Iowa approves same sex marriage

so you're saying you support making homosexuality illegal?

No, amazingly enough, I still don't give a rat's ass what homosexuals do, anymore than I did when I first said it, as long as they don't drag the rest of us into it via the courts.

You, on the other hand, do support homosexual "marriage", so why don't you just go hunt it down and stop bothering us? I'm sure the Netherlands would love the influx of taxpayers, so shoo.

I don't think you really want that. I'm a registered republican.

GET OUT OF THE GOP... you're not wanted, not needed and life in the GOP is not going to be 'confortable for 'Middlers' from here on out... we tried it, and as predicted, it failed... GET LOST...
No, because HIS marriage was already legal and absolutely no change whatsoever in the way things have been done for the whole of human history.


Things have changed over the course of human history. I don't carry around a club and forcibly take the women of my choosing.

Only because she's likely to have a gun now.

Um .. no. It's because I'd be thrown in jail.

You want to change things? Then you do so by the legally-set procedures provided for that purpose. Otherwise, you're just as uncivilized a bully as if you WERE clubbing women of your choosing.

Lawsuits and court rulings are a legally-set procedure, iirc.
However it is not him I was originally asking ... so it applies more to you, you did not marry out of love, therefore, your marriage should have been under the complete control of the government, unless you want to afford the right for others to marry who they love ... :eusa_whistle:


Do another one... this could be used for a one of those Video rental ads...

"What comes first?"

"Socks, then underwear!"


I will never understand why people I've had on ignore for months are still addressing posts to me. I'm always very clear about telling these twits when they drop off the end of my patience.

When you make such ridiculous posts you open yourself up to ridicule.
No, amazingly enough, I still don't give a rat's ass what homosexuals do, anymore than I did when I first said it, as long as they don't drag the rest of us into it via the courts.

You, on the other hand, do support homosexual "marriage", so why don't you just go hunt it down and stop bothering us? I'm sure the Netherlands would love the influx of taxpayers, so shoo.

I don't think you really want that. I'm a registered republican.

GET OUT OF THE GOP... you're not wanted, not needed and life in the GOP is not going to be 'confortable for 'Middlers' from here on out... we tried it, and as predicted, it failed... GET LOST...

fuck off, asshole. I'm not a middler, so blow me. If this is the kind of attitude most republicans have, I hope you enjoy Obama and people like him.
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What you gave me was a cheap cop out.

Would you prefer they ask you nicely?

What I gave you was the truth. You just think it was a cop out because it wasn't what you wanted to hear. I'm not your wife, so I'm not obliged to tell you what you want to hear. Whether or not you like that I'm concerned about trying to preserve the nation I love and the system of government that goes with it, that's the truth.

And what I would prefer they do is observe the legal procedures in place for enacting legislation. Is that too damned much to ask? If you can't win at the ballot box, you don't deserve to win.

Which brings the argument back to the Jim Crowe laws, etc. where often times in the case of civil rights the oppressed minority can't win at the ballot box because well, they are an oppressed minority.

Sorry, Sparky, but the rights of the majority DID win at the ballot box, as attested to by the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the US Constitution. Know why those Constitutional rights were allowed to be trampled illegally for so long? That's right. The all-knowing, all-moral courts allowed it. Hell, they invited it. It took civil uprisings by the people to get them to correct their mistake almost a hundred years later.
What I gave you was the truth. You just think it was a cop out because it wasn't what you wanted to hear. I'm not your wife, so I'm not obliged to tell you what you want to hear. Whether or not you like that I'm concerned about trying to preserve the nation I love and the system of government that goes with it, that's the truth.

And what I would prefer they do is observe the legal procedures in place for enacting legislation. Is that too damned much to ask? If you can't win at the ballot box, you don't deserve to win.

Which brings the argument back to the Jim Crowe laws, etc. where often times in the case of civil rights the oppressed minority can't win at the ballot box because well, they are an oppressed minority.

Sorry, Sparky, but the rights of the majority DID win at the ballot box, as attested to by the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the US Constitution. Know why those Constitutional rights were allowed to be trampled illegally for so long? That's right. The all-knowing, all-moral courts allowed it. Hell, they invited it. It took civil uprisings by the people to get them to correct their mistake almost a hundred years later.

How did the Iowa judges come to power?
Really? You don't have the right to a legal marriage with a member of the opposite sex? I'm pretty sure you do. Go try it, and let me know how it works out.

Cecilie, get a grip. :cuckoo: :blahblah: You've posted a zillion posts in five minutes.

