Iowa Republican ready to take up arms against her country

You are an idiot. You asked a question and I answered it. Period. End of story. You seem to think that people are just sheep that follow, while being bullied by those who "govern" us. Athens, TN proves you are wrong. Tens of thousands of early Americans who refused to bow to King George prove that you are wrong.

I realize that you don't like the answer. Tough shit. Grow a pair and become an American.
Putting gun violence front and center in American politics is a road to certain ruin for our Republic. Do you cherish that gun more than your country? It sounds as if you are advocating a political situation akin to Northern Ireland in the mid 70's.

Here in America, we solve political problems with ballots, not bullets.

There is no way on God's green earth that you are that simple-minded. Doesn't have a damned thing to do with your pussy excuse of "gun violence". The ballot box has become the most corrupted thing in American politics. I do NOT trust EITHER party these days - but I trust the republicans FAR MORE than these liberal Nazi assholes that want to destroy this country. WE DON'T SOLVE SHIT WITH BALLOTS - we just change parties.

YOUR party would leave every American defenseless in their own homes. YOUR party would leave every American bowing to some asshole in the Monster that has become Washington DC. YOU want to bow - be my guest. You are most likely nothing more than a "useful idiot" anyway. Me and mine? I bow to no one. Never have and never will.

You asked "Do you cherish that gun more than your country?" HELL YES!!! Because that gun IS MY COUNTRY. Take that gun away from me and the millions upon millions of citizens who have, hold and keep firearms - and we become the Soviet Union, you clueless fool. I have no doubt whatsoever that one day (hopefully I'm long dead), but one day, they WILL come for the firearms and yes, they will take them. Of that I have no doubt. But which one of those cops wants to be the first one through that door of your neighbor??

You see, thankfully, most are not like you. They will STAND for what is right - even at the expense of their own lives. What the hell do YOU stand for?
What do I stand for? Free and fair elections, the rule of law, a civilized nation free of guns imposing the flavor of the day in political ideology, knowledge and the free exchange of ideas, science and the truth it brings to civilization, reason over fear, light over darkness.

And you stand for guns.

Which of us do you suppose is regarded as the more noble of the two?

I'll tell you this much numbnutts - your ability to stand for those things (which no longer exist except in your mind) comes from "rough men with rifles". You'd do well to remember that the next time you crawl out from under your rock and step on your soap box. ;)

Quit living in the past. Anyone who rises up in rebellion against the nation will be planted in the back yard by the neighbors, no need for LEO or armed forces.

If the US Government EVER forgets WE are THEIR bosses they will have ceased functioning in a Constitutionally lawful capacity IMO.

Aim straight at such traitors.

But don't fire until fired upon.
Rightwingy...ponder for a moment or two, "...should they decide that my rights are no longer imporant."
the question really is under what circumstances she sees that happening. if the government condemns and buys her land and sells it to someone else, as they are allowed to do, will she shoot anyone trying to remove her? if she travels to an area that does not allow concealed fire arms, will she fire if someone tries to stop her from carrying?

what are her standards?

desperation and semantic distortion
no. she made an unclear statement. she said she would use her guns if the government decided that her rights were no longer important. what is her threshold for that? it's a question she should answer.

When the Constitution is no longer the law of the land.
Clear enough?
no. who decides that? some people claim that public accommodation laws violate their first amendment rights. should they take up arms against the government?

" no. who decides that? some people claim that public accommodation laws violate their first amendment rights. should they take up arms against the government?"

Asked like a Muslim trying to reconnoiter us.

Or have our school systems fallen so low that our HS Grads can't figure this out themselves?
Randall, in other words, is having his daily hissy fit for being reminded of his uselessness.

You are wrong about Mr. Flagg. And furthermore, you got no room to talk.

I'd rely on HIS political acumen and for him to watch my back in a fight before I would you.

Thank you good sir. I appreciate that. For True Americans, no explanation is needed, for Liberal Nazis, none will suffice. They are nothing more than fodder for the political machine. Molon Labbe.
Putting gun violence front and center in American politics is a road to certain ruin for our Republic. Do you cherish that gun more than your country? It sounds as if you are advocating a political situation akin to Northern Ireland in the mid 70's.

Here in America, we solve political problems with ballots, not bullets.

There is no way on God's green earth that you are that simple-minded. Doesn't have a damned thing to do with your pussy excuse of "gun violence". The ballot box has become the most corrupted thing in American politics. I do NOT trust EITHER party these days - but I trust the republicans FAR MORE than these liberal Nazi assholes that want to destroy this country. WE DON'T SOLVE SHIT WITH BALLOTS - we just change parties.

