Investigating Pizza Gate


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
The charges in the Pizzagate Scandal were truly horrific. The idea of liberals actually using pizza joints as a front for Pieces of Shit to engage in paedophilia is something the media dismissed, but the truth is we need someone like Wes Watson to probe into these low lifes. Find out exactly what was going on.

The charges in the Pizzagate Scandal were truly horrific. The idea of liberals actually using pizza joints as a front for Pieces of Shit to engage in paedophilia is something the media dismissed, but the truth is we need someone like Wes Watson to probe into these low lifes. Find out exactly what was going on.

Wow man!! So that is what it was like for you on the inside? The big house. Tell us more about your exp-erience with man on man prison rape and how you fought for your manhood
The charges in the Pizzagate Scandal were truly horrific. The idea of liberals actually using pizza joints as a front for Pieces of Shit to engage in paedophilia is something the media dismissed, but the truth is we need someone like Wes Watson to probe into these low lifes. Find out exactly what was going on.

Dude.......................ya gotta stop listening to Q propaganda. Sorry, but there was no pedophilia, nor are liberals in high places eating babies. Might wanna learn how to use a search engine, so you can find out the truth for yourself, rather than listening to YouTube and Facebook videos to tell you how to think.

And yeah, any idiot who is stupid enough to join Q needs to recognize that they are sheep. Remember your famous slogan "where we go one, we go all". That is sheep mentality.

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