Sky has made it clear she's in a long term committed relationship with a woman.

Are you able to demonstrate a legitimate reason why they shouldn't be able to share the legal benefits of marriage? What are you so afraid of?
I'm sure she can... and I damn well KNOW I CAN...

First there is NOTHING STOPPING HOMOSEXUALS FROM 'sharing the legal benefits of marriage'; as I've stated MANY TIMES ON THIS THREAD: queers can form a corporation wherein they are entitled to share insurance benefits, pension benefits and ANY OTHER LEGAL distribution... Incorporation proves EVERY LEGAL BENEFIT of marriage... without exception; as incorporating provides for the means of distinct individuals to represent themselves as a DISTINCT, WHOLLY SEPARATE ENTITY...

But of course the queer lobby does not WANT to even CONSIDER THIS... because the queers want the VALIDATION which marriage would represent... the normalization of the abnormal... the normalization of their deviency...

Of course it would NOT MAKE the abnormal, normal, but they believe it would and are willing to sacrifice the culture to make themselves FEEL BETTER.

But that's the nature of the idiot, isn't it?

State it as many times as you like. It's simply not true. :eusa_liar:

Any two individuals can become legal partners in regards to the certain things you mentioned, regardless of sexuality, that's true, BUT health insurance, social security and tax benefits are not there for these couples, and YOU think it's okay to discriminate against them in this manner WHY? Try to leave the slander out of your post next time, if you're capable.
What you gave me was a cheap cop out.

Would you prefer they ask you nicely?

What I gave you was the truth. You just think it was a cop out because it wasn't what you wanted to hear. I'm not your wife, so I'm not obliged to tell you what you want to hear. Whether or not you like that I'm concerned about trying to preserve the nation I love and the system of government that goes with it, that's the truth.

And what I would prefer they do is observe the legal procedures in place for enacting legislation. Is that too damned much to ask? If you can't win at the ballot box, you don't deserve to win.

Which brings the argument back to the Jim Crowe laws, etc. where often times in the case of civil rights the oppressed minority can't win at the ballot box because well, they are an oppressed minority.

But homosexuals are NOT a minority... they're a gaggle of defective beings which desperately want to change the culture to fit their particular KINK... There is no biological distinction betwwen a homosexual and a heterosexual... one can be a homosexual on Monday and a hetero on Tuesday and there is NO DISTINCTION IN THOSE TWO POSITIONS EXCEPT THE TESTIMONY OF THE PERV...

When you girls come up with some DNA that defines Homosexuals as being BIOLOGICALLY DISTINCT... you get back to us.

Things have changed over the course of human history. I don't carry around a club and forcibly take the women of my choosing.

Only because she's likely to have a gun now.

Um .. no. It's because I'd be thrown in jail.

So basically, because she has a gun. It just happens to be in a cop's hand. That would mean nothing has changed, since you wouldn't have clubbed her in the Stone Age for the same reason: she had a protector who was stronger than you.

You want to change things? Then you do so by the legally-set procedures provided for that purpose. Otherwise, you're just as uncivilized a bully as if you WERE clubbing women of your choosing.

Lawsuits and court rulings are a legally-set procedure, iirc.

Wrong, Sparky. The courts do not have the legal power to make law.
Which brings the argument back to the Jim Crowe laws, etc. where often times in the case of civil rights the oppressed minority can't win at the ballot box because well, they are an oppressed minority.

Sorry, Sparky, but the rights of the majority DID win at the ballot box, as attested to by the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the US Constitution. Know why those Constitutional rights were allowed to be trampled illegally for so long? That's right. The all-knowing, all-moral courts allowed it. Hell, they invited it. It took civil uprisings by the people to get them to correct their mistake almost a hundred years later.

How did the Iowa judges come to power?

What part of "judges don't have the power to make law" am I losing you on?
Sorry, Sparky, but the rights of the majority DID win at the ballot box, as attested to by the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the US Constitution. Know why those Constitutional rights were allowed to be trampled illegally for so long? That's right. The all-knowing, all-moral courts allowed it. Hell, they invited it. It took civil uprisings by the people to get them to correct their mistake almost a hundred years later.

How did the Iowa judges come to power?

What part of "judges don't have the power to make law" am I losing you on?

You didn't answer my question.
What I gave you was the truth. You just think it was a cop out because it wasn't what you wanted to hear. I'm not your wife, so I'm not obliged to tell you what you want to hear. Whether or not you like that I'm concerned about trying to preserve the nation I love and the system of government that goes with it, that's the truth.

