Iowa Republican ready to take up arms against her country

If and when any loonies, far left or far right, decided to take matters in hand this way, the LEO and armed forces will be unnecessary.

Their neighbors will hunt them down and dispatch them immediately.

What are you going to do, talk them to death? :lol:
Candidate s gun remarks should scare us all Opinion -

Joni Ernst, the Iowa candidate who has vaulted to within an inch of United States Senate due to her boasting of hog castration in this year's most inventive political ad, was speaking to the National Rifle Association in 2012.

"I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to defend myself and my family -- whether it's from an intruder, or whether it's from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important."

Poor little sissy boy, you afraid of us gun toting american's?

"I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to defend myself and my family -- whether it's from an intruder, or whether it's from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important."

The stupidity of this is multifaceted.

Who are 'they.' And how would 'they' indeed 'decide.'

This is ridiculous, paranoid rightwing lunacy, a hyperbolic stump speech aimed at the ignorant conservative base.

They would be whomever it is that is attempting to take away her rights to the point that she needs to use deadly force at the time, you moron. Just because you don't understand the rules of deadly force doesn't mean the rest of us share your ignorance.
Rules of deadly force? What a box car load of horseshit! In this civilized nation, this nation of law and order, this nation with the beautiful, durable and effective constitution, we believe in the rule of law, not some nut job's interpretation of jungle warfare! Rules of Deadly force? Does that make the nadir of American civilization? Only if the loonies get out on the grass again.
Leave it to RW to clearly make the case that he fully supports an oppressive Government...

Where did I say that?

I said I advocate citizens using their Constitutional freedoms to fight an oppressive Government. That is something I would expect a Senator to advocate

You do realize that GUNS are a Constitutional Freedom don't you?

Dumb ass.
Have you read the posts defending this Iowa pol for citing a 'right' that does not exist, but is, in fact, a felony crime?

And I'm the idiot.

You are an idiot. You asked a question and I answered it. Period. End of story. You seem to think that people are just sheep that follow, while being bullied by those who "govern" us. Athens, TN proves you are wrong. Tens of thousands of early Americans who refused to bow to King George prove that you are wrong.

I realize that you don't like the answer. Tough shit. Grow a pair and become an American.
Putting gun violence front and center in American politics is a road to certain ruin for our Republic. Do you cherish that gun more than your country? It sounds as if you are advocating a political situation akin to Northern Ireland in the mid 70's.

Here in America, we solve political problems with ballots, not bullets.

There is no way on God's green earth that you are that simple-minded. Doesn't have a damned thing to do with your pussy excuse of "gun violence". The ballot box has become the most corrupted thing in American politics. I do NOT trust EITHER party these days - but I trust the republicans FAR MORE than these liberal Nazi assholes that want to destroy this country. WE DON'T SOLVE SHIT WITH BALLOTS - we just change parties.

YOUR party would leave every American defenseless in their own homes. YOUR party would leave every American bowing to some asshole in the Monster that has become Washington DC. YOU want to bow - be my guest. You are most likely nothing more than a "useful idiot" anyway. Me and mine? I bow to no one. Never have and never will.

You asked "Do you cherish that gun more than your country?" HELL YES!!! Because that gun IS MY COUNTRY. Take that gun away from me and the millions upon millions of citizens who have, hold and keep firearms - and we become the Soviet Union, you clueless fool. I have no doubt whatsoever that one day (hopefully I'm long dead), but one day, they WILL come for the firearms and yes, they will take them. Of that I have no doubt. But which one of those cops wants to be the first one through that door of your neighbor??

You see, thankfully, most are not like you. They will STAND for what is right - even at the expense of their own lives. What the hell do YOU stand for?
What do I stand for? Free and fair elections, the rule of law, a civilized nation free of guns imposing the flavor of the day in political ideology, knowledge and the free exchange of ideas, science and the truth it brings to civilization, reason over fear, light over darkness.

And you stand for guns.

