Investors may have to get used to down market


Silver Member
Aug 16, 2008
Investors may have to get used to down market

NEW YORK — Don't be surprised if Wall Street racks up a seventh consecutive week of losses as the likelihood of more poor economic data and other disconcerting signals outweigh any thoughts that stocks are cheap.

After closing at its highest level in nearly three years on April 29, the S&P 500 has tumbled nearly 7 percent on the back of a barrage of soft economic data, sparking the debate over whether the economy is headed for a double-dip, or has merely hit a soft patch in its recovery.

Investors may have to get used to down market - Business - Stocks & economy -
Who gives a fuck about Wall Street ?
I made 22 grand in the last week ?
Got a flag in your eye ?
I thought this was interesting...


The benchmark S&P 500 recorded its sixth straight weekly decline Friday and volume has picked up, as it typically does, on down days. Another week of selling will mark the longest stretch of weekly losses for the index since 2001.


data expected for this week, including the Producer Price Index, the Consumer Price Index, May retail sales, manufacturing surveys for New York and Philadelphia as well as the index of leading economic indicators are forecast to mostly show a struggling economy.

[/B]"It is a busy economic week, so we expect the market to both anticipate economic data and to react to the releases — I don't necessarily see anything good coming out of the economic releases (this) week," said Tim Ghriskey, chief investment officer of Solaris Asset Management in Bedford Hills, New York.
...I don't necessarily see anything good coming out of the economic releases (this) week," [/B]said Tim Ghriskey, chief investment officer of Solaris Asset Management in Bedford Hills, New York.
When the pundits say that it's a sign that the sellers have sold and all we got left are buyers. So far today NASDAQ and Russel 2000 are up two percent.
I'm under 40 so a down market is win for me. Cost per share for my 401k funds goes down, so shares bought per dollar goes up. In 5-10 years or so it will be time to transistion more to bond/treasury funds.
The corps have done GREAT over the last couple of years and will need to hire to make MORE profits soon.

The crash happened and the coorps all trimmed their fat.

They found some profits in triming their fat and so they kept doing it.

Now they are reaching a point where they ca n not cut anything and still make profit.

They will soon have to go back to actually doing business to make more profit.

That means hiring.

Employees can only do so much work and the coprs are doing business on a bare bones group of employees.

They can take up no more slack.

To do more and make profit they will HAVE to hire soon.

Things are about to start firing up and the republicans will not like the timing.
Ahh turning out just the way I predicted it would several years ago.
We just have to get used to living with less.
The result of globalization.
The corps have done GREAT over the last couple of years and will need to hire to make MORE profits soon.

The crash happened and the coorps all trimmed their fat.

They found some profits in triming their fat and so they kept doing it.

Now they are reaching a point where they ca n not cut anything and still make profit.

They will soon have to go back to actually doing business to make more profit.

That means hiring.

Employees can only do so much work and the coprs are doing business on a bare bones group of employees.

They can take up no more slack.

To do more and make profit they will HAVE to hire soon.

Things are about to start firing up and the republicans will not like the timing.

Problem is that it means more hiring in china or such places, not so much here.
I think 10% will only be 10% of the correction, if MSNBC and it Propaganda allies actually told the lay investors the truth...for the last months, every story published has tried to make everyone believe that the bad news was flawed and misleading...I don't believe they have the ability or authority to tell the public the truth.
I think 10% will only be 10% of the correction, if MSNBC and it Propaganda allies actually told the lay investors the truth...for the last months, every story published has tried to make everyone believe that the bad news was flawed and misleading...I don't believe they have the ability or authority to tell the public the truth.

Personally I don't think they really know what the truth is.

Not sure anybody does.
Investors may have to get used to down market

NEW YORK — Don't be surprised if Wall Street racks up a seventh consecutive week of losses as the likelihood of more poor economic data and other disconcerting signals outweigh any thoughts that stocks are cheap.

After closing at its highest level in nearly three years on April 29, the S&P 500 has tumbled nearly 7 percent on the back of a barrage of soft economic data, sparking the debate over whether the economy is headed for a double-dip, or has merely hit a soft patch in its recovery.

Investors may have to get used to down market - Business - Stocks & economy -

Seems Obama is ready to default on the debt, just to teach the GOP a lesson.

Oh, BTW, Obama is now saying that unemployment isn't going to be an issue in the 2012 election. Only our own situation will dictate that. Course if that were really true Obama would be toast. As it is he has a 50-50 chance he can convince enough people that being broke ain't all that bad.
I think its fairly safe to assume that on the whole your average American is going to have to get used to a lower standard of living.

Only those with CAPITAL (the big fish) are in a position to swin in the international waters, folks.

The rest of us are more like plankton -- we drift with the tides of the economy.
I'm sitting on a lot cash and will continue to do so. If Congress makes substantial cuts in spending, we will certainly have another recession but if Congress does not make substantial cuts we will certainly have another recession.
I'm sitting on a lot cash and will continue to do so. If Congress makes substantial cuts in spending, we will certainly have another recession but if Congress does not make substantial cuts we will certainly have another recession.

Excellently said.

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