Iowa Caucus Thread

One cannot blame the entire Democrat party for the mismanagement of a state caucus process.

But it is a wonderful finger in the eye of the "there's a Smartphone App for EVERYTHING!" crowd.
though the results coming in are late and only a small % of votes are confirmed it looks like Joe may not even reach the 15% threshold ! the impeachment of Donald Trump has put a lot of negative attention on Biden and institutional government corruption ! once again the dems have attacked Trump and suffered for it ! while Trump gets stronger their good ole boy career politician Biden has been damaged !




Republicans have a record 30 thousand votes in 4 hours ago, it’s almost 12 and dems can’t get the results in lol

This is the end of the democratic party

The Democrats are trying to pull something.

After all, the last Iowa poll was suppressed as well.

My own guess here is that the DNC is using every trick in the book to deny Crazy Bernie again. Sanders is probably schlonging the field
Or maybe Buttigieg... that coin toss was manipulated from a tie between Klobuchar and Buttigieg to a win for Buttigieg.
Now would be a good time for everyone to invest in The Guillotine Industry and get in on The Ground Floor if Bernie is elected.
All the campaigns know the vote counts at all the polling places, so who the fuck does the DNC think they are fooling?
Like CNN just said, the Iowa results don't matter, so Buttplug and Bernie got screwed, they were counting on a money boost from a win.
Then they say that Biden is very low on money. The old farts don't send money in like the young kids on their cell phones.
Smells like desperation already.
I feel badly for the political activists who spend those countless hours trying to garner the votes of Iowans, only to learn at the last minute that their time and effort was wasted. By the time the dust settles on this fiasco nobody will care who the reported "winner" is, because the results will be irreparably compromised.

Why [the fuck] do "we" grant this relatively irrelevant state such political power every four years? Iowa is no more representative of the American Democrat party than is Nancy Pelosi's brain-dead district in California.
Reports are that the brand new whoopdi-do app failed miserably

presumably it was written by the same incompetent techies that gave us the ObamaCare website
though the results coming in are late and only a small % of votes are confirmed it looks like Joe may not even reach the 15% threshold ! the impeachment of Donald Trump has put a lot of negative attention on Biden and institutional government corruption ! once again the dems have attacked Trump and suffered for it ! while Trump gets stronger their good ole boy career politician Biden has been damaged !
Yep, but Bloomberg may have won in the long run. I'm guessing Mayor Pete won followed by Sanders and Warren.
It gets better:

App used in Iowa Democratic caucus fiasco linked to ex-Clinton campaign staffers.

Shadow, a tech firm that describes itself as a group that creates “a permanent advantage for progressive campaigns and causes through technology,” is the company that created the Iowa Democratic Party’s app, according to The New York Times. At least the COO, CEO, CTO and a senior product manager at Shadow all worked for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, according to LinkedIn profiles.

Shadow is associated with ACRONYM, a nonprofit dedicated to “advancing progressive causes through innovative communications, advertising and organizing programs.” Early last year, ACRONYM announced that it was acquiring an SMS tool called Groundbase and, out of Groundbase, “launching Shadow, a company focused on building the technology infrastructure needed to enable Democrats to run better, more efficient campaigns.”

Groundbase co-founders Krista Davis, who is the current Shadow CTO, and Gerard Niemira, who is the current Shadow CEO, both held senior positions with the Clinton campaign.