Which of us do you suppose is regarded as the more noble of the two?

I stand for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... and the means to defend it when threatened. You stand against an inanimate object, a tool. Noble is in the eye of the beholder, but I think it's pretty certain that the idiot stares back at you in your mirror.
Not the gun. Not the inanimate object. But the idiot who has decided that he is the law. The moron who has taken on the roles of judge, jury and executioner because he cannot fathom the way to solve problems without that inanimate object. In other words; the tool with a gun.
Fuck you you hypocritical asshole. I HAVE contempt for your bullshit "rule of law" that assholes like you trot out when it benefits you. You are a lying piece of shit that wouldn't know the equal application of the law if it jumped up and bit you on your smug ass.
"I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to defend myself and my family -- whether it's from an intruder, or whether it's from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important."

The stupidity of this is multifaceted.

Who are 'they.' And how would 'they' indeed 'decide.'

This is ridiculous, paranoid rightwing lunacy, a hyperbolic stump speech aimed at the ignorant conservative base.

They would be whomever it is that is attempting to take away her rights to the point that she needs to use deadly force at the time, you moron. Just because you don't understand the rules of deadly force doesn't mean the rest of us share your ignorance.
Rules of deadly force? What a box car load of horseshit! In this civilized nation, this nation of law and order, this nation with the beautiful, durable and effective constitution, we believe in the rule of law, not some nut job's interpretation of jungle warfare! Rules of Deadly force? Does that make the nadir of American civilization? Only if the loonies get out on the grass again.

You tell that to the guy who breaks into your home to rob, rape and murder you, toots. Tell em how you are civilized and won't stand for such behavior! But I think we both know what you will'll call for the men and women who understand the rules of deadly force and apply them in order to enforce and protect the rule of law we all cherish.

Checkmate, have a nice evening, hope you don't have to call any of those nasty police with guns.
Candidate s gun remarks should scare us all Opinion -

Joni Ernst, the Iowa candidate who has vaulted to within an inch of United States Senate due to her boasting of hog castration in this year's most inventive political ad, was speaking to the National Rifle Association in 2012.

"I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to defend myself and my family -- whether it's from an intruder, or whether it's from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important."

Poor little sissy boy, you afraid of us gun toting american's?


I truly believe that they are, scared to death, of someone that owns firearms, knows how to use them properly and safety and, on occasion, uses them to defend their property and their families. Why? Because they are not "conforming" to the idea of a "utopian society" where we all love and care for one another in a socialist society free of "evil". When I was in the Army, we had a saying - "a life without evil is a boring son of a bitch. Gives us something to shoot at." :)
Fuck you you hypocritical asshole. I HAVE contempt for your bullshit "rule of law" that assholes like you trot out when it benefits you. You are a lying piece of shit that wouldn't know the equal application of the law if it jumped up and bit you on your smug ass.
"I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to defend myself and my family -- whether it's from an intruder, or whether it's from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important."

The stupidity of this is multifaceted.

Who are 'they.' And how would 'they' indeed 'decide.'

This is ridiculous, paranoid rightwing lunacy, a hyperbolic stump speech aimed at the ignorant conservative base.

They would be whomever it is that is attempting to take away her rights to the point that she needs to use deadly force at the time, you moron. Just because you don't understand the rules of deadly force doesn't mean the rest of us share your ignorance.
Rules of deadly force? What a box car load of horseshit! In this civilized nation, this nation of law and order, this nation with the beautiful, durable and effective constitution, we believe in the rule of law, not some nut job's interpretation of jungle warfare! Rules of Deadly force? Does that make the nadir of American civilization? Only if the loonies get out on the grass again.

You tell that to the guy who breaks into your home to rob, rape and murder you, toots. Tell em how you are civilized and won't stand for such behavior! But I think we both know what you will'll call for the men and women who understand the rules of deadly force and apply them in order to enforce and protect the rule of law we all cherish.

Checkmate, have a nice evening, hope you don't have to call any of those nasty police with guns.