And what I would prefer they do is observe the legal procedures in place for enacting legislation. Is that too damned much to ask? If you can't win at the ballot box, you don't deserve to win.

Which brings the argument back to the Jim Crowe laws, etc. where often times in the case of civil rights the oppressed minority can't win at the ballot box because well, they are an oppressed minority.

But homosexuals are NOT a minority... they're a gaggle of defective beings which desperately want to change the culture to fit their particular KINK... There is no biological distinction betwwen a homosexual and a heterosexual... one can be a homosexual on Monday and a hetero on Tuesday and there is NO DISTINCTION IN THOSE TWO POSITIONS EXCEPT THE TESTIMONY OF THE PERV...

When you girls come up with some DNA that defines Homosexuals as being BIOLOGICALLY DISTINCT... you get back to us.

defective beings? fuck you scumsucker.

Do another one... this could be used for a one of those Video rental ads...

"What comes first?"

"Socks, then underwear!"


I will never understand why people I've had on ignore for months are still addressing posts to me. I'm always very clear about telling these twits when they drop off the end of my patience.

When you make such ridiculous posts you open yourself up to ridicule.

So you can't speak to the point? Is that what you're saying? You can't actually show that your non sequitur is somehow distinct from that otherwise demonstrated?

ROFL... Color me SHOCKED!:eek:
Ridicule away asshat, the one immutable truth which is proven by this exercise is that I OWN YOU... and the rest of these morons.

I know you gals felt like ya had some potential to take Cic down, and while she is PERFECTLY capable of taking you down, COLLECTIVELY... the calvary's here and this fitht is over...

BRING IT... I've got all night and you're so outclassed as to make it LAUGHABLE...

I await your next volley of the stupifyingly absurd.
How did the Iowa judges come to power?

What part of "judges don't have the power to make law" am I losing you on?

You didn't answer my question.

Because it's not a relevant question. I actually sort of like you, Elvis, although I think you have your head up your rectum on this subject, so I don't particularly want to have to fight you on every point, especially when you're trying to make a particularly dumb one.

But since you insist . . .

We both know that you're trying to say that if judges are voted into office, that makes their decisions the will of the people. The problem with that is that, even if they are elected, they are NOT elected to make law. The legislature is. THEIR word represents the will of the people concerning what the law is to be, not the judges'. And I shouldn't have to tell you that.
What I gave you was the truth. You just think it was a cop out because it wasn't what you wanted to hear. I'm not your wife, so I'm not obliged to tell you what you want to hear. Whether or not you like that I'm concerned about trying to preserve the nation I love and the system of government that goes with it, that's the truth.

And what I would prefer they do is observe the legal procedures in place for enacting legislation. Is that too damned much to ask? If you can't win at the ballot box, you don't deserve to win.

Which brings the argument back to the Jim Crowe laws, etc. where often times in the case of civil rights the oppressed minority can't win at the ballot box because well, they are an oppressed minority.

But homosexuals are NOT a minority... they're a gaggle of defective beings which desperately want to change the culture to fit their particular KINK... There is no biological distinction betwwen a homosexual and a heterosexual... one can be a homosexual on Monday and a hetero on Tuesday and there is NO DISTINCTION IN THOSE TWO POSITIONS EXCEPT THE TESTIMONY OF THE PERV...

When you girls come up with some DNA that defines Homosexuals as being BIOLOGICALLY DISTINCT... you get back to us.

And that's what it's all about to you isn't it? It's an emotional reaction to what is strange to you. It feels wrong to you therefor it's abnormal and deviant. Well to them it's perfectly normal.
So, back to the original question.

Is it correct to assume that those in favor of the courts overturning the will of the people is: 1) fine; and 2) that is so because all members of the US judiciary are the higher beings amongst us (there is no other way of looking at it), capable of an ancient level of logical neutrally, and of being uninfluenced by ideological prejudice or any other factors which may be swirling around in our society at any given time.

If so, are you serious?
This is how American democracy works.

America is NOT a Democracy
Which is why I used the qualifier American, try to keep up. I notice that you are not refuting my points.
:rofl: Freak.

WHY does your marriage deserve special legal rights and privileges that Skydancer's does not???

WHY? Can you post ONE legitimate reason?

It does NOT... and she's not said anything which could even POTENTIALLY lead to such a conclusion... DUMBASS!

Pubicus ... you have already made it clear you don't care for nor believe in love in anyway.

"What's love got to do with it?"... BE SPECIFIC...

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