Tara McGowan, the founder and CEO of ACRONYM, posted a statement from an ACRONYM spokesman early Tuesday morning distancing the nonprofit from Shadow, which is a for-profit company. . . . McGowan is an alumna of Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign and previously worked as a digital director for NexGen America, a progressive organization founded by presidential candidate Tom Steyer.
America and the Dems. would both be much better off if Dems worked as hard on the business of the American people as they do trying to figure ways to manipulate our system.
I think this is the same app they should use to cast the impeachment trial verdicts tomorrow :04:
Impeaching and convicting Trump is at the top of their bucket list.
We need to make sure they do not repeat the cheating they did in the 2016 general election to make it closer then it was and other elections.
How do you plan to stop the DNC from rigging 2020 like they rigged 2016?
Make a lot of noise to start. Do not let the media suppress areas where they know there are questionable returns. There are inner city areas notorious for finding ballots and plenty of them. Repubs keep much quieter on this. When Bush won Florida in 2000 he actually would have won it easier. The usual three counties in South east Florida late returns finding votes and the premature call of the election before the panhandle closed caused this. The Florida panhandle is on central time. The polls were opened one hour more then the rest of the state. Thousands and thousands of voters did not vote. The mail in votes were questionable also. Repubs know many of the areas. They need to scream. In 2016 Progs were fishing for votes to win close states. I believe Trump won by more then we were told. Reports of holding off certifying Michigan for Trump because of trying to get the fraud votes from Detroit ended up stopping the Progs from going further. Close elections are Progs to win. Or are close because they cheat.
Great points. I have mixed feelings watching the Bernie Bros get robbed by the folks who have been cheating against the GOP for decades.

HEADLINES THAT DIDN’T AGE WELL: How The Iowa Caucuses Work — And Why They’re Important.

Also: Unprecedented cybersecurity measures being taken to safeguard Iowa caucus results.
Democrats are more concerned with inserting their chosen candidate than they are about having a fair nomination. They're an ends justifies the means bunch of totalitarians. We need to weed these radical, freedom usurping types from our government, media and education system forever.
Don’t for that the Pubs were looking for a way to eliminate Trump; there were even electors who were vowing to vote for anyone but Trump.
That's true but the Republican party has improved greatly since those neocon heavy days. Trump has turned the party around. The Democrats, on the other hand, have made a flight to socialism. They're now a party to reject completely.
Republicans have a record 30 thousand votes in 4 hours ago, it’s almost 12 and dems can’t get the results in lol

This is the end of the democratic party

This isn't the end of the democratic party. The BS that's going on in IA, is just part of their rigging to keep Sanders out of the spotlight. The RNC did the same thing in 2012. Confuse the situation long enough for people to stop caring.
By the time the actual results come in, NH, NV and SC will have already had their primaries/Caucuses, and IA won't even matter.

The DNC just doesn't want Sanders. Which is why he's not being discussed on CNN or MSNBC as a front runner, unless they just have to.
Democrats make the Keystone Kops look organized.

Results for Iowa caucuses delayed as state Democratic Party finds 'inconsistencies'

"The app is the issue, and the hotline is smoked," said Joe Galasso, a volunteer in charge of new registrations for Waukee Precinct 2, in Dallas County. A source familiar with the process said the backup phone line was "a disaster."

Another source was more blunt: "The app is f---ing up," said a senior aide to one of the campaigns, who asked not to be identified. "Can't trust the numbers coming in."

Testing something to see if it works is beyond their IQ.
Testing on a small scale is always different than a full scale launch that handles thousands of simultaneous users. Shit happens. They are sorting it out. No need to have a hissy fit
We tested software that was used on commercial jets. No biggy when Boeing failed to catch bugs and sent hundreds of people plummeting to their deaths. Their working on it, right?
Republicans have a record 30 thousand votes in 4 hours ago, it’s almost 12 and dems can’t get the results in lol

This is the end of the democratic party

This isn't the end of the democratic party. The BS that's going on in IA, is just part of their rigging to keep Sanders out of the spotlight. The RNC did the same thing in 2012. Confuse the situation long enough for people to stop caring.
By the time the actual results come in, NH, NV and SC will have already had their primaries/Caucuses, and IA won't even matter.

The DNC just doesn't want Sanders. Which is why he's not being discussed on CNN or MSNBC as a front runner, unless they just have to.
No, the rnc didn’t. They don’t hold caucuses.

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