Iowa Caucus Thread

They don't want sanders to win.....probably cooking the books as we speak.
Democrats were already going into this, suspicious that the corrupt DNC were going to find a way to rob Sanders, again.

I can hear Trump now, saying:

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 Bernie Sanders votes that are missing? I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”
Republicans have a record 30 thousand votes in 4 hours ago, it’s almost 12 and dems can’t get the results in lol

This is the end of the democratic party

This isn't the end of the democratic party. The BS that's going on in IA, is just part of their rigging to keep Sanders out of the spotlight. The RNC did the same thing in 2012. Confuse the situation long enough for people to stop caring.
By the time the actual results come in, NH, NV and SC will have already had their primaries/Caucuses, and IA won't even matter.

The DNC just doesn't want Sanders. Which is why he's not being discussed on CNN or MSNBC as a front runner, unless they just have to.
No, the rnc didn’t. They don’t hold caucuses.

The RNC announced that Romney won. Then weeks later they claimed that Santorum won. Then weeks later again, turns out that Ron Paul won.

I think you're missing the point. Both parties will rig, lie or cheat when the results aren't who they want it to be.

Holy hell, the RNC rigged sooo many state and local conventions in 2012, just to keep Ron Paul from getting any more supporters. So much so that in NV, they banned the official RNC party, and created another with a different unelected chairperson. All because the first one had so many Ron Paul supporters.

.....they asked for this.......

They don't want sanders to win.....probably cooking the books as we speak.
Democrats were already going into this, suspicious that the corrupt DNC were going to find a way to rob Sanders, again.

I can hear Trump now, saying:

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 Bernie Sanders votes that are missing? I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

The DNC's latest excuse: Blame Russia. LMAO.. I'm surprised CNN & MSNBC hasn't made some sort of false claim that Sanders is a Russian agent.
Democrats make the Keystone Kops look organized.

Results for Iowa caucuses delayed as state Democratic Party finds 'inconsistencies'

"The app is the issue, and the hotline is smoked," said Joe Galasso, a volunteer in charge of new registrations for Waukee Precinct 2, in Dallas County. A source familiar with the process said the backup phone line was "a disaster."

Another source was more blunt: "The app is f---ing up," said a senior aide to one of the campaigns, who asked not to be identified. "Can't trust the numbers coming in."

Testing something to see if it works is beyond their IQ.

Those idiots couldn't run a friggin hot dog stand if left to their own devices. A lemonade stand is about their limit and where they top out.
Democrats make the Keystone Kops look organized.

Results for Iowa caucuses delayed as state Democratic Party finds 'inconsistencies'

"The app is the issue, and the hotline is smoked," said Joe Galasso, a volunteer in charge of new registrations for Waukee Precinct 2, in Dallas County. A source familiar with the process said the backup phone line was "a disaster."

Another source was more blunt: "The app is f---ing up," said a senior aide to one of the campaigns, who asked not to be identified. "Can't trust the numbers coming in."

Testing something to see if it works is beyond their IQ.

Those idiots couldn't run a friggin hot dog stand if left to their own devices. A lemonade stand is about their limit and where they top out.
BUT OF COURSE: App used in Iowa Democratic caucus fiasco linked to ex-Clinton campaign staffers.

Shadow, a tech firm that describes itself as a group that creates “a permanent advantage for progressive campaigns and causes through technology,” is the company that created the Iowa Democratic Party’s app, according to The New York Times. At least the COO, CEO, CTO and a senior product manager at Shadow all worked for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, according to LinkedIn profiles.​

Shadow is associated with ACRONYM, a nonprofit dedicated to “advancing progressive causes through innovative communications, advertising and organizing programs.” Early last year, ACRONYM announced that it was acquiring an SMS tool called Groundbase and, out of Groundbase, “launching Shadow, a company focused on building the technology infrastructure needed to enable Democrats to run better, more efficient campaigns.”​

Groundbase co-founders Krista Davis, who is the current Shadow CTO, and Gerard Niemira, who is the current Shadow CEO, both held senior positions with the Clinton campaign.​

Tara McGowan, the founder and CEO of ACRONYM, posted a statement from an ACRONYM spokesman early Tuesday morning distancing the nonprofit from Shadow, which is a for-profit company. . . . McGowan is an alumna of Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign and previously worked as a digital director for NexGen America, a progressive organization founded by presidential candidate Tom Steyer.​

If Bernie loses, it was rigged.

If Bernie wins, he was denied his prime time acceptance speech.

Pass the popcorn!

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To that I say good. He is a full blown communist. Don't let anyone else fool you. That is what he is and even the democrat party knows it. Oh, he can rally that moronic base that are rich white American commies. Sure and that is useful to them to get those useful idiots.

However, he CANNOT get the nomination.
Democrats are more concerned with inserting their chosen candidate than they are about having a fair nomination. They're an ends justifies the means bunch of totalitarians. We need to weed these radical, freedom usurping types from our government, media and education system forever.
Don’t for that the Pubs were looking for a way to eliminate Trump; there were even electors who were vowing to vote for anyone but Trump.
That's true but the Republican party has improved greatly since those neocon heavy days. Trump has turned the party around. The Democrats, on the other hand, have made a flight to socialism. They're now a party to reject completely.
God help us after Trump.
I would never vote for Rubio, Cruz, etc...
This is a great example of why nobody should ever trust the Democrats to expand government.

Democrats cheat, lie, steal, and lash out at those who notice.

They are completely incompetent, worthless, and totally corrupt.
What you mean is Bloomberg does not want little people to have protection from violent criminals that he has

He has guards with firearms around him 24/7/365

Again, gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

We have met the enemy, and he is us.
I appreciate your concern for my safety but that stat is misleading

ask this family if guns in the home are a bad thing:

That’s why I use 9mm hollow points. They’re not leaving the house in this life.

That woman had a .38 Special which got the job done

but she did shoot the obama voter 5 times before he saw things her way

So I prefer a 12 gage shotgun if possible

A 12 gage shotgun with high velocity 00 buckshot can go through 21 panels of sheet rock. Low velocity 19 panels. Make sure you don't kill everybody in your house.

That's my preferred home defence weapon. I prefer a pump instead of a semi for the sound effects. Simply racking a round is usually persuasion enough.
Look on the bright side...the markets have loved their fuck up!

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