YOUR party would leave every American defenseless in their own homes. YOUR party would leave every American bowing to some asshole in the Monster that has become Washington DC. YOU want to bow - be my guest. You are most likely nothing more than a "useful idiot" anyway. Me and mine? I bow to no one. Never have and never will.

You asked "Do you cherish that gun more than your country?" HELL YES!!! Because that gun IS MY COUNTRY. Take that gun away from me and the millions upon millions of citizens who have, hold and keep firearms - and we become the Soviet Union, you clueless fool. I have no doubt whatsoever that one day (hopefully I'm long dead), but one day, they WILL come for the firearms and yes, they will take them. Of that I have no doubt. But which one of those cops wants to be the first one through that door of your neighbor??

You see, thankfully, most are not like you. They will STAND for what is right - even at the expense of their own lives. What the hell do YOU stand for?
What do I stand for? Free and fair elections, the rule of law, a civilized nation free of guns imposing the flavor of the day in political ideology, knowledge and the free exchange of ideas, science and the truth it brings to civilization, reason over fear, light over darkness.

And you stand for guns.

Which of us do you suppose is regarded as the more noble of the two?

I'll tell you this much numbnutts - your ability to stand for those things (which no longer exist except in your mind) comes from "rough men with rifles". You'd do well to remember that the next time you crawl out from under your rock and step on your soap box. ;)

Quit living in the past. Anyone who rises up in rebellion against the nation will be planted in the back yard by the neighbors, no need for LEO or armed forces.

If the US Government EVER forgets WE are THEIR bosses they will have ceased functioning in a Constitutionally lawful capacity IMO.

Aim straight at such traitors.

But don't fire until fired upon.

The scary part? Our "leaders" laugh at us now. They have no use for anything but their "power". They crave it, they lust for it and we are merely "in the way"....
the question really is under what circumstances she sees that happening. if the government condemns and buys her land and sells it to someone else, as they are allowed to do, will she shoot anyone trying to remove her? if she travels to an area that does not allow concealed fire arms, will she fire if someone tries to stop her from carrying?

what are her standards?

desperation and semantic distortion
no. she made an unclear statement. she said she would use her guns if the government decided that her rights were no longer important. what is her threshold for that? it's a question she should answer.

When the Constitution is no longer the law of the land.
Clear enough?
no. who decides that? some people claim that public accommodation laws violate their first amendment rights. should they take up arms against the government?

" no. who decides that? some people claim that public accommodation laws violate their first amendment rights. should they take up arms against the government?"

Asked like a Muslim trying to reconnoiter us.

Or have our school systems fallen so low that our HS Grads can't figure this out themselves?
good god you're an idiot.

i was asking who decides that for her? is that her own decision? if she thought that the government viewed her rights as unimportant by condemning a piece of her property, would she take up arms? if she feels that her rights are infringed by being relegated to a free speech zone, does she start shooting? what if she felt like her political group shouldn't be denied a 501c3 exemption, does she start shooting? what if her school district makes a rule that says that lunches from home aren't allowed - does she shoot up the place?

the theory is sound - but the reality is that we are so far from needing to take up arms against our government that when a person says they're ready and willing to do so it puts them on the fringe, and makes me wonder why they would say that, and what their threshold is.
Randall, in other words, is having his daily hissy fit for being reminded of his uselessness.

You are wrong about Mr. Flagg. And furthermore, you got no room to talk.

I'd rely on HIS political acumen and for him to watch my back in a fight before I would you.
How very foolish of you. That would be like you choosing howdy doody over sgt rock.
Candidate s gun remarks should scare us all Opinion -

Joni Ernst, the Iowa candidate who has vaulted to within an inch of United States Senate due to her boasting of hog castration in this year's most inventive political ad, was speaking to the National Rifle Association in 2012.

"I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to defend myself and my family -- whether it's from an intruder, or whether it's from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important."
And? nothing wrong with what she said. Only a loon would disagree.
No...most Americans won't tolerate those who would take up arms against our country
mojo and randall are a couple of goofy loonies

if they are a sample of the patriotic far right right, none of us have anything to worry about them or their abilities: they are witless and hitless and would go fitless in a fight
Randall, in other words, is having his daily hissy fit for being reminded of his uselessness.

You are wrong about Mr. Flagg. And furthermore, you got no room to talk.

I'd rely on HIS political acumen and for him to watch my back in a fight before I would you.
How very foolish of you. That would be like you choosing howdy doody over sgt rock.

Wow....if only you were the bad ass you think you are.....Well, don't feel too bad. I'm sure that at some point in your miserable life, you thought you could be a "contender". Alas....nope.....still just another liberal fucking loser. :ahole-1:
Have you read the posts defending this Iowa pol for citing a 'right' that does not exist, but is, in fact, a felony crime?

And I'm the idiot.