You know, I always find it interesting that they have no problem at all, when politicians walk the streets with armed security details. But Holy hell if a "private citizen" decides to protect him or herself.....My God, it's "Katy Bar the door". I live in the middle of nowhere Montana on 260 acres. Jump on a horse and ride up into the mountains unarmed and see how long you, and your horse, lasts. Mountain lions are no different from city thugs - just looking for an opportunity to jump.
Fuck you you hypocritical asshole. I HAVE contempt for your bullshit "rule of law" that assholes like you trot out when it benefits you. You are a lying piece of shit that wouldn't know the equal application of the law if it jumped up and bit you on your smug ass.
"I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to defend myself and my family -- whether it's from an intruder, or whether it's from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important."

The stupidity of this is multifaceted.

Who are 'they.' And how would 'they' indeed 'decide.'

This is ridiculous, paranoid rightwing lunacy, a hyperbolic stump speech aimed at the ignorant conservative base.

They would be whomever it is that is attempting to take away her rights to the point that she needs to use deadly force at the time, you moron. Just because you don't understand the rules of deadly force doesn't mean the rest of us share your ignorance.
Rules of deadly force? What a box car load of horseshit! In this civilized nation, this nation of law and order, this nation with the beautiful, durable and effective constitution, we believe in the rule of law, not some nut job's interpretation of jungle warfare! Rules of Deadly force? Does that make the nadir of American civilization? Only if the loonies get out on the grass again.

You tell that to the guy who breaks into your home to rob, rape and murder you, toots. Tell em how you are civilized and won't stand for such behavior! But I think we both know what you will'll call for the men and women who understand the rules of deadly force and apply them in order to enforce and protect the rule of law we all cherish.

Checkmate, have a nice evening, hope you don't have to call any of those nasty police with guns.
Bag the hyperbole. We were talking about using the gun in politics. But hyperbole helps make a feeble argument a pseudo frightening one. The last resort of an addled mind.
You are an idiot. You asked a question and I answered it. Period. End of story. You seem to think that people are just sheep that follow, while being bullied by those who "govern" us. Athens, TN proves you are wrong. Tens of thousands of early Americans who refused to bow to King George prove that you are wrong.

I realize that you don't like the answer. Tough shit. Grow a pair and become an American.
Putting gun violence front and center in American politics is a road to certain ruin for our Republic. Do you cherish that gun more than your country? It sounds as if you are advocating a political situation akin to Northern Ireland in the mid 70's.

Here in America, we solve political problems with ballots, not bullets.

There is no way on God's green earth that you are that simple-minded. Doesn't have a damned thing to do with your pussy excuse of "gun violence". The ballot box has become the most corrupted thing in American politics. I do NOT trust EITHER party these days - but I trust the republicans FAR MORE than these liberal Nazi assholes that want to destroy this country. WE DON'T SOLVE SHIT WITH BALLOTS - we just change parties.

YOUR party would leave every American defenseless in their own homes. YOUR party would leave every American bowing to some asshole in the Monster that has become Washington DC. YOU want to bow - be my guest. You are most likely nothing more than a "useful idiot" anyway. Me and mine? I bow to no one. Never have and never will.

You asked "Do you cherish that gun more than your country?" HELL YES!!! Because that gun IS MY COUNTRY. Take that gun away from me and the millions upon millions of citizens who have, hold and keep firearms - and we become the Soviet Union, you clueless fool. I have no doubt whatsoever that one day (hopefully I'm long dead), but one day, they WILL come for the firearms and yes, they will take them. Of that I have no doubt. But which one of those cops wants to be the first one through that door of your neighbor??

You see, thankfully, most are not like you. They will STAND for what is right - even at the expense of their own lives. What the hell do YOU stand for?
What do I stand for? Free and fair elections, the rule of law, a civilized nation free of guns imposing the flavor of the day in political ideology, knowledge and the free exchange of ideas, science and the truth it brings to civilization, reason over fear, light over darkness.

