the Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator.
Dumb fucking test. And a bunch of people go with what someone else thought up in their had to compartmentalize other folks and think its their bible. There are even websites and message board dedicated to that shit. I know, cuz I was at one until I got fed up with the bullshit and bailed.


Its use is widespread among business interests. It holds weight in hiring decisions.
Its a millenial gadget. Like FB. For people who need to be led.

Millennial gadget? It's been in use for decades.
Probably so..for those that need to be told what to think and what box they should be put in.

You are in a box, whether you were told or not.
It depends on the people. Positive people energy boost, negative people energy drain.

You'd be an introvert if all people drained you. That does not mean you don't enjoy them, it's just afterwards you feel relief and like you need a good few hours to yourself....
People tend to ask too many questions. How are you, what are you doing, what do you think of this, want to hear my boring story about my boring life etc.

You are definitely an introvert. People love to either talk about themselves or subjects that have been rehashed into the ground. People rarely go to subjects that are daring, truly funny etc. This is why when I have the opportunity to work with 20 somethings I love it because they are very edgy and don't play the social norms game
Depends on who it is. I do wonder if Bonzi lays awake at night trying to come up with a daily thread to ask this junk.

Nah. It just sort of comes to me through out the day. I do my nightly check in on here before bed time
Depends on who it is. I do wonder if Bonzi lays awake at night trying to come up with a daily thread to ask this junk.
Well, since she did inform all of us before her Wet thread that she does not like sex...what else is she to do with her new honey as he lays there staring at the ceiling? She thinks of threads to start and he visits his hand? :rofl:

Ha! Well, things change..... :coffee:
I guess she is one of the mods getting frustrated with me
... They should tell me these things...
:lmao: Well, not quite like that!
Here's another question:

Do you prefer doing a project on your own
Or with other people?
Definitely alone. Unless the others will just do what I say... and even then, probably alone... others are a distraction....
Definitely alone. Unless the others will just do what I say... and even then, probably alone... others are a distraction....
But there are projects when two people have to work together for reaching the common goal, no?

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