You are an idiot. You asked a question and I answered it. Period. End of story. You seem to think that people are just sheep that follow, while being bullied by those who "govern" us. Athens, TN proves you are wrong. Tens of thousands of early Americans who refused to bow to King George prove that you are wrong.

I realize that you don't like the answer. Tough shit. Grow a pair and become an American.
Putting gun violence front and center in American politics is a road to certain ruin for our Republic. Do you cherish that gun more than your country? It sounds as if you are advocating a political situation akin to Northern Ireland in the mid 70's.

Here in America, we solve political problems with ballots, not bullets.

There is no way on God's green earth that you are that simple-minded. Doesn't have a damned thing to do with your pussy excuse of "gun violence". The ballot box has become the most corrupted thing in American politics. I do NOT trust EITHER party these days - but I trust the republicans FAR MORE than these liberal Nazi assholes that want to destroy this country. WE DON'T SOLVE SHIT WITH BALLOTS - we just change parties.

YOUR party would leave every American defenseless in their own homes. YOUR party would leave every American bowing to some asshole in the Monster that has become Washington DC. YOU want to bow - be my guest. You are most likely nothing more than a "useful idiot" anyway. Me and mine? I bow to no one. Never have and never will.

You asked "Do you cherish that gun more than your country?" HELL YES!!! Because that gun IS MY COUNTRY. Take that gun away from me and the millions upon millions of citizens who have, hold and keep firearms - and we become the Soviet Union, you clueless fool. I have no doubt whatsoever that one day (hopefully I'm long dead), but one day, they WILL come for the firearms and yes, they will take them. Of that I have no doubt. But which one of those cops wants to be the first one through that door of your neighbor??

You see, thankfully, most are not like you. They will STAND for what is right - even at the expense of their own lives. What the hell do YOU stand for?
What do I stand for? Free and fair elections, the rule of law, a civilized nation free of guns imposing the flavor of the day in political ideology, knowledge and the free exchange of ideas, science and the truth it brings to civilization, reason over fear, light over darkness.

And you stand for guns.

Which of us do you suppose is regarded as the more noble of the two?

I stand for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... and the means to defend it when threatened. You stand against an inanimate object, a tool. Noble is in the eye of the beholder, but I think it's pretty certain that the idiot stares back at you in your mirror.
I stand for truth, justice and the American way

I may be mild mannered, but I fight a never ending battle
Randall, in other words, is having his daily hissy fit for being reminded of his uselessness.

You are wrong about Mr. Flagg. And furthermore, you got no room to talk.

I'd rely on HIS political acumen and for him to watch my back in a fight before I would you.
How very foolish of you. That would be like you choosing howdy doody over sgt rock.

Wow....if only you were the bad ass you think you are.....Well, don't feel too bad. I'm sure that at some point in your miserable life, you thought you could be a "contender". Alas....nope.....still just another liberal fucking loser. :ahole-1:

Jake is the bravest man you long as he is safe behind his computer.
Candidate s gun remarks should scare us all Opinion -

Joni Ernst, the Iowa candidate who has vaulted to within an inch of United States Senate due to her boasting of hog castration in this year's most inventive political ad, was speaking to the National Rifle Association in 2012.

"I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to defend myself and my family -- whether it's from an intruder, or whether it's from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important."
And? nothing wrong with what she said. Only a loon would disagree.
No...most Americans won't tolerate those who would take up arms against our country
Nice spin asshat
To defend against is not to take up arms against
Maybe you should try an easier topic to discuss.
Randall, in other words, is having his daily hissy fit for being reminded of his uselessness.

You are wrong about Mr. Flagg. And furthermore, you got no room to talk.

I'd rely on HIS political acumen and for him to watch my back in a fight before I would you.
How very foolish of you. That would be like you choosing howdy doody over sgt rock.

Wow....if only you were the bad ass you think you are.....Well, don't feel too bad. I'm sure that at some point in your miserable life, you thought you could be a "contender". Alas....nope.....still just another liberal fucking loser. :ahole-1:

:lol: I have always been competent, no brag just fact

I recognize "wanna bees" like you and mojo and TK from far off
You are an idiot. You asked a question and I answered it. Period. End of story. You seem to think that people are just sheep that follow, while being bullied by those who "govern" us. Athens, TN proves you are wrong. Tens of thousands of early Americans who refused to bow to King George prove that you are wrong.

I realize that you don't like the answer. Tough shit. Grow a pair and become an American.
Putting gun violence front and center in American politics is a road to certain ruin for our Republic. Do you cherish that gun more than your country? It sounds as if you are advocating a political situation akin to Northern Ireland in the mid 70's.

Here in America, we solve political problems with ballots, not bullets.

