Iowa Caucus Thread

We should count how many times the DNC lies about why the results are delayed....

Bernie obviously won.

Klobuchar could've finished second.

That was not what the DNC wanted....

The DNC wanted Low IQ Joe to win, and Low IQ Joe likely got NO DELEGATES...
You couldn't invent a scenario as screwed up as the Iowa caucus last night. The Fox panel sat around talking to each other while a giant sign behind them said "results soon". Did democrats do it intentionally? The screw up stole Sander's thunder if indeed he was the winner and it gave Biden a break by not proclaiming him a looser but the results are still pending. They even awarded a delegate to a candidate who dropped out of the race a month ago.
A sad mess, at least they did not lie & try and hide the mistakes.

What mistake? Should they have drawn names from a Hat when a tie is the outcome? Or how about having Madam Rosia come in and read tea leaves. Or maybe, have the candidate with the most money buy off all the Electorates which seems to be the Party of the Rump way.
Hacked computers?
Impossible...Democrats are geniuses and you can’t hack geniuses.
Don't be stupider than you have to be, kid.
Don’t invite ridicule.
Lots of experience with that I take it?

Not surprising, what with the way you post

If you had any brains at all, you'd be laying low today.
Buckle up buttercup because it gets worse from now all the way till November and then it's the end for your stupidity.
The DNC's latest excuse: Blame Russia. LMAO.. I'm surprised CNN & MSNBC hasn't made some sort of false claim that Sanders is a Russian agent.
They should have allowed the DHS to test the App, when they asked the DNC. This way at least the DNC could float the crazy conspiracy theory that Trump somehow had the DHS hack it. Now it's all on them.
We should count how many times the DNC lies about why the results are delayed....

Bernie obviously won.

Klobuchar could've finished second.

That was not what the DNC wanted....

The DNC wanted Low IQ Joe to win, and Low IQ Joe likely got NO DELEGATES...
Mr. Ed is better looking than Klobuchar.
Democratic Iowa Ballot Managers Deciding Who Wins Delegates With Coin Tosses

OMG, this is hilarious.....the lefties are so clueless...….wow!!!!!

I would love to see Bernie lose a coin toss, because his supporters will lose their sh!t

So you would rather waste the time to do another runnoff with the candidates? What then, more coin tosses? It's over, it's done. Now it's time to hit the Convention Floor where it really counts with Warren and Mayor Pete tied.
it really counts with Warren and Mayor Pete tied.
The habitual liar vs the sperm swallower. Nice choice leaving out the loser of the 2016 Demoncrap Primary because it was rigged back then, just like it is rigged this year. Bernie supporters have said , they will vote for President Trump if he Bernie isnt elected....Can you live with those people's decision? Or will you call them names?
Mr. Ed is better looking than Klobuchar.

Tulsi is the best looking Dem candidate in a long time, possibly ever.....

Democratic Iowa Ballot Managers Deciding Who Wins Delegates With Coin Tosses

OMG, this is hilarious.....the lefties are so clueless...….wow!!!!!

I would love to see Bernie lose a coin toss, because his supporters will lose their sh!t

So you would rather waste the time to do another runnoff with the candidates? What then, more coin tosses? It's over, it's done. Now it's time to hit the Convention Floor where it really counts with Warren and Mayor Pete tied.
it really counts with Warren and Mayor Pete tied.
The habitual liar vs the sperm swallower. Nice choice leaving out the loser of the 2016 Demoncrap Primary because it was rigged back then, just like it is rigged this year. Bernie supporters have said , they will vote for President Trump if he Bernie isnt elected....Can you live with those people's decision? Or will you call them names?

And this time around, how many Republicans will vote for the Democrat Nomination as well? It's all not one sided, cupcake. It's a new ballgame.
Democrats make the Keystone Kops look organized.

Results for Iowa caucuses delayed as state Democratic Party finds 'inconsistencies'

"The app is the issue, and the hotline is smoked," said Joe Galasso, a volunteer in charge of new registrations for Waukee Precinct 2, in Dallas County. A source familiar with the process said the backup phone line was "a disaster."

Another source was more blunt: "The app is f---ing up," said a senior aide to one of the campaigns, who asked not to be identified. "Can't trust the numbers coming in."

Testing something to see if it works is beyond their IQ.
This is just a metaphor for the Democrat/Communist Party.
Clearly....the Democrats have been working to not have an election.
They want to tell us who gets to run for office.
They don't follow the rules in an election....and they refuse to accept the results of an why have an election at all.

Turns out the clinton's have fingerprints on this ....... one of their minions from her campaign created and implemented the app....
Democratic Iowa Ballot Managers Deciding Who Wins Delegates With Coin Tosses

OMG, this is hilarious.....the lefties are so clueless...….wow!!!!!

I would love to see Bernie lose a coin toss, because his supporters will lose their sh!t

So you would rather waste the time to do another runnoff with the candidates? What then, more coin tosses? It's over, it's done. Now it's time to hit the Convention Floor where it really counts with Warren and Mayor Pete tied.
it really counts with Warren and Mayor Pete tied.
The habitual liar vs the sperm swallower. Nice choice leaving out the loser of the 2016 Demoncrap Primary because it was rigged back then, just like it is rigged this year. Bernie supporters have said , they will vote for President Trump if he Bernie isnt elected....Can you live with those people's decision? Or will you call them names?

And this time around, how many Republicans will vote for the Democrat Nomination as well? It's all not one sided, cupcake. It's a new ballgame.
I am still waiting for the vote that will impeach the President that you were so sure of....If I were you, buttcake, you might want to stop giving out your predictions, because you will be wrong.....once again....
Tulsi is my kinda female

hot, smart, in great physical shape, active.....

but I am a libertarian, and I'd love to try to convince her that her views on size of government are completely at odds with her own stated distrust of our "intel" and existing big government....

If Tulsi said she supported smaller government after hanging out with me, and ran as a Libertarian, she'd win..l..
How you just KNOW the Democrats are trying to steal another Primary:

"Beleaguered Iowa Dems plan announcement but no results ... yet"


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