Investigation finds no evidence AG Eric Holder knew of 'Fast and Furious' gun-running

The U.S. Justice Department's inspector general

Fucking idiots.

Exhibit A: The failure of Education in America


Funny cause education tells me when corrupt assholes investigate themselves they lie about the results....But then again I am not a fucking Idiot like you.

I equate this to getting your cousin the IRS Auditor to deem your tax returns legit without bias. What a joke. If the DOJ has nothing to hide than make it an independent review.

yeah, an independent investigation by Republican whackos or another Ken Starr?

Hey Wingnuts --- No one got a blow job here.

move along
Exhibit A: The failure of Education in America


Funny cause education tells me when corrupt assholes investigate themselves they lie about the results....But then again I am not a fucking Idiot like you.

I equate this to getting your cousin the IRS Auditor to deem your tax returns legit without bias. What a joke. If the DOJ has nothing to hide than make it an independent review.

yeah, an independent investigation by Republican whackos or another Ken Starr?

Hey Wingnuts --- No one got a blow job here.

move along
I have more trust in a person LOOKING for something wrong then one trying to make sure NOTHING looks wrong.
A long-awaited report on the U.S. government’s controversial gun-trafficking operation known as “Fast and Furious” released Wednesday found no evidence that Attorney General Eric Holder knew of the botched effort to trace the flow of guns to Mexico’s drug cartels prior to its public unraveling in January 2011.

The report by the Justice Department’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz said there is "no evidence that ... Holder was informed about Operation Fast and Furious, or learned about the tactics employed by ATF in the investigation" before Congress began pressing him for information about it in early 2011.

Investigation finds no evidence AG Eric Holder knew of 'Fast and Furious' gun-running sting - Open Channel

He can't even run his own department.
You people are an absolute scream!!! What a bunch of lunatics. This is what Romney supporters are like??? No wonder he's losing.


Follow the previous discussion people. What is wrong with the Tea Party and Right Wingnut thinking here

The Chairmwingnut of a House committee investigating the Fast and Furious gunrunning operation praised a report by the Justice Department's Office of Inspector General on what went wrong in the bungled investigation.

While USMB members The1776Blowhard Thanasshole144 say the report can't be trusted.

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I guess "give'm hell" Harry Truman was wrong. "The buck doesn't stop here". Is anyone surprised that an internal DOJ investigation cleared the DOJ boss of wrong doing?
In other news, Michael Corleone testified before a Senate committee today that there's no such thing as the mafia. :rolleyes:
If this were BOOOOSH! you'd be shitting yourself right now and we both know it.
Dante never hated Bush. Dante never got along with progressives and moonbats that did.

Oddball Dude has suffers early onset dooshbaghness
Romney will be uttering these words soon enough "Mr President, congratulations on your win."


the hysteria over the very real prospect of Romney/Ryan losing to Obama/Biden is leading the unhinged into a collective nervous breakdown

The chairman of a House committee investigating the Fast and Furious gunrunning operation praised a report by the Justice Department's Office of Inspector General on what went wrong in the bungled investigation
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I guess "give'm hell" Harry Truman was wrong. "The buck doesn't stop here". Is anyone surprised that an internal DOJ investigation cleared the DOJ boss of wrong doing?

Wingnut Republicans praised the IG and the report


Harry Truman had the media on his side and even today union educated Americans think of him a feisty little tough politician. In reality he was a timid little bean counter who was criminally responsible for the mission in Korea that turned victory in a year into a quagmire that sucked up 50,000 American lives in three years. My point is that Truman is often quoted by cliche educated lefties as saying "the buck stops here" but it was a freaking political slogan that had no basis in truth in the Truman administration or any other democrat administration in modern history. There is no freaking 'buck " in democrat administrations because the media never holds democrats accountable for criminal acts.

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