And you stand for guns.

Which of us do you suppose is regarded as the more noble of the two?

I stand for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... and the means to defend it when threatened. You stand against an inanimate object, a tool. Noble is in the eye of the beholder, but I think it's pretty certain that the idiot stares back at you in your mirror.
Not the gun. Not the inanimate object. But the idiot who has decided that he is the law. The moron who has taken on the roles of judge, jury and executioner because he cannot fathom the way to solve problems without that inanimate object. In other words; the tool with a gun.

Then don't break into my house and everything will be ok.
You are an idiot. You asked a question and I answered it. Period. End of story. You seem to think that people are just sheep that follow, while being bullied by those who "govern" us. Athens, TN proves you are wrong. Tens of thousands of early Americans who refused to bow to King George prove that you are wrong.

I realize that you don't like the answer. Tough shit. Grow a pair and become an American.
Putting gun violence front and center in American politics is a road to certain ruin for our Republic. Do you cherish that gun more than your country? It sounds as if you are advocating a political situation akin to Northern Ireland in the mid 70's.

Here in America, we solve political problems with ballots, not bullets.

There is no way on God's green earth that you are that simple-minded. Doesn't have a damned thing to do with your pussy excuse of "gun violence". The ballot box has become the most corrupted thing in American politics. I do NOT trust EITHER party these days - but I trust the republicans FAR MORE than these liberal Nazi assholes that want to destroy this country. WE DON'T SOLVE SHIT WITH BALLOTS - we just change parties.

YOUR party would leave every American defenseless in their own homes. YOUR party would leave every American bowing to some asshole in the Monster that has become Washington DC. YOU want to bow - be my guest. You are most likely nothing more than a "useful idiot" anyway. Me and mine? I bow to no one. Never have and never will.

You asked "Do you cherish that gun more than your country?" HELL YES!!! Because that gun IS MY COUNTRY. Take that gun away from me and the millions upon millions of citizens who have, hold and keep firearms - and we become the Soviet Union, you clueless fool. I have no doubt whatsoever that one day (hopefully I'm long dead), but one day, they WILL come for the firearms and yes, they will take them. Of that I have no doubt. But which one of those cops wants to be the first one through that door of your neighbor??

You see, thankfully, most are not like you. They will STAND for what is right - even at the expense of their own lives. What the hell do YOU stand for?
What do I stand for? Free and fair elections, the rule of law, a civilized nation free of guns imposing the flavor of the day in political ideology, knowledge and the free exchange of ideas, science and the truth it brings to civilization, reason over fear, light over darkness.

And you stand for guns.

Which of us do you suppose is regarded as the more noble of the two?

I stand for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... and the means to defend it when threatened. You stand against an inanimate object, a tool. Noble is in the eye of the beholder, but I think it's pretty certain that the idiot stares back at you in your mirror.
Not the gun. Not the inanimate object. But the idiot who has decided that he is the law. The moron who has taken on the roles of judge, jury and executioner because he cannot fathom the way to solve problems without that inanimate object. In other words; the tool with a gun.

When that creep invades your home, you tell him how he should find other ways to solve his problems and see how far it gets you. But again, we know that you will call one of us, the guys and gals with the guns, to protect you. That is why you are a clueless hypocrite and I hope to God you never have to have that point driven home the hard way.
Fuck you you hypocritical asshole. I HAVE contempt for your bullshit "rule of law" that assholes like you trot out when it benefits you. You are a lying piece of shit that wouldn't know the equal application of the law if it jumped up and bit you on your smug ass.
"I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to defend myself and my family -- whether it's from an intruder, or whether it's from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important."

The stupidity of this is multifaceted.

Who are 'they.' And how would 'they' indeed 'decide.'

This is ridiculous, paranoid rightwing lunacy, a hyperbolic stump speech aimed at the ignorant conservative base.