There is no way on God's green earth that you are that simple-minded. Doesn't have a damned thing to do with your pussy excuse of "gun violence". The ballot box has become the most corrupted thing in American politics. I do NOT trust EITHER party these days - but I trust the republicans FAR MORE than these liberal Nazi assholes that want to destroy this country. WE DON'T SOLVE SHIT WITH BALLOTS - we just change parties.

YOUR party would leave every American defenseless in their own homes. YOUR party would leave every American bowing to some asshole in the Monster that has become Washington DC. YOU want to bow - be my guest. You are most likely nothing more than a "useful idiot" anyway. Me and mine? I bow to no one. Never have and never will.

You asked "Do you cherish that gun more than your country?" HELL YES!!! Because that gun IS MY COUNTRY. Take that gun away from me and the millions upon millions of citizens who have, hold and keep firearms - and we become the Soviet Union, you clueless fool. I have no doubt whatsoever that one day (hopefully I'm long dead), but one day, they WILL come for the firearms and yes, they will take them. Of that I have no doubt. But which one of those cops wants to be the first one through that door of your neighbor??

You see, thankfully, most are not like you. They will STAND for what is right - even at the expense of their own lives. What the hell do YOU stand for?
What do I stand for? Free and fair elections, the rule of law, a civilized nation free of guns imposing the flavor of the day in political ideology, knowledge and the free exchange of ideas, science and the truth it brings to civilization, reason over fear, light over darkness.

And you stand for guns.

Which of us do you suppose is regarded as the more noble of the two?

I stand for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... and the means to defend it when threatened. You stand against an inanimate object, a tool. Noble is in the eye of the beholder, but I think it's pretty certain that the idiot stares back at you in your mirror.
I stand for truth, justice and the American way

I may be mild mannered, but I fight a never ending battle
......against herpes.
Randall, in other words, is having his daily hissy fit for being reminded of his uselessness.

You are wrong about Mr. Flagg. And furthermore, you got no room to talk.

I'd rely on HIS political acumen and for him to watch my back in a fight before I would you.
How very foolish of you. That would be like you choosing howdy doody over sgt rock.

Wow....if only you were the bad ass you think you are.....Well, don't feel too bad. I'm sure that at some point in your miserable life, you thought you could be a "contender". Alas....nope.....still just another liberal fucking loser. :ahole-1:

Jake is the bravest man you long as he is safe behind his computer.

brave? I don't know about that, just competent and capable
Candidate s gun remarks should scare us all Opinion -

Joni Ernst, the Iowa candidate who has vaulted to within an inch of United States Senate due to her boasting of hog castration in this year's most inventive political ad, was speaking to the National Rifle Association in 2012.

"I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to defend myself and my family -- whether it's from an intruder, or whether it's from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important."
And? nothing wrong with what she said. Only a loon would disagree.
No...most Americans won't tolerate those who would take up arms against our country
Nice spin asshat
To defend against is not to take up arms against
Maybe you should try an easier topic to discuss.

"I believe in the right to defend myself and my family"

Nice catch, why would any of these assholes, even Jake be upset about anyone defending themselves?
Candidate s gun remarks should scare us all Opinion -

Joni Ernst, the Iowa candidate who has vaulted to within an inch of United States Senate due to her boasting of hog castration in this year's most inventive political ad, was speaking to the National Rifle Association in 2012.

"I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to defend myself and my family -- whether it's from an intruder, or whether it's from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important."
And? nothing wrong with what she said. Only a loon would disagree.
No...most Americans won't tolerate those who would take up arms against our country
Nice spin asshat
To defend against is not to take up arms against
Maybe you should try an easier topic to discuss.

"I believe in the right to defend myself and my family"

Nice catch, why would any of these assholes, even Jake be upset about anyone defending themselves?
the question is when does she see 'defense' with a gun as necessary?
Depends on from whom you are defending yourselves, bubs.

The hatchet man in NYC and the shooter in Ottawa were "defending" themselves from who knows what.
the question really is under what circumstances she sees that happening. if the government condemns and buys her land and sells it to someone else, as they are allowed to do, will she shoot anyone trying to remove her? if she travels to an area that does not allow concealed fire arms, will she fire if someone tries to stop her from carrying?

what are her standards?

desperation and semantic distortion
no. she made an unclear statement. she said she would use her guns if the government decided that her rights were no longer important. what is her threshold for that? it's a question she should answer.

When the Constitution is no longer the law of the land.
Clear enough?
no. who decides that? some people claim that public accommodation laws violate their first amendment rights. should they take up arms against the government?

How about when your Government is set to allow millions of immigrants into the country in order to flood your country with a certain type of voter that will make our fucked up job situation even worse?
Reason enough?

What's unconstitutional about the government of a country founded by immigrants allowing more immigrants into the country?

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