They would be whomever it is that is attempting to take away her rights to the point that she needs to use deadly force at the time, you moron. Just because you don't understand the rules of deadly force doesn't mean the rest of us share your ignorance.
Rules of deadly force? What a box car load of horseshit! In this civilized nation, this nation of law and order, this nation with the beautiful, durable and effective constitution, we believe in the rule of law, not some nut job's interpretation of jungle warfare! Rules of Deadly force? Does that make the nadir of American civilization? Only if the loonies get out on the grass again.

You tell that to the guy who breaks into your home to rob, rape and murder you, toots. Tell em how you are civilized and won't stand for such behavior! But I think we both know what you will'll call for the men and women who understand the rules of deadly force and apply them in order to enforce and protect the rule of law we all cherish.

Checkmate, have a nice evening, hope you don't have to call any of those nasty police with guns.

You know, I always find it interesting that they have no problem at all, when politicians walk the streets with armed security details. But Holy hell if a "private citizen" decides to protect him or herself.....My God, it's "Katy Bar the door". I live in the middle of nowhere Montana on 260 acres. Jump on a horse and ride up into the mountains unarmed and see how long you, and your horse, lasts. Mountain lions are no different from city thugs - just looking for an opportunity to jump.

Even more interesting is how they fall all over themselves with hero worship when we are armed and wearing a uniform, but when the uniform comes off, we automagically become criminals and terrorists. :lol:
You are an idiot. You asked a question and I answered it. Period. End of story. You seem to think that people are just sheep that follow, while being bullied by those who "govern" us. Athens, TN proves you are wrong. Tens of thousands of early Americans who refused to bow to King George prove that you are wrong.

I realize that you don't like the answer. Tough shit. Grow a pair and become an American.
Putting gun violence front and center in American politics is a road to certain ruin for our Republic. Do you cherish that gun more than your country? It sounds as if you are advocating a political situation akin to Northern Ireland in the mid 70's.

Here in America, we solve political problems with ballots, not bullets.

There is no way on God's green earth that you are that simple-minded. Doesn't have a damned thing to do with your pussy excuse of "gun violence". The ballot box has become the most corrupted thing in American politics. I do NOT trust EITHER party these days - but I trust the republicans FAR MORE than these liberal Nazi assholes that want to destroy this country. WE DON'T SOLVE SHIT WITH BALLOTS - we just change parties.

YOUR party would leave every American defenseless in their own homes. YOUR party would leave every American bowing to some asshole in the Monster that has become Washington DC. YOU want to bow - be my guest. You are most likely nothing more than a "useful idiot" anyway. Me and mine? I bow to no one. Never have and never will.

You asked "Do you cherish that gun more than your country?" HELL YES!!! Because that gun IS MY COUNTRY. Take that gun away from me and the millions upon millions of citizens who have, hold and keep firearms - and we become the Soviet Union, you clueless fool. I have no doubt whatsoever that one day (hopefully I'm long dead), but one day, they WILL come for the firearms and yes, they will take them. Of that I have no doubt. But which one of those cops wants to be the first one through that door of your neighbor??

You see, thankfully, most are not like you. They will STAND for what is right - even at the expense of their own lives. What the hell do YOU stand for?
What do I stand for? Free and fair elections, the rule of law, a civilized nation free of guns imposing the flavor of the day in political ideology, knowledge and the free exchange of ideas, science and the truth it brings to civilization, reason over fear, light over darkness.

And you stand for guns.

Which of us do you suppose is regarded as the more noble of the two?

I stand for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... and the means to defend it when threatened. You stand against an inanimate object, a tool. Noble is in the eye of the beholder, but I think it's pretty certain that the idiot stares back at you in your mirror.
Not the gun. Not the inanimate object. But the idiot who has decided that he is the law. The moron who has taken on the roles of judge, jury and executioner because he cannot fathom the way to solve problems without that inanimate object. In other words; the tool with a gun.

You know, fool, this country is not the country I grew up in. Things have changed in the last 70 years. Used to be - someone broke into your house and you caught them, you could call the Police or the Sheriff and they would come and arrest the bad guy. Can't do that any longer, sweetcheeks. You see, we now live in a society that LOVES litigation (ask that Clayton piece of shit). God help you if you "violate" the rights of the clown that broke into your home and threatened to kill you and your family. Worse if you shoot and only wound the asshole. Someone like that Clayton asshole will bring a suit against you faster than shit through a goose.

That's your "law".

No sir. Someone breaks into your home - blow his head off and call service master to clean up the mess. Dead people make lousy witnesses (as my County Sheriff says).
Have you read the posts defending this Iowa pol for citing a 'right' that does not exist, but is, in fact, a felony crime?

And I'm the idiot.

You are an idiot. You asked a question and I answered it. Period. End of story. You seem to think that people are just sheep that follow, while being bullied by those who "govern" us. Athens, TN proves you are wrong. Tens of thousands of early Americans who refused to bow to King George prove that you are wrong.

I realize that you don't like the answer. Tough shit. Grow a pair and become an American.
Putting gun violence front and center in American politics is a road to certain ruin for our Republic. Do you cherish that gun more than your country? It sounds as if you are advocating a political situation akin to Northern Ireland in the mid 70's.

Here in America, we solve political problems with ballots, not bullets.

There is no way on God's green earth that you are that simple-minded. Doesn't have a damned thing to do with your pussy excuse of "gun violence". The ballot box has become the most corrupted thing in American politics. I do NOT trust EITHER party these days - but I trust the republicans FAR MORE than these liberal Nazi assholes that want to destroy this country. WE DON'T SOLVE SHIT WITH BALLOTS - we just change parties.

YOUR party would leave every American defenseless in their own homes. YOUR party would leave every American bowing to some asshole in the Monster that has become Washington DC. YOU want to bow - be my guest. You are most likely nothing more than a "useful idiot" anyway. Me and mine? I bow to no one. Never have and never will.

You asked "Do you cherish that gun more than your country?" HELL YES!!! Because that gun IS MY COUNTRY. Take that gun away from me and the millions upon millions of citizens who have, hold and keep firearms - and we become the Soviet Union, you clueless fool. I have no doubt whatsoever that one day (hopefully I'm long dead), but one day, they WILL come for the firearms and yes, they will take them. Of that I have no doubt. But which one of those cops wants to be the first one through that door of your neighbor??

You see, thankfully, most are not like you. They will STAND for what is right - even at the expense of their own lives. What the hell do YOU stand for?
What do I stand for? Free and fair elections, the rule of law, a civilized nation free of guns imposing the flavor of the day in political ideology, knowledge and the free exchange of ideas, science and the truth it brings to civilization, reason over fear, light over darkness.

And you stand for guns.

Which of us do you suppose is regarded as the more noble of the two?

I'll tell you this much numbnutts - your ability to stand for those things (which no longer exist except in your mind) comes from "rough men with rifles". You'd do well to remember that the next time you crawl out from under your rock and step on your soap box. ;)

Quit living in the past. Anyone who rises up in rebellion against the nation will be planted in the back yard by the neighbors, no need for LEO or armed forces.
Candidate s gun remarks should scare us all Opinion -

Joni Ernst, the Iowa candidate who has vaulted to within an inch of United States Senate due to her boasting of hog castration in this year's most inventive political ad, was speaking to the National Rifle Association in 2012.

"I do believe in the right to carry, and I believe in the right to defend myself and my family -- whether it's from an intruder, or whether it's from the government, should they decide that my rights are no longer important."

Operative clause:

"...should they decide that my rights are no longer important."
Randall, in other words, is having his daily hissy fit for being reminded of his uselessness.
Randall, in other words, is having his daily hissy fit for being reminded of his uselessness.

You are wrong about Mr. Flagg. And furthermore, you got no room to talk.

I'd rely on HIS political acumen and for him to watch my back in a fight before I would you.

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